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56361281 No.56361281 [Reply] [Original]

How to meet girls as a 24 year old semi-retired crypto NEET?

>> No.56361285

Are u autistic, retarded or Jewish?

>> No.56361301

Work one day a week at a chill coffee shop

>> No.56361338
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meet prostitutes until one falls in love with you

>> No.56361351

I don't want to date a prostitute

>> No.56361358

That sounds like a you problem

>> No.56361360

have you tried going to get an education at a university

>> No.56361383

Literally the best possible situation for finding girls and you don't know where to begin?


Probably not this

Get a part time shitty job where teenagers work and try to find a virgin
Or go look in conservative churches around the world
Unless you just want pussy but it sounds like you're a sperg and would be better off finding a wife

>> No.56361392
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When I was a youngin like OP I struggled with the ladies too, just be yourself and you’ll do fine! Don’t forget, a firm handshake is all you need to succeed!
-sent from my iPhone

>> No.56361401

why not?
>she knows how to fuck
>good training for you in how to handle woman

>> No.56361439

There is also the vtuber route if you want entertainment as a comfy neet, but it may not be good for your future...

>> No.56361535

Be chad and be good looking. Thats all there is to it

>> No.56361976

enroll at your local community college and select nothing but music and art classes

dont be fat, or weird.

>> No.56362062

This. You know what to do OP

>> No.56362076
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You simply can't

>> No.56362123


-Workout to get lean. Also you can meet girls at the gym. If you like what you do they'll feel it and it creates a good energy effortlessly. For example I met my gf during a boxe training session. I was pretty bad with girls especially in bars honestly I don't think I ever got laid in bars.

-Groom a little bit from time to time so you avoid feeling dirty/unconfident. For some people it's really natural to groom everyday and being gay but as a previous neet I was more like taking a shower twice a week max. I still do 2-3x/week even with my gf but it needs some strategy. Also saunas & sport reduce tremendously your sweat in every day life.

-If you really need to upgrade your confidence start with an app and meet 30-35yo women who just want sex. They'll have the patience and the fun and you will develop your personal way of doing sex. I'm 28 now but I remember at 22-24 I was doing this and it helped a lot building long term confidence on sex with girls.

-Start a course at uni : I just started a course this year at 28 and honestly we're like 5 guys for 90 girls. 1/3 of them are single. Also since you're doing the same "thing" do team work etc... It's really easy and effortless to make contact and everything. My gf is extremely jealous because my whatsapp is now filled with girls asking for advices/team work/days to meet and so on.. I'll not cheat but if I really wanted it it would be really easy.

Take what you want from this post op. I've been there before. It's not the end it's not that complicated. You need to run to get better at running, you need to fuck to get better at fucking.

>> No.56362125

>24 years old
>still wanting to meet girls

what did you do for the past 10 years?

>> No.56362914

Thank you anon
I was never ready before to hear this but now I am at the stage where I am ready to do it
>t. 26 and got my first fat fuck buddy girl

>> No.56362950

I can be your gf (male) if you give me some of your millions of crypto dollars. UwU :3

>> No.56362961

Especially on how to treat them, because all women see interactions with me as transactional; time for all of us to do the same. Don’t let tradition and genetic wiring left over from the Olden Times betray you with modern wah-men, they will destroy you and enjoy it.

>> No.56362980

what course has 100 people in it? the fuck?
i dont think everyone gets these easy opportunities
a language course here has max 30 people, sport courses are similar
its also often dudes like yourself who only go there to creep on girls like it wouldnt be obvious

also never happened to me that a young guy would get laid with old roasties on apps all the time, same there no idea what youre talking about

>> No.56363037

That poster is obviously a third worlder so his experiences don’t matter the brown women will fuck for table scraps (WhatsApp is a brown app)

>> No.56363051

whatsapp is used all over europe mate, not sure what they use i usa

>> No.56363057

Oh so you’re brown too lol don’t reply anymore

>> No.56363803
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Fren, fren please! I need the full size of your image!

>> No.56363822

do you as a mutt think you are whiter than actual europeans?

>> No.56363841

Previous poster here.
I'm living in one of the highest gdp country in the world. USA is barely poverty tiers for us here.
Actually some colleagues go to the US from time to time for business but they can't stand the pollution, bad food, fat people so they count their days in the US.
Cope however you want

>> No.56363852

Also we're both white with natural blond hairs so try harder next time.

>> No.56363873

so you live in luxemburg/abu dhabi or are you just retarded?

>> No.56363897

It's a master's degree health & managment related so yes the field helps. Don't think engineering degree's have these amounts of girls.
Also I don't think I'm the creepy guy since I'm already in relationship and don't feel the urge to fuck. I'm only saying I'm surprised how easy it is to connect with a lot of girls when you're in the right environment I didn't expect that. 3months before I had no real discussions with girls outside of my circle of friend and my gf that's all.

>> No.56363915

Semi retired?
Story bro, what coins did u buy and what money u at?
Doesnt sound like ur very confident in ur riches yet

>> No.56363928
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work at a restaurant. if u dont get laid working at a restaurant then u never will

>> No.56363946

>thinks mentally ill white women who nag all day and ride the cockercoaster are the gold standard

Enjoy your cope while I swim in the pussy buffet, incels. Life was meant to be easy. At least for me lol

>> No.56364553
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here you go

>> No.56364586

Me neither. Unfortunately that's all women

>> No.56365082

>dude just get herpes

>> No.56365140

The environment my ancestors got gf was different then our modern environment. We live a feminist shithole now that enables women hypergamy which makes it much more difficult whereas in the past monogamy was the norm and many men were even given a young woman by said woman’s father to groom into a house wife for simply having a job and not having to date like we do and pass shittests and avoid giving women “the ick”

>> No.56365154

t. aspie virgin

>> No.56365165

Step 1: Leave your house

>> No.56365185

Calling people virgin and incel on internet won’t make women like you

>> No.56365227
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Get into some hobbies if you have so much time on your hands.

>> No.56365235

tfw women already like me and i can still make fun of virgins and incels who rely on elaborate copes they copied from equally big losers on the internet

>> No.56365593
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>talking to random people on the streets

Do Americans really? That's fucking creepy. Also, I scream (literally) whenever I remember something bad and may loose any ability to function for hours. I'm afraid "I tried talking with a random girl but she smirked and went away" type of a situation will drive me nuts. Besides, I don't know what should I even talk about. I've been in this type of situations and I couldn't say a word.

Though I agree with the rest of the pic. My chances are low, but I could get a gf. The problem being there is not a single girl around me and I don't have any hobbies which involve them. Also, my age (31) is starting to scare me.

>> No.56367374


>> No.56367806

premarital sex is degenerate