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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 510x510, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5638132 No.5638132 [Reply] [Original]

I took a $55k loan to invest into bitcoin 2 weeks ago when it was $19k.
I don't even have a job.
Reddit and everyone else said we were going $100k by EOY...

Considering suicide btw

>> No.5638145


>> No.5638158

Post proof first.

>> No.5638159

>taking advice from Reddit

You should probably kill yourself.

>> No.5638169

>bait this obvious
>investing in a bubble with debt

in the 1% case that you aren't baiting op, I wish you the best.

>> No.5638176

>Considering suicide

Might be the smartest decision you make this year desu

>> No.5638182
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>> No.5638191

an hero just from visiting red dit

>> No.5638201

Getting proof now

>> No.5638221

End of next year, not 100K but we're going past 20k mark like a fucking rocket. So sit tight and just wait it out.

>> No.5638224

If you and everyone else already bought in, what the fuck did you think would push the price up 5x?

>> No.5638255

Cash out now, so you still have enough to buy cyanide

>> No.5638280

>No broofs
>no sharpie in pooper
Another Indian trying to profit from bizraeli goodwill detected

>> No.5638286

The good news is because you bought bitcoin they can't liquidate it.

Declare bankruptcy, say you bought bitcoin and forgot the private key.

If you don't have a job they can't garnish your wages.

Keep living with parents, Bitcoins growth will far outstrip the interest on the loan if they decide to chase it.

3-4 Years later, youl'l be a millionaire, fly somewhere tax safe, live life happily.

Don't let these jewish cucks bully you OP. The money they lent you was literally 'lent into existence'.. they didn't give up anything to let you invest in bitcoin.. therefore they don't actually lose anything if you don't pay them back.

Take a deep breath, research how you can use bankruptcy to clear the debt, continue being a NEET for 3 years-4 years and by that time BTC WILL be 100k, or if Macafee's right $1M per coin.

>> No.5638326
File: 27 KB, 1227x485, screenshot_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in swedish, but here is my transaction history of me purchasing 55k worth of btc on december 17th.

>> No.5638354

This here is why Bitcoin is the only real currency.

If you don't want to give it to someone, there is literally NOTHING they can do to take it back from you.

If you bought ANY other asset, they would find a way to get it back. Houses foreclosed, foriegn currencies confiscated, dogs re-sold, future wages garnished..

But bitcoin.. That's real ownership.

>> No.5638418

I can help you. Send it to me, ill flip it into 150k

>> No.5638470

How did you get a loan, anon? I need to know for science

>> No.5638485

How exactly do you want /biz/ to help you?

Your options are
>selling at a loss
Terrible idea
>trading for alts
Probably just as bad of an idea considering you clearly don’t know how to make good decisions
>Hold and pray it goes back up
Your only real option

You put yourself in this situation. Nobody can help you. Next time you ask for advice BEFORE investing. Nobody listens when they’re told Reddit is all brainlets and sheep. Sure, 4chan isn’t free from such people but one intelligent person could have saved you from this and there aren’t any to be found on Reddit.

>> No.5638503

Which bank is idiotic enough to approve a loan to invest into crypto? I want their contact.

>> No.5638545

False. Trading for Alts is your only good option. This wasn't money setting around, you've got to pay interest nigger.
It may be a year before BTC hits 19k again, if ever.

>> No.5638561

hopefully you have learned you lesson, avoid /r/bitcoin

/r/bitcoin is an echo chamber,all they do is shitpost about holding.... i was glad i discovered /r/btc and then /biz/

>> No.5638579

I would agree with you in part but biz the past month is far worse than Reddit. there is a serious 3rd world desperate stench here.

>> No.5638604

Send me the coin before you kys plz thx


>> No.5638616

If Reddit is better, why come here at all? Checkmate, brainlet.

You have to go back.

>> No.5638637

kill yourself newfag

>> No.5638639
File: 106 KB, 800x750, 1514480301252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lycka till kompis.

>> No.5638673

enjoy your ban fool

>> No.5638676

On your little list of "how to go full retard and do the worst to yourself" there is another point missing: failed to get on the ripple train last night which could have easily worked back all the losses and leave you even with a small profit.

>> No.5638685

It's ok Send the rest to the following address. I'll multiply it.

>> No.5638690

Why would someone post a lie on the internet? This sets a bad precedent >:-(

>> No.5638727

Stop worrying. This market correction is normal. You choose very risky time to get into Bitcoin, its marketshare will decrease because of challenges from BCH, ETH and other alt coins. But the market cap will grow massively, many Alts still require Btc to buy them, fiat pairs will become a thing in 2018 but I think Bitcoin can and will rally past $25k in the next 3 months

Stop worrying, set price alerts in case of a black swan event.

I took out a $1000 loan, couldn't get any more, put it all in ARK @ $2.50 may switch out for ETH but in all likelyhood will just hold and add ETH incrementally.

>> No.5638783


Please help me boys, how does a neet like me get a loan? Only needs to be around 5k-10k, nothing crazy.

>> No.5638792

You were planning on holding until it reached 100k. Just pretend its slowly going up and when you feel calm and ready put your head under a moving tire.

Only realistic options are to hodl or buy some alts. Before to dk research on reddit before hand tho

>> No.5638835
File: 119 KB, 392x379, 1514309394536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your mind on reddit.

>> No.5638899

How do even get a loan without having job or some other steady income?

>> No.5638911
File: 233 KB, 1920x1200, Dogeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, put everything in Dogecoin. You are the perfect meme. Taking a loan for cypto, become the best of all and put it all on Dogecoin. Make it your signature. Replace your normiebook pic with the dogecoin. Everyone you ever talk to ever again start about Dogecoin. You will be known as the Dogeman! You Either will become a a brilliant investor if Dogecoin will go up, but most likely you'll be broke. However you will have a new identity. And thats always a plus. Good Luck Dogeman you crazy crayon eating, meatball loving man with all furniture from Ikea!

>> No.5638913

Go to bank, ask for a personal loan, enjoy 10 or 15% interest.

>> No.5638917

Do you have credit?
Have you ever had a job or just professional NEET?
Do you own anything?

>> No.5638964
File: 1.82 MB, 1268x1695, 1514239405091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i took a loan.
kys dumbass.

>> No.5639025

this, i would say doge coin is your safest bet. it goes up in a pattern and its on its way up now, just set it to payout when you break even

>> No.5639065

declare bankruptcy enjoy your free coins

>> No.5639080


>> No.5639087

Ur fuked mate. Ur only hope is to buy this altcoin dip but u must get the right alts. Spend the nexr 12 hours drinking coffee amd buying good alts. Biz will help u get good coins but u have to act fast. If u even wait an hour or 2 the altcoin dip will be over for at least until tomorrow night.

>> No.5639096

Jakob Svan? Det är inte bra att posta sitt namn på anonyma forum.

>> No.5639098

Become Dogeman OP, be brave.

>> No.5639100

Feel your pain. I did the same but at 16k last week when i thought we were on the recovery train. but it was just a dead cat. now i pray to kek every night i will wake up in the morning to a giant green candle. so far it's dissapointment. atleast i can wagecuck to pay the debt while i wait.

>> No.5639115

Wait it out bro. It always does this. Forget about it for a month.

>> No.5639206

Hodl and try not to kill yourseld, or take some advice from this discord. People, unlike you, who actually know what they're doing will tell you what to do.

>> No.5639235

I spent $7k on BTC yesterday when it was $15k

Yeah I know that feel OP, not as badly as you but I know that feel

>> No.5639244


>> No.5639292
File: 449 KB, 1600x1200, 1456746947477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sweden yes

>> No.5639488

You'll make a profit if you hodl you retard

>> No.5639513

this u?

>> No.5639518
File: 9 KB, 194x259, 20354023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uff da. Foler virkelig med deg, Sven, men nå skjonner jeg hvorfor nordmenn er så glad i svenskevitser. LOL!

Jeg har ingen råd å komme med dessverre, men husk at det meste ordner seg til slutt. Det er lite penger i det lange lop uansett selv om det virker mye nå.

>> No.5639541

This is bait. There was an almost identical post like this on Reddit a week or two ago.

>> No.5639562

Get a job and pay for your loan.

It's as simple as that.
You can pay off your loan with a minium wage job in less than a year.

>> No.5639675

put 1/4 in XRP, 1/4 in XLM, 1/4 in ETH and keep the rest in BTC

>> No.5639716

Just hang in there buddy. BTC is not dead yet.
I’ve seen far more horrific dips than this and 2 monthsater the king is back angrier than ever.
Just sit tight. Btc will go past 20k next year. It might take months tho, if the interest piles up well you will have a decision to make. But until then just sit tight and wait. Bitcoin always rises incredibly then fucking crashes just to rise up again, it’s not a desu for it to clim higher there has to be a pullback first.

I know there were dumb Normies out there buying at 20k I feel
Bad for you man, luckily btc could very well go over 20k next year if I was you I would sell as soon as I break even.
50k is not the end of the world, I’m a warehouse worker and last year I saved 35k, 2 years you would be free of debt to live ur life. Learn from your mistake.
Don’t take a loan to invest in a bubble let alone taking a loan to fomo into anything

Don’t buy ATH and don’t fomo into an ATH. In crypto as in anything the rule is quite literally buy low sell high. Don’t buy anything high, don’t buy anything right after it skyrocketed.

Just wait for now bro, if it comes to that declare bankruptcy and say you lost ur bitcoin or got scammed and wait maybe it eventually goes up and I pay ur debt.

>> No.5639779

This. WTF.

>> No.5639797

Its Sweden. Not known for being the most responsible people.

>> No.5639872
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Go Dogeman. First step is to be a tripfag

>> No.5639896
File: 486 KB, 617x508, 1490478490056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can get that if he is part of a protected minority. He's probably a nigger or sandnigger rapefugee.

>> No.5639897

I've seen this picture many times but I still do not understand. What the hell is happening there?

>> No.5639950

How were you able to take out such a loan with no income?

>> No.5640009

Put up your Bitcoin address and i will send you some

>> No.5640136
File: 123 KB, 960x1280, IMG-20170925-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, that explains it. Over here (Germany), rapefugees can get actual houses while the working man dwells in tiny apartments working for minimum wage and financing that with his taxes.

>> No.5640183

UK also, infact all of Europe infested

>> No.5640218

why aren't more cuckmans using that high intelligence they have to build bombs/buy guns to murder a bunch of merkel's guests?

serious question. you'd think at least one cuckman would have nutted up and slayed 20+ sandniggers before suicide by police by now

>> No.5640225


You kinda deserve that for trying to take over the world, twice.

If you're depressed, you can always kneel on Uncle Adolf's grave and jerk yourself dry.

>> No.5640253
File: 434 KB, 696x748, 1502357780385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You kinda deserve that for trying to take over the world, twice
we fought for the wrong side, mate.

>> No.5640430


join this discord group, leader is a whale that shares signals about coins that will go up, gives you 3 targets for each coin and stop loss, he made me x4 in 10 days or so


we are all going to lambo land together

>> No.5640477
File: 881 KB, 1445x1764, pajeeted_and_depleted2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off pajeet

we can't have flags but pajeets can have spamming bots. mods are fags.

>> No.5640490


isn't sweden a socialist country? what can bank do to you other than sending papers kek

>> No.5640605

his government will arrest him for taking social money away from mohammed and his 6 kids

>> No.5640638

This post was mine. I was mostly trying to get invites to increase my rank in that PnD discord so I could get more insider info.

I'm not a pajeet. I unironically hate pajeets, because I live in the midwest and they're fucking everywhere here now.

>> No.5640663

>taking social money away from mohammed and his 6 kids
Those are the real Swedes for fuck sake. Leave them alone!!!!

>> No.5640674

>I'm not a pajeet
yes you are. fuck off nigger and stop spamming the board with scam links

>> No.5640704

Where do you live at Anon? I used to live in Nebraska before I left for the coast. I saw limited to no Panjeet there

>> No.5640748

OP here.
Been crying and refreshing the gdax chart every second. cant take this no more, literally fucked up my whole life

>> No.5640797

Get well soon OP
better start looking for a job now kek

>> No.5640802

Here in the Netherlands we have waiting lists for social housing sometimes exceeding 10 years. Refugees that never paid a dime in taxes were giving priority over people who paid taxes for years and were on the waiting list for years.

>> No.5640855

Hold the bitcoin and in the meantime get a job to pay the monthly fee.

What do you have to pay each month btw?

>> No.5640888

dude, don't kill yourself over 55.000 USD
best wishes from germany

also if you sell now it'll only be 25k

we have a public defeaulöt system here, takes 9 years iirrc and you are free. there a hooks though and

at least kick some muslim asses before you go

>> No.5640920

You’ve still got most of it. Cut your loss and wage slave for a few months and you’re all good.

Your future is bright, even though I probably sold into your bids at 19k. You’ll learn from this and recover.

>> No.5640960

biz goes wholesome

>> No.5641059

>be swede
>bored of being a nice country
>invite the worst immigrants on earth
>encourage them to cuck you
>accelerationism sets in, get bored of the cucking too
>take loan from jewmaster to buy btc ath
Sven please
Please come to reason
This is no way to live your life
Take your buttcorns, flee to Thailand, maybe there you can be a man

>> No.5641102
File: 119 KB, 1052x453, 1514028350299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you asswipes stepped in for bullshit the both times
go an fuck youself you retarded commie

at least guys had some proper riots, over here merkel got a 4th term

>> No.5641195

Jag heter homo peter hahaa suomi-ruotsi mm95 DEN GLIDER IN 6-1 never förget

>> No.5641221

thanks for making me chuckle

>> No.5641262

Lad your life is far from over. Try to get a job like everybody else does and perhaps keep investing in cryptos if you have the balls. First of all you must realize theres a big chance Bitcoin will never go above 16k anymore. Wait until this crash ends and sell your Bitcoin in the 13-15k range. Get into alts. This is the one time you should probably just suck it up and sell low. But it's your call. You could also only sell a portion of it. Bitcoin is shit tech with no future anyway, so take that as you will.

>> No.5641274

Dude just hodl. Get a job to pay for the monthly interest on the loan.

Get 1 BTC worth of REQ (Request Network). This is guaranteed to at least 3x in 2018.

>> No.5641306

1) Sell your bitcoin, put it into monero.
2) File a police report, claim the monero was stolen
3) file bankruptcy

Now you'll have monero, no debt, and a bright future! (bankruptcy will be off your record in 10 years)

>> No.5641376
File: 102 KB, 877x462, largest eagle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting bullshit infographics, according to eagle size the most superior country is the Philippines

>> No.5641428

try r/buttcoin