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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 626 KB, 727x642, alsdfasdklfjd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56358166 No.56358166 [Reply] [Original]

>be responsible for the biggest ponzi scheme in the world
>get labeled a hero by the media

>> No.56358176

pussy pass installation in progress, please be patient

>> No.56358189


Starting tier; 5/10

>Pussy Pass
>She's ugly
>She's Jewish

Caroline has an 8/10 chance of getting out of this with minor charges.

>> No.56358196

Her grandfather survived the masturbating machines at aushwitz. Show some compassion you freak.

>> No.56358197

Women always get the easy road in criminal cases. Nobody wants to admit she could've been equally as complicit and vile as bankman. If the victim card worked so effortlessly for men nobody would be in prison.

>> No.56358275

With all that's going on in Israel right now is it fair to put Caroline on trial? I don't think so. Throw the trial out.

>> No.56358354

Did you guys hear that a US Marshall called her a retarded 30 year old? Imagine being ugly AND retarded.

>> No.56358363

She already took the plea deal, her fate is sealed.

>> No.56358410

This. She's been through enough.

>> No.56358418

Bloomberg trying to push for -1 on the ugly as well. It ain't working, but I'm impressed at the photo editors effort.

>> No.56358432
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Normie Boomer Democrats deserve physical harm.

>> No.56358494

>darling of the alt right

>> No.56358506

>omg such Brave

>> No.56358527

If you think weasel-posting is just ironic I've got some bad news for you...

>> No.56358548

This can't be real, fucking kek

>> No.56359678
File: 32 KB, 500x284, ellison 101323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Bankman contemplating here?

>> No.56359683

why don't we decimate these disgusting kike rats right fucking now seriously?

>> No.56359801
File: 496 KB, 1000x1225, 1696245894136143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free palestine
40 israeli babies per hour :/

>> No.56360072

bitch probably gonna get her bio tv series or documental on netflix

>> No.56360084

The press unironically uses 4chan as a source and they take everything said in here as real.

>> No.56360093

I cannot believe how ugly she is it's like a sick joke played by God himself

>> No.56360362

never trust dysgenic people

>> No.56360417
File: 613 KB, 648x657, 1697211031079859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this "4chan"?

>> No.56360444

apparently SBF was pointedly avoiding eye contact with Sweet Caroline for the duration of her testimony and I think that's what this is attempting to show

>> No.56360457

these morons are the reason none of us Made It during the mythic bull run.

>> No.56360464
File: 226 KB, 696x352, 1696807393698109.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some of her defenders, who call her “Queen Caroline,” are followers of Curtis Yarvin, a neoreactionary political theorist and far right darling. Many of the people who have flocked to Ellison’s defense gather on Urbit, a peer-to-peer platform created by Yarvin, one of her online supporters told Forbes. They think Ellison was set up to be the fall person, and claim that former co-CEO Sam Trabucco, who they derisively call “Sam Tabasco," is behind Alameda’s implosion.

>> No.56360630


>> No.56360643
File: 348 KB, 619x565, BLM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now is not time for joke

>> No.56360657

>that time he pinned the weasel

>> No.56360710

She still gonna be poor and most likely get fucked by a bunch of mongrels in prison, but hey, at least I had the chance to get my money out and throw it into Kava

>> No.56360726

Well, you were lucky

>> No.56360729

Imagine how based, let's spread the truth then
Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.56360740

>He didn't lose all his money on THAT day
You piece of shit, I hate you

>> No.56360742

why in the fuck did you use that jew infested garbage

>> No.56360755
File: 97 KB, 500x147, 1682536812002896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$120 million per hour and all he says is oof, sbf was a twisted cunt

>> No.56360993

the judge wouldn’t even let the defense attorney cross examine her. he was all “stop questioning the poor girl”

judge is prob a dirty old man

>> No.56361052

Yeah they all think the bad guys are always heroes.

>> No.56361058

None of that passes. Right now the medai hates the Jews. Also she's ugly as fuck.

>> No.56361127


>> No.56361218

No justice in this world

>> No.56361251

Someone get someone in the media to disseminate her tumblr posts.

>> No.56361982

a mysterious hacker

>> No.56362019

Judge is prob a dirty kike

>> No.56362042

Nigga I lost my mind after losing 300k (from 400k) in gaisn last run and this cunt just says :(

>> No.56362520

I'm honestly kind of amazed they haven't been attacked by someone who lost everything because of their scam

>> No.56362604

Still has more sex and a higher chance of having progeny than most of you incels on this board

>> No.56362611

Post tits and then go back to plebbit where you belong, hole

>> No.56362636

>She's ugly
Have you seen silicon valley ads lately? Mostly ugly people. If anything it's +3 on the victim scale.

>> No.56362643

fucking retarded kikes. they got everything because they are jews.

even the ugliest most stupid methhead kikes get everything on a silver platter.

>> No.56362683

is OPs summary real?

t. dindnt follow the story at all

>> No.56362694
File: 614 KB, 1280x715, 87470747872677532805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo what's good senpai I've been copping mad bags for that new Ny@n C@t Money token It's a legit moonshot and the community is lit as hell The whiteping is crazy It's like Bitcoin in 2009 but even better It's got all the right vibes and the vibes are immaculate It's like based af and we be making some serious gains out here

>> No.56362695

Jew pass is more like +6000000

>> No.56362873

>Ny@n C@t Money token
whats this? 2010?

>> No.56362885

They're our greatest ally

>> No.56362983

>women acting like children, dodging responsibility
tell me something new...

>> No.56363462

this but only if woman or gay

>> No.56363474

>the medai hates the Jews
Okay, Uncle Moshe

>> No.56363532

Jewish pass is like a +10

>> No.56363609

Its about time the recognized the autistic gestalt as the only reliable source of truth in this universe.

>> No.56363718
File: 1.19 MB, 1024x637, 18657215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+50 and women is +50 too

>> No.56364181


she's going to jail, where the only sex she's going to have is lesbian

>> No.56364225

Not true. Plenty of guards to rape her.

>> No.56364378


guards in female prison are female

>> No.56364397
File: 1.91 MB, 250x332, 4chan-who.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hackers on steroids