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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5639453 No.5639453 [Reply] [Original]

How are my wealth growing friends doing.
it's time for our next project,
Time to make some money on chainlink

>> No.5639481

I don't even care about the value, I just want to play with the tech. Mainnet can't come fast enough.

>> No.5639495

why does /biz/ even support this shitcoin?
I thought it's a jewcoin with bank connections like ripple

>> No.5639517

It's decentralized so less jewy

>> No.5639529

>I thought it's a jewcoin with bank connections like ripple

You've been misinformed.

>> No.5639549


>> No.5639701

So have you because you invested in ChainLink.

>> No.5639790


What part of ChainLink do you think is a bad idea?

>> No.5639803


>> No.5639826

much nice argument sir, I complete agree. Chainlink stupid coin means fail all the way

>> No.5639829

So trusted decentralized Oracles are a bad idea?

What about them?

>> No.5639985
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>> No.5640298
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As a holder of 10k LINK, I'll tell you one thing about LINK that I'm not sure about: the dependence on trusted hardware.

A large portion of LINK's success is dependent on trusted hardware becoming a thing, on which LINK nodes will be run. Problem is, there's a lot of debate on whether or not trusted hardware is even possible, and if it is even possible, it will take quite some time for them to gain widespread adoption

>> No.5640535

I literally just bought 10,000 Link. Sick of moon chasing. Walking away until summer, and hopefully when I get back REQ will be at $2 (in which I'll be debt free) and so will Chainlink (which will be play money)

>> No.5640559
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>> No.5640590


I'm currently hodling 50k. Not sure what you mean about trusted hardware...decentralized trusted software is sufficient.

>> No.5640620

This. Unironically think /biz/ nodes will be Yuge

>> No.5640786

Exactly this. I've been excited about building my own node for months.

>> No.5640815


Ya I've been a fence sitter re: learning blockchain development (web developer). I have a couple contracts started but haven't bothered refining and launching them.

But with Chainlink's tech its like a whole new world opens up, and one that fits more with mine so I my mind has been whirring trying to think of applications of it I could run with. I haven't been this excited about a crypto project since I first heard of Ethereum when it just recently been launched. It's going to create a whole new generation of dApps.

>> No.5640926

In the whitepaper, they specifically say that the long term plan is for LINK nodes to be run on trusted hardware.

So trusted software can be used in the short term, but they are betting that mainstream usage will happen on trusted hardware. What happens if it turns out trusted hardware is not possible? Then their entire plan is bust, or they have to find new ways to make trusted software work for the long term

>> No.5641022

It sounds like you don't understand the technology. You could run a node on a toaster and make money as long as it correctly, consistently and quickly responded to requests.

And trusted hardware is definitely possible. Hardware key stores and hardware RNG have been mainstays of secure computing for more than a decade.

>> No.5641163

Thanks sold 100K.

>> No.5641692

1. Sergey himself doesn't envision LINK nodes being run in that way. It'll likely be companies with data centers dedicated to running oracles.

2. The issue is whether or not the oracles are providing the right data, and how to find out if they are providing wrong/malicious data. The short term plan is to use multiple nodes that provide data from the same source, and check to see if a particular node is valid by making sure its data is similar to the data coming from the other nodes. But there is a problem if some malicious entity owns a majority of the nodes. Then the majority of the data is malicious, and nodes providing correct data would instead be the outliers. They want to fix this problem using trusted hardware, so that you can't tamper with the code for running the node.

3. The hardware requirement that is needed here is much more complicated than that is needed for RNGs. Right now they're relying on Intel SGX becoming adopted, but it'll likely take years for Intel to work out the kinks, if it is even possible

>> No.5641828

The lack of trusted hardware is not a game breaker...that's what I'm saying. It's a goal, but not necessary. Trusted software is sufficient.

>> No.5641908

Have you done your own research? That's not what their team thinks. They don't think it'll be sufficient, hence all the stuff about using Intel SGX and trusted computing.

>> No.5641994

It's not necessary for LINK to be successful, at least not in the relative short term.

It's not as if some new big technology has to be invented. If there's a need, it will be filled. You're overthinking that a bit I think.

>> No.5642114

Trusted hardware will only be a requirement if the contract owner doesn't want the node operator to see the data they are providing. It's like a VPN through the node.

>> No.5642190

What are you trying to say? Didn't you invest in LINK because you believed it was going to be successful?

Some big new technology does have to be invented, which is trusted hardware. I mean, it doesn't need to be created from scratch, but there is a lot of uncertainty on whether or not it is sufficiently trustworthy for smart contracts

And? That doesn't refute the point that trusted hardware is an uncertainty

>> No.5642434

I'm currently reading the white paper and considering investing in Link. Could you please provide evidence of them saying that trusted hardware is necessary. Just because they envision a world where using TH is the standard, does not mean that trusted software isn't sufficient.

>> No.5642577


you're right from everything I've read. trusted hardware would eventually possibly be used for high value transactions. This is possibly partially what the node operator incentive fund is for

>> No.5642897

Your shilling is working, I might get in. What are the dates I need to watch out for, when do I need to have bought?

>> No.5642959


you have till Q1 2018, mainnet release in Q2 2018 and once that happens it will be an unstoppable moon mission

>> No.5643014

The section on Long-Term Technical Strategies. And no, trusted hardware is not necessary in the sense that there is a physical limitation that prevents you from running a LINK on regular hardware.

However, trusted software is not "sufficient" in the sense that if/when LINK gains mainstream adoption it is envisioned that most oracles will be on trusted hardware. I think in one of Sergey's devcon videos you can see him talk about this.

For LINK to be successful to the degree that we imagine it to be, trusted hardware needs to be proven to be secure enough.

>> No.5643391

We need to make a /biz/ node pool after the main net to get even more rich.

>> No.5643438

It is, we're working with (((SWIFT))), which is unironically worse than Ripple, because Ripple's clients right now are only small banks while SWIFT practically runs the world.

We're the new jews. If you can't handle that then you won't make it.

>> No.5643465

It's actually disgusting watching everyone disregard Chainlink and chase empty pumps instead. This is the most innovative piece of technology that financial and insurance sectors have all been waiting for and it will actually revolutionize the world and strengthen every industry it touches.

Look at Vitalik, Roger, Justin, and Charlie constantly focusing on publicity stunts, shilling, and talking about the pricing of their coins. Sergey is actually the most reliable leader in the cryptosphere focusing only on his technology and development, no bullshitting with publicity stunts. Only honest answers to honest questions when he gets the chance.

I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills watching all of this play out. Etherscan shows that soon 95% of all available circulating LINK will be consolidated into less than 15,000 wallets and that continues to shrink as more people try to chase pumps, they're being shaken into stronger hands. As soon as Sergey's saved up LINK is finally handed over to institutions we'll see the price jump by increments of dollars and it'll be way too for most people by then. This is so fucking ridiculous and scary in showing how stupid most of /biz/ actually is.

>> No.5643531


Isn't that exactly what Town Crier has done using Intel SGX? I thought accomplishing trusted hardware through Intel SGX was what they were bringing to the table. Would chainlink be the first implementation of it? Is there a reason to think it wouldn't work?

>> No.5643552

Wow. You’re super pajeet.

>> No.5644132

I can't tell anymore if Chain Link is worth the investment or its all shitposting

>> No.5644381


high risk high reward.

if sergey dies its over.