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56390855 No.56390855 [Reply] [Original]

All the people I went to high school with are doing way better than I am. One guy I know is a multi-millionaire from a business he started, another I've known since middle school is a big shot at Goldman Sachs. One guy I used to play games with is one of the biggest realtors in my state. A guy that dropped out of high school also is a multi-millionaire from realty. I'm sure there are more success stories from my high school but I don't have the heart to go digging to find them. I got a degree in a pretty worthless STEM field (Biology related) that only pays 6 figures if I get a PhD. On top of having a worthless degree, I have no job experience. I never received and lab experience because of COVID, so I've just been NEETing it up at my Dad's. The only thing I'm relatively good at is drawing- which fucking sucks when you consider the fact that jobs related to art rarely pay. And with AI becoming a thing I imagine the market is only going to get smaller and smaller. This shit fucking blows dick. Currently trying to get an IT certificate (Comptia A+) to try and get a Help Desk job for the experience, but IT isn't looking very good either. I'm absolutely lost kek.

>> No.56390870

Just wait until you're a mid thirties failure

>> No.56390916
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this >>56390870
I already reached the mid thirties failure and believe me mid twenties nothing has started yet and you have a full decade to make something of yourself. If you're already in despair in your mid twenties just wait until you reach mid thirties the feeling is unbearable and I want to kms every day.

>> No.56390933

not to give you false hope because you almost certainly are going to be in the same spot (or dead) 10 years from now, but if you're alive 10 years from now you're going to look back on being ~35 and telling yourself you had two decades to make something of yourself

>> No.56390951

I am learning to draw and paint anime tiddies and will just inherit the family house and die childless, so there is that happening at least. I hated all forms of work, jumped around to different careers and couldn't hold down any job longer than a few months.

>> No.56390975

Literally who cares most of the people u knew spend all their money and are still probably in massive debt except for the 1 or 2 millionaires you know. Normies are dumb and broke regardless of their income.

>> No.56391035
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Go to your local graveyard. Walk around and read off the names until you find somebody famous. If somehow you do, ask yourself if you’d want to switch places with them

>> No.56391046
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I'm a mid twenties NEET as well and consider myself to be free. I've friends that I see who are successful but fucked up. You're retard if you consider freedom as failure, you've failed from the get go with that mindset already. Don't get into the jew trap now with the comptia and learn2code meme. Get into unconventional out of the box activities and have a desire to look for alternatives and you'll be able to find them. Mind you, there're types of businesses and work that normies never come across because they fall into the jew trap of making it for their overloads. Since we're already rejected by the society for not initially following through their roadmap like a sheep (e.g. working a low paying job after highschool or going to college etc.), we're free to enter domains that normies usually hesitate to get into because their reputation is on the line or they want to keep a good goy track record for future wageslaving. But not in our case we're free to pursue multiple high risk high reward activities and make it in one of those and since we aren't retarded like those <80iq criminals who don't know how to behave and are ruled by their emotions, we can actually win the game by staying lowkey and delaying gratification and keeping emotions in check and not flexxing and flashing new money as soon as we think we made it as it can go south real quick. If you can be level headed and patient under pressure and are above average IQ or even a midwit, you can successfully make it and leave behind all your friends in a few years or even months. Think characters like Walter White and Gustavo Fring from Breaking Bad that can remain lowkey and wipe out the retarded thugs like Tuco Salamanca, you've the potential to be one of the walter whites or gus fring of the path that you choose to pursue.

>> No.56391054
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I'm not saying straight up opening a meth lab or something but there are fields and sectors that normies view as bad and crime like but its highly rewarding like for e.g. politics, casino, etc. Since you mentioned drawing there're artists getting paid fuck ton regardless of the A.I boom currently if they're able to cater to fetish of a particular tiny group of furries. Normies would consider this type of work disgusting so there's no saturation ever in this niche and the suplliers would be relatively low vs the demands.Even things like youtube,onlyfans,MMA, porn or anyone in the entertainment industry that you see is mainstream right now, normies don't really consider that as an option, and that is the reason why the people that you see in those niches that have succeeded, always have multiple stories of failing at the traditional line of work like school or job just like us. That's why I told you to avoid getting into the game of passing comptia and shit trying to get back into being a wageslave now, we wouldn't be satisfied and ultimately the overloads don't view us as a loyal pet dog breed cause we didn't serve them early on like others did. You're considered a wild animal now that no one would like to adopt or tame so the best possible option is to hunt and get into unconventional niches and pick one or experiment with multiple inorder to make it.

>> No.56391105

I did the whole learn2code thing and worked a dev job for 2-3 years, most soulcrushing work I've ever done, every day I was just building garbage for boomer retirement funds, but it was the highest paying job I ever held. Why is our existence so fucked? I'm not even complaining about having it hard because I know heaps of people have it harder but even the "easier" options just feel like shit.

>> No.56391192

thank you anon, I needed this post

>> No.56391276

We aren't meant to to live this way, atleast some of us. That's why the most based men in history didn't choose to take part in this matrix and play this game of illusion altogether and the ones who were forced to play because of their environment and circumstances snapped out and went the extreme opposite direction. The Normie NPC cattle would be happy wageslaving their asses off but it's simply not for us. I could've had easily gone the same route you went through with the learn2code stuff years ago and landed a job at MAANG with the help of my friends and connects who're in those positions as they would constantly tell me to join in with them. If not for MAANG atleast a comfy good enough paying job at a startup at the bare minimum. I was aware of this trend before it took of during covid era but didn't choose to capitalize on it as its a useless pursuit. Once you're in you gotta constantly keep running like a hamster in a wheel and can't get out even to rest, if you do decide to take a break even for a short period , it becomes an excuse to reject you for future employment, so all those years of good goy are wiped out in an instant and you're the bad one now. I could see myself being miserable with this in the future that's why I refused partake in it. We're supposed to pursure other endeavors or build or own things to be satisfied, it could be anything. I have a bunch of friends similar to us, one of them found his purpose or atleast what he enjoys by playing and mastering poker 7months ago and is making a killing out of of his hobby by travelling the world and ripping multiple months of salary from different casinos. He was in a fucked up situation last year and suicidal, and turned his life around really quick months after. Life tends to have a wave like pattern so no matter how down you feel at the moment, if you continue to hunt, you'll eventually find your goldmine.

>> No.56391310

My dad is primo NPC goycattle going by your definition, and he is still in mortgage debt in his 60s and looks exhausted everyday. If not for him unwilling to let go of his mcmansion I wouldn't be waging at all. I'm dumping everything into BTC while pursuing my art on the side and intending on just quitting and pursuing my passions no matter if we get a bullrun or not in the next 2 years with nothing to my name and no family started. Shit is fucked for my bloodline though if I pursue this path with no bullrun happening. I really don't know.

>> No.56391384

wage guerrilla war against Society™ Uncle Ted style

>> No.56391418

Everyone's path in life is different. If all else fails just remind yourself everyone ends up dead and mostly forgotten in the end anyways like this poster hinted at >>56391035

>> No.56391419
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I wish you best of luck in the endeavors that you decide to pursue bros. WAGMI