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56382718 No.56382718 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, I’m a 21 year old guy in the process of joining the army. I’ve got no debt, no criminal record, no dependents, and my ASVAB score was a 95 so I can basically do anything I want career field wise while I’m here.

What job and college courses should I pursue while I’m in service in order to make a great windfall by the time I’m out in four years? I’m willing to learn anything or pursue any career field for any amount of time, I have no qualms. I just want something very lucrative that’ll pay dividends by the time I’m in my late 20s.

>> No.56382725

chairforce 50k bono, aircraft mechanic

>> No.56382738

A&P jobs are just as difficult to get as pilot jobs. OP you’re better off trying to get into tech. After you’re done you can try to get a lucrative cybersecurity job with the glowniggers

>> No.56382740
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Thinly veiled recruiting thread. Not going to sign up to die for Israel for a country that hates me for being a white male. No pussy, no service.

>> No.56382743

STFU glowniggie!

>> No.56382745

go airforce not army. You want to go to college, get a shitty degree, and then hop back in to become an officer.

EZ bucks

>> No.56382748

as other anon said chairforce based, swabbies second.
get into radio and sat tech ive heard good things from others who have come out the other side of those jobs.
generally anything technical where you will be away from the action(not a paperwork jockey).
DO NOT: submarine anything, infantry, nuclear anything, etc.
if you're gonna go army or Marines, go hard and do sf. grim prospects but helluva ride.
NO 1 THING do not blow ur money living off base, save that shit and invest when u get out then milk the sweet gibill tiddy for all its worth

>> No.56382751

Kek. Officers still get paid shit moron. Nobody there is actually making money unless you’re involved in shady criminal glownigger ops

>> No.56382758

>just work insane hours making less than minimum wage, totally destroying your health in the process, all to prop up a regime that hates you
How about no?

>> No.56382760

bro what they gave me an airframe structural job like it was nothing i got straight Ds in highschool

>> No.56382769

go airforce, sprain your ankle, get business degree, go back for officer

free school, free job, free healthcare, 10% off everything thank you for your service

If you're low IQ and have nothing better it's a comfy life on rails

>> No.56382772

>go to college before service
are u retarded.
anyone who's considering the military prob can't get enough scholarships to cover tuition, so only options are going to be cash or loan.
which again tells me you're retarded when the gi bill will pay all that shit and then some in cash.

>> No.56382782

Burn in hell, you reddit spacing shill. You are NEVER going to meet your recruiting goals after you alienated every white male in this country.

Rpeat after me:

>> No.56382787

it's airforce you can do nothing for 4 years save 120k and get free school, not bad if your broke

>> No.56382797

What does no pussy mean? Oh, right! No service. Maybe try recruiting all those Mexicans you let over the border to die for Israel instead.

>> No.56382798

man for once I'm the one thinking someone else needs to take their meds. the service isn't for everyone and has significant drawbacks. i know two friends from hs who are crippled from wack military surgeons.
Its all about tradeoffs and if someone is looking for a solid direction that'll yield bags and skills it's not the worst option. just don't buy the"im gunna fight and be a man" meme

>> No.56382801

nigger you get no pussy cause your unemployed, nobody in the chairforce is dying everbody there is just leaching money

>> No.56382813
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>I just want something very lucrative that’ll pay dividends by the time I’m in my late 20s.

this is why you should rethink joining the military and spending so much time doing menial tasks and learning skills that arent transferable. you have more energy now than you will for the rest of your life, and you have until ~30 to hyperfocus on something like software/medicine/whatever and git gud before your brain crystallizes and you become less adaptable. if you spend these years right then your time now is worth $1,000,000 so dont sell it to the government for peanuts

>> No.56382816

You would literally make more money and have a higher quality of life as a UPS worker. No pussy means no service.

>> No.56382824

oh fuck i just read ur asvab score. def airforce or navy but again don't let em stick u on a sub or in the butthole of the ship(nuke engineer).
if you're good with language(in abstract) u should take the DLAB. you have to ask them for it. army might have that as well im not as familiar. that's basically the solid track to intelligence and becoming a glownigger. good money and an interesting life.

>> No.56382829

Have fun dying for Jews

>> No.56382833
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hello fellow chuds my life changed after military haha let's all sell crypto (Le Scam) and join haha
Wow bros he's right we need to fight for America bros if we don't we'll be overran by shitskins and rootless cosmopolitans

>> No.56382845

im not against this mindset anon but op specifically says he's looking for direction and that's basically why we have open admission to military service.
some context fwiw your idea is how i lived out my 20s and while it was a good time now I'm scrambling for some dev job that isn't cursed by the hr harem.
u can always learn to code if mfs are still using c++ to implement their model pipelines to this day then shit ain't gonna change much in 5 years.
worst case gotta learn golang instead oh the horror

>> No.56382854

yea op hasn't touched base this is a decent angle i got gotted my tendency towards good faith has damned me again

>> No.56383014

What is it with you Eglin faggots trying to recruit in the past two days?
Is your globomutt empire failing and your glowniggers high on crack have finally caught up with the news?
You're all over this site and the web and you stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.56383113

Hello fellow zoomer chuddie. Kek the military is so based, it's a great way to get your life on track and serve your country. Crypto is a scam that will get you no where.

>> No.56383134
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>> No.56383381
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Wow you guise I too want to Be All I Can Be™, I think I'll join the Army and defend our greatest allies in their time if need. I'll get paid hundreds upon hundreds of dollars, and that's what /biz/ is all about. I'll go contact my local recruiter ASAP, you should do the same haha.

>> No.56383455

Not Op, but also about to join the Army except im 27 years old. JOining to get my life back on track and get a new career.

Should i feel pathetic and like a fuckup for joining in my later 20's?

>> No.56383499

>concern trolling this hard

>> No.56383511


>> No.56383583

Honestly, I would do ROTC. Anyone who wants to join the military that isn’t a low iq pleb should enroll in university and sign up for AFROTC. I was in it last semester (military in general isn’t for me I like my freedom) and it was cool. The girls are cute and insecure (military girls are all sluts and even the ones you think are good). You can have your school paid for via scholarship and take out loans for the rest, you’ll get them paid off easy if the military doesn’t do it for you first. You can study any degree, seen dudes get pilot slots with a fuckkng PE degree. No not engineering, physical education lol! Some are graduating as 2nd Lt’s with history degrees. As someone who has a lot of family in the service don’t ever enlist
>I repeat do not fucking enlist
You’ll be treated like a mentally retarded slave, at least as a junior officer they’ll ask “hey Lt. what do you think about X” E1-E9s have to call you sir and salute you. Trust me it burns their ass, you also won’t have to do goofy shit like paint rocks with a little paint brush (happened to my cousin srs). When you get out as an officer you can walk right into middle management at some global corporation and milk them by putting their wagies to work.
God Speed OP

>> No.56383594

best people for the job are sexually frustrated broke men who have lost all hope in life, so recruiting on this board makes a lot of sense.

>> No.56383613

Praise kek fellow Nazi! I won't try anything I will just browse imageboards 20 hours a day getting mad at twitter screenshot threads and trannies until I'm 40. That's the volkish thing to do.

>> No.56383621

Sounds good to me