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56363686 No.56363686 [Reply] [Original]

How is the Algorithmic grind going boys?

>> No.56364078
File: 194 KB, 900x900, regret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I post something on Youtube shorts, it gets like 1000 views and then just dies. How do I get the views going again? How do I plug my shit into the algorithm?

for the record I create goofy cartoons that are usually like 5-30 seconds long, they're kid friendly but I never tag them as "for kids" because I want people to be able to comment on them

>> No.56364160

Fur your first few shorts, YouTube will promote it to a couple thousands individuals to gauge its quality. If those people aren't sticking around or interacting, you're kinda fucked. I recommend either switching to long form or using tiktok to supplement your yt.

>> No.56364173

interesting, that makes sense. I got a few subscribers from it

>> No.56364174

Also yt shorts are a battle of who can pump out the most decentish content in a limited amount of time. As an animator I don't think you can compete with the content aggregators that just rip clips from others.

>> No.56364194

>As an animator I don't think you can compete with the content aggregators that just rip clips from others

you're probably right, but the 2 things I have going for me are 1) it's just a hobby I do for fun, I'm not expecting to even get paid for it and 2) my cartoony style isn't time intensive so I can pump shit out relatively fast

>> No.56364218

How are we getting around the adblock block? Brave shit the bed so I went back to chrome + adblock but now that is blocked as well.

>> No.56364252

>Brave shit the bed

how so? I think it still blocks youtube ads for me

>> No.56364342

I don't think about it at all. Some videos get hundreds of views, some get thousands, one got millions for some reason. I never upload shorts or make algorithm thumbnails. All I do is post boring racing onboards and sometimes car development videos with some /o/tist memes interspersed. None of them will ever have ads anyway and I block ads on youtube myself.

>> No.56364373

firefox plus ublock still works fine for me. Second it stops working i'll just switch to youtube downloaders. ugh, sorry, I'm just not going to watch an ad! Google can double down its ad torture of phonefaggots to compensate.

>> No.56364385
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>> No.56364402
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>> No.56364469

>Brave shit the bed

idk it works fine for me

>> No.56366784

What do your watch time/subs numbers look like?

>> No.56367234

i had an idea for a youtube channel that wouldnt take much work but it turns out im lazy af so i never did it kek
have any of you ever made money off that fucking platform

>> No.56367245

It says 5183 subscribers/27.6 hours watch time in the last 28 days. I don't know if that's good or bad. It's been over a month since the last video.

>> No.56367354

i might being hard on myself there, making videos can be hard, especially if youve a channel idea that needs regular uploads.
how the hell do people motivate themselves to sink so much time into it

>> No.56367364

Be a woman

>> No.56367368

You are fighting against a billion chink and poos, posting with AI
You won’t win

>> No.56367383

yeah this works, if i see some girl in a shorts thumbnail on my home page feed ill click it

>> No.56367412

I am lazy too
I spent hours on a 1 min video, perfecting it, only to give up
I made several of them, never posted one
I might pick it up again after I get a new computer, maybe I make something out of them
I have a cute Asian friend who might be of help to me
But ye, the most viewed are when women, specially hot and showing subtle cleavage talks about random shit for 20 seconds or so

>> No.56367470

I think how people motivate themselves is depends on many things
For example, a guy with average look might want to be famous and rich for pussy and good time partying with friends
I can’t use this motivation as I am an awkward ugly guy almost 30 Virgin with no friends and somehow deep down I feel like to amount of money would make me not “ugly”
So no money or fame can motivate me
If you can make the first or second video and you reach some success, it can also motivate you to build a better one next time

>> No.56367541

been there, I'm sure millions have. what stops me is thinking down the line, I can spend hours working on one good idea but am I really going to go through it on a regular basis? the answer is always no and it makes me just delete everything.
I'm sitting browsing through my sub feed and of the videos here I actually watch, I don't think a single one of them has been made by a channel that isn't a full time youtuber with unlimited time to spend on itand i see no reason people who are used to watching well made content, like I am, would ever slum it.
if views are all you're after you could just upload hundreds of videos of pets doing cute things ripped from tiktok, lowest denomination of content has the widest audience

>> No.56367559

in my life I've uploaded 2 videos and both got to 20k views before I never went back again, first one was me showing people how to do a trick in a game that ended up posted on Reddit and the other was of a busker playing video game songs in the street.
I know if I ever uploaded my own content if be looking at view counts of 1 or 2, for weeks or probably months.
I know it's possible to pop off early, I've seen some channels do it

>> No.56367699

>Fur your first few shorts, YouTube will promote it to a couple thousands individuals to gauge its quality. If those people aren't sticking around or interacting, you're kinda fucked

damn realizing this is true, I got thousands of views and hundreds of likes on my first video and today I uploaded 1 and got less than a hundred views lel. I'm fucked

>> No.56367992

You are right.
I do think the same, and the anxiety of being committed, makes me stops.
What if I spend all this time for nothing? And no one likes it? Worse what If it does work, but I have to maintain it?
But then again, I think to myself, that I spent awful lots of time reading, learning other stuff or endlessly browsing or reading bullshit. Hell, life itself it kinda pointless if you think about it. You can perfect a talent, only to get into an accident, or you just gonna die and it means that all your effort was pointless.
So ye, I might try to pick at it again, one video, each week, so I don’t burn myself.
Good luck on your work as well

>> No.56367998

Well, if you get good viewed, why didn’t you use that as a motivation to propel you forward? Was it the fear of commitment to this path stopping you?
Maybe you just don’t like to be dragged down and chained to your YouTube channel as if it was just another job? Is that so?

>> No.56368049

I think what bothers me most is having videos on my channel that I spent time on and thought were funny or quality, and they basically don't get any views. That shit hurts more than anything else

>> No.56368693

it's not really my content getting views, nothing repeatable at least, the game trick was just a short tutorial that was 1 of 1 glitches I knew, the other was just good luck as I'm not about to make a career change, traveling around filming street musicians, I don't live anywhere near a big enough city and I'm sure there's others doing it.

>> No.56368703
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Is this where I post my youtube channel bros?

>> No.56368752

I've read this a lot and the advice is always to just keep uploading to get through it but I've also seen it go the other way, not in the distant past but recently, a channel on its 1st upload rose quickly to 1k subs and by the time of the 2nd and 3rd video the guys on 4k subs and each video has 15-20k views, which given they are 15+minutes long there's a high chance he can instantly monetise his channel.
his videos are well produced in a popular documentary style, when YouTube recommended it to me, the thumbnail, visuals, sound quality etc seamlessly blended in with the videos before it. it was the perfect counterpoint to those that say don't waste too much time working on your early videos, at the very least make sure to work on the very first one

>> No.56368763


>> No.56369148

Watch hours are a little low. How long are your vids on average and how often do you upload?

>> No.56369158

Yes and no. Posting your channel on here might lead people to click on your videos and instantly click off. This depending on you size can really fuck up your metrics.

>> No.56370400

Based and gonna post it pilled

>> No.56370951

I post about once a month during the season but I did just start doing it again this year after a six year hiatus. Decided to take a break from racing to do the whole get married and have kids bit. I will be posting more often next year with a heavier focus on car development/wrenching since I wished there was more of that on youtube back when I first bought the thing. I feel a lot more confident now that I've taken it completely apart and put it back together multiple times. Video length varies wildly from 3 minutes to 30. Considering how extremely niche this is I doubt it will ever be popular outside /o/tist group chats.

>> No.56370979
File: 98 KB, 1024x839, 1619309138965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit, I was doing like 10 vids a day literally sleeping like shit, got tired and decided to go back to working at Subway and using part of the wage to DCA pond a little bit more

>> No.56370997

Fucking kek, you gave up just to go back to your past self?

>> No.56371001

You shouldn't, faggot

>> No.56371003

Uh, nobody asked I think

>> No.56371006

So your vaporwave scam is actually making you happy?

>> No.56371081

this guy made a cool little video of his ai project playing pokemon.
1 upload, 700k views, 13k subs lol
maybe i should start a jewtube afterall

>> No.56371194


>> No.56371225
File: 49 KB, 720x638, o045zvxiow2b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most recent vid got 20% ctr for 1.6k impressions. Yt refuse to recommend it

>> No.56371252

shorts or long form?
ctr scales the lower the views to higher the ctr

>> No.56371291

Long form. It's a 6min vid with 3:38min avg view duration

>> No.56371417

You might need to bump up that video length. Weirdly, the shorter the video the longer YouTube expects people to watch it. Its a weird bell curve.

>> No.56371468

I did it anyways. How does it feel?

>> No.56372964

I said how does it feel faggot