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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.56357106
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OIL bors

>> No.56357107
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I would fucking HEEM Allen Greenspan.

>> No.56357110
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I agreed to work an early shift today. This was a mistake.

>> No.56357111
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This thread was brought to by the use of semiconductors

>> No.56357114
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>> No.56357117
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>MFW I use NVIDIA products to decry NVDA

>> No.56357120
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tech small caps (even profitable ones) are the cheapest in 10 yrs. Yet boomers will buy nvidia instead.

>> No.56357124

>So the SOXL baggies are, in fact, in the room with us right now?
Nope. The baggies have left the building. They did not survive.
We're conversing with the latest round of degenerate gamblers, laughing at them as in their hubris they fail to exit with realized gains once again.

>> No.56357125

Why would Iran restrict oil to the US over alleged Israli "war crimes"

>> No.56357130
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I just buy and hold SOXL instead

>> No.56357132

He'd like that I heard....

>> No.56357133

>Enjoy your thousands of dollars of profit lol!
I don't even understand this retarded attitude. Okay, I will...?

All you faggots do it gloat, you never actually provide a substantial reason to not be ultra long on semis with as much leverage as possible

>> No.56357135
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>the people that bought in at 10 dollars are baggies

>> No.56357137

Best of all social media will benefit from the oil crisis when zoom zooms are priced out of living the house.

>> No.56357142

low price =/= cheap

>> No.56357151

Get some CDE and AG.

For more torque, add a little:


>> No.56357161
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we're so back HL bros

>> No.56357163
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>> No.56357164
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Nice, I'm looking forward to playing HL3

>> No.56357166
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I support the zoom zooms in their moment of need & I shall open my doors to a few of the young ladies as charity.

>> No.56357167

nice to see companies I know! I've strayed from select silver miners for a pretty long time but maybe it's time to consider going long on those again. PAAS is also a great alternative to AG desu. For now I've focused on the gold majors because they're more or less guaranteed money but I'll mull over jumping into silver stocks again thanks

>> No.56357169
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Anon, I...

>> No.56357172
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>> No.56357171

If you're trading SOXL then enjoy the gains. The past year has given many wonderful trading windows. I think you probably should've exited when NVDA was pushing $500, but can't always be perfect.
I'm specifically bullying the brainlets that think semiconductors are a perma-long from here, on leverage. So basically this guy >>56357133

>> No.56357176
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You see.... there is consensus cracking here. We must all be more sporadic than ordinary to ensure that our consensus doesn't get cracked. We must all be picrel.

>> No.56357180
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The making it portfolio

>> No.56357192

mumus looking for DB off 431.28 here. Market may distribute bags either way.

>> No.56357199

MFs literally paid 150 a pop for shit like pinterest and now are panic dumping at 30
tbf nothing surprises me after seeing who sits at the boards of pension funds — it’s the terminal stage of HR trash and union parasites somehow

>> No.56357201
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Sorry (chart)

>> No.56357203

Lmao even when directly replying to me calling you out for not ever providing substantial reasoning, you don't provide substantial reasoning. Couldn't make this shit up.

>> No.56357211
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Is it too late to buy puts?

>> No.56357213
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Mumu simpleton mumu

>> No.56357214
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What are your favorite companies with little or no revenue growth?
CSCO is an example.

>> No.56357215

No one perma longs anything. Everyone eventually sells. I don't know why people love being short sighted or taking things in the worst faith based interpreted of what people mean but the upward trend in the use of semiconductors isn't going anywhere until it is effectively phased out or the companies held by the etf in the first place drop too much in value. People can long and swing trade things you just have to learn to be patient and identify potential resistance levels. Once again it's just goofy once again to go with the worst interpretation possible to strawman an argument.

>> No.56357217

looks like the bears have breached 4300 after all lol next stop 2000

>> No.56357221

why are bears only happy when it rains?

>> No.56357222

Why stop there? Why not 1000?

>> No.56357228

did anon say PLUG was going to pop today? what gives anon?

>> No.56357233
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>> No.56357236
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where are we now in your opinion?

>> No.56357237


>> No.56357241

Jpow will step in before then, he has to, right?

>> No.56357242

Because the market is fake and gay. It growing as it has and does causes run away inflation/valuation. Everything will get more expensive because of retarded bulls playing along and putting their money into mammons house of usury. Bears are necessary to call bullshit from time to time.

>> No.56357243

rain makes the plants grow. A moment's misery results in longer term growth.

>> No.56357251
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Stage 4, heading into stage 5.

>> No.56357252

Days like today are so fucking dumb. No one can actually point to any tangible reason to be selling, meanwhile the entire market shits and farts in unison as if people found out about something important. I'm fine with red when there's bad data or something, but....there isn't any. This is just retail speculators being egged on by big money.

>> No.56357257
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>> No.56357258
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They are deeply, deeply dissatisfied with themselves and life in general.

>> No.56357260

Right at the arrow. Get long oil/uranium/gold/silver.

>> No.56357263

Stage 4.

>> No.56357267

I have 30k liquid cash to my name and 5k in a retirement fund. What should I invest in to not be poor in 30 years? I’m 33 btw.

>> No.56357269
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I think that was it
I think that was the bottom of the dip

>> No.56357271

Inflation is monetary policy issue. The stock market has very little to no impact on inflation. All bobos do is correct over speculation that happens in the market and you don't even need short selling for that to happen. Short selling just speeds up the process.

>> No.56357272

Energy and gold

>> No.56357274
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>> No.56357278
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Buy 75% SOXS and 25% leveraged routers

>> No.56357279

some training to get a better job

>> No.56357283

just a min, working on a new meme image

>> No.56357285

Buying more OSTK, CROX

>> No.56357289
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Bottom is in, let’s save America fellow mumus…

>> No.56357294
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Who broke the VIX motherfuckers?

Who is buying all these puts lmao?

>> No.56357295

stage 5 ish imo, I dont think we will get to stage 6 until after the election.

>> No.56357298

We just put in another lower high. It's OVER.

>> No.56357304
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Based and board culture contribution pilled.

>> No.56357308

Need to start Roth IRA maxing bro

>> No.56357314

Why are we fucking chopping around? Why doesn't the market just fucking move?

>> No.56357315

what if the real whoa black betty was the friends we made along the way?

>> No.56357324

VIX is waking up, but this just spells the death knell for big tech. Boomers hiding out in AAPL, NVDA and TSLA are going to get rect. Oil barons and the like are gonna get rich.

>> No.56357326

algo wars

>> No.56357333

I know you're baiting but it's still funny because I can also say with confidence that you represent someone real. And that will never not be hilarious.
There's something indescribably funny about the complete financial retardation of huge chunks of modern society. Plus it's generally made things simpler and more profitable for me as well - betting against retards.

I get what you're trying to say, but this faggot above is literally defending the stance that SOXL is a perma-long. This is not about interpretation or strawmans. It's the very argument at hand.
Even if you reduce your focus to the next decade, SOXL is not going to trade anything like the past one. Real borrowing costs were negative, now sitting at 2-3%. That already creates drag. Major semiconductors saw transformative change through AI and the multiple crypto bubbles, NVDA is up 100x now sitting at 1 trillion dollars. It's not going to 100x again this next decade (in real terms). That's literally impossible. It would be larger than the entire global economy, all wealth. And even if it 100xes in nominal terms due to some sudden hyperinflation, that would lead to relative SOXL declines in real terms, as it's paying a real borrowing cost for that leverage and suffering intermittent volatility drag as well.
It's already virtually flat since dec 2019. Pre-covid. Think about how many bullish events have been realized for the semiconductor industry these last 3 years, look at the massive gains in some of the leading companies, yet SOXL is flat. The LETF bull run of the 2010s has ended. We're in a crab decade (in real terms).

>> No.56357334

These algos can tongue my anus. They should pick a direction already

>> No.56357339
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0DTE puts?

>> No.56357346


>> No.56357353

One day I'll get a fucking move that actually goes instead of reversing

>> No.56357355

>smg still hasn't realized that the tech game is over and it's commodities' time to shine
I'll sell when every poster here is bullish oil at $150 and gold at $3000

>> No.56357359

It's pretty clear at this point big tech companies don't have crippling issues with higher interest rates, including semiconductors. It's a cyclical market. It will pump again. Further advances in AI will create breakthroughs and necessitate even more demand for semis. Pretty much the entire semiconductor market minus NVDA has plenty of room to run.
I will continue to follow the 200 SMA strategy and sell covered calls, which has so far made me thousands of dollars of realized gains and a 65% gain on the underlying.

>> No.56357363

>No one can actually point to any tangible reason to be selling
Then surely you can give me solid arguments as for why we've been retardpumping last week?

>> No.56357365
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beautiful (colors of top left part slightly enhanced for clarity)

>> No.56357367
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It’s time to slurp this SOXS dip

>> No.56357368

Guns, Ammo, Security. We will all be poor by todays metrics then but we will be rich in the new ones.

>> No.56357371

The issue with tech and other broader market equities isn't that they're necessarily terrible companies. It's that they're trading at 30+ P/E

>> No.56357374

Post charta

>> No.56357378

Based big banks. Based SOXS

>> No.56357379

I think they're realizing, seeing some SOXS shillers. It's only the SPY call buyers who are the laggards.

>> No.56357381
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but SPY is clearly in a downtrend, i could easily make a few hundred just holding for a couple hours

>> No.56357385
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>> No.56357386

There's nothing wrong with selling at the top if you've had a good run.

>> No.56357394

That was the lows for today and now we will end the day green.

>> No.56357395

The majority of semis are well below 30 P/E, even well below 20. We're seeing AI technology being released that just two years ago was unthinkable. These are the reasons why I'm bullish on semis as a whole.

>> No.56357396

Better start selling then.

>> No.56357399

Crash today or crash on Christmas. Your choice mumu.

>> No.56357403

>Further advances in AI will create breakthroughs and necessitate even more demand for semis.
The chinese have shown that you can do cool things with yesterday's generation of semiconductors. Invest brains into writing good software. That's a skill the west is losing.

>> No.56357404
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here comes the God candle

>> No.56357408

Wait til you find out the rationale behind the last 2 decades of pumping

>> No.56357409
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I'm actually a perma-bull myself, but I couldn't resist this idea. I can't believe no one else thought of it before

>> No.56357414
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I'm not too hot on breaking past that 367 resistance to be quite honest with you lad

>> No.56357417

Just added a huge SPY short position and bought VIX. Am I retarded? I think Hezbollah enters the war tonight.

>> No.56357418


>> No.56357420

God I hope 4chan is still here in ten years so I can come back and laugh my ass off at you for posts like this while I swim in my pool of gold coins

>> No.56357424

Over 9000 seconds in Paint.NET

>> No.56357429

>a country known for stealing intellectual property
Yeah right remind me again how China has the same global brain drain going that the west does and how chinese aren't paying like crazy to get degrees in the west just so they can get paid more back in China. AI is still in its infinancy stages.

>> No.56357439

VVIX. The murmurs are getting louder. The gamma of volatility for OTM options on VIX.

Getting stronger.

There's a bid.

The drops in the pond get louder.

I warned you.

>> No.56357440
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Also saved. I hope you see it one day in the wild and smile.

>> No.56357445

>It's pretty clear at this point big tech companies don't have crippling issues with higher interest rates
That's not the point. SOXL pays SOFR+ for their total return swaps. When real yields are positive, that creates a headwind against positive real returns for the leveraged holdings. They must exceed that threshold merely to breakeven, before vol decay and before other management expenses.
I'm not saying tech is overvalued. I have no strong opinion on that. What I can say with confidence is that SOXL is a poor vehicle for longterm holding. It can be useful for swing trades if you're too lazy to pick stocks or manage your own position sizing, but that's about it.

It's a partially market cap weighted index, so majority is irrelevant. Listed P/E is 21, but I don't care to confirm accuracy right now. Not like it's particularly relevant anyway.

>> No.56357448
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I smile every time I see some stupid meme I created get re-posted
Probably the only thing that keeps me from kms

>> No.56357450

$14 is a lot to pay for a put. You have no idea if that downtrend will continue.

>> No.56357452

Global "jihad day" has been a nothingburger so far, but it will probably get worse before it gets better. Hezbollah sending some token missiles and getting bombed by the US is a real possibility.
Not sure if that situation justifies high volatility, but there are other reasons for shorting the S&P.

>> No.56357457
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>> No.56357459
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my TA chart says its turning around, so its too late for me to make a trade today anyway

>> No.56357462

>SOXL is a poor vehicle for longterm holding
I mean that's just wrong, on its face. If you expect a particular sector to do well, buying it on leverage isn't going to result in less gains over time if the underlying do well. I think you have SOXL Derangement Syndrome

>> No.56357468

Is that higher than Turkiye's interest rate?
I'm not following these shitholes really closely.

>> No.56357470
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>> No.56357469
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>all those oil wells & trade routes in israel and gaza
nothing is even close to a threat to arab oil what the heck

>> No.56357471

The drag caused by higher interest rates on SOXL isn't going to come anywhere close to outsizing gains on a long term hold in an upward trend.

>> No.56357477


>> No.56357479


>> No.56357480

Argentina doesn't realize that raising rates to heretofore unseen levels does nothing to make commodities cheaper. And nobody wants their shitty bankrupt currency either lmfao

>> No.56357494

how do I buy short term bonds from that dumpster?

>> No.56357496
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Are ya winning, son?

>> No.56357497
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>> No.56357500
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Should I buy a put to hedge the chance of Israel nuking gaza over the weekend?

>> No.56357501
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Turkiye's interest rate is 30%, a mere pittance
im finna move to the argentine

>> No.56357505

Every fucking god damn time I open a trade I get reversed

>> No.56357513

Or long natural gas. Qatar has threatened to cutoff their gas to Europe if that happens.

>> No.56357514

good luck finding a broker willing to deal in a near bankrupt govt issuer's bonds

>> No.56357516
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I still can't believe they're trying to save the peso. It's like that Japanese guy that got fucked up by that radiation but they insisted on keeping him alive despite the fact that he basically just slowly melted to death over weeks and weeks. Just to rip the band aid off, and stick a fork in it.
Not to mention they spent so long trying to print a 2000 peso bill that is now practically worthless anyway. They should be working on the 100k peso bill at this point if they want to keep the charade going.

>> No.56357521
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Based. They don't have bidenomics to take them where we're goin bull bros. This 133% interest rate is revealing. Too bad they don't have democracy ™ like we do.

>> No.56357527
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It’s time to buy SOXS. It would be wise my friend

>> No.56357529

They will attack on Shabbat to make it a sacred war.
“There is a mitzva incumbent upon all capable Jews to come to the aid of their brothers who are under siege, and to save them from non-Jews on Shabbat; they may not delay until after Shabbat…” (MT 2:23).
Better buy puts before the weekend.

>> No.56357532 [DELETED] 

Swung out of soxs to soxl wo2th the expectation thT the market will do on if it's retardo reversals this afternoon. Lets see how this plays out

>> No.56357535

113% in monopoly board game money.

>> No.56357539
File: 249 KB, 1170x1847, IMG_9223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t care if all my gains are wiped by close I’m holding this for 2 months minimum

>> No.56357544

This is the most rigged market I've ever had the misfortune of trading in

>> No.56357548

SOXL is up approximately 90% since 2017. That's 6 entire years: 11.2% CAGR.
I'd be pretty disappointed if my own portfolio had only returned that much over that timeframe, and this was amongst the most bullish time period semiconductors have seen. Even NVDA, completely unleveraged, is up 10x over the same period. Personally, I've traded in and out of that several times over the period.
So yes, I think it's fair to say that blind leverage kind of sucks.

Sadly the half-life of retards like you posting here is approximately 12 months. I wouldn't be surprised if 4chan is still around, but you'll almost certainly have blown up and bailed. I enjoyed laughing at BOIL kang for a while too as the dogshit he shilled slowly dumped 70%. Sadly, it never lasts.

>> No.56357553

its certainly crabbing, maybe it will be another decade of the 70's

>> No.56357557

ditch tech and general markets, join the commodity kings. We rule the market now.

>> No.56357558
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Swung out of soxs to soxl with the expectation that the market will do one if its retardo reversals this afternoon. Lets see how this plays out.

>> No.56357559

We will get crabbing every day until this shit collapses to 0

>> No.56357573

Reminder that commodities outperformed everything in the 70s. What orange juice just did, gold and silver is about to do. Get long.

>> No.56357578
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Fed has 0 excuse not to hike with bank earnings

>> No.56357579

I think Hezbollah will commit forces tonight once Israel commits to the Gaza invasion and it wiill be more difficult for them to open a second war front.

>> No.56357594

why would the fed believe them?
>Bear Stearns is fine!

>> No.56357598

The fed will literally cause another volcker-caust at these rates. Shut him down!

>> No.56357600

If you're bullish enough on semiconductors this is true, but a real cost of leverage creates a hurdle whereas pre-2017 leverage was essentially free, negative real costs even. This is pretty clearly visible in the difference in SOXLs performance between the two halves of it's existence thus far.

SOXL 2011 - 2017 = ~20x
NVDA 2011 - 2017 = ~10x

SOXL 2018 - 2023 = ~2x
NVDA 2018 - 2023 = 10x

Purely due to limitations of scale, it's impossible for the semiconductor industry to see growth this next decade that would match the last one. If something outgrows the market for long enough, eventually it dominates the whole market. It is the whole market. Beyond that point, logically outperformance is impossible. NVDA is already over $1 trillion.
Worth noting, the largest period of share price appreciation SOXL experienced in the post-2018 era occurred between 2020-2021 when the fed once again tanked rates to 0%. Good to know if you want to make some easy money next time the fed runs a giveaway.

>> No.56357603
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its not much but it is honest work.

>> No.56357606
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>n-nooooo dont hike!!!! M-my bags, think of my precious baaags noooooo!!
haha federal funds rate goes puuuuump

>> No.56357624

Like I said, I follow the 200 SMA strategy, so I do not buy and hold forever and avoid much of the permanent damage that can be caused to LETFs by steep falls. NVDA isn't the entire semiconductor market and many of the underlying stocks have plenty of room to run. I'd like to talk more but unfortunately I have a flight to catch.

>> No.56357626
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oil is healing
im getting heemd

>> No.56357634
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>didn't tell people to market buy FCG

>> No.56357641
File: 19 KB, 828x201, 08E8B563-35A0-4AF2-A53D-93B160A9D23F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dividend about to hit

>> No.56357642

china will win the semi race >>>/g/96615007

>> No.56357643
File: 175 KB, 1200x800, 1695826044586649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil broke the resistance. Like a hot knife through butter.

>> No.56357652

That's why buying in right now is probably a bad idea and the dump in november-december will be gigantic.

>> No.56357653

>I'd be pretty disappointed if my own portfolio had only returned that much over that timeframe
They say a good annual ROI for stocks is 10%. Everything you are saying is highly circumstantial here based on specific time periods and entirely speculative. If I were simply to go look at price fluctuations of the stock from 2017 to now NVDA would look better than a lot of companies larger and even more profitable like Amazon despite the clear differences in their balance sheets and assets. Like I said in the other thread when you go all in one stock you are putting all your eggs in one basket. I mean if the market more than likely decided NVDA was heavily overbought and the price fell dramatically for the next two years would that time period really hold any reflection on the performance of the company or simply the participation of investors in the price evaluation of their shares? We see cases all the time where individual companies become grossly over valued or under valued but that isn't at all reflective of their past or potential future performance when it comes to their balance sheets. Regardless I think it's a little incredulous to say that a 90% return on investment isn't good to say the least.

>> No.56357662

If you like NVDA now you'll love it at $250

>> No.56357665

Why are VC’s so bad with money?

>> No.56357664
File: 59 KB, 716x600, 1695841851919645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bears will fail ait the 4330 support once again

>> No.56357670

>Purely due to limitations of scale, it's impossible for the semiconductor industry to see growth this next decade that would match the last one. If something outgrows the market for long enough, eventually it dominates the whole market. It is the whole market. Beyond that point, logically outperformance is impossible. NVDA is already over $1 trillion.
That's the most concise explanation why stocks can't outperform forever, thanks anon.

>> No.56357682

SOXS going to check $11.75 today

>> No.56357683
File: 832 KB, 1085x775, Bobo_Happy Birthday To mumu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as all things should be

>> No.56357688

I want to go long but it will dump as soon as I do

>> No.56357690
File: 391 KB, 620x330, 1694791037614467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mumuposters itt
hahaha... Hmm...


>> No.56357693
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Their job is basically to GAMBOOOOOL on businesses, hoping it works out by throwing money at it.

>> No.56357702

You'll eventually learn and go long once oil is $120-140. And then, only then, it will dump.

>> No.56357704
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Gold and oil bros...

>> No.56357706
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>4330 broke

>> No.56357715
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>> No.56357718

anyone slurping on the low goyslop stocks? they're all in the shitter thanks to inflation food prices so I'm throwing a thou or so at it each month waiting for it to payout later. McDs, pepsi and cola are all bleeding red these last few months

>> No.56357721
File: 2.64 MB, 498x286, 1696623611673882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our time is finally here... We've endured the lash of the spanking for too long.

Now, the debt comes due. With interest.

Prepare yourselves, tech baggies and mumus. It's not too late to change your ways.

>> No.56357724
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>> No.56357725
File: 1.41 MB, 853x949, bobo-going-super-super-saiyan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56357730

Gold is bussin sers.

>> No.56357734
File: 161 KB, 1536x1536, IMG_9256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56357735

>Like I said
You didn't, actually. There are two posts under your ID and I replied directly to a comment about long term gains. You're moving goalposts now that I've provided an irrefutable counterpoint. If you're one of the same posters I replied to earlier then I apologize, but it's hard to track multiple anons replying across dynamic IPs. This point was never in dispute.

I do think that static strategies like 200 SMA are also pretty questionable, but I don't care enough to debate that much. I'll summarize anyway:
My main issues with the basic rotation strategy are that shills ignore the false starts, ignore the opportunity cost of sitting on sidelines for extended periods, and also tend to hype up their gains at absolute peaks or incorporate their own shit like selling covered calls, whereas strict adherence would likely involve blindly holding that 80-100% gain all the way back down to a 20% return before eventually being forced out. If you're using your brain to make profitable swing trades, then cool, but some random backtested strategy that outperformed under specific conditions once is likely not the panacea for infinite wealth.

>> No.56357738
File: 121 KB, 553x466, bobo_dont_care.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just like that, my QQQ butterfly spreads are now back in the money and up big time

>> No.56357747
File: 23 KB, 270x204, 1696365167453254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glowie has been real quiet as of late... ppffffhhhh.... pffhhahahaahahahhahahaha



>> No.56357750

Here it comes mumus. Get ready. Let’s get caviar tonight.

>> No.56357756
File: 702 KB, 500x500, bobo-smoking-cigaretre-dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56357760

It's finna dump right now, right after I posted that, I told you I'm cursed by the spirit of the Bogdanoffs

>> No.56357774
File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, bobo's_revenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the vaseline at mumu?

>> No.56357773

Posted this in the wrong thread but
Bros can anyone help me out? I’m looking for that Pierce Brosman long term inflation meme

>> No.56357778
File: 1.51 MB, 200x150, 1696263838536953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please keep being bearish oil & gold, and please keep being bullish tech and broad market equities. It's doing wonders for my portfolio

>> No.56357783
File: 298 KB, 1170x1170, IMG_9230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit SOXS I’m about to nut

>> No.56357789
File: 50 KB, 828x362, D3C71A06-10D4-43C2-86EC-CAA57F0FA6AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy O dividend day to all of the intelligent investors out there

>> No.56357798

fuck I might have to sell. I'm almost out of money

>> No.56357799

I'm not bullish on anything it's friday the 13th and I always have bad luck

>> No.56357803

>my broker gives out margin at 4.5%
seems cheap compared to bond yield, what's a good investment to utulise this free money?

>> No.56357806

Why is it getting crazy on fridays

>> No.56357807

I'm going to have to cut my losses here, I can't keep up with this chop and more downturns.

>> No.56357810
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_9139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOXS ain’t done yet just hold the line Bobros

>> No.56357811

>im getting heemd
me too

>> No.56357814

Why is SOXS going up?

>> No.56357817

NVDA shorts/puts
Shares of XOM, CVX, CNQ, ARX, KAP,

>> No.56357821
File: 169 KB, 619x594, 1695904674522408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like perma mumoids with nonstop bickering about bears literally disappeared . Actual dumb fucks. There is no better top signal thant these faggots especially the glowie one

>> No.56357823
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>> No.56357824

Lower high on the weekly chart.

>> No.56357826

lmao glowie must be so fucking assblasted about being so utterly BTFOd by the market
>long TLT
>long TMF
>short oil

>> No.56357830
File: 505 KB, 1000x1000, 1694113712598509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pathetic weak bears

>> No.56357831

It’s all coming together now. We get to move up higher than before l.

>> No.56357833


>> No.56357836

You're probably misreading that, otherwise you could just buy short term bonds and profit without any thought or effort.
Mine does 18% right now IIRC.

>> No.56357837

I'm a perma bull but I have to sell here

>> No.56357840

>punch through low on day
>start chopping

>> No.56357843

No one commented on my $30 O dividend. That implies I own north of 115 shares

>> No.56357845
File: 193 KB, 1024x1024, crying_bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QQQ broke through $365. Its over, little mumu

>> No.56357850

I think you are confusing that poster with me thinking we are the same. We are two different people in the end both using swing trading but the problem I have with your analysis is that it's still rather subjective. There is nothing wrong with SOXL being an ETF and from a purely price driven price speculation point its super easy using hindsight to pick the biggest single winner an entire industry but doing so from a risk analysis view point is difficult to do since no one is operating on some magic crystal ball of predicting the future. Like the other anon said NVDA isn't the entire semiconductor sector, it's just one company in it. When you say it's a poor vehicle to make money off of that is also very subjective when it comes to terms of risk analysis. I said in my previous post all you are doing with choosing a single company is putting all your eggs in one basket for that industry. The idea behind betting on SOXL is you are betting on semiconductors in general being a thing versus a single company outperforming its current price evalution.

>> No.56357851

What happened?

>> No.56357852
File: 243 KB, 1170x879, IMG_9179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOXS golden cross on the weekly :)

>> No.56357855

My ID changed. I'm at the airport. Not reading all that but I'm up 65% YTD holding since January. How's your portfolio doing YTD?

>> No.56357858
File: 105 KB, 632x1952, 1685000543473949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies

>> No.56357859

moving from stage 4 of the business cycle into stage 5. Short bonds and stocks. Long commodities.

>> No.56357860

just when i think it can't dump any lower it does

>> No.56357861

I made money on O puts yesterday. I still don't think O is a good idea to hold through the winter.

>> No.56357862

Get out of germany

>> No.56357864

>Obnoxious retail permadoomer bears shit up every single thread for over a year
>Hurrr durrr where'd everyone go?
Lol congratulations on creating an echo chamber

My issue is still that you idiots have NO tangible reason for today's selloff - every other time this has happened we've seen neon green right afterwards. So which is it - are you ignoring those times because it refutes your bullshit or are you just legitimately too stupid to remember them?

>> No.56357866
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>> No.56357875


>> No.56357879

you guys are still living in the past. The market is forward looking.

>> No.56357881

I'm no misreading that, I know it seems unreal but I think it's because my broker doesn't update the rates a lot

>> No.56357882
File: 172 KB, 1024x1024, snibby_snibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is crab on the menu for the rest of the day?

>> No.56357884

Instacart looks like a free short. Any thoughts?

>> No.56357885

I'm going to kill myself because of this crab market

>> No.56357886

i read it to the beat of this song


>> No.56357889

>My issue is still that you idiots have NO tangible reason for today's selloff
Bonds and deteriorating production due to deteriorating cooperation among Americans. It's slow but it's realized in spurts kind of like the way metal buckles under stress.

>> No.56357890

>The market is forward looking
Yeah which is why red days like this, based on no information that guarantees some sort of catastrophic outcome, are just bullshit noise in the long term trend of the market going up

>> No.56357891
File: 393 KB, 1418x1232, 1665352579282565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This market be some scurry shit

>> No.56357892

No seriously, what happened? VIX +25%.

>> No.56357893
File: 31 KB, 365x352, 1695849746315395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bobo thinks again that plunge protection wont kick in by eod

>> No.56357894

NVDA is one of the best shorts in the equities market right now. It's coming down.

>> No.56357895

Shit what broker? IBKR is 6-6.5 if ur rich like me

>> No.56357896

Where's the guy who said there wasn't going to be any terrorist attacks today? Some 20 year old jahoodie knife attacked a jew shouting out to admiral akbar, I want you to apologize to everyone ITT, and admit that The Baggler was right.

>> No.56357897

They are rounding up buyers for a crucifixion lately.

>> No.56357900
File: 121 KB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20231013-122437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Max pain today $366 QQQ
$430 SPY

>> No.56357904


>> No.56357903

Intc might be better. SOXS let’s you flush them both

>> No.56357905

Such a retarded self fulfilling prophecy

>> No.56357906

Metal doesn't buckle under stress it crimps.

>> No.56357909

They are also rounding up sellers for execution unless you decide to set a retardedly high stop

>> No.56357908

>Not reading all that but I'm up 65% YTD holding since January.
What a pointless post. lol.
My gains are irrelevant, but I wouldn't be surprised if the absolute dollar value is well above the size of your entire portfolio. Risk management hits different once you break past 5 or low 6 figs. Ignore kelly at your own risk.

Have a nice trip.

>> No.56357911

That's France though, just living there is like a terrorist attack every day

>> No.56357914


>> No.56357915

like I said you're living in the past. The trend is reversing. Oil and gold up, stocks and bonds down. Welcome oblivion.

>> No.56357923
File: 161 KB, 1024x1024, happy_bobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a beautiful Friday

>> No.56357926

fake and gay market

>> No.56357929

A quick google is telling me 5.9%

>> No.56357931
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>> No.56357932

organic price discovery for commodities, and overinflated assets being thrown out

>> No.56357947

Wait wtf was that

>> No.56357949
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>> No.56357950
File: 130 KB, 705x575, crying_wittle_mumu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crab just saved us, right, r-right? Upward crab scared Bobo away, R-RIGHT?

>> No.56357953
File: 148 KB, 1198x1126, themarket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey guys what's up how's the setpoint treating you

>> No.56357956
File: 625 KB, 1024x682, 1696824158828317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bulltrap before weekend hellfire and monday crash

>> No.56357957
File: 1.17 MB, 968x998, 1696015309428880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw ive been bullposting all day while being x10 Vix all along

>> No.56357961
File: 322 KB, 2044x1052, w shaped rollercoaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real talk
what the FUCK is going on???

>> No.56357964

OXY you little shit go up another 2%

>> No.56357967

Unironically setting up for a rugpull

>> No.56357969

yeah but if you 'allocate' your margin you get a rate of 4.5%
allocate basically just means that you tell them in advance, starting from next month, you are gonna loan this much money, you pay the interest whether you use the money or not though.

>> No.56357970
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, nervous_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paximum Main to all

>> No.56357972

Brapgas bros... it's happening...
>Qatari authorities are threatening to create a global gas shortage as part of their support for Palestine. “If the bombing of Gaza does not stop, we will cut off the gas supply to the world,” said Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

>> No.56357977

Does anyone here actually make a living with stocks? If yes, do you trade or invest?

>> No.56357979

So much for utility gas being down 18%.

>> No.56357980

Itty bitty baby
Itty bitty boat

>> No.56357981
File: 213 KB, 1024x1024, augustin_carstens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whachoo got, UNG? BOIL?

>> No.56357992

Sauce me up

>> No.56357996

my both test buys from yesterday are down bad...

>> No.56358001

>EU just made a deall with them for gas
Jesus Christ how is possible to be ALWAYS worng?

>> No.56358003

>If yes, do you trade or invest?
If you make a living by """investing""" you're at least a half-a-million fag

>> No.56358008

That or homeless.

>> No.56358012

>Irani news site source
Meanwhile they just signed export contracts with France and Germany.

>t. UNG holder

>> No.56358025

>no >:(
>no >:( you thought that gap would be resistance so now it's going to be the new support without ver being the resiastance
>fuck you >:( fuck you peasont

>> No.56358026

Only Twitterfags so far

>> No.56358034

So, day trading is the way to go?

>> No.56358044
File: 38 KB, 888x500, IMG_9258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If SOXS was planning to go down today it would have already. That it hasn’t done so is a sure fire indicator that we have a shitload of gains to come irregardless of what VIX does.

>> No.56358045

Bottom is in as you can see

>> No.56358049

You should be buying every SOXS dip

>> No.56358051

Arabfag here. He doesn't mention gas at all in that vid on twitter. He just talks about how Palestinians are displaced.

>> No.56358054


>> No.56358063
File: 276 KB, 401x608, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah just read a book or subscribe to a twitter trader for $20/mo and no more workies for you

>> No.56358071

Yep, now time for another dead cat bounce. Gotta get all the bulls into the ship as it sinks

>> No.56358072
File: 246 KB, 1024x1024, stockmarketfun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I traded stonks for a living with a Scottrade account from 2006-2008. After 2 years though my account dwindled and I had to get a job. I haven't worked since 2015, but my accounts are running out again so I will probably have to go back to wage slaving again for a few years to build it back up. Some years are great, others not so much.

The difference between feast or famine can come down to a stretch of bad trades

>> No.56358074

>facetiousness increases

Thank whatever you believe in we got ridden by Biden when we did

>> No.56358083

You confused a bull market with brains. Now is your chance to learn from your past mistakes and take the other side of the trade this time.

>> No.56358086

>I think you are confusing that poster with me thinking we are the same
I was originally posting to make fun of this retard >>56357133 who legitimately thinks its a permanent hold. While I dispute some of your views as well, you seem to have a more measured approach and at least use your brain.
I don't think that SOXL and NVDA represent sufficiently different bets at this point in time, but whatever. A single stock can be overvalued or undervalued, but so can a sector. Sectors are less volatile, but incorporating leverage reinserts volatility.
Well timed swings will always make money. Timed beta = alpha. However, outperformance is zero-sum, so in doing so you are creating more losers. For everyone that profited off the covid stimmy spike in 2021, an equivalent loser was made bagholding down through Oct 2022. That's just the nature of markets.

>> No.56358087

Do like me, buy cheap commodities (like wheat recently) then sell when you're up a few percent. Besides the waiting the trade lasts a few days typically.

>> No.56358094

Shukran, sounds like it's fake news spread by clueless Telegramfags

>> No.56358100

If I was homeless I could live on my monthly divvys.

>> No.56358102

The primary use for semiconductors has been buying thousands of them on credit to mine fake internet money that barely broke even when energy was cheap. SOXS is your ticket to generational wealth. You and I both know that AI is a fake ass meme that generates no revenue at all.

>> No.56358104

Saudi prince about to pump and dump in 30 min, insider out.

>> No.56358114
File: 137 KB, 1031x1280, 1694919194668810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please long SOXS and post your gainz

>> No.56358117

also when credit was cheap don't forget. Cryptocurrencies are just another symptom of the ZIRP madness

>> No.56358119

>NQ pumps 30 points
>immediately sells off

>> No.56358120

i'm doing small experiments and for some reason it literally reverses every time i do something
like really, i bought SQQQ like 2 minutes ago and suddenly there was the fattest 1 minute green line of the day
i panic sold and it was followed by the fattest red line

>> No.56358125

Robert Kyosaki just said that the stock market is for losers.
>"Why would you put money in the stock market when it's manipulated"


>> No.56358126
File: 167 KB, 1024x1024, 1696804639416073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nooo line cant go down for NO reason!!!
Muh nigga get a hold of yourself.

>> No.56358129

AI will replace all the wagies drafted into WW3.

Yes, femoid office workers, that includes you.

>> No.56358130
File: 81 KB, 640x630, 1589368461634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am losing large amounts of money!!! guess i am bagholding for a long fucking time again!!!

>> No.56358133

based low iq gold owner

>> No.56358137

I've been debating downsides of SOXLs all morning. Don't even get me started on SOXS. Absolute, unfiltered dogshit.

>> No.56358138
File: 78 KB, 680x815, Idk how many fuck it we ball I got left in me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least my retarded GBTC gamble is green and I'm like 15% cash.

>Captcha TPWANK

>> No.56358143

is this achievable natty?

>> No.56358145


>> No.56358154

just buy SOXL puts it's that simple

>> No.56358159

>Robert Kyosaki
lol he has 2 dads.

>> No.56358174

I don’t care if you nerds believe in SOXS or not. It’s not like I need weak handed phillestines to participate in my trades. There were people who didn’t believe in Jesus either.

>> No.56358183

VIX is screaming '87 crash. You're FUCKED.

>> No.56358190
File: 450 KB, 1682x2048, we_ball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finna leave humanity behind with this all in SVIX trade

>> No.56358192

>NQ rolling over on 15 minute
>breaks down out of range on 5 minute
>buyers suddenly flood in

>> No.56358195

I doubt you even know that this word means, dumb luddite.

>> No.56358201
File: 82 KB, 300x225, Bill fucking Mitchell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do *you* own enough oil before this weekend's embargo?

>> No.56358205

Jews. It means Jews.

>> No.56358213

do you have oil in your hands right now? then you don't own it.

>> No.56358215

I bet you don’t even have Nordic admixture

>> No.56358217

My portfolio is like 80% in energy

>> No.56358222

Do I look like a cunt reporter at Bloomberg? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-03/that-time-i-tried-to-buy-some-crude-oil

>> No.56358235

I think I figured out the market
>sell off
>buy back up in massive wave
>chop sideways
>sell off slightly harder
>buy back up in another massive wave
>chop sideways

>> No.56358237

I doubt you are that attractive.

>> No.56358242

Anon we are on the brink of WW3 if you are not slightly defensive you are either oblivious or retarded.

>> No.56358247
File: 27 KB, 400x400, p3Bpxd9d_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yourself some standards, anon, jesus.

>> No.56358248

Mix that in with random gap up and gap downs with futures after hours and that is the market for you.

>> No.56358253

it works... until it doesnt.

>> No.56358256

Yes, that's typical bear market behavior when Yellen is borrowing every red cent she can scrounge. See also: the entire 1970s.

>> No.56358258

she got some DSL
If you know you know

>> No.56358264

We will never have a day where I can make a decent trade ever again. Every day will be like today until I finally quit trading. My account was up $3300 before today and now it's almost all gone. Every day will be nothing but chop because algo faggots hate moves that actually go

>> No.56358269

I relevered my puts, Monday is when the big guys are going to sell.

>> No.56358273

The jews quite literally fought against philistines, historic residents of the region now considered palestine. Unsurprisingly, the fighting continues.

I do not. I am primarily of Irish descent.

>> No.56358280

another big red day based on no news at all


>> No.56358282

What puts did you buy, baggie?

>> No.56358290

Armies are mobilizing in the middle east, this wont be a 3 day war. Israeli's want to drive the Palestinians into the sea this time

>> No.56358292

If all this selling pressure is coming from no news, imagine how bad things might be once the real news flow begins.

>> No.56358295

Soup chads...

>> No.56358296

Lets hope they know how to swim. ^_^

I got SPY puts with the $420 Strike, shit's going to fucking absolutely crater.

>> No.56358304

WTF are you "no news" faggots talking about? have you even turned on the news? it is mass protests / riots and muslim caliphate reforming in the middle east.

>> No.56358308

I bought the UVIX for a hedge after smg niggers told me not to yesterday

>> No.56358311

That's not really news at this point, since you've already heard it. Right?

>> No.56358318


>> No.56358320
File: 468 KB, 650x877, 1523004607438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your Gazanian genocide face! THIS IS FOR THE 40 BEHEADED BABIES!

>> No.56358323

>he didn't buy MO when it dipped

>> No.56358327

They're all the same thing, ya donut.

>> No.56358336
File: 16 KB, 604x272, 1697216699896386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess we will see this weekend.

>> No.56358337


>> No.56358338 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 720x960, 1689570954285648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got greedy and didn't sell
it's fucking over

>> No.56358353

this anon gets it

>> No.56358377

>try to start a war against half of their own citizens
>try to start a war with russia
>try to start a war with china
>try to start another was with the middle east
I think our leaders are extremely stupid and incompetent.

>> No.56358564
File: 18 KB, 1932x1408, F8Vx6CkWYAA57ku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]