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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1001 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20231018-201553_Redfin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56398787 No.56398787 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56398793

why do glowniggers spam hoomer threads and muh chatgtp cooder demoralization all day? cant the tranny janny enforce generals upon the spammers?

>> No.56398799

That amerimuttt pile of sticks isn't worth more than 200k

>> No.56398810

It'd be worth $5 million in eurocuckistan

>> No.56398817

We have actual houses built with bricks in Europe

>> No.56398821

Do you niggers even look up these ZIP codes? That's hoity toity Salem, Mass.

>> No.56398824

English plz

>> No.56398825


This is what I’ve been asking for a year, shit is annoying af seeing the same threads every day

>> No.56398834

In Fl a refurned 2 story like this would be one mill

>> No.56398843


>> No.56398845

it is in the safest state with the best school system

>> No.56398874

Lol Mass is about to get Jersey'd hard with the influx of spics and noggs, don't think you can hide in the suburbs for long look at all your institutions commies will put them in your hood with muh mixed use walkable cities

>> No.56398886

Built in 1710. Jesus murphy.

>> No.56398887
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>> No.56398891

NJ also has high-ranking schools and is the 3rd safest state in the country now. The influx of spics and nogs happened before you were born, but Newark and Camden bottomed out long ago

And MA was the first to do "walkable" cities considering it was mostly-built and designed before cars existed.

>> No.56398898

>Newark and Camden bottomed out
cope LOL niggers will never be human

>> No.56398905

You live in a 15 sq meter shitbox.

>> No.56398915

Spacious, historic, in a cute town and right on the water

>> No.56398921

please see a neurologist you may have severe brain damage

>> No.56398925

It's a Chinese guy projecting because they are too stupid to build safe and stable buildings. He's pretending to be Europoor

>> No.56398947

I want it

>> No.56398955
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>> No.56398960

It's only demoralizing if you're a poorfag. Just don't be a poorfag? I don't see the problem.

>> No.56398973
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>> No.56398984
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It's cute

>> No.56398993
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>> No.56398995
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>> No.56399050
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>> No.56399890

Crime and poverty in those two cities have fallen substantially over the past 20-30 years. I'm sorry this upsets you?

>> No.56399896

What the fuck do you even do with that kind of space? Was it originally built as the servants quarters?

>> No.56399904

>I want a balcony, but it needs to look like the front of the Titanic so I can lord over the poors

>> No.56399913
File: 201 KB, 1024x1024, photo_2023-10-06_04-19-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who pays 2.5 million dollerinos to live in a cuckshed in nigger infested Philadelphia?

>> No.56399919

looks like rotting garbage.

>> No.56399929

Houses that old that are still livable are insanely valuable. 800k for a house that old in Marblehead is actually reasonable.