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File: 38 KB, 478x301, the debate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56385959 No.56385959 [Reply] [Original]

Is rural USA actually worse than living in cities?

>> No.56385967

Go back to twitter faggot

>> No.56385974

yeah it fucking blows, there's no diversity out here I wouldn't bother coming if I were you.

>> No.56385985

It really depends on which city and rural area you compare. You could argue 3 of 4 points in pic related also apply to cities (2 being the odd one out). The narrative argument is old, just think for yourself, aka DYOR.

>> No.56385987
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>> No.56385994

You need to update this, it's down to like 73.7. dumping faster than a shitty altcoin when BTC moves down $50.

>> No.56386012

thats ok ill change tht

>> No.56386024

back to the oven for you

>> No.56386048

There's a couple small towns that are place in geographically desirable locations that are cozy enough to make living in not hell. I spent some time in Lewiston Idaho and thought it was really nice. But you have to be picky. A majority of small towns in the US are barren, flat, no scenery and you're guaranteed to live in some hellish suburbs where all the houses look the same. You'll eat nothing but processed foods from the supermarket chain and all the produce is bad quality and overpriced because youre in the middle of nowhere.

Cities are expensive and crazy but if you make enough money you can have everything you want. Just make more money, that's all it takes. Every city has a perfect all white neighborhood with low crime and private education. Even SF and Portland. You just have to be rich. You cant have that in a rural town, not everything at once.

>> No.56386083

It's pretty bad desu. I know several people who died from heroin.

>> No.56386182

yeah it's pretty bad unless you have a wfh job and are a shut-in autist with 0 interest in pussy. i grew up in rural northeastern PA. graduated high school in 2007 and probably 10-20% of my graduating class of ~100 has been addicted to heroin, pills, fentanyl, meth, etc. over the years. no white collar jobs unless you're a teacher, lawyer, or are in healthcare. most people work at the local factories that crush you with mandatory overtime on rotating shifts. housing is "cheap" but it's still like 3x the average household income for the area. all of the women are fat, tatted up, and divorced with 2-3 kids by their mid 20s, my fast roastie sister included, although she's gotten her life together over the past 5 years.

>> No.56386192

They vote against their interests so who gives a shit about them?

>> No.56386247

I mean everywhere is bad here unless you live in like a high class gated community. Also nearly everyone speaks some form of bastardized English

>> No.56386250

rural areas are under attack and have been for decades. It's not all sunshine and rainbows like people make it out to be.

>> No.56386262

Where are the parents? If you have good parents, you have a much higher probability of a good outcome.

I know you saw the kids at school who were going to be OK. The go-getters. Parents involved in PTA, maybe even working at the school. Sports.

Fucking discipline. Firm, loving hand. Know where the fuck your kids are, and what they're up to, who their friends are, etc.

Won't work every time, but mostly.

>> No.56386273

3 out of 4 of those points are true for cities too.

>> No.56386285
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I need diversity, univocally. Living among white people feels like living amongst NPCs, like a stunted AI that doesn't have human contact to expand their dataset

>> No.56386287

Yes its terrible, I strongly advise against moving around here. Everyday I fought of the urge to kill myself

>> No.56386288

Society has collapsed in US, there are no parents.

>> No.56386290
File: 98 KB, 900x542, Flaccavento-rural-new-deal-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, the great place of rural America where everything is hollowed out because big corporations moved factory jobs to India and Mexico where they could pay people 1/10 th as much money to do the same work, where the average education level is a high school dropout, where there are zero jobs other than working at the local gas sation or being a waiter at one of the town's two possible restaurants. But hey !!! At least there are no minorities

>> No.56386311

what's a good alternative? move to japan? homesteading in USA after you "make it"?

>> No.56386322

>I know you saw the kids at school who were going to be OK. The go-getters. Parents involved in PTA, maybe even working at the school. Sports.

most of the kids who fell into drugs were white trash retards who were visibly doomed by their late teens. but to answer your question, the successful kids by and large went to college in various cities. some returned home, some didn't and instead pursued a life in the city. i went to a rural college, couldn't find a white collar job back home (obviously) so i worked in a shitty factory for a few years and then went back for a masters in the big city and made a live in the suburbs. a few of my friends from high school went to a rural college, graduated or dropped out, moved back home, couldn't find white collar work, now they work in a factory doing unskilled labor for $25/hour. a few studied healthcare degrees and work for the local hospital network. a few studied bullshit degrees and got jobs selling insurance, working as receptionists at car dealerships, etc.

>> No.56386336

Rural living isn't so bad if you're not expecting to make a lot of money and you don't have some crippling drug addiction. Seriously, just don't do drugs. The alcohol and heroin are optional not mandatory. Just don't be retarded

>> No.56386339

>why do people pay 5000 dollars a month to not live in these places
hmm I wonder OP

>> No.56386340

No one who has
1. Good Education and a Job
2. House
3. Functional Family
Lives either in rural or urban area in US, they live in suburbs.
Rural area is full of poor af, depressed, drug/opioid addicts.
Cities are full of criminals, homeless drug addicts, depressed serfs working multiple jobs, to payoff their gorillion $ debt, mostly living paycheck to paycheck, eating largely frozen, stale junk food.

>> No.56386360

One of the worst drug crisis in US is actually in SF and Seattle urban centres.

>> No.56386367

So at least they are saving on pensions.

>> No.56386374

The only exception here is the extremely Rich who own both NYC penthouses and Mcmansions in some laid back small town
Life is good anywhere if you are rich enough

>> No.56386393

parts of new england are rural and incredibly nice (gilmore girls aesthetic) but like you said, you need to be old money WASP type or a rich NYC kike to afford it, because the local jobs sure as hell aren't paying enough to make the mortgage on an $800k home.

>> No.56386395

This there is nothing here for anybody

>> No.56386534

are you white

>> No.56386558

plap plap plap plap get pregnant

i would inseminate her 24/7

>> No.56386638

I'm not even sure that's true given the parabolic healthcare costs of the increasingly obese and retarded populace. Remember we nuked the global economy to keep 84 year olds with cancer """safe"""from covid for another 2 months

>> No.56386707

Sometimes. It’s variable. Some people have great experiences living in small towns. Some people have great experiences living in cities. It’s a crap shoot like anywhere else. You and your own socioeconomic status will determine a lot in either.

>> No.56386727

Lots of younger people died from Covid too. Being morbidly obese is just as much of a Covid risk factor as being old

>> No.56386752

I could argue all of them apply actually, especially 2 for cities when you take into account criminal, poverty, homelessness, etc.
>that has nothing to do with opportunity!!!
Actually, it does.

>> No.56386754


Did you smell the paper mill? If you’re downwind of that thing and not from there it’s brutal.

There are a few towns that are better like Kellogg, Wallace, anything in CDA metro not CDA or Spokane. Also ID Falls and peripheries are good if you can stand Mormons.

>> No.56386778

Rural schools are the best ans have the highest test scores. They are full of whites behaving themselves in small classrooms.
>muh jobs
Drive a car. You're an adult
>muh fat
>muh drugs
Lol no. Ruralfags are too uptight for that.

>> No.56386806

That has more to do with economic mobility. There are plenty of cities with low economic mobility like Atlanta or Memphis. Not really the same thing as zero economic opportunity

>> No.56386827

There are druggies, but it's not like that's unique to rural America.

>> No.56386845


not young people necessarily, but you're right because 50-64 should be a really healthy age group if they're not blobmericans. Nasty world we live in.

>> No.56386846

literally none of this is true. fat suburban spic /pol/ enthusiast spotted.

>> No.56386863

No. "Rural" is a complicated mix of truly buttfuck nowhere to more small town/quasi suburban. There are poors, there are idiots, but they are fewer and further in between since you have to support yourself out in the country/semi-country. Almost entirely working people, and farmers themselves are actually rich.

If you live in the city you will encounter junkies, retards, niggers, on a daily basis. You can't escape them. You can escape them out in the country.

>> No.56386953

Rural areas have just as much crime, especially violent crime but also shit like niggers stealing your converter. The homeless are also alot more aggressive and you can run into them literally anywhere. Jew york specifically actually didn't have alot of homeless when I went there, then again I did not take the subway at all.

>> No.56386971


Why lie for an entire post? At least try to mince it up. Rural areas have 10% of the violent crime you dipshit. It isn't even close.

>> No.56386997

Found the city slick boomer nigger.

>> No.56387006


Found the retard who thinks I live in a city because I'm defending the country. Homeless people don't even exist in the countryside, there is literally nobody to give them handouts you stupid fucknugget.

>> No.56387117

>But hey !!! At least there are no minorities

having no minorities more than makes up for the rest of the shit I didn't read in your post

>> No.56387146
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Stop romanticising my rural shithole fucking boomer kikes. You're the reason these places are so shit and neglected. Then dumbass city slicks like the shitposters above come in and make it even more pedantic and shallow.

Cities suck too but so does most of america, "le country life" isn't heckin special or edgy, fuck you.

>> No.56387169

society in Japan has collapsed even worse (in certain aspects atleast) than it has in US

>> No.56387177

0 blacks trumps everything else desu

>> No.56387193

>calls others shitposters
You have posted nothing of substance, just anecdotes and ad homs. Kindly remove yourself from this thread

>> No.56387196

This is true. Rural areas can be (and frequently are) just as dangerous as urban places. The exceptions are rich rural properties. But again, if you're rich, life is good anywhere.

I'll also add that rural places tend to have older populations of adults. It seems like the young people leave for the suburbs and cities after highschool and college. Not all obviously, but it's definitely noticeable, especially with whites.

Anyone who thinks rural areas are some kind of Aryan white paradise where you can just scoop up a pure virgin 18yo blonde wife are delusional.

>> No.56387208

The point of living rurally isn't that the people are better (they are anyway) but that you can be further away from them

>> No.56387219

the parents you are talking about are almost always at least upper middle class and with connections so their kids will be fine no matter what. the extent of most American kids parenting and guidance is getting signed up to play sports. then when you come home your parents watch TV and eat dinner in front of TV in total silence. they think America is still the land of plenty and that you'll just "figure out" how to compete with the top 1% of the entire world while housing gets more and more expensive

>> No.56387221

Almost all the sports teams, extracurriculars etc at my town’s high school have been canceled because there’s no adult interest. Parents won’t contribute to carpools, coaching, bringing snacks, nothing like that. Things got pretty bad during lockdown with all the burnout kids whose parents don’t give a shit and had no structure left at all. Several armed robberies in the area, PO boxes broken into, siphoning gas, general vandalism. I know a few parents and apparently violent bullying and gang initiations at even the middle school have gotten really, really bad. I want my own kids but don’t want them getting mixed up with these ‘youths.’

>> No.56387231

I mean if you're poor but not homeless, so lower middle class, it's probably better than big cities. If you have the money or are literally homeless with <$10 to your name, the coastal cities are probably better.

>> No.56387235

I live in the middle of nowhere Ohio. Can't see my neighbors, 2 ez work from home IT jobs making 300k a year + bennies, just set up an addition on my house I am converting into a forging area, Amazon delivery depot a few towns over so next day delivery, and couldn't be more comfortable.

>> No.56387239

heres the thing. those buildings are peak soul and would never be made like that again. all it takes is a little spark and anywhere can get revitalized.

what really kills these towns is globohomo shopping districts on the outskirts, usually off some highway bypass, that soaks all the commerce. harsh reality: niggas been making money in these towns all along. ag is extremely lucrative and brings in plenty of jobs.

the problem is goyslop mentality and corrupt zoning.

>> No.56387361

Just do remote work and learn how to practice permaculture

>> No.56387430

how long do you guys plan doing this? I was working remote middle of nowhere for a while but got really bored wasting my 20s being alone and no hobbies, even if i did go on trips every few months

>> No.56387555

Pretty horrible. Can't find a single minority or gay bar in ~60 miles.

>> No.56387569

yes, rural areas suck, no point of living there and you should all stay in the cities.

>> No.56387673

4chan really glorifies rural living for some reason. I'm assuming most people doing it live in cities and think the grass is greener. I've lived in rural Louisiana for most of my life and rural Indiana for a couple of years. Also spent a brief time in rural Illinois. If you have an IQ of over 100 you will struggle to make friends with anyone. People are dumb as fuck. And yes that includes the rural areas that have a high white population too. Literally the dumbest, lowest quality white people live there. You might as well be living with muttoids.

There's also nothing to do at all. No new experiences to try or memories to make. You'll just live a dull, routine existence where every day is the same as the last and years go by in what feels like months.

It is a totally pointless existence.

>> No.56387839

>4chan really glorifies rural living for some reason. I'm assuming most people doing it live in cities and think the grass is greener.
Yup, classic 4chan contrarianism, mostly driven by the generational shift to zoomers starting to post here. Millennial oldfags like me moved to cities for work because there was just fucking nothing left in the countryside and small towns, and there still isn't for the most part, unless you're dull enough to find factory life satisfying. People ITT have been posting about how comfy it is being able to WFH and buy shit on Amazon but those are the exact processes that hollowed out rural economies. These anons aren't wishing to be rural villagers, they're wishing to be landed gentry.

>> No.56387876

>If you have an IQ of over 100 you will struggle to make friends with anyone.
another good point. when i worked in the factory everyone lived and died for the NFL (nigger football league.)

>> No.56387928

It’s largely an economic problem. There used to be decent blue collar jobs in any rural area but with outsourcing and environmental regulations most of those jobs are just gone. A lot of people turned to drugs, a lot left to find city jobs. Now there’s less demand for support services (healthcare, law enforcement, road maintenance, plumbers, hospitality, etc) so those people leave too. For the most part all that’s left are retirees and the drug addicts. I don’t see a lot of young kids in my area. You can hack it if you’re in ag (will probably go under) or if you have a niche skill and can make a company building private roads or installing septic tanks or something.

>> No.56388013

I've lived in both, currently rural. Your pic is definitely true, there are homeless and gangs peddling drugs even out here. I guess one big difference is there is a lot more property theft, arson and home invasions out here rather than muggings/assault etc.

It's very bleak out here, if you want civilization you have to drive an hour and a half away. Our town is corrupt, all of the business owners break the law constantly, christofascist cult is doing shady shit to buy up all the liquor licenses to funnel money to the church.

The upsides are few, but there's a lot less traffic and buying a home is much more attainable, but still out of reach for most and you're pretty much forced to buy an outdated shit hole that needs foundation work.

If it weren't for my business doing well I would move back to the city. Honestly rural living is fucking depressing between the cold months and small town politics.

>> No.56388028

socially dependent midwits piss and shit themselves upon reading such posts

>> No.56388037

It's poor and no jobs, but it's peaceful, everybody is friendly and it's stable.

Word gets around town about various rumors and stuff about people.

>> No.56388058

if you have an iq of over 100 and don't know how to use the internet in 2023 i don't know what to tell you
this goes for not only friends but experiences too. the most inspiring trends of this moment are machine learning and zk cryptography. neither require the physical world. what the fuck are you even doing with your life if you're not neck deep into either of these domains right now? what are your so-called "experiences" and "memories"? getting high and going to the barcade with other normgroids in order to sing marvel songs.

>> No.56388067

years here, years there, years everywhere!

>> No.56388095
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You dumb nigger you live rurally and then drive to work in the city. 99% of suburbs were farm land. You're just as far away from the city as the suburbs and because the small rural towns were built 1st you have a down town with historic brick buildings in le walkable smol city the same fucking distance from the city as the suburbs. I grew up in one and live in a different one. It's nothing but souless suburbs and corn once you leave for your commute. You also get the benefit of having better schools with smaller classrooms as your local and if you want to send you kid to the goyschool the suburbfags use with classes of 10,000 then you can be a faggot and do that too.

>> No.56388193

I too think that there could be nothing wrong with a single party system.
I also believe that importing foreigners who hate them is for their own good.

>> No.56388641

Caught a wiff once or twice but it wasn't anything that shaped my impression of the place. I really liked the neighborhood near the college and the hospital, nice little houses. There was decent enough nature within driving distance of the town as well, I had a good time there but I was really only living there for a summer.

Lewiston seemed like paradise to the tri-cities (Richland/Kennewick/Pasco). I was there much longer and it was hell on earth. Tri-cities were absolutely soulless. Just a massive strip mall

>> No.56388649


You unironically have to be a hyper normie dirt eating retard or a geriatric retired zogbot to really enjoy living in most rural places, especially the south. Maybe it's "better" in the north wear the cold scares off mexicans and blacks, but most of the actual country is boring with nothing to do, aside from crime and going to bingo night. If you want to hide away from the world you hate, like an incel faggot, go hike in the mountains or camp in a national forest and slowly go insane like the unibomber. City slicks need victims to parasite off of while pretending like they just want "heckin peace and le quiet", like the subversive kikes they are.

>> No.56388656
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Is LINK rural US?

>> No.56388670

what do advocate for instead?

>> No.56388694

the kellogg to mullan strip is super underrated(tho a lil too expensive cause silvermountain) damn small fucking world.
I've been thinking about moving back to st Maries area and around but there's no fuckin jobs there and u can't wfh/swe cause there's no fucking fiber. sux cause that area is based so much good hunting

>> No.56388705

I really don't understand the "nothing to do" posts.
What are you doing in the city that's so amazing? Paying $30 to eat the same Sysco products at 100 different restaurants? Getting mass rejected on Tinder? Spending most of your free time staring at a screen just like people in the rural areas are doing?

>> No.56388715

if you're content with rotting away in your home 24/7 (like me) then there's not a big difference, except your internet will likely suck BBC and if you're really rural you won't even get 1 bar of cell service.

>> No.56388716
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>People are dumb as fuck

>> No.56388721

Enter Starlink.

>> No.56388744

i wonder if demographics affects this in any way

>> No.56388764

imo a lot of these people are skinny-fatasses and are doubly bound to the metro mindset of only being allowed to do certain things.
whereas in rural areas "where's the sign" generally applies unless you're shooting something and even then it depends, squirrels are open season pretty much everywhere

>> No.56388778

It's almost a perfect proxy for percent non hispanic white.

>> No.56388782

based minn-nodak supremacy we have fiber at our lake cabin there

>> No.56388824

dude it’s fucking bricks made of mud what the fuck do you mean people can never build brick boxes again

>> No.56388864

grew up and still live around Scranton area, its not only the drugs but its the lack of fulfilling employment and 0 social lives. Everyone here has Stockholm syndrome because they were beaten down so hard after the city collapsed. NEPA is very very depressing, especially winter times, I have had 2 senpai members commit self end.

>> No.56388879

Unironically yes. I didn’t realize just how fucking stupid and slow ruraltards were until I started traveling to places in the south for work.

>> No.56388948

i grew up in bradford county. kek.

>> No.56389008


You make your own economic opportunities. They need doctors and nurses everywhere, even in the country. People can also work from home doing almost anything now. People do drugs everywhere. The schools have no niggers, so automatically you're doing the best thing possible for your child short of sending them to a 30K a year private school. This is some woke niggerloving agenda pusher.

>> No.56389015


>> No.56389028

>just go to medschool bro
Great sign that you're talking to a total idiot. Not that that is rare on this site these days.

>> No.56389077

Rural US is great if you have enough fuck you money to just buy your way through everything on your own big plot of land. If not then odds are it will be total dogshit. Outside of a few hidden gems its basically as if the land and everyone in it became enveloped by death and decay. That said most areas here in burgerland tend to suck because people in general suck, but the point still stands. Its all a matter of choosing what poison you take.
t. rust beltfag

>> No.56389094

IMO I’d set up shop in Post Falls or Rathdum if I was going up north. You wouldn’t crazy far from there and you’d have CDA and Spokane without having to pay for CDA or put up with Spokane.

>> No.56389101

racist image

>> No.56389146

there's nothing. the coof killed all of it. great music venue? turned into a gastropub. great bookstore? turned into a cat coffee shop. great shop tailored to a specific need? turned into a cell phone store.

its all trashified.

>> No.56389161

>Outside of a few hidden gems its basically as if the land and everyone in it became enveloped by death and decay.

>> No.56389223

"We've attached our egos to you!!" All the fucking fantasy football/NFL losers at work.

>> No.56389369


I went to med school.

>> No.56389874

You know there are free meetups in the city right? Even smaller raves you're paying at most $20. Unless you're a severe alcoholic you can practically have a good time out for cheap most weekends

>> No.56389904

only thing in that list thats rural is #2. everywhere in america is fat as hell. the cities have more drugs than a rural town. and the american education system is absolutely fucked everywhere.

now rural areas do lack a lot of good shit. restaurants, things to do and see, no real night scenes. its up to you to decide if a boring safe area is worth more than a fun riskier area.

>> No.56389918

t. fell for the fox news propaganda and has never been to a rural area

>> No.56389970

Don't you have a hospital to bomb?

>> No.56389989

The part about zero economic opportunity is true. There’s not much for you to do except low-pay factory work.

>> No.56389990
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>> No.56390036
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These are the only people in the thread who get it

>> No.56390037

> If you have an IQ of over 100 you will struggle to make friends with anyone
This can be true in cities too. There are a lot more Mexicans and blacks in cities.

>> No.56390061

And as a side note, there are a lot of fucking mexicans in Indiana. Way more than you think. I never noticed them until I started working in factory jobs out of high school. You never see them around town, so I wonder where the hell they came from. It’s almost like they live in the factories that they work in.

>> No.56390077

what about that would be propaganda?

>> No.56390101

1 true, not much better in urban areas
2 true, worse in urban areas
3 true, worse in urban areas
4 true but education is basically anti-intelligence these days so less is better

>> No.56390214

it's all of that, AND there's nothing to do except get drunk at the local bar and then go home and beat your wife

>> No.56390217
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And when you find a rare white person in the city, there's a 90% chance they believe you should lose your job because you didn't take the experimental vaccine.

>> No.56390227


>> No.56390233

Rural does not equal the American frontier though. It's not like rural towns are filled with resources where you can make your fortune

>> No.56390240

Dude, blue cities don't have honest elections. You can't vote your way out of Chicago-style corruption.

>> No.56390243
File: 1.50 MB, 3279x2160, 6D900CFA-7455-4C49-8484-A15AE1ABD31A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicago is one of the worlds top cities

>> No.56390309

Guess it depends on where you live, like anywhere else. Having said that, you couldn't pay me to live in Chicago.

>> No.56390354
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reminder that ruraloids are inferior to urbanites on literally any conceivable metric
>ruraloids have lower IQs
>ruraloids are fatter
>ruraloids are poorer
>ruraloids are unhealthier
>ruraloids die younger
>smart ruraloids get out of the country as soon as humanly possible
>ruraloids exercise less
rural "people" are literally subhumans

>> No.56390475

>Having said that, you couldn't pay me to live in Chicago.
Many parts of Chicago are actually pretty nice. The biggest problem with Chicago aside from the jigaboo japes is that trying to do anything fun outside of the city requires a half day's travel dealing with traffic, airports, or delayed Amtrak trains. If you're a richfag who can afford to live in a safe neighborhood with a secure garage and don't have to schedule travel around work, Chicago's hard to beat as a home base. The cost of living is low enough that people just roll their eyes and deal with the corruption.

t. used to live there

>> No.56390502
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I'd go back for the right salary and enough time off.

But right now I'm making 100k/year WFH living in northern MI.

Would need at least double the salary to go back to the rat race, probably more.

Enjoying the outdoors way more up here.

>> No.56390521

Oh wait so it's not hard to OD on fentanyl there? Noted

>> No.56390584

yes, all of the chuds here saying otherwise are living in mommy's basement in an ex-urban or suburban neighboorhood within 15 minutes of a starbucks and shake shack
i live in the dead zone between interstates (over an hour to the closest major highway) and it's a shit show. people (who are not druggies) care about muh freedom and anti-collectivism but they're constantly breathing down eachothers necks. they're actually brainwashed, have zero understanding of politics or current events besides what's on fox news. if you think trannies are a hivemind, hicks are basically a carbon copy of eachother and the whole "country" vibe is essentially just acting 1:1 exactly like a retarded middle american stereotype and being "proud" of that.
most of their "values" are cope and they only give a fuck about "hard work" or "independence" when they can use it to shit on someone else. my boss will complain about me showing up to work a single minute (one minute) late, but then literally watch tiktoks for hours on his phone in his office.

>> No.56390623

forest county in northwest PA is only black because there's a prison there.

>> No.56390630

also i literally lived in a isolated cabin in the woods for like 4 years for a job and it sucks dick.
living in rural areas or the wilderness generally blows unless you're rich. the reason why people hype it up more than living in a city is because you have to be richer to have the same amount of fun in a city, so living rural feels more attainable.

also to double down on the hick thing, being "southern" is straight up a corporate manufactured identity now. there's so much country-wank and pandering that these niggas engage in, they only stand for "traditional" values that let them be assholes, most of them are the same sort of people that sold out mom and pop's to walmart and smoked grass in highschool. just listen to radio country music, most of it is literally just a list of country-branded crap (muh truck, muh guns, muh whores, etc.) to a twangy pop melody

>> No.56390636

>live in rural area
>you can afford a house on your walmart supervisor job
>live in le opportunity city
>complain that you make 90k but feel as poor as a teenager making minimum wage because rent in the less-crime part of town is 28,000 a year

>> No.56390645

Yeah you need to secure the bag and get a girl before you run off into seclusion.

I need somewhere I can fuck around shoot guns, blow stuff up, race dirtbikes, grow weed, fly my drone, etc. in peace

>> No.56390659

it's not even much less to live in a rural area.
i was searching for a studio apartment in the rural area i was in 2 years ago, and the lowest i could find was $1100 for a boarded up house in the middle of the hood (without utilities)
my friend who lives in a major US city has a comfy basement apartment for $1500/mo with some utilities. and he saves $300/mo because he doesn't own a car (no gas or insurance) and has a walking commute.
the same job from a rural area (as long as you aren't a skilless dweeb trying to work on minwage) pays like $10k-20k more. the same exact job.

>> No.56390671

LOL if you want this you can literally buy tax deed sales for a few thousand in the middle of nowhere. just buy a property an hour or so away from where you actually want to live, you will never be able to afford to live well (i.e. have thousands of acres) in the cuntry

>> No.56390672
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It’s horrible. Stay in the city and save yourself. Trash, babies heads and sheep intestine condoms everywhere. Just insufferable 1880s Libya conditions. Hope your safe when it happens

>> No.56390682

What about a comfy lake house community and some strip of land outside there?

>> No.56390717

>paying money just to enter the venue to listen to shitty edm and buy diluted drugs or watered down booze
this is not helping your case anon
>t. NYC resident 30+ years

>> No.56390720
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It's because "rural" has such a broad definition.

The USDA considers areas "rural" if they're not directly adjacent to a large metro area.

You could be in the 10k small town just outside the 100k city with all the amenities on the border of the 4.5 million person metro area and you would be classified as "rural".

You could also be in in NW Nebraska which is actually rural.

>> No.56390751

Look, the whole "get out of the city" shit is a meme unless you live in Detroit or some other shit hole
It's cheaper to just live in a rural area than a city, but it's much, much cheaper to live comfortably in the city than you can outside of it. Like, you can always "rough" it in a mobile home in the middle of nowhere for cheap, but a decent condo in the city will always outclass a mansion on 10 acres with a 45 minute drive to the nearest airport/theatre/clean grocery store

>> No.56390756
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People under 30 have to live in the city because that's where the social opportunities and high paying jobs are.

Once they're 30+ and found a partner they head out. Even more once they are retired (65+).

>> No.56390767

I find myself traveling to the countryside to buy meat in bulk, my grocery store is 2-3x more expensive and less quality.
Plus all the chain restaurants near me have terrible service and low quality food.
There are still some gems, but I find myself paying over $30 a meal.

My neighbors in the suburbs are hit or miss, but we're too close for comfort.
One went schizo and started property line argument and accused me of spying on him with my drone.

I kind of want out of this place.

>> No.56390778

If you have your own woman no
If you don't yes

>> No.56390808

Yeah, you’ll be surrounded by people who were too stupid to leave. If you’re not raising a family there’s no point being there.

>> No.56390817

>also to double down on the hick thing, being "southern" is straight up a corporate manufactured identity now
True, pop country is the most obvious pandering trash but it's eerily effective. Nobody where I live talks with any kind of drawl whatsoever but they still eat that shit up like it's candy. I guess people are free to like what they like, but the music is so obviously lowest common denominator junk and they don't even seem to register it.

>> No.56390832

I live in a 100k city cause I got inherited property here and it sucks cause I got FOMO, the anonymity of a big city is really appealing. I don’t wanna meet my old class mates, my teachers or my lifelong neighbors every time I go buy some OJ at the store. All the young people leave right after highschool.
I could just liquidate eveything and go but I’m too comfy here cause my expenses are almost nothing.

>> No.56390841

Also you just feel like a loser you’re still in your birth town even if you’re doing well for yourself. I could basically retire here at 27 and never work again but I can’t do that in big city.

>> No.56390873

Yes if you haven't made it yet. There's no fucking opportunity and if your IQ is >2SD above the mean it exponentially amplifies the sense of existential dread, that your life is slipping away to the sands of time as the social decay around you ever intensifies (i.e. drug use, cleetus cloning ever more inbred versions of himself, buildings going into ruin from shear neglect etc)

>> No.56390878

True, especially the anonymous thing, some faggot earlier brought up "rumors" in a small town. Like it's a good thing you will hear the story about the one time you got shitfaced and fucked a fat chick for the rest of your life or literally any other embarrassing shit you did as a kid. No sir, that is hell.

>> No.56390901

Go for it. You only have one chance at being young and stupid. Small and rural towns aren't meant for single people in their 20s.

There are positives to cities. There's always events going on. Tons of people to meet and things to see. Things are open past 10pm.

You will also experience the negatives of cities, which will make you appreciate smaller towns later in life.

I have lived in 5 metro areas the past decade. Major metro areas, suburbs, college towns, small rural cities. Each with their pros/cons.

>> No.56390910

The other big negative is the social cliques. Kids become friends in grade school and stay with that clique the rest of their lives.

If you move to a city with those cliques it's hard to break in, and even if you do, you will be either seen as someone who is breaking up a friendship ("you hang out with HIM and not ME now"), or an accessory to an existing friendship.

>> No.56390969

In a trad sense, yes. There was a study that showed the average age to lose your virginity among rural dwellers was 2 years earlier than urban areas. Rural areas are more redneck than they are traditional

>> No.56391043

>a decent condo in the city will always outclass a mansion on 10 acres with a 45 minute drive to the nearest airport/theatre/clean grocery store
45 minutes to the nearest city center is rural? I see the euro spelling so that makes sense for you. There are cattle ranchers in the midwest who have to drive a couple hours to get to a highway lmao. A 1:30 round trip drive isn’t a big deal for Americans.

>> No.56391096

>100k city
100k is kind of a sweet spot for a city. 20k is also nice. Do you really want to live in Manhattan? The constant stimulation is fun, the anonymity is fun but after a while it drains you. Not to mention you’ll literally never get a good night’s sleep without liquor or weed because it’s never dark and quiet. Early-mid twenties is the ideal time to experience it, after a few years gtfo for your own sanity

>> No.56391114

there's less than 500 niggers in my town, its actually quite based.

>> No.56391164
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>he doesn't have hobbies
>he just consooms
You belong in a goypod in the goyhive

>> No.56391165

Um, excuse me, I think you mean X. Pussy.

>> No.56391215
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You've confused would with could, you illiterate niggerfaggot.

>> No.56391275

>But hey !!! At least there are no minorities
If only. Rural America is just as infested with minorities as Texas and Florida and California and New York and Georgia and Alabama and Mississippi and Michigan, etc. There may be a couple of exceptions, but it's mostly spictowns. These disingenuous cunts will never tell you that though.

>> No.56391314

Depends on where you are. Some towns have been basically economically abandoned because the reason they were built in the first place is no longer needed, such as mining. So those places slowly shrink population wise. Less money = more crime and drug use and then the people with money move out eventually and it eats itself

>> No.56391323

those "comparable" countries are all white countries. make of that what you will.

>> No.56391329

Depends if you want a decent job. You need family or friends to refer you to get a decent job in rural places. Unless your standards of what a decent job are dog shit then whatever

>> No.56391335

old brick shops are so comfy, sucks my small town only has like 5. used to have more but it all got torn down in the 50s for "progress"

>> No.56391345

That's why paradoxically all the most charming downtowns today are places that were decaying ratholes in the 70s that had been passed over by the wave of midcentury prosperity.

>> No.56391359

>Anyone who thinks rural areas are some kind of Aryan white paradise where you can just scoop up a pure virgin 18yo blonde wife are delusional
I grew up in a town of around 4k population. Soon as girls hit 13 they were fucking wherever they could. On the back of the bus giving blowjobs to 3 to 4 other guys, bathroom breaks in the middle of class to go fuck their boy of the week, and any other opportune moment you could think of. There was nothing else around my town to do so everyone just smoked weed and fucked. Even a loser like me ended up fucking 17 different girls. I probably could take some of my NEETbux and find some 18yo roastie with an Arby's special to dip my extra beef into. But most certainly never a virgin unless she's really fat and smelly but even those girls at least have been a human blowfish behind the dumpster at the local Dollar General.

>> No.56391395

I grew up in a small town and landed a catholic virgin bombshell in highschool. The couple times I came close to proposing I realized there was some 80 iq drug addict in her phone that she insisted on communicating with. 5 or so years later and she's been ran through by a handful of guys that look just like me. Reality hits like a train, I was fortunate enough to see things early in life. Alot of dudes are in their 30s still looking for their good girl.

>> No.56391396

wow so when are you writing your book on all the small towns you've visited and lived in?

>> No.56391402

Can someone explain what's happening in pic related

>> No.56391409

see >>56389990

>> No.56391426

No amount of money is going to find someone that special "good girl" you speak of. Unless you decide to pay off some father who's extremely strict enough to ensure his little girl doesn't have sex and you get to marry her soon as she turns 18 in an arranged marriage kind of deal.

>> No.56391428
File: 427 KB, 1065x800, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happens specifically here? Looks comfy from the outside.
Is this where the nice forests and pines and shit are that you export to us in your moving pictures?
Country USA always looked really romantic.

>> No.56391436

Yeah. It's not about money. It's about small towns and sex culture kek

>> No.56391442
File: 174 KB, 1200x630, wetland regions.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you've circled a lot of different things in that picture. You have the Midwest corn belt, dry high desert in Wyoming, Rocky Mountains, and most of the Great Plains.

>> No.56391453

What's happening in wyoming then? Looks like it has a bit of everything

>> No.56391456

I can only imagine the girls now days compared to when I was 18 years old. Their body counts back in the 2000s was averaging around 20-30 by the time they were out of high school. The number now days are probably closer to 60-80. These girls in small towns are probably fucking over half the guys in their school. Getting split roasted next to an open fire.

>> No.56391469

I used to think I would be so disgusted with myself if I ever caught an obvious STD. Now I know that if I have a hookup in the future it's pretty much a given

>> No.56391476

Even the small town catholic virgin I had dated, I don't know if she could be considered a virgin because she had definitely given a few blow jobs before I met her. We met at 16

>> No.56391480

I had chlamydia twice before I was 18 and caught herpes the very last time I had sex which was 11 years ago now. Now that I'm revirginized I'm doomed to never dip my sausage link into any wet slurpy fun. I do have some NEETbux saved up under my mattress. I may just have to find a whore to pay if I can manage to actually walk down the street. There's tons of men and women backpacking through my rural little area. I might wait until I'm older just on the off chance I get AIDS. Is there if any way that we could profit from fucking rural junkie whores?

>> No.56391481

rurality is awesome. Only whores and their dumb coomers hate it

>> No.56391488

I'm sure she fucked. Church whores were pretty common here at and I can only imagine now days. I knew of one who fucked the church van driver and even started playing with my cock my first time showing up because a friend of mine told me I'd find a girl no problem. She had some issues for sure. I think she did something sexual with literally every single guy who ever showed up there. She also sucked my brother's dick. Tried to date both of us at the same time for a DP.

>> No.56391505

Kek I used to go to church youth groups with my Christian bud because what else are kids supposed to do in a small before hitting party age. The girls were the most promiscuous I've ever met

>> No.56391531

Sad thing is probably could have an orgy in an empty room in the church without anyone else realizing. I wish I wouldn't have been weird about my cock being out in front of other dudes. I wouldn't have minded a swinger's party cumming all over multiple girls in one sex session under god.

>> No.56391699
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Flyovercels get awfully quiet whenever you post a picture of where they live

>> No.56391714

>what is winter
5/10 bait

>> No.56391725

I've lived most of my life in Philadelphia and desperately need top get my family out. Worked and live in ruralish Virginia for a few years and it was better but yeah less opportunities I guess

>> No.56391766


> International Day of Rural Women

>> No.56391768
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Yeah dont move here

>> No.56391786

I don't understand why people post that bottom picture as something to aspire to. You're literally living right next to the fucking main road.

>> No.56391795
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>> No.56391797

This. Just move to le rural community is cope asf

>> No.56391884

So what happens if a darkie or foreigner goes/try to live in a rural town?
How would be him/she be threated due to be a stranger?
i can only imagine it like when the local sherriff disliked rambo and wanted him out of the town

>> No.56391897

Yes, that's exactly what happens. As soon as somebody darker than an Italian steps into town the local Klan chapter assembles near the Hanging Tree in the town square. All nonwhites and foreigners take note and stay in the big cities.

>> No.56392633

Ive lived and worked in small towns in america for oil and gas. oklahoma, dakotas, and minnesota. its not nice and its quite ugly looking. its not comfy brick houses that you can go for a walk through like in england. its strip malls, rude people, and wasteland. theres often 1 street that looks nice but then outside of that its pretty ugly. no one puts effort into their houses or property and everything looks depressing and ugly because of that.

>> No.56394189
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Not all small towns are equal

>> No.56394518

This is every small town I have seen.
Maybe the southern shitholes states have shithole towns. Would make sense.

>> No.56395086

Can confirm, rural living is awesome
t. wfh shut-in that hates w*men

>> No.56395124

I know what rural US needs. More BIG BLACK COCK unironically

>> No.56395226

also the "START YOUR OWN BUSINESS DUDE LMAO" crowd are in for a rude awakening if they're moving rural. outsiders with money are prime targets for abuse and shakedowns by hillbilly political/business dynasties. and the locals probably won't trust you.

>> No.56395677

The main force driving the recent drop in life expectancies was white people ODing on fent in the sticks

>> No.56395713

Not now. Recent survey had like 40% of us graduating senior women as virgins. Like 20% had never been on a date. Obviously changes after that and probably skews fat, but young kids are suicidal and not fucking like there’s a new grunge album out every week

>> No.56396129

Yes I bought a house here recently (Tennessee) and I've been broken into 6 times and someone shot at my house once. Selling this piece of shit at the end of the year and going back to civilization

>> No.56396222

kek. codetranny refugees from niggerfornia deserve to be tied to a tree and ritualistically dismembered by inbred hillbillies high on meth.

>> No.56396293


>> No.56398031
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There are no comfy southern small towns.

A southern small town is simply the intersection of two state roads with a gas station.

>> No.56398174

Things like this make me glad that I don't live in a comically large country. I live in a rural area but I'm still only an hour away from a decently sized city

>> No.56398230

>ruralfags are too uptight for that
It’s called meth, retard

>> No.56398254
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Any european reading this ?
This thread is comical.

>> No.56398264

America has rural areas and small towns close to big cities. LA is bordered by a mountain range with desert on the other side. Las Vegas and Phoenix are surrounded by desert. Denver has the Rockies to the west and prairie to the east. Boston is surrounded by cute little New England towns.

>> No.56398335

>*whacks you*
>*dumps your body into a river, incinerates your teeth, finger tips, clothes and items of sentimental value*
>*pisses on the ashes*
heh, nothing personal

>> No.56398344

Impressive AI image.

>> No.56398361

>wahhh I need other people to make my food for me
just grow your own vegetables you fucking fag