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File: 812 KB, 633x948, iifvpofekwedw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56366072 No.56366072 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you notice link marines are basically the rats in the Curt Richter experiment

>tfw 10% pumps are Sergey "saving" holders (rats) and swimming is akin to holding

>tfw linkers think they'll eventually be rescued and that's why they keep holding

I think it's fascinating from a psychology standpoint. I won't even tell you to sell linkmarines, it'd be of no use telling you so.

>> No.56366087

Sirgay has a degree in Philosophy.

>> No.56366090

Well yea but actually no

>> No.56366107

lol I hadn’t actually considered that. The man is a genius.

I wonder how it’ll all pan out. Maybe stepping down and letting everything go to shit while driving his ‘rrari to the sunset? Perhaps crabbing forever so the SEC can’t go after him?

This whole situation is fascinating.

>> No.56366114
File: 619 KB, 1666x1175, 1691872008824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile, the fulltime fudcucks that make these threads are basically just trapped in a porn / drug addiction mind prison after selling low, or losing everything on celsius / bancor
nothing more needs to be said desu
all fields

>> No.56366124

People who do these experiments should be treated the exact same way as their test subjects.

>> No.56366127

You should look into the monkey mom experiments

>> No.56366132

It's powerful insight into how humans may behave similarly even in situations that are not life or death.

>> No.56366157

>wow wtf people who have more hope cling to life longer?

>somehow so called ''smart scientists'' need to test this out instead of just using common fucking sense

Yeah nah, they're just psychopaths using ''science'' as an excuse to live out their twisted fantasies. I hope they'll burn in hell.

>> No.56366177

They hold the power so it won’t happen. For example, instead of comeuppance the chainlink team got billions of dollars while being beholden to no one.

That’s the way the world works, we should strive to join these elites.

>> No.56366182

>t. swimming rat
kek, you know what? I’ll start calling you swimming rats

>> No.56366199


>> No.56366212

Maybe it will teach them some empathy for their next life.

>> No.56366226

Feeling more strongly over the well being of an animal over a human's is a sign of sociopathy.

>> No.56366231

It’s also a trait strongly associated to leftism for some reason

>> No.56366249

I don't consider people who intentionally harm animals for stupid reasons as ''human.''

You're a fucking retard for turning this into a left vs right debate. Hitler was a huge supporter of animal rights, you faggot retard American.

>> No.56366251

humans who are unnecessarily cruel are objectively lower than animals

>> No.56366272

Hey lady calm down or I’ll kick you out of my thread. You’ve been warned.

Strongly associated =/= completely correlated.

Please learn to read filthy rat.

>> No.56366277

Also why would a sociopath have empathy for animals and not humans?

Makes absolutely no sense.

>> No.56366278

low IQ - actually one of the telltale signs of sociopathy developing is a propensity to abuse animals in childhood. anyone with a basic understanding of psychology would understand why a lack of regard for animal suffering is predictive of a psychological shortcoming, not the opposite lmao

>> No.56366290

You used a baiting image because you're so fucking insecure that your shitty unoriginal thread would 404 without any posts otherwise.

Enjoy getting a couple of extra replies until this thread fades away. I hope it will give you the satisfaction you were looking for.

>> No.56366294

found the schizophrenic. Everybody smile and nod, we're witnessing mental illness

>> No.56366301

A strong tendency to make a big show of it, like an instinctual cope reaction.
>See, I do have empathy!

>> No.56366304

The sociopath cannot emotionally relate with humans but can with an animal
Youre thinking about psychopaths

>> No.56366307

why are there so many peaters on this shit board?

>> No.56366322

is OP's image from a Ray Peat related post or something?

>> No.56366335

>wow wtf this sociopath that has been killing everyone in our tribe loves animals, let's keep him around for some reason

Any other arguments that I can btfo?

>The sociopath cannot emotionally relate with humans but can with an animal

I can emotionally relate with humans. People who murder animals for some dumb experiment aren't humans in my eyes. I would kick a trillion animal abusers down a volcano and feel nothing.

Or do you consider all humans equal or something?

>there is no discernible difference between an average guy and someone who fucks animals to death

Just fuck off lmao. You're retarded.

>> No.56366354

that image and discussion about the experiments and the non fearful rat meme make the rounds every couple weeks. ray was deep into biochemistry of learned helplessness probably before seligman came up with the term

>> No.56366365

>I would kick a trillion animal abusers down a volcano and feel nothing.
A normal person would say "I would report animal abuse to the authorities and suggest they seek a medical intervention."
A sociopath would try to justify killing humans over some rats. Congrats anon, you have a mental condition.

>> No.56366366

Bro, I don't know how to say this politely but I am 100% sure you are spending too much time on the internet if these are the kinds of thoughts rattling around in your head.

>> No.56366372

>Also why would a sociopath have empathy for animals and not humans?
An animal can’t feel empathy for a human


Lighten up nigger, we’re in the middle of a bear market, have some fun

>> No.56366378

Oh I get it, you're a bootlicker who thinks government = god and that psychopaths can be helped.

Naive little child.

Nice non argument. I accept your concession.

>> No.56366382

Blowing fags like you the fuck out is fun to me.

>> No.56366383

interesting. Sounds like I need to get more redpilled on peaters. I usually find that they have good takes on other topics, but I know basically nothing about the diet stuff

>> No.56366384

Let's bring this back on topic. How much Chainlink do you have?

>> No.56366389
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>Is obviously mentally disturbed
>Deflects with religious and political strawman
We got em, boys

>> No.56366392

Blowing fags is fun for you?

Lmao, GAAAY!

>> No.56366393
File: 440 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56366404

I didn't even know this was a stink thread.
But it was never your intention to have a serious discussion about LINK, you're just a fudding jeet who probably gets paid in tranny feet pics.

>> No.56366422

Wait till you read what they did to rats in the covid vaccine testing

>> No.56366425

his article on learned helplessness is a good start ironically.
it's a somewhat hostile dyor community if you come at them like a fudder but you can learn a lot very quick. the diet principles are OP bit you have to learn a lot or you'll get fat

>> No.56366430

w-what did they do to them?

Is it like the beagles they killed to experiment on?

>> No.56366459

I'll check it out. Is there an actual Ray Peat paid subscription forum, or is the community mostly on twitter now? my instances running into peaters is on twitter

>> No.56366464
File: 139 KB, 994x525, 1646981387968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to tell me twice, I got the fuck out of this basically cuz I didn't want to spend another minute on uncertainty, and I'm glad I flipped to kava

>> No.56366469

good for you anon, now kys

>> No.56366473

Everyone here is homosexual, don't be a bigot

>> No.56366474

You're a naughty naughty boy anon

>> No.56366479
File: 21 KB, 512x361, 1637584138569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy, I'll keep the jannies busy by shitting on the next isle

>> No.56366482



>> No.56366483

the average biz poster lives in south america or south asia where torturing animals is a past time. they also have annual incomes below 5k and try to give investment advice

>> No.56366485
File: 6 KB, 485x216, 1683444677526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>link holders who i whine about during every waking hour, who are up 50x on their initial investment are like these rats i read about because... because they just are!
wow IFLscience as well, fellow fudsister! im gonna upboat your post while selling 100k!

>> No.56366501

yeah raypeatforum. it's a good resource if you can filter the retards but twitter is much better

>> No.56366518

yeah you're right, thanks just sold my 10k stack. Im relieved and free now

>> No.56366531

>tfw when link was some kind of sadistic psychology experiment the whole time

>> No.56366553
File: 31 KB, 584x201, baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's more like stockholm syndrome

>> No.56366570

Did things like see how much vaccine they could give them before they couldn't reproduce, and before they just died. I don't remember the exact numbers but you can find it online. Pfizer clinical trials

>> No.56366577

i find this to be entirely subjective desu. for example, i could consider human meat to taste delicious, but the meat of rats disgusting. hence why i would always choose to eat humans over rats. would this make me a psychopath? it would not.

>> No.56366622

Ohh no no, oh nnooo no no. You’ll regret this when link goes to $1k in two weeks. Oh no, OHHH NO NO. You’ll regret this sirs.


There should be a new syndrome called Sirgay syndrome or something.

Sirgay syndrome: A financial-psychological phenomenon where holders of any given stock will keep holding it, as long as its price goes up in price periodically, regardless of its regression to the median price. People could make millions off of this.

I think we all regret getting the vax then, right, /biz/bros? :(

>> No.56366649


>> No.56366684

this actually makes a lot of sense. except linkies have the option to leave the tank if they wish (by selling).

>> No.56366749

>most of this thread is just the OP replying to himself while switching ids on his phone as per usual
cringe fag lmao

>> No.56366751
File: 552 KB, 1978x1960, 1692486579539982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Honestly this experiment is retarded because the rats were probably just more aware that they needed to conserve energy after being saved the first time/more aware of the actual situation physically, self-inserting concepts of "hope" into a rat's brain is not only f'd up from a human standpoint but also irresponsible from a scientific one as it's still an assumption they could never prove because he couldn't read a rat's mind.

>> No.56366759

OMG how did you know? Busteeed!

>> No.56366769

Oh is compassion a symptom of schizophrenia?

>> No.56366777

>I won't even tell you to sell linkmarines, it'd be of no use telling you so.
Brilliantly put! All fudders should digest this information. Save your collective energy.

>> No.56366785

Based, we should never sell until link is $1000. That’ll show these nasty fudders.

>> No.56366792

keked and checked

>> No.56366795

I’m literally not selling chainlink ever. $1k, $81k, ever. My kids get 30k link.
Do you have an emotional reaction to that information? A flash of anger? Why?

>> No.56366812


>My kids get 30k link
$200k is not too bad, $100k each I guess, just take inflation into account ok?

>> No.56366821

The fact you’re plugging in fiat numbers instead of percentage proportional ownership in the Chainlink network really tells me everything I need to know.
Best of luck accumulating fiat, anon, I hope it works out for you.

>> No.56366831

Can you please shut the fuck up about your boyfriend? He hasn't been relevant in like a month and yet you can't stop showing off his picture every day.

>> No.56366836

Check out raypeat2.com
It's the same content but a fan made it to fix the bad formatting of the original.

>> No.56366843

Adolf and Skyrim will get 0.0015% of the chainlink network each, not bad. At least is has sentimental value.

>> No.56366852

>He hasn't been relevant in like a month
Why? Did he quit The Success Factory or something?

>> No.56366853

>ascribing a sense of resource management to a tiny rat brain but not the sense that something miraculous might happen
you are a dumb

>> No.56366862

That is a mind boggling statistic when you consider what is being built. I literally couldn’t make a shill post as bullish as you spell it out here.

>> No.56366870

ooooOOOOO based, never selling fellow marine

>> No.56366888

yes fellow marine!! sar yes sar am too SOOO bullish on the ChainlinkTM network I hold many sui stacks for all family members

>> No.56366913

Very bullish link ₹1000 sir. Show yoru vegan pls

>> No.56366914

Checked and based. Glad we’re all on the same page. WAGMI

>> No.56366921

Based swimming rat

>> No.56366934

>science powered leftist weekend fud brought to you by seething ethie trannies
many such cases

>> No.56366947

jews aren't human

>> No.56366957

same with every alt that pumped once then never again, not just link.

they didn't take their chance when they had it, but now feel because that chance was there it's more likely to come back.
in reality when you look at all prior examples the chance of an alt making a large move up is only based on time on the market, not it's current price or whether it pumped in the past.

funny how what once was a time wasting activity in preparation for the move that already happened turned into a desperate support group for all of those who secretly wish they didn't have to care about their old bags anymore.

>> No.56366972

Holding link is a bad investment objectively speaking.

The top 20 coins will pump 2x in average if there’s a run, so their upside is capped but their downside is infinite (going to $0).

If you’re going to risk it in crypto the best risk/reward is something found in the top 50-100, which pump in average 10x, while having the same risk as any other blue chip crypto if you buy after the halving.

Link was a great narrative play that sadly didn’t pan out to its full potential.

>> No.56366982

Kudos to the delphi group for the memes btw

Take a look at Pepe’s eyes whenever there’s a shill thread, you should notice a very interesting symbol kek

t. marketer

>> No.56366987

link actually did very well, and it would have been a smart play for me to buy some back during its profitable period 2017-2020, but those times are over.

don't get hung up on position on cmc though, all that matters is avoiding old altcoins that have passed through a bull market already. the only exceptions are things like doge and bnb. upside is limited the closer your altcoin is to bitcoin's marketcap but i would still expect more upside in newer alts in the top 30 than old alts out of the top 100. the latter are simply cycled out by the market.

>> No.56367039

Pimps do this too, with their girls. When they're on the verge of breaking, they will calm them down, reassure them, etc. Hollywood does the same thing as attested by Dave Chappelle. The pimp thing is in the book "Pimp: The Story of My Life" by Iceberg Slim. This powerful insight is a great testament to human will but can also be sadistically twisted. Also makes a lot of sense when it comes to achieving anything that feels like a marathon (long horrible college paper, a work project, an actual marathon, etc).

>> No.56367046

Yeah and Hitler was a soft hearted faggot that couldn't do what needed to be done.

>> No.56367052

based and wholesomepilled

>> No.56367723

correct. Remember kids, new shitcoins don't have resistances formed by bagholders. Shit like solana and avax will die horribly.

>> No.56367834

I brought this up years ago, the drowning rats experiment.
Just give them hope of a perfect life and they will hold those bags until they die.
Thats why the hopium shills are so necessary and blatant.
Find one other coin that relies so much on secret breadcrumbs, esoteric conspiracy theories and numerology.
>link is a cult meme
started as a meme yet turned into a real fucking cult, the linktards behave exactly like a religious cult with the perfect messiah saint figure leader who they are faithful to and attack the "evil disbelievers" who "just dont get it"
Heres a good example of one of these cult members
>the unbelievers are everything bad, negative and evil, they are the incarnate of satan
Its actually unreal what happened with link, the 1k eoy bullshit memes were made by ico flipper eth ogs who bought link for .20 cents and dumped on all these linkfags, back then people heavily shilled bags they had, and these poor suckers drank their own kool-aid like those jews that become trannies due to their own propaganda

>> No.56367846

More than half of all link holders are down. You guys act like you all bought at .20 and never bumped your average up yet youre always talking about how you just bought more

>> No.56367869

Exactly. There is nothing real about this shill. I hope it pays off cause I pulled out after securing a few profits, diversified the profit into dua, and used the capital to extend my position in ETH. Nothing to regret.

>> No.56368106

Here’s a recent example on one of the “gold man” threads:

Yeah, it’s sad what became of link after last run. Only people that believe in the project nowadays are easily influenciable zoomers. It makes me cringe seeing how the chainlink team dumps millions of link while these zoomies defend such actions going against their own self interests.

>> No.56368126

The fuck

>> No.56368418

Without doubt losing hope is like death. Why do you think most people cling to link. It's because everything is fucked and no one can see a path to a better life. A House, loving family and a society you feel connected to are all beyond reach or not worth the struggle to obtain when they can be taken away so easily.

Link is the final hope some of us lads have left

>> No.56368426

I’m sad to hear that anon

>> No.56368496

If I was a tiny mouse then personally I'd get off to this treatment.
After the physical and emotional anguish of trying not to drown for 15 minutes, suddenly you're picked up by a giant hand, which helps dry your fur off with a towel and then lays you down to rest.
Those minutes of rest would basically be the greatest experience of your life.
It'd be like the movie Hellraiser but realistic and not supernatural.

>> No.56368516

>After the physical and emotional anguish of trying not to drown for 15 minutes, suddenly you're picked up by a giant hand, which helps dry your fur off with a towel and then lays you down to rest.
That’s how linkers feel after a 10% pump (that will inevitably retrace). Maybe that’s why they post so much on the board after these mini pumps.

>> No.56368543

>Link is the final hope some of us lads have left
Well said based king. GM chads stay based and redpilled.

>> No.56368552

Relate to a lot of what you're saying here, probably most young men do, but why LINK? There are so many other opportunities in crypto, and LINK is clearly not a good investment at this point. Without going into technical fundamentals or anything of the sort, I think its pretty well known that what pumps the hardest are newer projects, not old ones. Also LINK performance in last bullrun was pretty awful, which really doesn't bode well

>> No.56368732

seems like this resonates with link holders. probably because there is truth to it?

>> No.56368793
File: 88 KB, 600x397, 1692215556876088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just not going to sell my LINK, but you're free to keep trying fuddie.

>> No.56369101

You think LINK is a bad investment because you see the horrible price action and the schizo 81k cult. I think it's a good investment because I see CL labs creating and ruthlessly preparing to capitalize on a new market entirely. It's a long shot, as Sirgay may fail in a variety of ways, but it seems like a better bet than every other crypto project at this point in time that I'm aware of. Feel free to share any token that you think is probably not a shitcoin.

>> No.56369236

good find i gnerally dont even pay attention to those low effort pepes

>> No.56369677

this bull run will be linkies last chance to exit at two digit prices.

>> No.56369941

that $50 is basically impenetrable unless bitcoin goes to 150k+ and fast

>> No.56369964
File: 191 KB, 1078x1140, 1649993117689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think we all regret getting the vax then, right, /biz/bros? :(
Speak for yourself

>> No.56370004

>Take a look at Pepe’s eyes whenever there’s a shill thread, you should notice a very interesting symbol kek
>Here’s a recent example on one of the “gold man” threads:
>The fuck
>good find i gnerally dont even pay attention to those low effort pepes

It's an abstract kind of feel, to see shit that was once common knowledge become ethereal board lore and eventually forgotten, only to be rediscovered by newfags who act like they just uncovered an illuminati plot. Very abstract indeed.

>> No.56370144

this isnt /x/ usually when the schizo stuff gets posted i ignore it completely
same with low resolution pepe images i ignore those too

>> No.56371408

Sergey talks a lot about a truth network and such. There’s been countless instances where people have tried to make the world a fairer place and get power back to the people, only to get btfo by the elites.

Why would any company use a network that gives power back to the people when their whole business model is centralizing power? It doesn’t make any sense. Swift et al are just virtue signaling with chainlink, the same they do with the other dozen of projects they bring on board every year in forums like innotribe. Even t-systems admitted they didn’t want to get on board in the whole chainlink network and that’s why instead of using it, they just became a node operator as a form of giving back to the community. Charity, pretty much.

Why it’s been 7 years and there’s been no real implementation of chainlink in any legit big company they supposedly work with? I doubt even Sergey believes his own speeches about truth at this point.

>> No.56371673

Kek fuddie

>> No.56371682

You showed dose fuddies whos queen sis!

>> No.56371770

This is how to make money. Give people a chance at believing. Than see them drown again.

Brb Gonna sell all my LINK now.

>> No.56371964


>> No.56372005


>> No.56373699
File: 573 KB, 1170x969, IMG_0752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animal cruelty evocations are classic demoralization tactics. by whom?

>> No.56373748
File: 914 KB, 576x1024, 1661618241735557.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly whats even the point of this experiment ?
If a child did this in the backyard we would consider them a disturbed child but put on a lab coat and its science

>> No.56375599
