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56363182 No.56363182 [Reply] [Original]

Boomers actually worked as high school teachers for 30 years and bought two houses, a boat and a Corvette. Oh and the trips to Florida/Puerto Rico.

>> No.56363195

Your point? They lived in a unicorn era that will never happen again. We are returning to the mean where most people own nothing and are serfs for life

>> No.56363206

public schools are a disaster but teachers are drastically underpaid. i'm only 35 but when i was a kid, teachers actually made good money relative to other jobs in my rural hometown. today they can barely afford to buy a home, once again in my flyover hometown.

>> No.56363212

You can replace teacher with literally any non office monkey job

>> No.56363284

Teachers do not deserve higher pay. They are only there to babysit now

>> No.56363307

i don't get why people blame teachers. like i said, public schools are a disaster but teachers are beheld to state curriculum and policies decided by administrators like principals, superintendents, and school board. kids are also a disaster but teachers can only do so much: they can't discipline children, they can't expel trouble makers, they can't force parents to make their children learn or at least behave.

>> No.56363388

Teaching is a babysitting job because of helicopter parents who scream when you discipline their kid and because of retarded admins. Believe me, no one wants to beat some sense into the modern youth more than teachers do. But some parents even whine when you give their kid homework. Parents wanted it to become daycare, not teachers.

But the thread is right, boomer teachers had it good if they played their cards right. The pay isn't spectacular but if you stay with the same district your whole career the benefits are insane. It's because the retirement payout is based on years served within that district. Both my parents are retired teachers and live very well.

>> No.56363396

People don't get this. The wealth created in the U.S. after the second world war will never happen again
BUT boomers absolutely pissed it away without any insight for their future posterity

>> No.56363403
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What's stopping you from doing that right now? Round trip tickets to Puerto Rico is only like 300 bucks, that's 4 hours of work for a licensed forklift operator.
Just do a real job.

>> No.56363413

Americans still do. Rare to see an american who doesn't have a fully owned car and a home with an off-street parking space.

>> No.56363420

>Rare to see an american who doesn't have a fully owned
have you ever been to america? the average obese mutt retard (i'm an american myself) has a perpetual $400-800/month car payment.

>> No.56363428

It may not be there fault the profession has become what it is, but regardless of who's at fault it's ridiculous to say a babysitter who only works 2/3rds of the year is underpaid. Most teachers now are drooling imbeciles anyway.

>> No.56363430

teaching is an easy job that takes an IQ of 100

>> No.56363437

Where the fuck are fork monkeys making $75 an hour

>> No.56363439

thats because american buy new cars only to trade it in for a new car 2 years later
being poor in America is a choice

>> No.56363440

>teaching is an easy job
it's really not and you're likely a retard who can't teach and who never studied a technical subject in school.

>> No.56363452

found the teacher

>> No.56363461

found the low IQ blue collar laborer. i'm not teacher. i studied STEM in school and i frequently train people at my job because i'm a good teacher.

>> No.56363470

Lol, no. You’re either a foreigner or 65.

>> No.56363477

>im not a teacher
>i frequently train people because im a good teacher
congrats on the degree

>> No.56363482

>trips to Florida/Puerto Rico.
Is that suppose to be impressive?

>> No.56363501

Unironcally it was just white people. You don't need deficit spending by the federal bank on war debt to have a great economy.

>> No.56363528

yes, careers which are more technical than flipping burgers or pushing wheelbarrows of concrete around all day typically involve intense on the job training.

>> No.56363535
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Underpaid for what exactly? They are shit at their jobs, have substitute teachers fill in 15% of the time, get holidays off, get 3 months in summer off and do nothing that actually causes a net benefit to society. On top of all of that, I live in a small, rural, midwest town and our high-school teachers made around $50k/yr. My graduating class was only 100 students.

Fuck off with your shit LARP.

>> No.56363559

>Underpaid for what exactly?
doing the best to teach trailer park mayo monkeys and teenage mulattoes how to read at a 5th grade level because their parents couldn't be bothered to put down the meth/crack pipe long enough to care?
>On top of all of that, I live in a small, rural, midwest town and our high-school teachers made around $50k/yr. My graduating class was only 100 students.
my high school was about the same size and teachers made that much as well... back in 2007. their wages have barely gone up (publicly disclosed) while unskilled factory work now pays about that much.

>> No.56363563

I'm a published writer and can't afford to buy a copy of my own book

>> No.56363566

Exactly this. Sometimes it feels like burgers don't study history at school. Or that they just study American history.
While Americans were having their "golden age" during the 50s-60s-70s, Europe and Latin America were struggling, and Africa and most of Asia were starving to death.
My parents here in Latin America grew up in absolute poverty during the 60s and 70s, meanwhile Americans were building their McMansions and buying their Caddilacs and RVs.
Now it's time for the Chinese to have their golden age, while the rest of the world struggles. The world doesn't have enough resources for everyone to prosper.

>> No.56363575

Yeah its >>56363501
And simple will. The US could be turned into a 300 million person country with the gdp per capita of Luxembourg for everyone with an IQ over 100 and the gdp per capita of Switzerland for everyone 90-100 IQ within a decade of leadership had a will for it. Obviously you can’t have everyone owning a second cottage with that many people, but the entire nation could be what SA could have been

>> No.56363599

I’m in a tier 2-3 city and a family pulling in $200k (~95% for a household) is pretty much middle class. Yeah they can own a home with two cars, but you’re pulling out onto a street that is nothing but pawn shops, dispensaries, and massage parlors.

>> No.56363607

The fuck are you on about? This is one of the worst points in human history. A wagie in the Great Depression had a purchasing power of $90k adjusted for today’s dollars. People are poorer now than ever

>> No.56363615

This is our point you fucking retard. And it’s not like it’s some unstoppable natural process. We could achieve 7% GDP growth TODAY if we were allowed to

>I live in a shithole so you should be OK having your country fall apart

You are subhuman refuse

>> No.56363623
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when I was in high school 15 years ago my teachers were paid $50~60k per year

those same teachers are earning $60~70k now, basically a 20% raise even though prices have doubled over the last 15 years

>> No.56363628

My best friends parents own a beach house, a regular house, two cars and literally spent the entirety of the 80s smoking crack

>> No.56363629

It was black boomers too. The inner cities were completely empty when suburbs started taking off and White flight happened. You could’ve been able to buy houses for $10k each in today’s money in NYC. Of course, they were still niggers though so they didn’t buy any houses and just spent money on nigger stuff instead

>> No.56363635

Jewish mossad posting. Ww2 is not what gave riches to boomers and it’s not some “unicorn” thing where the stars have to align for people to have prosperity. There was simply less immigrants and women to compete with in the work place, manufacturing was still local/less globalism, corporations hadn’t monopolized everything yet and taxes were less.

We could instantly return to 50s style of prosperity if we get rid of globalist Jews, get rid of immigrants and end women workplace rights. We could return even better if we did what Germans did in 1930s. The amount of wealth the average person could enjoy if we lived in a world that was controlled by Jewish slave masters is inconceivable to the average person today, unironically we could all live the standards of an upper class life and even better all aspects of our entire society would make living in it so great. No need to worry about niggers roaming the streets at night for example,

>> No.56363639

close to tripled in some places.

>> No.56363650

Sounds like my uncle. He was a California biker/rock and roll boomer in and out of jail in the 80s and 90s. He was somehow able to make all his mortgage payments and now his San Diego home is worth like $2m today.

>> No.56363658

tired of this fed post copypasta. shut the fuck up already the problem is they weren't supporting israel and tens of millions of third worlder invaders and their anchor babies. inner city black ppl still had jobs because their shit didn't get taken over by socialist shit mafias that caused companies to just send everything off shores

>> No.56363663

Read my post again. We are in agreement

>> No.56363670

Be fair. They’re talking about Breton woods allowing the US to suck massive amounts of income from every other country

>> No.56363684

>There was simply less immigrants and women to compete with in the work place, manufacturing was still local/less globalism, corporations hadn’t monopolized everything yet and taxes were less.
Which is precisely why it was a unicorn era that will never return barring a major world cataclysmic event retard. Pandora’s box is open the immigrants are here to stay and women don’t want to leave the workforces. We will never return to the boomer era again

>> No.56363692

I will say I self taught myself basic subjects (college algebra, physics 1/2, electronics classes) just through the books and online resources. But I’m sure an actual teacher would’ve helped. Most online school is kind of a joke especially if you don’t take the initiative to work thru the textbooks cover to cover. If I wasn’t getting tuition reimbursement from employer I probably wouldn’t have gone at all.

>> No.56363697

>Which is precisely why it was a unicorn era
it was the norm for 99% of history retard

>> No.56363707

Nobody really knows, but once artificial wombs become a thing in 5-10 years women will be outdated. We’ll be able to kill them off and at least improve that part of society

>> No.56363713

Yeah and most were poor serfs for 99% of history which we are returning to dummy. We will never see boomer wealth again

>> No.56363725

>50s style living would be possible without WW2
I'm not arguing against this. I'm saying that the wealth generated from the 2nd world war made it more than possible to maintain it. To deny the wealth postWW2 had any benefit would be retarded. Again I'm not saying that it's impossible but boomers 100% pissed it away

>> No.56363730

Ww2 didn’t generate wealth

>> No.56363731

I'm not saying you do. I'm saying the WW2 victory DID generate a great amount of wealth and was pissed away by the boomers

>> No.56363735

>The destruction of all other industrialzed nations didn't generate wealth for the U.S
Your either retarded or being nitpicky of what I am saying. Of course the war itself didn't generate wealth but the aftermath did

>> No.56363742

This wars are inherently destructive that cost them billions in tax dollars, war being good for the average consuming citizens wealth is economic pilpul

>> No.56363758

Germans in 1930s went from weimar shithole to world power at the flip of a switch. Economic prosperity is as simple as removing the Jewish parasites.

Modern economics is all Jewish pilpul to steal from the goyim and keep them confused about the simple reality of how easy and simple economics really is and how we could all be prosperous if the economy was set up in our favour vs evil kike niggers

>> No.56363764

>Yeah and most were poor serfs for 99% of history which we are returning to dummy
bro medieval peasants were building cathedrals during their free time in the 12th century. Literally through plagues and shit they were still booling around inventing calculus and physics

>> No.56363767

The wars themselves don't generate wealth but the fact that all foreign gn competition was eliminated did. Again I'm not arguing some pro Hebrew war is good stance but the total elimination destruction of foreign competition gave the U.S. industry market dominance

>> No.56363773

I agree
I'm not saying war itself is profitable I'm saying the results of the war gave u.s. industry market dominance

>> No.56363787

Yeah I’m making a pretty important distinction between wealth GENERATION and seizure in a political Econ discussion

>> No.56363788

Boomers also took heloc loans out on their homes and when they die they'll have nothing to show for it. They lived the debt max lifestyle. Ask yourself if you really need any of that shit.
Also ask yourself where your boomer parents bought their first home and what the population of that town was back when they bought it. Chance are it was some nowhere town out in the distance that happened to develop over the past decade.

>> No.56363793

The Breton woods system is what brought wealth to America. The wars were a massive economic drain especially considering the Marshall plan right after

>> No.56363797

So they still make more than the median income and get 3 months of vacation. Maybe they could do some other job during the summer and get that close to six figures??

>> No.56363804

Because when taught by competent people the state curriculum can be satisfactory. We've all had that teacher that was an absolute moron. We've also all had the teacher that was brilliant. We need to fire all of the retarded teachers and get more of the good ones.

>> No.56363816
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No, black people were in the normal cycle of becoming mainstream middle class, for the second time. The first was ended by a massive terror campaign that destroyed black capital and uprooted successful families (the Great Migration) just before the Roaring 20s kicked off (completely by coincidence, of course). Post-WW2, "urban renewal" bulldozed black businesses and neighborhoods in almost every city in the country, destroying untold amounts of American capital to make room for parking lots and freeways (which black taxes helped pay for but which black citizens couldn't benefit from). People always say it was the MLK riots, but that was just the final blow to almost 20 years of razing.

Americans don't know their history so they just blame immigrants.

>> No.56363886

Inb4 people deny this objective fact.

>> No.56363956

education has one of the highest long term ROIs for any use of public money.

shockingly it turns out that people who can read, write, do basic math, and have at least a rudimentary understanding of how the world works are a lot more productive than illiterate retards

>> No.56364038

well immigrants ARE bad but you're right, they don't teach us our own history much, definitely not past WW2. Have any book recs?

>> No.56364065

I graduated in the 90s. My gym teacher owned a farm which is now in a huge development and is probably worth a fortune. He's still alive, but old as fuck. Most/all of my teachers that i can remember owned nicer homes///teaching was a good job.

>> No.56364140

You learn that shit in kindergarden, the rest of the "educatioxdk2vn" is worthless

>> No.56364149

How many black-owned homes and businesses were destroyed by other blacks in the Detroit and Chicago riots? Is it more than Vinegar Hill, or less than Vinegar Hill?

>> No.56364152

the only job in the world that gets 3 months off a year guaranteed....

>> No.56364211
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>> No.56364260

For the black middle class topic, look through Thomas Sowell's books

>> No.56364309

Getting paid $70k to do an easy job poorly 9 months a year is plenty. Even some random HR lady works harder and contributes more.

>> No.56364423

Don't listen to >>56364260; if don't know who Sowell is, let's just say that Cornel West is his distrunk counterpart. There are tons of PBS documentaries about utban renewal specifically. For a more neutral and white view, look up the references that are compiled in StrongTowns, Not Just Bikes, and City Beautiful videos.
If you want to get into the whys, Baldwin is always good for a read of the soul of America, if not necessarily its history. Nehisi-Coates goes over a lot of the history of forced migration in his essays.
Unfortunately, a lot of this stuff is unrecorded, or buried in the data of government and corporate archives. (See https://youtu.be/p-I8GDklsN4 for an example of the tremendous effort that it takes to synthesize it.) People were making what they thought were reasonable decisions (driven unconsciously by fear and tribalism and greed), and those with malevolent intent weren't necessarily going to write their confessions down.

>> No.56364501

There were literally hundreds of Vinegar Hills across the country. Every major city had multiple neighborhoods where dozens of square blocks were leveled or cut through. Urban renewal erased billions in equity. The King riots caused about $50 million in damages. So, yes, urban renewal was far more disastrous, by several orders of magnitude.

>> No.56364511


>> No.56364563

>My parents here in Latin America grew up in absolute poverty during the 60s and 70s

This is true, however they were in poverty for 10 or 15 years maximum, then they just had to take any job or degree and they could make money, there is a reason every retard boomer has at least a house here in Latin America.
Also during those 10-15 years of poverty they were working and learning a trade, meanwhile at that age the new generations are in school "learning" worthless shit like history or gender studies

>> No.56364785

>it was just white people
No it wasn't. They're just the only group that saved the money they made. Roughly 30-40% of White boomers prospered which is a huge number. The rest of them are broke and homeless now because they didn't pull da' bootstraps lol.

>> No.56365489

The only thing poor starving peasants did was toil the earth to feed the upper class that was designing cathedrals and inventing calculus and physics.

>> No.56365527

Most Americans are in debt.

>> No.56365569

Jesus Christ go kneel to st Floyd and return to Reddit you nigger lover

>> No.56365628

>Now it's time for the Chinese to have their golden age

They're in a worse position then the USA and most European countries. More than half of China's population is third world, and it's not going to get any better with their rapidly aging society. Sorry, Chang.

>> No.56365668

There it is.

>> No.56366184 [DELETED] 

>The only thing poor starving peasants did was toil the earth to feed the upper class

please stop gathering your worldviews from losers on reddit. hop off reddit retard. Peasants were literally building cathedrals, fucking their young beautiful wives and plopping out kids while working the fields paying a small tax to their rulers who they could fucking riot and murder if things went too badly. That relationship between the rulers and peasants literally doesn't exist anymore we are modern day slaves

>> No.56366221

>The only thing poor starving peasants did was toil the earth to feed the upper class that was designing cathedrals and inventing calculus and physics

that is literally what caused 50 million chinese people to starve to death under communist rule. European peasants were fucking their young wives in the town they grew up in, plopping out tons of children, having festivals and harvests with the people they all personally know. The local rulers would get their heads chopped off if things went badly. Nowadays you get none of that and more taxes

>> No.56366361
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>> No.56366491



Honestly it only makes me want to work harder. I’m taking a 3rd job on Sunday’s, eating only one meal a day and literally only grabbing Wi-Fi through free locations like the library or McDonald’s to send emails. I work Monday through Saturday (now Sunday). And yes, I will own a house, boat, and a corvette.

The fact that you’re complaining shows you have extra time on your hands, time that should be spent working. I thank boomers everyday for making it hard, so lazy people like you are out of the competition and out of my way.

Want more? Work more.

>> No.56366495

Holy fuck you are a complete retard

>> No.56366521 [DELETED] 
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My aunt actually did this. When she was like 34 she got divorced and 2/3 kids full time living with her (my other cousin had bipolar disorder he now treats with marijuana) and my grandparents let her live rent free in their spare house while she got a master's of education and saved money for a downpayment by working as a waitress in the 90s. When she was in her 50s she was 'taking care' of my grandparents but actually just living with them for free and going out on the weekends to do drugs while still working as a teacher. Then she was a teacher for 15 years and got a full pension when she retired+she retired early right when grandma died and she inherited 250,000 dollars and bought a cheap house in one of those retirement communities where housing prices are like 100k in an area where houses are 500k for (You). She's got a steady neetbux income and all she did was fuck over my grandparents and leech them of all she could.

Boomers are really something else, especially since every boomer I know leeched their own parents and fucked over their kids while calling their kids parasites at some point.

>> No.56366548

The reason why wealth creation sucks for millennials and zoomers is not because of WWII, boomers didn't benefit from the 1950s. It was Reagan unironically since he deficit spent a lot of money into the pockets of boomers+Volker and the FED pursuing a 20% interest rate policy. Boomers took over in the 1990s and dropped that down to 0% by 2020, which benefited them at your expense.

If the USA had deficit spent under Obama into the pockets of millennials, the largest generation currently living, it would have tripled our gdp with the wealth creation from full millennial employment+buying houses and boats. But boomers would have screamed bloody murder (and did) at the perception of 'their' money going to those "entitled kids". Ironically the parents of the boomers did not mind them getting cash as long as it was to fight the Onionsviet Union.

So it's not simply that boomers are selfish and retarded but they also destroyed your dollar to print into their own pockets and refused to give you as good a deal as their own parents.

>> No.56366616

Thank god my boomer dad started a business and worked his ass off to become a multi millionaire. My dad is the fucking best I love you so much dad.

>> No.56366637

Holy shit fuck off already people are talking about BOOMERS not your fucking bike psyop bullshit. Take a fucking hint.

>> No.56366659
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Wtf happened to OPs boomer hate thread? What are black redditors doing on biz?

>> No.56366829

I am talking about Boomers. Post-war white flight and urban renewal is the world Boomers grew up in. Instead of reaging adulthood, looking back on their childhood dealing with parents who based every decision on their PTSD, and realizing that maybe they needed to get back to stuff that worked, they went all-in on Reaganomics and warmongering. And it's not like it completely missed them: they were involved in the hippie and CR movements. They elected Carter, who put solar panels on the White House roof. There was a chance. And they squandered it.

>> No.56367657
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I'm a teacher and own 3 homes. 34 years old.

Yep. Everything went to shit ~10 years ago. That's when "restorative justice" started getting implemented.

Lawyers started suing districts because sending X'Zavion home for disrupting class was racist and depriving him of his educational opportunities, so now everyone gets the diploma and no one gets suspended/expelled.

13 years ago there was a principal and an assistant principal. Now there's 3 assistant principals, 2 learning strategists, a superintendent overseeing curriculum and instruction, while 15% of teaching positions go unfilled each year.

Thank god I learned young that rent was a scam and bought a home after my first year teaching, I've got 2 years left before I walk.

>> No.56367678
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And even with that, there's 1200+ openings in my district. Sign up - you too can have 12 weeks off!

>> No.56367686

Because they didn't push back against the fagification and low IQ "no child left behind" shit enough so now schools waste a gorillion dollars per year on retards in cities where they receive massive amounts of funding and still cannot read because they are genetically fucking retarded

>> No.56367689
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Started in 2011, salary was 60k. Median home price was $325,000.

Starting salaries in that district now are 75k. Median home price is 1,078,000.

>> No.56367696

Rute Aid warehouse workers make about that much for overtime

>> No.56367721

>be a zogbot, bro

>> No.56367730
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All the teachers with integrity quit. It is impossible to push back. Striking is illegal in almost every state. You do what they tell you to do, or you are fired.

Only retards are signing up to teach, and they don't last. The profession has massive turnover now. They've lowered standards so much for Zoomers and we're finally starting to see the results on state tests.

>> No.56367772

What should I tell my friends that just got employed as teachers I tried to warn them

>> No.56367984
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It's October, they've figured it out already, especially if they are first year teachers as those are given the worst kids.

The work has piled up on them, they've realized that there's no way they can do all of what is being asked of them. They're starting to see that the behaviors won't change, and that these kids just suck. All optimism of "making a difference" by building relationships is gone.

Tell them that the grass isn't any greener and to get out before they get stuck. Transferring to "better" schools doesn't fix problems, just created new problems (absent parents vs Karen parents).

>> No.56367994

How relatable is this as a teacher

>> No.56368020

Or it could just be a management grift like every other industry. Republicans started ramping up the voucher scam around the aame time, couldn't be that. /s

>> No.56368023

I want >>>/pol/ to leave.

>> No.56368096

It's a "based bluepiller" who got mindbroken by cuck porn. Many such cases.

>> No.56368372

If there is no way they can do the demanded work how is that resolved
Cutting corners, fake templates, straight up lying or dont give a fuck attitude?
Its not like a business that needs to deliver a functional product at the end of it so i assume the possibility of fucking with the system is huge if supremely demotivating

>> No.56368893

>Dat projection

>> No.56369256

Insane post, as in you should be admitted in an asylum.

>> No.56369276

>mo money fo dem programz
>deshawn needs a $3k macbook pro in the classroom so he can "graduate" with a 1.3 GPA

>> No.56369413

I know a couple that paid 60k for their house in 1980. The Zestimate on the house is now 1.1 million, but it's in an extremely desirable area, so they could literally list that shit for like 1.5 million and there's a good chance somebody would pay it. It's insane.

>> No.56369443

Blaming the teachers wasn't even a thing until the 90s. When the country was 80+% White you didn't have this bullshit. It's literally Tyrone and Pedro's parents that can't accept that their child will never be as smart as the White kids, so they're just directing their anger towards the teacher.

>> No.56369454

another thread of poorfag wagies with zero skills griping that they can just get wealthy by existed. wow so new and novel.

anyways yeah the teacher thing is true. you get what you pay for. the real takeaway shouldn't be to pay teachers more, it should be:

Do Not Have Kids Until You Have Money Set Aside For Private Schooling

twenty years ago? yeah some public school districts were still pretty good. now? none of them are. you either send them to private school and they turn out well 99% of the time or you sent them to public school and they get indoctrinated with all the worst shit.

>> No.56369465

On average, private school students perform.more poorly than public school students. Which makes sense; a few elite schools may set the perception, but the vast majority are religiously-affiliated or prey on families that must strain to pay tuition. You get basic-bitch tutelage and no money or motivation to pay for enrichment like going to science museums or teaching evolution.

>> No.56369477
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anyone who scored higher than ~25 will easily be able to explain why that chart is stupid and misleading

which I guarantee will be the minority of posters on this board

>> No.56369485

Covid nigger brain?

>> No.56369491

>nooo dont send your kid to a religious school they wont learn how to cut their gentials off and parade around as the opposite sex

>> No.56369507

>send your kid to a religious school so Rabbi Goldblatt can (literally) suck his dick and Father O’Casey can molest him every day

>> No.56369777

This. I'm a teacher in the UK who works with 16-18 yos. I could teach somewhere between 50% to 95% of my students, dependant upon the class. I could do this very effectively, and bring in a lot of fulfilling activities on top of actual teaching (trips, etc). But, instead, I spend every day managing the remainder, who cannot be expelled or effectively disciplined (which, by this point in their lives, would require extreme coercive measures). So EVERYTHING I do is dictated by this: All my planning is around how to create lessons that they have minimal opportunities to fuck up (so minimal discussions, or group work, for example), how to get them to produce the minimum acceptable standard of coursework (protip: telling them what to write); all my non-lesson time is spent doing disciplinary write-ups, justifying why they haven't turned up to class to management, etc; my actual lessons have around half of their run time spent corraling these students. I increasingly just make worksheets so I don't have to bother interacting with them. This fucks over the good students, of course.

The students who fuck everything up are a complete waste of time. They are too unintelligent to function in a modern economy. They cannot be educated. At best they could work in a warehouse.
Almost all have a litany of 'learning difficulties' and 'mental health concerns' - they are dysgenic creatures of the welfare state. The girls are often the worst, since absolutely no-one in modern Britain is willing to hold women to account and they are ready to deploy the full borderline personality disorder arsenal at a moment's notice. And yet we have to pretend that some magical pedagogical technique will hike these goblins thirty points up the IQ scale.

Education will function again when Western societies become willing to write the worst students off.

>> No.56369791

desu being molested by teachers probably fucks you up less than being exposed to criminalistic groids, beans, and mixed-race abominations.

>> No.56369794

Teaching involves planning lessons for the whole class, then dumbing it down for slower kids and preparing extra stuff for smarter kids. In the beginning of the school year you also have to order and organize the material you need. You're also gonna deal with parents outside of normal working hours and there's tons of meetings after classes. The amount of holiday a teacher has is all in all as much as any other workers.

>> No.56369842

>yeah check out sowell for his writing on the destruction of the black middle class

>don’t listen to this guy, read the writings of this schizophrenic socialist nig nat

>> No.56369876

>if we lump in a multi grade classrooms in the back of an evangelical church and charitable schools for the retarded, Baltimore public schools are actually superior in the state testing!

>> No.56369879

For sure, people are great at moving backwards. Should be just like the old times when internet wasn't a thing.

>> No.56369886

Public teach molestation rate is like 10x higher than catholic priests besides the fact that priests don’t teach

>> No.56369933

Lmao. Atheists btfo.

>> No.56369992

Reality too much for you kike brain?

>> No.56372311

I guess we're just making stuff up now.