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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56378698 No.56378698 [Reply] [Original]

I guess you cant put on the same show 24/7/365.

>> No.56378769

he's already said multiple times he's a holder from years ago

>> No.56378774

The dude holds link, why else would he create an internet person that solely revolves around fudding an obscure token. He is obsessed with link

>> No.56378793

>why else
Mental illness

>> No.56378811

>he's a holder from years ago
When you say years ago, you mean right now?

>> No.56378823

he's figthing for token holders, against management becoming complacent with dumping tokens for funding. bagholders are vehemently against this, they want to get milked for every penny while the company squanders the funds on bullshit that fortune 500 companies should care about. glorified kickstarters like cgainlink should be lean and laser focused, not announcing "gee, let's do blockchain gaming as well, despite our actual product not being delivered for 7 years"

>> No.56378854

That's nice and all but he will get his knees powerdrilled, no matter the
>i was only trolling lol lmao

>> No.56378865

>becoming complacent with dumping tokens for funding
Why did you buy the token then? This was outlined in the whitepapers. Its not something they announced

>despite our actual product not being delivered for 7 years
Whats their actual product?

>> No.56378871


>> No.56378878

I just love when you retards twist your obsession into a moral crusade for "the little guy" instead of accepting that you believed a bunch of bullshit made up by a larper named Assblaster

>> No.56378918
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He is mentally ill.

>> No.56378924

>Whats their actual product?
apparently it's dilutive shitcoin staking mechanics with a twist: you can't sell

>> No.56378949

>against management becoming complacent with dumping tokens for funding. bagholders are vehemently against this,
Except this was the announced plan from the very beginning.

Of all the fucking memecoin cryptos traded indiscriminately around here ... dog coins and NFT apes and whatnot, with zero utility other than just trading to other people, sometimes to make money and sometimes to lose money ... why does this guy always post about LINK like it's some kind of investment in the company?

You bought a token. It'll go up or it'll go down. Trade it or don't trade it. It's not a fucking share in the company. You're not a fucking shareholder part owner who demands a return on your "investment" based on whether the company is successful.
Jesus Christ this guy pisses me off.
Buy stocks if you want to buy stocks. Or contact Chainlink and see if you can invest in the company.
Otherwise, trade your utility token and stop treating it as a security contract.

>> No.56378962

So oracles services? I dont think they ever had that "one" product but rather an ever expanding umbrella of services.

>> No.56378979

They know all of this and do it anyway to prevent people from buying/to get holder who don’t know any better to sell

>> No.56379096
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Sad, but not surprised a lot of the fud was fake done by bagholders themselves. The fact that he is on twitter is very telling.
Real fudders don't hold this globohomo shitcoin, instead they are waiting for the Great Short to begin.