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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56378427 No.56378427 [Reply] [Original]

Why is alchemy still not possible?

>> No.56378446

Dumb Satania poster

>> No.56378454

but it is. it's just very expensive

>> No.56378455

Missed opportunity to use Edward Elric

>> No.56378464

>He doesn't know

>> No.56378471


>> No.56378487

(((They))) make gold through alchemy at certain times. First they want everyone to buy gold at the top, then they "print" more of it

>> No.56378500

You're not trying hard enough.

>> No.56378559

bitcoin is digital gold

>> No.56378593

It has been renamed to chemistry

>> No.56378601

>trannime poster
>abhorrently retarded
Checks out

>> No.56379150

It is, but only for those who have perfectly purified their minds and spirits.

>> No.56381589
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Based Satania poster

>> No.56381641

Internal alchemy is possible
you have to retain as much jing (essence) as possible (literally cum and blood)
you have to generate chi (energy) from the jing through breathwork and meditation
and shen (spirit) through purity and prayer


>> No.56381665
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Why is she so perfect, /biz/?

>> No.56381712
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Satania #one

>> No.56381735

Oh it most certainly is. It just is not at all what I assume you think it is. Inner spiritual awakening/transformation that dwarfs any thought of turning literal lead into gold, kek.

>> No.56381740


>> No.56381752

Alchemy isn't about turning rocks into other rocks, it's about self mastery and transformation.

>> No.56381765

Why is this thread still on /biz? This isn't business and finance nigger.

>> No.56381788

As if people on /biz/ weren't in one way or another deluded mystics.

>> No.56381798

The Koreans did some alchemy some months back but they were swiftly piped down by glowies

>> No.56381813
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Well, if you believe the alchemists of ancient times, apparently it is to do with Noah's flood.

The secret of the philosophers stone was once passed down family lines, and it led to unhindered overpopulation and also terrible sin. I guess if you live for thousands of years and have degenerate tendencies, and also the power of life and death over people that do not know the secret, since they become dependent on you to prevent aging to death, it gets bad enough to piss off God and warrant wiping out 99.99999% of all human life on earth.

Internal alchemy is a different kind of thing, to do with how the human body can do Wim Hof type stuff, but with poisons and intoxicants and stuff that is normally indigestible. Not so much some kind of spiritual transformation crap, more like how aghoris consume cobra venom to get high, or drink enough to die of alcohol poisoning and then don't die and stuff.

Anyway, the world is very strange and academic science is very political and corrupt.

>> No.56382010
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>> No.56382375

It didn't become impossible and always existed in time.

>> No.56384157
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fuck off back to /g/
this board has nothing to do with Apple products

>> No.56384177
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>SM rope SM

>> No.56384186

wtf is going on in that gif? are those 4 Iphone owners roping Satania?

>> No.56384196

>weeb makes retarded off topic thread
Why are they incapable of making good posts?

>> No.56384442

Low IQ and their minds are subverted by jewish trannyism

>> No.56384637
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Bots detected

>> No.56384675

I've found that most weebs are underdeveloped teenagers or 20-somethings, their next phase is usually burnout and then crippling depression