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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56369936 No.56369936 [Reply] [Original]

How come so many of the "wealthy" anons that post here are so hateful? Shouldn't you be happy with your life for finally making it?

>> No.56370032

1. Money by itself doesn't bring happiness
2. They probably had to do a bunch og unethical/unsavory things to get their wealth
3. Life is crappy even if you do have money but for different reasons

>> No.56370037

Money doesn't fix being ugly, being brown, etc.

>> No.56370046

average "wealthy" poster on /biz/ is a miserable codecuck wagenigger who inflates his pathetic salary by 50% and barely has a six figure net worth.

>> No.56370174
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I know 2. It's NEET+. They don't do anything with their lives, so every day is like a slow march to death. One of them I legit think has brain damage from just stagnating outside of society for so long, because he has gotten really weird since he retired.
The reality is only low iq monkey people are content with just sitting around all day consooming garbage. Being a wagecuck is no paradise either. It's about finding something meaningful in life. This is why CEOs never retire.

>> No.56370307
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I've been travelling the world the last year and a half since quitting my job, and I'm pretty happy I think.

But last night I had a dream that my wife gave birth to our first child and it was such a great feeling I can't even reflect on it, I just can't. I haven't even tried to form a relationship for over a decade now. Even with all this money and free time it's not everything. I think just one more half year of travel and then I'll be ready to grind through the dating game to find a wife... hopefully... ;_;

>> No.56370316

Because its larp you dumb fuck

>> No.56370396

As if people lie on the internet...

>> No.56370419

I am happy. I tend to not reply to obvious rage bait threads. I suspect many are posted by AI.

>> No.56370519

>he thinks /biz/ posters are wealthy

el o el

>> No.56370544
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>> No.56370560

how did you become wealthy enough to just travel like some bitch?
also wtf are you doing on your travels if not looking at chicks?

>> No.56370590

If they were multimillionaires then they wouldn't even bother with this place. They're bitter because they're stuck in "six figure hell" and just want to retire.l, but haven't reached that point yet.

>> No.56370650
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I don't have multi but I am a millionaire. I just come here to shitpost every once in a while...it is a truism here that pink wojaks signal a buying opportunity, kinda why I came here in the first place. Things will pick up around here when the swings come back. Until then, this place sucks. I'm gonna make that thread again where I ask about the stages of a bubble with that image we've all seen. Wish me luck.

>> No.56370828
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Fucking rude, the quote about no friends and many acquaintances is better.

DCA'd into bitcoin five years ago. Just buy and hold, it's literally that easy. I'm trying to visit every fine art museum and it's taking slightly longer than anticipated. I underestimated how much fine art there was in europe.

>> No.56370841

>"wealthy" anons

lmao you think anyone that has made it is still here?

>le you are here forever le secret club

fuck off

>> No.56370860

>Fucking rude, the quote about no friends and many acquaintances is better.
Wasn't that Seneca? Or was it Seneca quoting Socrates?

>> No.56370891

so you are an undeserving faggot lotto winner whos burning his cash away on garbage got it

>> No.56371019
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The latter I think.

lmao keep praying to win big on pump and dumps instead of just taking the safe path to wealth. I'll keep enjoying the most beautiful parts of the world while you stare at charts.

>> No.56371047

I'm mad because this board sucks and yet I still come here. It's probably my worst habit. I'm mad at myself. But also you because fuck you.

>> No.56371201
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>many of the "wealthy" anons
There are not so many
>We don't want so many outsiders who only do shit in /biz... before you could browse quietly, put your money where other anons said and make money, now there are only scams from brown hands, plebbits and twatters

>> No.56371296

nigger you literally just lucked out on a gamble, if you had no money again you would never ever make it again
literal lotto winning retard

>> No.56371317
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>> No.56371358
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YES, I'm currently at $1.3 million net worth and have a non-code monkey career that pays very well.
NO, I won't stop coming to 4channel to shitpost and dunk on poorfags for fun.
This is my only outlet since I refuse to open about my wealth IRL. Your trauma is my drama to enjoy.

>> No.56372738
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>> No.56373459

This. I make 175 but tell people "over 200". I have a NW of 520k, but it should've been a million several times over.

It's cool being wealthier than my peers, but sucks that I'm stuck being a non-homeowning wagie for god knows how much longer.

>> No.56373517

everyone here is larping

>> No.56373556

how would dcaing into btc for the last 5 years help you make it? if you bought under 4000 thats a 20x at best if you sold at ath. unless you dca'd 100 grand in overtime thats not even a million dollars

>> No.56373604


It’s all larping and demoralization posting by jeets making $1 an hour in bombay dude

>> No.56373620

4. People moneymaxx trying fill a hole, and the few that achieve to have absurd ammounts of money realize that's not what they were seeking for

>> No.56375562


>> No.56375602

At 2.3m nw. I think I honestly need 5m+ to secure generational wealth and sustain my lifestyle. I earn just over 200k/year now.
Here made me lots of money, still wanting more.

I think I could comfortably live the neet lifestyle and I dream of it often. But too many people expect much more from me

>> No.56375699

>then they wouldn't even bother with this place
ah thee illusion of separation, a rich anon or poor anon, is still a 4chan fag, cause it's the only place you can say what you want filter free.

>> No.56375826

we all have a baseline we tend to regress to
i'm an angry man. i would get angry at $0 and i still get angry at $40M. money helps but doesn't solve the fundamental issue, because the fundamental issue is me
the internet is nice for angry people because you get to unload on shitstains that more or less deserve it. i don't want to hurt the feelings of my neighbors who may be frustrating but are not objectively bad people. whereas i don't care if some faggot software engineer who defends niggers and kikes cries himself to sleep when i cuss him out

>> No.56375829

The obvious answer is that they're not wealthy, that its just bitter wagies larping.

>> No.56376051

cause they're not wealthy.

>> No.56376075

be quiet pussy