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56370670 No.56370670 [Reply] [Original]

Many such cases

>> No.56370727

>*slam car into park*
>*fling open door*
>*run toward other guy's car*
>*aorta instantly blown into pieces by hollow point bullet*
lmao that must have really taken the wind out of that dumb faggot's sails.

>> No.56370737

moments of mania are wild. I hope I never have something this stupid happen to me

>> No.56370743

guns are the most feminine thing you can imagine.
removing all natural and innate strength and power of your body and putting it into something equally capable for the strongest and the weakest, as in op's case.
pure distilled estrogen.

>> No.56370755

At least he said he was sorry, and died like a man, admitting his rage is what ultimately what ended him. Family gets life insurance policy. The only tragedy is what will happen to the cunny daughters, without a father to raise them properly. I pray for the family.

>> No.56370761

skill issue

>> No.56370765

Agreed. The great unequalizer. It's why I like survival horror video games, they only give you just enough bullets to keep you "alive" and really test your wits.

>> No.56370773

The 27 year old son has already been arrested once for fucking the older daughter. I wouldn't be surprised if the who family gangbangs on the regular.

>> No.56370996

>just making shit up

>> No.56371005

Before jannies remove this, it is biz and finance related. This guy invested hedgefund assets into Bitcoin SV believing that Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto. His company declared bankruptcy as a result of financial losses on BSV futures. He was so paranoid that his clients would kill him that he started to think he was being gang-stalked and killed and attempted to kill two men for merely interacting with him in public. Faketoshi ruined this guy. That is why it is relevant to /biz/.

>> No.56371025

I was gonna say that zoomer looked too chad but then I read
And it all made sense.

>> No.56371026

As it should be why do people care about road raging scum?

>> No.56371027

Around wh*tes…

>> No.56371030

He looks pretty tall, got married early, is clearly rich and his son looks like he played college ball and now works as a promoter for the WWE. He was probably a chad 2bdesu, the type of guy who if he was 20 years younger would come to 4chan and spam "manlets btfo" and get pissy about guns knowing some short hedge fund trader could lose his shit and blow his brains out.

And we see how that went.

>> No.56371040

It's natural selection.
>any random dude could be armed
>"I'm going to attack him.... HEAD ON!"

>> No.56371061
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This is not a smile. This is cuntface.

>> No.56371064
File: 1.16 MB, 1240x624, TIMESAND___CuntFaceGang2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is cuntface.

>> No.56371077

Prepare for fights

>> No.56371078
File: 31 KB, 600x453, greatpower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a time for peaceful resolutions to our problems

>> No.56371083

>making shtick up you wish was real but isn't

>> No.56371092

>approaching a car in burgerstan
everyone is an armed unhinged lunatic nowadays. he was asking to get shot

>> No.56371096

Is this from Harry Potter?
>You're a wizard anakin

>> No.56371138

glowie false flag ops?

>> No.56371149


Bullying people works until it doesn't.

>> No.56371156

This is the exact reason I don't go outside when I'm stressed, I'm too short tempered, and I don't want to get shot by a retard, I'd rather stay at home playing vidya and DCAing kava

>> No.56371170

You're still gonna get killed by a bunch of niggers

>> No.56371171

No retard, OG Spiderman movies

>> No.56371185

Well, that's quite a better choice than getting shot

>> No.56371188
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You still ngmi

>> No.56371222

>armed unhinged lunatic
Not really. More of a case of fuck around and find out. You can't just go around trying to fight random people just because they cut you off or something.

Also funny how it's always these 6'5 300lb linebackers trying to swing their weight around as if everyone isn't armed these days lmfao.

>> No.56371270

the full retard move is to contact the guy yourself when all it takes is a 911 call saying you saw the guy waving a handgun around.
then give them the license plate and car description and then let the Police do the dirty work.

>> No.56371289

>road rage
>get shot in broad daylight with your son watching
Land of the free lmao

You lot have some issues, and its not guns

>> No.56371306

more like land of the retarded

>> No.56371316

contemporary capitalism putting the screws to people by extracting more and more "efficiencies" until people are stretched to the absolute limit, stressed out of their minds, and liable to explode over the smallest of slights or inconveniences.

>> No.56371320

The one where spidermen was a black?

>> No.56371321

Road rage is crazy, man. When I was a kid, a lady cut my dad off. He followed her to the gas station. When she went inside, he slit her tires. My dad is usually an outgoing, cheerful guy.

>> No.56371334

what about knives

>> No.56371359

Based as fuck tell your dad he's my hero

>> No.56371364

No the one where he was a twink for Gary Busey

>> No.56371426

>Thugs should be able to beat up whoever they please without facing consequences!

Your wife's boyfriend would be proud.

>> No.56371448

>Based as fuck tell your dad he's my hero

because you don't know who your real father is?

>> No.56371466

Agree 100%. Guns are for absolute pussies. And only America has this kind of problem with unhinged pussies running rampant murdering whoever makes their feelings hurt.

Then worse even if you know you can curb stomp a motherfucker you just have to act like a pussy to everyone in the face of any conflict in this country because the odds they get emotionally invested and take a gun or knife out to murder you are sky high. Doesn’t ever pay to show your feathers, it’s not a fist fight you’re going into.

>> No.56371496

How did you came to that conclusion retard? Stop projecting your insecurities fucking lunatic mutts

>> No.56371498

>Government should make sure that I can be safe while starting fights with random people!

If you are so tough then risk getting shot or stabbed. If you are a pussy then don't look for trouble.

>> No.56371507

Why dont you faggots ITT come and try to take my gun?

>> No.56371516

My trip villifies me "ork + aim" at you violent monkies afraid to get shot when you do your faggot shit to others.

>> No.56371519

I mean vilifies you, i'm drunk on a sunday.

>> No.56371520

This also the faggot Road rager was a truckold of course

>> No.56371537

That's called a "bait" a form of trolling that upsets or confuses you enough to reply out of frustration. Internet tough guys never agree with anyone especially not other internet tough guys. Agreeing with people is submissive, a "real" man disagrees on principle even if he knows his opponent is correct.

>> No.56371614

Yeah I actually agree, and i'd go further. Working out is fucking tranny tier. We should just go on pure innate starting stats. Before any fight get both parties to lie down on a bed with a drip for a month to get to baseline musculature.

>> No.56371620

kek, I bet he won't drive like a shitass ever again. Cut people off and you pay the price :)

>> No.56371636

Dr octopus?

>> No.56371732

short-tempered "people" are subhumans. literal animals.

>> No.56371783

Doesn’t matter if it’s “feminine” when you are dead, “chad”

>> No.56371798

lol you wanna start a fight?
Better to be bullet proof faggot

>> No.56371806

The reason nignogs are a blight in any civilization and are always in prison is this short tempered impulsive chimp behavior

>> No.56371925
File: 874 KB, 1653x1023, wagecucks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagie roadrage in cities is so fucking tragic. We're all just trying to get somewhere on time or with as little stress as possible and you have insane sociopaths pulling psychotic shit along with borderline mentally retarded minorities driving like they're still back in their 3rd world country. Wagies just want to make it to work on time and they're so pissed about their job and thinking about their day and already stressing about imaginary issues in their head that haven't even happened yet.

It all just boils up to insane blackout seething red moments like this. It's tragic because none of it is necessary. Getting to work on time, even if you're on the brink of being fired or demoted or whatever the fuck Mr. Shekelstein is going to hold over your head to cuck your life, is always always going to be secondary to just taking it easy and getting somewhere safe. Sometimes shit is out of your control but one of the things I've learned as a wagie commuter is that I will NOT stress on the road. If a dumb cunt in a BMW is tailing me when I'm going 10mph over speed limit in the fast lane, I do not give a SINGLE fuck. If someone swerves into my lane and cuts me off, I don't give a fuck. I will play my music and I will relax.

>t. wagie in a cagie who is always 15-30 minutes late to work every day because I refuse to give a fuck about my commute

>> No.56372038

The dad was getting out of his car to talk with him. He was an ordained minister, his last text to the wife was 'I'm going to talk the Word of Peace with him and lay hands on him to bring him to Christ'. He literally was a victim of Peace and Christianity.

>> No.56372157

whew, this was the most disgustingly unfunny reddit post I've ever seen on this board. Hopefully it's not too late to delete it

>> No.56372225

The weak must fear the strong

>> No.56372256

Sounds comfy desu.

>> No.56372329

True and correct anon

>> No.56372350
File: 612 KB, 1242x1292, takethat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna delete it

>> No.56372366

The guy's wife probably made his life such a living Hell that he deliberately tried to start shit like this so someone could put him out of his misery. He even apologized and said "I was having a bad day." I hope he has found peace.

>> No.56372456

most people in America assume that no one legally has a gun on them, I'm not sure why I think it's just the impression that gun control prevents law-abiding people from having them. I've spoken to relatives who are avid collectors, and they had no idea that carry permits were issued throughout most of california. Some counties even consider it a right to carry.
So you figure between the amount of people legally and illegally carrying, various other weapons, physical violence etc. it's amazing that people are so willing to escalate a confrontation.

>> No.56372719

You're a fucking retard holy shit lol, lmao even.

>> No.56373296

Post body

>> No.56373355


>If you are a pussy then don't look for trouble.

I'm not a pussy and I still don't look for trouble. Only an idiot thinks they're going to get out alive from a gun or knife fight with any reliable amount of success. Life isn't a movie and there's a lot of crazy and stupid people out there.

>> No.56373399

So he started shooting at other random people?

>> No.56373768

I will adopt Anna 22 and her sister.
I only have one bed. the bed, shower and toilet are all in the same room and we all sleep naked together.
It's good to be helping in these trying times. I promise to nut in them both at least twice a day.
It's the least I can do.

>> No.56373789

Unironically mature response but retarded investment

>> No.56373981
File: 123 KB, 500x766, F7n14NMXQAAMktX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you cant just drop such a spicy claim and refuse to elaborate, come on now. Where did you get this info?

>> No.56373994


>> No.56374011

cape slop unironically reinforces this. guns are a straight up OP just like super powers

>> No.56374017

Sounds like guns are doing a great job of keeping low iq niggers like you from chimping out.

>> No.56374055

lmao this

>> No.56374067

nah it's actually got a nice sneer vineer

>> No.56374073

>wants to curb stump randos cause his feeling are hurt
>is afraid because randos might have a gun
Guess guns doing their jobs to keeping psychopaths in check

>> No.56374118

>leveling the playing field is feminine
this is your mind on ameribrain
femininity is based on selecting for innate traits. this is why she's not interested in you: she's looking for the top x%
the irony in your post is, as a weak male you imply feminine as a negative. selecting for strong genes is actually a good thing
the "guns are bad because they disrupt the natural order" argument is perfectly viable with the incel elements removed
yet you defeated your own point

>> No.56374215


>> No.56374320

Oh no crypto sisters I don't feel so good...

>> No.56374329

like all journos this one is also retarded. clearly it's the kids dad who got blasted here

>> No.56374603

>equating being in shape with whipping a gun out in a verbal altercation
Nice admission of being a cheeto tit manlet

I'm pro 2A and it's you cunts defending this shit that literally ruins it for gun owners. Stories like this is crack to leftist gun grabbing troons and local legislators always use it for fuel. You fucking nigger cattle lard ass pussy faggots

>> No.56374618

The internet was a mistake and everybody who has ever used it needs to be gassed for our own good.

>> No.56374620

Ye I thought the kid avenged his dead dad by “blasting” the shooter in street or something, which is based.
But it turns out he just “reeeee” to him
That’s blasting?

>> No.56374624

I've read the title 5 times and it still confuses me. Why the fuck did they write "son blasts suspect". It heavily implies he tracked down the guy and shot him

>> No.56374629

>guys don’t do anything or enemies will use it agaisnt us
They literally want to remove 2A , and nothing will stop them because no guns in public means more power for them.
They even make fake data (like including 19 years old gang niggers as “children” to say the biggest reason for death of children is gun violence)
They are amoral and they are making ammo out of fake or real or distorted into.
So this isn’t anything

>> No.56374630

Lol blasting in today world means “reeeee” on Twitter or or Reddit and get updooted/ratio
I thought the same as well, that he tracked him down and killed him for his dead dad

>> No.56374632
File: 34 KB, 500x500, Conclusions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has to worry about getting to work on time
You're fired

>> No.56374635

This. Always the fucking tall chad white guy who thinks being muscular, successful, and charismatic will prevent a bullet from deleting his aorta. Lmao

Like this Chad thought only the genetically strong get to move on, but it isn't caveman days anymore. We manlets gotta stay strapped. I don't care if that makes us "genetically weak dysgenics" like all the lanklets are calling us ITT.

>> No.56374658

There are two evolutionary forces that work in parallel. Sexual selection is the tendency of women to pick handsome, tall, well maintained, deep voiced, assertive chads. Natural selection is the tendency of said chads to bait ugly fat manlets from lighting them up. Over time, one of the two forces will ultimately prevail. Or we'll end up with well mannered, respectful chads. Kek.

>> No.56374667

Nigger shootings is something everyone is aware of. Stories like this are the "see?! White rich people can't be trusted with guns either!" Argument leftists kikes love. More specifically, public support for the shooter reveals that gun owners don't actually respect stand your ground laws and think a guy approaching your winding is a sufficient threat to kill (it isn't). Not defending the dead guy, as he should have known America is filled with armed schizos, but the nigger shooters defenders are handing gun grabs to the left on a velvet pillow

>> No.56374672

Window *

>> No.56374680

I am not defending him.
I am just explaining what lefties do.
They literally do not care, they make up stories and fake data if they have to.
They blame Russian bots when they fuck up (like when Australia voted no, or when they gave a stand up ovation to that old Ukrainian dude In Canada)
You already aware of how they fake hate crimes correct? It’s the same shit

>> No.56374693

You forgot
>lay there dying only to say "I'm sorry. I had a bad day,"

>> No.56374698

>Sounds like guns are doing a great job of keeping low iq niggers like you from chimping out.
This has to be a joke right?
Have you seen America?
That's literally the definition

>> No.56374740
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>his final words were "I'm sorry. I had a bad day"

>> No.56374855

people are starting to lose it. traffic is where most people get most of their interaction, while sitting in their own little bubbles. today there was just a guy sitting in the middle of the road. there's a turning lane but he was just in the lane, sitting, waiting for nothing in particular. i honked behind him for a few seconds and it was like he remembered, and drove up about 100 feet and turned left into traffic. maybe he was drunk at 2pm, who knows

>> No.56374877 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 913x910, 27517195637710067836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1653!!

>> No.56375026 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 1634x913, 78498385650669673297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1653!!

>> No.56375056 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 1634x913, 40736564410438458872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1653!!

>> No.56375159 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 913x910, 45008611715467560022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The price has gone up 200% since the last time we posted. Holders have increased by 10.

p.s. we have a meme contest going on for the next two weeks, join the telegram or discord to enter and win. LETS FUCKING GO!!1671!!

>> No.56375181

How is it less fair than a 7ft dude pushing around manlets?

>> No.56375204

Suppose the kid did track him down and kill him? How much time would he get?

>> No.56375510

That happened because they abolished police, literal lack of guns situation.

>> No.56375544

>real life incident
>reminds me of silent hill