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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56382828 No.56382828 [Reply] [Original]

My business makes 80k a month net. Ask me shit about being a richfag. I'm bored.

>> No.56382838
File: 35 KB, 392x590, 1634856175486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My business makes 80k a month net. Ask me shit about being a richfag. I'm bored.

>> No.56382843

Very cool. Thank you

>> No.56382848

Why are you so pissed, leftie?

>> No.56382850

Someone on this board not shilling a scam shitcoin offends the degenerate trash

>> No.56382853

tell me how to replicate your business

>> No.56382857

Kek love how you instinctively know a picture of an ugly low T male is right wing

>> No.56382858

describe a time during which no money was exchanged and where a hot young woman was submissive towards you and you sexually took advantage of her with no remorse.

>> No.56382859

Send me eth as proof 0xAb108Cb14A9C8843614a1EECC5Ae7189DdCC5D9D

>> No.56382862

I can't without doxxing my biz. But if I had to start over I would go hard into real estate and some irl service busines

>> No.56382865

I don't touch crypto. And I have a family. My moneys for them. And occasionally imported jap whiskey

>> No.56382866

Thinly veiled realtor thread

Any actual useful advice?

>> No.56382871

>hard into real estate and some irl service busines
are you making 80k/yr in a service business? why service businesses, and be more specific. i want to be a rich businessman too

>> No.56382872

Not a realtor. Biz is selling and advertising shit online. I Parked some of my profits in an Airbnb and it's done way way beyond my expectations

>> No.56382873

for real estate even today? where we had a long "boom" (low interest rates). do you think it would be a decent move to buy a 4plex right now been thinking about that lately

>> No.56382880

1. can a mf who is bad at networking still make it?
2. how much of your business is based on arbitrage, compared to providing labor(even if it's leveraged by tools(i know this is it's own arbitrage))?
3. what do u know about consulting; could i start consulting with 0 significant industry accomplishments?

>> No.56382883

Yes. Live in one unit, Airbnb or MTR another. And get two good long term tenants in unit 2 and 3. Wait 2 years until your FHA cooldown and then run it back. You'll need more cash at the start because the Fed cucked everyone

>> No.56382885
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What kind of poo poo?

>> No.56382886

skip the ones uve already answered my bad

>> No.56382887

Hey anon, good for you. I have a killer app business idea that I want to get off the ground. I think that with $50k I could get started. Did you start operating your business lean, or did you get seed money from mommy and daddy?
I also think selling some kind of cheap plastic shit on Amazon could be lucrative but that’s not my primary idea.

>> No.56382893

No, I'm in a really specific niche online. But the kids I see making bank today have those boring hustles like cleaning pools or mobile detailing. If you show up on time, do a decent job and accept payment via phone you can make bank once you have a few dozen loyal customers.

>> No.56382905

I feel like that has already peaked though everyone on YouTube is doing it

>Watches power washing videos

>> No.56382906

I bootstrapped. Literally started on a Chinese dog shit cellphone and scaled slowly. Don't try for billion dollar apps. That's like buying scratch offs. Do something you know a little better than everyone else

>> No.56382916

Everyone watches YouTube videos about it, no one is really doing it. It took me two years to find a lawn guy and a cleaner who weren't trash. Garage door installers, car windshield replacement, those type of guys are hustlers but make bank. I know, I've been their customer

>> No.56382917

so you sell stuff online? amazon, ebay, own store? don't tell me you dropship please

>> No.56382923

Im a neet at heart. I would rather slam my finger in a door than network. Also. Mostly highly paid consultants are either money laundering or scamming businesses

>> No.56382929

Fair enough. But it isn't what made you money. Agreed though, anyone who does NOT have an idea but is willing to put in the back breaking work can make it into the 100-200K middle class without "le coding" meme. Still won't make you 80K/mo as an individual. And you'll have to compete with Mexicans who watched the same powerwashing videos. But it can be done.

Still not hearing anything we don't know.

>> No.56382932

Not gonna doxx my biz, but I'm familiar with selling on most of those platforms. But my business is more about advertising. I would say drop shipping can work, but I hate the model of upselli g Chinese dog shit.

>> No.56382935

The secret is grind hard till you get capital, then invest it in ways that offer a high return. Like hustle your way 200k a year and then buy yourself a house and house hack or Airbnb it. Now you live for free and make 200k. That's when you start hiring a crew, or just keep buying RE or just index funds and then retire in 5 years

>> No.56382936

What a small shrimp loser, my business makes 200k a month, AMA

>> No.56382946

I'm happy as a small shrimp. They are great in fried rice.

>> No.56382960

you hiring? can I work with ya ? anyone else? I'm open to ideas. I want to invest in something or buy a coffee shop or something. everything is extremely overpriced and I aint tryin to pay all that ! such is life, ya get it ?

>> No.56382962

big noted ishnallah we will all make it

>> No.56382973

I have all the help I need. Plus you need to do something, are you a sales guy? Editor? What's your niche skill? That's what businesses want

>> No.56382976

Whoever gives the best advice to a 25 year old quasi-neet just coming out of depression with no real developed skills, that wants to become fucking loaded by being an *actual* businessman (not some rentskeeking parasitic jew), is the actual big dick alpha multi-millionaire.

You can break it down and give weight to it by:

1) Idea
2) Particular skills, and for what careers or businesses is it pointless to start to learn now.
3) Networking in modern era.

And you can list all the other caveats and tricks like tax shenanigans, countries to live in, subsidies, investments.

I think most people would like to hear how to start, time horizon, and the ceiling & stability of what you take home depending on what service or goods you provide, as well as the timing of each field given current trends.

>> No.56382982

ITT: boomer "advice"

>> No.56382987

Need an employee?

>> No.56382993

there are made-it anons and those aspiring.idk what demoralizers are doing here besides takinga break from kiwiforumsn or collecting their glowbux.
even compared to twitter, this place is still a whole other kind of cameraderie.

>> No.56383007

my skill is networking, its hit or miss

>> No.56383017

if 10 of us get together with 10k each thats 100k. if 10 of us have 100k each, we got 1 mil. whats a surefire way to turn a profit with that knowledge in hand?

>> No.56383043



>> No.56383058

Well, there's plenty of other threads telling you how to become a crypto millionaire. Have any of them worked so far?

>> No.56383068

No because you responded with a picture that is supposed to be an insult to righties, so I rightfully assume that you are a leftie.
Evidently I was not wrong, leftie.
So why are you pissed, leftie? Other people success angers you?

>> No.56383101

You sell crack cocaine?

>> No.56383115

No shit I would learn sales. Cell phones, used cars. Whatever. It teaches you to be a bullshit artist and if you can sell a mom an iPhone she doesn't need, you can sell a hospital a medicine they don't need, or a company some software they don't need. Sell more expensive shit to get paid more. Networking is just making friends, doing them a solid and asking nothing in return. Favors and reputation always come back to you

>> No.56383118

Lol. I would never sell crack. Customer base is too poor. I would sell psychedelics to rich tech assholes. Sorry I mean "bespoke spiritual experiences"

>> No.56383121

Answer my question >>56383101
you gorilla nigger

>> No.56383123

You obviously don’t know shit. Fuck your gay ass larp. I’d smoke a chicken then smoke your ass after.

>> No.56383127

actually pretty good arbitrage last i remember u could get a sheet for 350 and sell em for $10-20 a pop at the festival. bare minimum pays for the flight+ticket and usually nets decent if you're likable and dress well. even better for molly but u gotta weigh it if you have any morals and that's a pita

>> No.56383136

Good luck not getting either ratted out or robbed by some pagan scum fucks.

>> No.56383137
File: 279 KB, 711x700, 1634389734970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No I don't look like that!!!1!
Yet it hits you so close to home? Curious?

>> No.56383142

Original meme was based on a kike, fuck off nigger

>> No.56383144

im never sure whether yall are just miserable people or paid glowies

>> No.56383151

Yeah, sure, special agent nigger here. Go fuck some grass kid. Pagans run the shit show at festies. If you want to make a real living selling drugs you need to sell your soul first you fucking retard.

>> No.56383159
File: 494 KB, 1913x496, 1621398139361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That meme isn't me!!!1!1!
>It hurts my feelings so much im gonna lie about its origins!!!
>I don't look like that stop please!!1!

>> No.56383171

I'll admit i laughed
yeah duh the big boys run the show at coachella and burn and they will sick the feds on u
it's a whole routine which is about played out but there's a circuit of the festivals which can pay for a pretty cush lifestyle if you're savvy

>> No.56383172

>It teaches you to be a bullshit artist and if you can sell a mom an iPhone she doesn't need, you can sell a hospital a medicine they don't need, or a company some software they don't need
>just scam people bro
>so based
that other poster was an idiot, but he was right you are a retarded boomer

>> No.56383176

Three rule of white collar crime: 1) the Feds won't bother if you don't steal less then a million. And most local cops can't read their own bank statement, let alone yours 2) the longer your scheme goes on, the more chances to get caught. Go hard in the paint, get your 800k and vanish. 3) comitt one crime at a time. Pay your taxes, register your car, dont draw attention to yourself pointlessly.

>> No.56383187 [DELETED] 

Fuck of Elmore

>> No.56383192

The key is paying your taxes. Those boys dont play

Tfw just a small consultant and getting audited for more shekels

>> No.56383210

They run the show you fucking nigger. Make sure to tell the kids you’re peddling your bullshit advice to, to also set aside some money for dental, you’re about to get some zoomers domes rocked with your crap advice. They’d be better off working mcgoynalds.

>> No.56383225

I honestly forgot everyone on this board is cripplingly autistic. You honestly can't distinguish between a joke post about selling crack and actual business advice?

>> No.56383230

This guy gets it. I'm dreading an audit and I know it's coming. I have a CPA and I am by the book and I still don't want the IRS up my ass

>> No.56383237

You think I’m joking about my fish bait, jack?

>> No.56383245

>Like hustle your way 200k a year and then buy yourself a house and house hack or Airbnb it. Now you live for free and make 200k.
Any way I look at the numbers they don't work for my area.
What would you do if you lived in leaf country where houses start at 600k+, and mortgage rates are 6%? Putting 200k down means paying $2550/mo in mortgage alone, plus at least $500/mo property tax, maintenance, etc.
Airbnb you'll probably be getting $50-100/night and you'll have maybe 30-50% occupancy. It's retardedly hard to become cash flow positive on these even if everything goes right, even with a lot of hustling you'll be lucky to get half your mortgage paid for each month.

>> No.56383249

I spent my 20s taking actual boomer advice about getting a safe job, going to college, getting a masters, all those other boomer scams. When I saw my braindead friends driving Porsches and living in million dollar condos from software sales while I had a "good job" and was living with a roommate in the shit neighborhood, I realized I needed to get my head out of my ass

>> No.56383257

You Canadians with your weird adjustable rate mortgages are mega fucked.

>> No.56383263

While they were having seggs, you were studying the blade?

>> No.56383268


>> No.56383284

Cool story. Now cut off your cock. Fag.

>> No.56383375

I didn't want to mention because it's self-reported but I actually am a pretty natural salesman. I just want to carry forward that skill to my own enterprise one day, and not just work as a salesman. Thanks though I appreciate it.

>> No.56383437

Investment club with distribution governed by smart contracts

>> No.56383447
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20210611_012955542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you say I should go about advertising myself? Like one of the posters earlier, I am interested in a small "hustle" type of business. I'm a good mechanic not too advanced but decent and I work clean and do it by the book. I'm also a handyman for a building as my full-time job. I've also tried picking up gigs from Craigslist and have a decent one going on doing landscaping for one rich dude. I would like to find a way to put myself out there so that people can call me or email me their problems and I can solve them. A way for them to find me and I can then give an estimate or take on jobs like that on my time off and eventually do it full time. Do you think I should stick to one thing, like only mechanic jobs OR only handyman jobs or could I do a little of everything? Should I just start drafting up ads on Craigslist? I feel like that customer base would not be ideal. My goal would be to work for and gain the trust of upper class people so that I could do jobs for them and earn good money. Like I said my work is good and I always do my best don't like to rush or cut corners, but my weaknesses is putting myself out there. I'm not the best at talking to people I may come off a bit serious or shy but I want to jump into it. Any advice or tips are appreciated, thank you

>> No.56383524

Handyman stuff is really valuable. I would say just have a few hundred cards printed out and pass them out in rich neighborhoods. Another option is join zuckbook groups with lots of well paid female professionals. They all have houses and can't do anything in them

>> No.56383542

You still need cashflow to do initial investment, the fuck are you talking about. How would you start with Airbnb with 0 money.

>> No.56383547

so that justifies scamming other people? wtf?

>> No.56383553

how could braindead ppl do softwaresells in the millions? buzzword buzzword.. make more sense dude

>> No.56383728

Thanks for making a business related thread

Do you sell unique/customized products?
Do you sell your product exclusively online or also locally?

>> No.56383741

One sold dispatch software to police departments. Another medical device sales to hospitals. CT scanners, etc

>> No.56383746

I sell ads primarily. I can't get more specific than that sorry

>> No.56383756

Do you have a japanese wife? Might know your online persona lol

>> No.56383798

ah yes and how on earth could they get their hands on software for police departsments or literally storage full of medical devices as a penniless braindead students?
you dont make sense dude, fill in the story so it actually makes sense or stfu with these retard examples

>it all just fell from sky
>they uhh ohhh sold diamonds to the bank
yea mate okay

>> No.56383818

then you're a lying nigger. why bother creating the thread if you don't divulge anything?

>> No.56383819

How do you get clients? Howmdid you initially?

>> No.56383834

How much do you actually take home after paying your debt slave masters, gov and wagies? Enough to be barely middle class?

>> No.56383836

I'd imagine they research products, contacted the companies and work on commission which is probably a lot for high tech medical devices.

what do I know though, I'm french

>> No.56384562

Middle class guy thinks he is rich lmao

>> No.56384566

how did you learn running a business?

>> No.56385534

What are your monthly expenses for business?

>> No.56385769

>ITT: OP read rich dad poor dad and is larping as an enterpreneur
The only way to make true bank is to be born rich and white.

>> No.56385786


>> No.56385863


lol another retarded fucking larp thread to throw into the bag. Holy fuck I remember 2021 when every thread on this board was just anons shilling meme coin ICOs and everyone getting in early for gains. Now it's all u fucking chink demoralization posters. Looking forward to watching this dogshit board implode further. You all deserve fucking death.

>> No.56386212

>Investment club with distribution governed by smart contracts
does such a thing exist already or what ?

>> No.56386430

>hey guys im rich

ok what do you do to make money?

>cant tell it's a secret

at least pick a believable LARP

>> No.56386594

unironically start a charity

>> No.56386994
File: 303 KB, 438x304, AltRun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I please please please have 1-10k my life is ruined and I need some kind of boost or I'm afraid I might end it, you said ask me anything so I'm pleading.


>> No.56387030

sent ;)

>> No.56387066
File: 92 KB, 1080x844, 1690739896008963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whts this
3MkC4rrpxa854ta7wLruSThKPPSZxFpqNE even?

you seriously gave him over 1k? da fuq

>> No.56387092

They all do that. Every single one of them only come here to brag and give vague advice, none of them go into details what they are doing and how they are doing it. They don't want competition for one and they want attention. That's how they operate, don't ask them anything you will never get ahead from their advice, best you can get out of it is if others anons tell some of their stories but the OP never delivers they only come to brag and be vague.

>> No.56387349

Newfag nobody is giving me a dime.

>> No.56388920

hmm interesting how would that make money. I think I get what your sayin,,,,

>> No.56388950

I am a crypto millionaire. Ask me shit about being a richfag. I'm bored.

>> No.56389235
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>> No.56389262

If tomorrow you had to start from zero (all your progress/connections are gone), you don't have any real estate, and you only have $1,000, what would you do to build back your wealth?

>> No.56389283

Nigger I told you , you have this image to “make fun of me” so I know you are a leftie.
Now, that we are clear.
Why are so angry at seeing someone being successful and rich?

>> No.56389311

duh. no free lunch.

>> No.56389312

What is your IQ and what percentile did you score in for your SAT

>> No.56389752

commission based sales, fucking retard. they're salespeople not the owner.