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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56373754 No.56373754 [Reply] [Original]

People have so much fucking money laying around it’s insane

>> No.56373772

its doomsday one way or another, either the currency collapses or the prices do

>> No.56373777

I rest easy I have to houses and land will be in my family why all of you and your posterity are doomed to rent forever

>> No.56373783

if you're white that land will be reclaimed, look at south africa

>> No.56373905

Who the fuck is this narcissist trust fund baby?

Even in a bear market, if you price below market value you're going to get offers.

>> No.56373918

>if you're white that land will be reclaimed, look at south africa
Property market in South Africa would have collapsed if that were true.

>> No.56373927

houses where im at are languishing on the market. the market is topping and entering crab territory for certain types of houses. who is going to buy a 1975 home with an overgrown yard and low end updates for a premium? nobody is buying this stuff because fair prices are -40% lower still

>> No.56373928

maybe i'm reading this wrong, but he seems to be implying he's bidding up property he has no intention of purchasing to keep local prices inflating.

>> No.56374213
File: 34 KB, 763x432, psychology-of-asset-bubbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the fun with bubbles. People still buy in at the top because "line only go up."

>> No.56374229

Ooh! That's smart. Maybe I can score an extra $50k on my zestimate by helping dice up the comps locally too.

Zestimate>height/dick size

>> No.56374251

> +9.5% past 30 days
My house is a shitcoin.

>> No.56374253

If prices keep going up, they will turn from "mostly unachievable" to downright impossible (to afford). This is how we know it is a bubble. Because there must always be a buyer.

>> No.56374262

Not really half my country is Chinese and Indian now and they respect wealth inequality and make good little rentpigs. They will also keep pumping up prices in my neighbourhood as long as their shit countries have any millionaires left (they have 1/5 of all worldwide millionaires)

>> No.56374281

They'll probably just create 60 year fixed mortgage products.

>> No.56374298

based and checked

>> No.56374303

>mfw i thought my home was worth $300k
>check listings in the same street
>they are all worth $350k

i thought prices were coming down again what the fuck

>> No.56374316
File: 58 KB, 657x718, 1684936497392806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covid happened what the fegg do you think happened? USbros got so much free money it's insane. Wage growth has been absolutely brutal these last three years. I worked in forestry and we raised our earnings by more than 60% just last year because we told all those boomers (it's rich boomers that own forests) that we need more money for our services and that the inflation is eating away too much of our profits and so on...
Cheap ass loans. Pretty much everyone I know took huge loans (300k+) to get into the housing market. The rates were pathetically low. It will be interesting to see how normos will cope since most of those mortgages were short-term and will now get re-financed (and also later next year) to 6-7%+.
Simply put, people have big buffers and big loans. Also, since travel was restricted, people managed to scrape together a lot of money.
Sure, the lower classes might be fugged, but the middle class is doing more than fine

>> No.56374552

They'll just adopt the Canada strategy of destroying supply and crank immigration to compensate for 0 natural demand.
>1 million immigrants/yr
>200k housing completions

Don't need buyers if you spill brown people onto the floor everywhere

>> No.56374568

In Britain house prices are coming down

>> No.56374569

>open one thread
>>Crypto is LE DEAD everyone is laid off and in 6 gorillion debt
>open another thread
>>Line go up forever everyone is millionaire stay poor rentoids
This board is cancer

>> No.56374576
File: 40 KB, 815x196, slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're fucked, but it's a slow, romantic rape rather than what people expect.

>> No.56374899
File: 149 KB, 793x520, adjustable rate loans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of those mortgages were short-term and will now get re-financed (and also later next year) to 6-7%+.


>> No.56374937 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 913x910, 7059846368597008193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1673!!

>> No.56374940

kys jeet with your obvious scam

>> No.56375036

Bought a house 10 years ago for 160k. It's now worth almost 450k lmao. Also due to upgrades I performed and got lucky with the neighbourhood. I have 1.99% interest for the remainder of the mortgage.

Both my parents and parents in law are wealthy boomer. When they die I will unironically retire on their wealthy.

>> No.56375052

Have to say that I do feel bad for my zoomer colleagues though. Some are engaging 400k mortgages and are taking massive risks. FOMO is a bitch. That is a stressful thought with a looming economic collapse, crippling yourself with debt that way.

>> No.56375216 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 913x910, 8621805251368943964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1691!!

>> No.56375438

If this is true why are builders offering to lend at a loss to attract business at existing prices?

>> No.56375442

Same in Canada, and the USA.
People just don't understand tricks being pulled by developers to make prices appear sticky.