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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 307 KB, 1012x829, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5636404 No.5636404 [Reply] [Original]


Upvote this to get on the front page https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/7n10hn/ethertanks_just_got_released_cryptokitties_but/
buy your tanks now then upvote and shill this shit.

>get the /r/cryptocurrency front page
>more fags will join
>easy profit

>> No.5636471

up vote and create content about with ethertanks on /r/cryptocurrency and /r/ethtrader like this one,

>> No.5636505

shill this shit, let's go /biz/

>> No.5636563

up up up

>> No.5636655

LT-2 all in boys

>> No.5636661



>> No.5636673

if you motherfuckers dont buy an mt-1 youre crazy. got two, on track to make $400 this hour

>> No.5636826

lt-1 is where the money are at
bought 2 at morning and already 1.5x investment gains

it is a shitty tank but profit is profit

>> No.5636906

LT-2 best tank

>> No.5637000
File: 152 KB, 563x477, Screen Shot 2017-12-30 at 13.13.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made 100% back already so it's all profit from here. Probably should have invested more but oh well.

>> No.5637108

Eat shit and die Reddit fag you are cancer

>> No.5637112

Damn at what hour did you arrive, they are already 0.08

>> No.5637193


I bought them around 4 hours ago for 0.03

>> No.5637231

I made a thread about it 8 hours ago..

>> No.5637325

i'm not a reddit faggot you stupid shit, this is the place that normies are hangin', so we need to be on the front pages of those subreddit to reach out them and make more profit you fucking stupid cunt.

>> No.5637483

I just put about a Bitcoin in this one, it's all my gains from my Verge ride and most of my portfolio. Here we go boys.

>> No.5637733

It's Etheremon with no ties to an already established franchise, is something that only other people who know about how pyramid schemes work will get in on, and it's just leeching off other games' ideas?

As with all pyramid schemes, if you get in early you will make money so long as you shill yourself. The only people getting in on the new pyramid scheme games are those who came from Etheremon's backing phase and know that pyramid schemes are easy money. But that also means they're likely to use that exact same knowledge to know when they should and shouldn't buy in. By default, the artwork is almost as bland as the pet rock pyramid scheme, it doesn't have an actual fanbase to leech off, and it doesn't have apparent longterm goals.

Heck, even the whitepaper is self-aware of how pointless it is as a game. Literally all it talks about is what the stats mean, but intentionally skips over where it's going in the future. The contract still has the holes that Etheremon did before they fixed it, so this is the literal definition of exit scam.

It uses the exact same cash-out format as Etheremon. Earned funds and funds that went through, but didn't complete a transaction, get put into a wallet for you to cash-out from.
They can pull out the money from everyone's wallets at any time. This is something Etheremon fixed asap when it was pointed out, but these guys left it in intentionally. This is an exit scam.

Etheremon, which was infinitely more popular and had far more sales in the same period of time, with an actual endgame, slowed down on sales after the first six sales, and that was including retards buying in. No one's buying into this shit anymore and it hasn't even been up for half that amount of time.

You guys can fuck reddit as much as you like, I'll inform the people on this board who aren't aware.

>> No.5638059

Someone didn’t buy an MT-1 early enough...