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File: 9 KB, 231x231, Ripple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5639442 No.5639442 [Reply] [Original]

Now that it's estabilished that Ripple is a pump and dump scam and a shitcoin, let's help each other out /biz/

Tell your top 3 shitcoins for 2018

I'll start:
1-Bitcoin (just sell this shit already. dinosaur and the bubble will burst soon)
2-Ripple (Israeli Jewish pump and dump scam with no value and no real life use)
3- Dogecoin (how is this still here in Q4 2017

>> No.5639477

stay salty cunt, looks like you've missed the ripple train

>> No.5639485

As I was posting, bitcoin dominance reached 38% and still going down

This shit is done

>> No.5639514

Keep on it, I had the Verge train, no regrets

>> No.5639824

lol more paid for FUD about ripple. go back to your discord pajeet

>> No.5639863
File: 228 KB, 1488x996, ripple comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple is literally superior to every other coin.

Ripple 101

-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (as in Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., MIT, Microsoft, ..etc), many more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).

>> No.5639864

Ripple ? more like Cripple, ha ha poop coin

>> No.5639908
File: 207 KB, 1338x1358, ripple payment spec 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's also the future of digital money

>> No.5639909


>-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

Sure there isn't.

You have a centralised system that's swimming in banking influence.

The moment that Goldman Sachs asks for another 50k Ripple, the printing presses will start all over again.

It's a controlled coin.

>> No.5639939


You're dealing with the people that gambled peoples literal homes, lost a bet with themselves for trillions of dollars and then shoved that debt for the tax payer to pay off...

You think these people are really going to respect your shitcoin. If push comes to shove they will have ripple labs, bending over and printing as many ripples as they ask for.

>> No.5639959

Not that you had to confirm this obvious rage, but thanks for doing it anyway.

>> No.5639962


>> No.5639963

You're either paid to write such garbage or you may literally be mentally challenged.

Fuck you.

>> No.5639968


Can't you just admit you're riding a pump and dump scam? Why are you in denial?

Tell me exactly what unique real life use anyone would have for Ripple. These technical aspects are literally irrelevant, real life usage potential is the only thing that matters. Banks came out today saying it's nothing but a SMS like crap service and they wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.5639983

Top 3 alts:
ADA and ICX are honorable mentions but I could only go top 3

>> No.5639988

Also, the fact that you don't understand why dogecoin is still around makes you literally the worst trendwatcher EVER.

Are you the same guy who makes these "how do we stop Ripple threads"? Maybe go back to pol, this is not the place for you.

>> No.5639992

If you think Ripple is pump and dump there is no hope for you.

>> No.5640017




>> No.5640037

Ripple is a pump and dump Israeli scam by whale bankers.

That's a fact and you can't handle it because you're a normie that thinks it will buy you a Lambo.

>> No.5640052

>suddenly there are multiple fud threads about ripple.
>not obvious at all
>many of them even fudding the same lies


>> No.5640067

This guy has been shilling this on 3 threads now

>> No.5640088

Cripple is inflated marketcap because most coins are held by developers.

Central control and can create more coins whenever they feel like it.

Presale massive amounts of this shitcoin to huge banks - they can dump at any time and your tiny bag will be worthless.

>> No.5640111

You got me there, buddy.
>Stay poor
>Stay stupid

>> No.5640172

Keep buying into Jewish scams poorfag, the market cap will be absorbed by legit stuff that I own.

>> No.5640244
File: 105 KB, 1080x1080, 1512979336680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1- XRP's price would collapse immediately
2- Their main source of revenue would be gone.
3- Their reputation. the most important thing you need in this businesses, would be irrevocably destroyed. No one, not users nor banks would trust them ever again
4- They would be sued into oblivion by the institutional buyers who bought directly from you with the fiexed supply assumption:
5- they would need to convince ALL validators which are very reputable(like MIT, Microsoft, ..etc) to go along with the scam.

There's actually a higher chance that Bitcoin will remove the 21 million cap than Ripple. Do you think I'm kidding? Blockstream and other influential people in the space think this is highly likely:

PoW requires fees or miner rewards (through inflation) or both. If the miner rewards drop, fees skyrocket.

Do you think Bitcoin Cash will be any better? hahaha, they HAVE NO CHOICE but to introduce inflation because their pitch is low fees.

>> No.5640245

Sub $1 coins: DGB, STR
Above $1 coins: XMCC, XRP, SKY

>> No.5640515

Stellar is not a scam

>> No.5640555

Dogecoin is shit. Go back to S4S shitlord, let the adults talk.


>> No.5640563

He's been shilling this pasta all week

>> No.5640627

It's a great sign to see all this ripple fud suddently

Nobody was shitting on ripple this hard when it was <$1

What we're witnessing is the long term bitcoin "store of wealth" (LOL) holders who are worried about losing more market cap to XRP

>> No.5640945

i dont hold much btc ripple is still the worst piece of shit there is just like you holders are pieces of shit that should be killed for trying to undermine crypto

>> No.5640991

none of them are lies idiot, all real crypto enthusiasts have been saying the same thing about the XRP token since the beginning of crypto, ie. it is fucking SHIT, WORTHLESS
this is what is meant by markets being irrational
>even when it is shit, there are millions of idiots (You) that are inflating a worthless token by buying up the available supply

For as long as I remember, all reasonable persons have always agreed on one thing, that Ripple token XRP is fucking worthless shit

>> No.5641089


What's worse is seeing all these long-time Bitcoin hodler who have literally made 10,000000 gorillion gains getting all pissy about competition. Fuck you guys you made more then enough for a lifetime as it is.

>> No.5641111
File: 99 KB, 640x800, 10553253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me exactly what unique real life use anyone would have for Ripple

are you retarded? there's a global demand for a digital currency that's actually usable.

>Can't you just admit you're riding a pump and dump scam?

I believe in the tech, I bought before the pump, because I can see that Bitcoin is dying. Merchants are dropping it and users no longer use it for payments. It's nothing but a speculative bubble now. PoW is a broken garbage that relies on inflation or outrageous fees.

>> No.5641152

It has nothing to do with that. If any other real crypto like eth or bch would flippen it would not be a problem. Only when a absolutely worthless non-crypto that represents everything we want to get away from rises for no damn reason

>> No.5641194

its not omly btc holders its everyone and its not about gains there were plenty coins with even more gains like eth or neo they dont receive that hate maybe you think about what we tell you

you are part of the problem we are trying to fix with crypto you piece of shit jew cunt

>> No.5641232


> global demand for a digital currency that's actually usable.
99% of all currency used today is already digital lmao

>I believe in the tech
You mean the Ripple protocol or the Ripple company? Yet still you are buying XRP which represents neither

>PoW is a broken garbage
the only proven model for crypto that has a 9 year old track record

>> No.5641249

>it's not about getting rich it's about freedumbs
>I totally risked my money for the good of society


>> No.5641292

well the only good thing is that anyone buying XRP at these prices will never get rich

>> No.5641340

nope, they are not digital, they just have a digital form.

>the only proven model for crypto that has a 9 year old track record
proven track record of speculation and bubbles. Bitcoin is nothing but a ponzi now. You are simply defending your bags.
>You mean the Ripple protocol or the Ripple company
>Yet still you are buying XRP which represents

XRP relies on this protocol, dumbass

>> No.5641350

Bitcoin Cash will save you all. There is room for everybody on our big blocks.

>> No.5641373

Bitcoin's market cap is not the maximum limit. Crypto has only been used for speculation so far. XRP will actually be used in real world. It will penetrate markets measured in trillions, not billions.

>> No.5641542

the whole fucking market is in a bubble, that has nothing to do with anything. Bitcoin is no more a ponzi than it was 7 years ago.

>XRP relies on this protocol, dumbass
XRP is the native token, but it does NOT NEED TO be used, as in:
>the banks can actually use and benefit from the Ripple protocol without touching that shit token ever.

>XRP will actually be used in real world.
Oh really? please give me any reasonable valuation model for XRP (the token). In order for it to have value, someone needs to buy it. Who will this be? where will the demand come from?
Do you have any numbers on how much it is used other than for speculation?

>It will penetrate markets measured in trillions, not billions.
The only thing penetrated is your asshole by the bankers when they print worthless tokens in exchange for your real money

>> No.5641605

Banks saves an additional 30% using XRP

>> No.5641656

Why digibyte? I am curious. Was reading the whitepaper today and it seems a bit, "meh".

>> No.5641665

Wow great arguments you inarticulate ape. Stay mad, stay fudded.

>> No.5641711

cripple was a shitcoin from the very start
>non minable
a huge red flag

>> No.5641730
File: 53 KB, 596x637, cobra bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In a precedent-setting moment, Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico."


and more will follow

now go kill yourself, bitcuck and enjoy some gook dick in your moth
>XRP is the native token, but it does NOT NEED TO be used, as in:
I didn't say the banks can't benefit from the protocol without XRP.
>pic related

owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk

>> No.5641843

How much is your Rabbi paying you to come here and shill your kike shitcoin scam?

How many Shekels is one XRP in Israel?

>> No.5641861

>lets talk about coins so we can profit
>get rid of bitcoin though lmao
>oh a means of cashing out completely neutralized

Do you people realise how fucking retarded you are?

Did the the FUD from the BCChink brigade really effect you that much?


>> No.5641877

Ripple is already crashing

>> No.5641907

ripple supply vs btc supply
i mean banks scam the punters into buying ripple which has almost infinite supply in comparison
then they hold your btc which is fixed supply.

have your fun with pump and dumo but the banks are playing you when you let it almost topple btc for market cap.

>> No.5641911

Seems like quite the funcoin.

>> No.5641943



>> No.5641946

You realize PoW is becoming outdated and won’t be very popular for much longer.

>muh global warming

>> No.5641953

Top 3 im all in on with good fundamentals, goals and product are DRGN(incubated at Disney) then SohpiaTX and lastly IOTA. But im far more excited by the first two

>> No.5641977

XRP's supply is fixed. there's no inflation

and bitcoin's 21 million cap will be removed,

Do you think I'm kidding? Blockstream and other influential people in the space think this is highly likely:

PoW requires fees or miner rewards (through inflation) or both. If the miner rewards drop, fees skyrocket. Miners need to get paid.

and Bitcoin Cash is not any better, they HAVE NO CHOICE but to increase inflation and remove the 21 cap because their pitch is low fees.

Miners don't work for free, you either pay them, or everyone pays them (through inflation).

>> No.5641993

lmao ya 100b coin supply going to trade at $20 a pop okay sir. How's the koolaid?

>> No.5642017

>farming your own coins
>not popular

>> No.5642033

Bitcoin's market cap is not the maximum limit. Crypto has only been used for speculation so far. XRP will actually be used in real world. It will penetrate markets measured in trillions, not billions.

>> No.5642238

No. It will never reach 5 usd

>> No.5642472

Ask the 100 banks publicly using Ripple.

Ripple is beyond just Crypto. They're winning in a $27 Trillion market.

You would have shorted Amazon in 1997. You probably shorted Ripple at .20


>> No.5642525

You said that at $.2 too.

>> No.5642614

I keep reading this but till now no one shoed me where it says it cam create more ;)
Only devs that are dumping on followers are litecoin and bitcoin devs lmao. And even monero scammers dump on their follower lmao.

>> No.5642690

XRP is fundamentally flawed. It can never have more liquidity than BTC and USD and therefore will never fulfill its stated purpose. The devs have put the cart before the horse by targeting banks instead of consumers. Furthermore since it is a deflationary asset it will never be used for transactions (who would use something that keeps going up to purchase a consumable or a service?)

The rug will be pulled out
The emperor isn't wearing clothes
The castle stands on pillars of sand

>> No.5642835

Mhmm no more liquidity blablabla

Cant say if stupid on purpose or just the standard biztard

>> No.5642848

Banks literally came out saying that they wouldn't touch Ripple with a 10-foot pole today.

Are you falling for Jewish lies? or are you a Jew?

>> No.5642927
File: 45 KB, 700x700, IMG_20171219_153352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally you are wrong. Get a life keyboard warrior

>> No.5643000

Ripple is going to make everyone FOMO into this market

>> No.5643016

i am sold

>> No.5643189

/Biz/ is full of retards. Bank money and anybody with some damn common sense is backing Ripple.

Bitcoin is old and goes against their ethos. Eth is shit with kittens and a narc leader. Litecoin is DEAD. BCH, come on.

XRP is practically the only shite crypto worth buying into and developing for real world implications and institution use.

Also, the banking institution has more money than all of us. These are only staggered injections into the market.

>> No.5643288

>Up 150% in a week
>Down 10% after a massive bullrun
Yeah its a pump & dump lol. Stay salty, my XRP are still x12

>> No.5643325
File: 15 KB, 449x388, 11048567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pump and dump

>> No.5643353

it is meh but it was cheap and i'm more than happy to sit comfy on it for a long, long time.

>> No.5643370

Ripple is kike shit.

>> No.5643404

I hate this fucking coin. I have a little in it but fuck I hate it.

>> No.5643428

!bet all kikes

>> No.5643453

LoMoCoin (LMC) - augmented reality app for advertisements and decentralized exchange.. here we come

>> No.5643461
File: 2.51 MB, 600x338, raiblocks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRB does everything better

>> No.5643487


1-Bitcoin Yeah its fucked sell it.
2-In 2017 Ripple out performed all major alt coins in gains by a lot. Fuck you I like money.
3-Doge did more than double in profits over Bitcoin and will likely survive the crash.

>> No.5643502

DAG is a joke.

>> No.5643508
File: 144 KB, 400x266, 1513967147167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is correct Ripple is a complete scam. You should divest of any ripple holdings immediately and sell your bags to me. Then none of you should ever make a ripple thread ever again.

This has been a Public service announcement.

>> No.5643527
File: 6 KB, 226x223, 1514461531656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate this shitcoin, therefore it must be a PnD scam shitcoin

>> No.5643549

Ripple is being compared like Apple, or Microsoft, or any other 'hate/love' relationship. Who cares if XRP or ripple sucks. You're all here for the money. I am, you are and even your grandparents would gladly trade 5 cookies for 5 xrp. So everyone, go visit your grandparennts more cuz that's more important than lousely crypto drama.

>> No.5643558


The fact you think Ripple is useless clearly shows why you are poor.

I'm glad it will stay that way.

>> No.5643621

its over for the buttcoins

>> No.5643671

Ripple is a scam because the banks can create as many ripple they please with ZERO effort. I bet 30-40% of all ripple sales are BOTS buying real crypto currency, and hodling it. With time they can easily buy the majority if not ALL cryptos. Its a sabotage.


In a long run the gainz are not worth it. Trade with other real cryptos. Fuck the banking system. You are the bank now, dont sell it out for a scam coin.

>> No.5643674

>-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.
Jew shill pushing this lie hard it seems...


>> No.5643719


^normie who doesn't know anything about Ripple.

Holy shit people just get more stupid by the day.

Please kill yourself.

>> No.5643751




>> No.5643791

>and Bitcoin Cash is not any better, they HAVE NO CHOICE but to increase inflation and remove the 21 cap because their pitch is low fees.

lmfao you are fucking retarded. Wtf does coin amount have to do with bitcoin cash transaction cost?

>> No.5643819

Lmao under closed conditions boibi

Ripple can scale up to 50.000 so fuck off

>> No.5643875

Certified? Ha. You pathetic faggots with your idiotic musings of a global Jewish conspiracy.

I'm HODLing Ripple for long term. Sold all my shitty ChainLINK for it. Already 3x'd my money.

Enjoy being poor, /biz/

Ripple isn't a scam. And it's here to fucking stay.

>> No.5643903

antidote to scamcoin skycoin

>> No.5643911


SCAM coin: Has real world working utility currency that is solving liquidity issues within the banking system and is being used by 100 banking institutions.

Real Cryptos: Pajama boy.

>> No.5643941



>> No.5643976

mining requires electricity and hardware
hardware and electricity require money

who's going to pay?
fees must be kept low

so they get paid through miner reward (inflation)

the miner reward halves every number of blocks

so who's going to pay when the reward is not big enough?

either the fees rise or the inflation is increased (coin cap is removed)

>> No.5643980



>> No.5643989
File: 276 KB, 1066x600, 1514543749563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its all good little brainlet

>> No.5644040

Its all good, we will destroy banks.

Dont trade with ripple normies.

>> No.5644063

no DAG is the future, so fuck off

>> No.5644110

>Can't you just admit you're riding a pump and dump scam? Why are you in denial?

Because your arguments are weak and you are fucking promoting the coin by making it look like its going to be dominant just like the big banks...

WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPID!!?? Claiming that the coin is promoted by big banks is a huge pro Ripple argument to 90% of the people who either don't mind using banks or are just in it for the gains!

>> No.5644189

It's okay my dude, you should have sold your house to buy XRP at 2.30$, it's okay. Shit happens.

>> No.5644287

Who is we? Lmao i dont see it

>> No.5644602

tired of red numbers? wonder why everyone is crashing? well the answer is simple - they are fucking shitcoins with no dev. and innovation whatsoever! will be left behind soon for improvement - or do you see anyone using alcatel cellphones these days?? :D xD
But there is a way out: 0tx fees and instant!!! transactions t.me/Skycoin

>> No.5644702
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, skycoin party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah btw there is a skycoin giveaway party happening on new years eve - for everyone who wants to get it easy:

>> No.5644816


>> No.5645092

I think you are just made you know that BTC is crashing. :D

If you guys jumped over to BCH rather than acting like dicks then BCH would be holding market dominance long term!

But you made it so this would happen and you are acting like Bitcoin is going to the moon any second now!! 25k BY tomorrow! right?

HAHAHAHA And now your arguments are PROMOTING RIPPLE!!! HAHAHA