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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 525 KB, 1200x675, dfinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56355494 No.56355494 [Reply] [Original]

ICP isn't being used for anything besides social media apps that don't generate any revenue. The next big thing is a game that even the own devs say wont be out in 10 years. They still are paying the node operators. How long until that money dries up?

>> No.56355504

3 cents

>> No.56355579

They raised $200m and are investing it with dev grants, bankruptcy isn’t feasible for years

>> No.56356622

you do realize no blockchain makes any revenue, right?

>> No.56356657

They have enough drypowder to last until 2030

>> No.56357700
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, 1696387162298180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent free
always do the opposite of biz

>> No.56357795

They should have a fuckton of runway with all the Icypoopoos they dumped on low IQ retail

>> No.56358116

>How long until Dfinity goes bankrupt?

Well, look how long Chainlink has kept their scam going despite having no business revenue besides token dumps.

>> No.56358141

Any project of this caliber without blatantly scammy shit going on (EOS) will survive a long time. Whether that ends up being just to pay lucky founders/employees salaries on a dying ship for a decade or actually innovate and explode in use is the real question.

>> No.56358414

XRP did the same shit, got sued by the SEC, and got off with only a fine.

>> No.56358480

>paying $200M just for grants alone
nice try roach

>> No.56358949

They raised 200m in btc and eth, who knows how much they actually have dollar wise.

>> No.56359848
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>> No.56359922

It true

>> No.56361639


I'm hoping ICP can solve vid related. If not then it really has nothing at this point. Also, ICP would have to be allowed to succeed by you-know-who and hopefully the latter doesn't simply steal the idea and make their own version of ICP that they control like they did with Link. Merely inventing superior tech isn't enough you must also secure your future and kill competitors.

>> No.56361736

Fuck robots. What the new internet really needs is Proof-of-Curry and Proof-of-Rice. Auto-blocking jeets and chinks is the only thing that will make web 3 useable.

>> No.56362456

kek'd, stole the words right out of my mouth. The only thing worse than content posted by a bot, is content posted by a jeet.

>> No.56362486

6 gorillion years.

>> No.56362874

kek, fucking almost spit out my coffee

>> No.56363869

They aren't paying node operators a fixed $ amount.

>> No.56363908

>$200m dev grants
So not only are they bleeding money paying the node operators, but they're also burning money trying to be angel investors? How is that a good thing?

>> No.56364079

>$200m dev grants
to capture 10% of legacy IT stack which is around 1.3 Trillion?

Dev grants are provided by VC's

>> No.56364289

>to capture 10% of legacy IT stack which is around 1.3 Trillion?
Why do you think ICP would become a meaningful player in the PaaS space? Who is this platform even for? That is the REAL million dollar question. Majority of companies couldn't even use it, because sensitive user/proprietary data is being shared with random node operators. The best use case I've seen are the social media clones and crypto games. Even the crypto games are knee-capped, because they can't be in realtime, and no one is really interested in the game so much as flipping whatever tokens are associated with them.

>> No.56364467

>because sensitive user/proprietary data is being shared with random node operators.

>> No.56364652

That's only really good for encryption between clients. It does not work for anything that needs to be processed on the backend. Think about it like this: If a business had some sensitive data they needed to process on the backend, they would need to decrypt it on the backend, which is ran by the node operator who would have access to the decrypted information. For a messaging app, note taking app, or anything that doesn't require the server to process data it works. That is a very small amount of business cases, though.

>> No.56364701

so what's the argument when they have SEV-SNP finished along with vetKD?

>> No.56364825
File: 181 KB, 590x504, 138949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already debunked. next please.

>> No.56365009

Why the fuck did Icypoos adapt Avalanche terms like subnets

>> No.56365024
File: 94 KB, 1600x900, 106027651-1563487579148awsthumbnailoption4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd be a good edition and ICP would really stress test just how secure those VMs really are.

It still doesn't answer who this platform is for. AWS has to truck data from corporate datacenters to them, because it's too much data to send over the internet. Most big corporations go with the "replaceable code monkeys" approach, which doesn't work when the 2 big languages are a proprietary one and rust. It doesn't run at realtime. It isn't cheaper than AWS.

I don't see what the niche is besides crypto startups.

That is a networking term.

>> No.56365073

here comes the seething roach barging into ICP threads again. the term subnets was used by dfinity long before Emin was even born. it was the lying roach that copied dfinity's term of nodes talking to each other. the only difference here is that avalanche subnets are useless because they can't communicate top fucking kek

this platform is for everyone. stop looking at muh corporations. corporations move slow as fuck. it'll take them 10 years from now to even consider building on blockchain. you can ask your questions on the dfinity forum. i'm sure one of the gorillian cryptographers can answer your questions in depth.

>> No.56365100

If it's for everyone then why do they need to pay people to use it?

>> No.56365156

not sure what the fuck you mean here but if you're talking about the $200M grant how else are you supposed to draw in developers to build something on a new technology?

>> No.56365167

Man this is so low effort I get you're having fun and know about Azle and Kybra, and more to come. Not every company has to use AWS snowmobile. Lol.

Who is Digital Ocean for, or any company like them? Every company, large or small, that wants improved security for their hosting should be moving to ICP.

And if you're selling product you can now accept any chain key payment, or the blockchain payment types to come, easily.

And II is the best login solution to move to going forward to get away from user names and passwords.

>> No.56365211


>> No.56365261

>Azle and Kybra, and more to come.
Even if you can port more languages to ICP there is still the learning curve of how it handles things differently than traditional cloud providers. Memory for example. Also traditional devops stuff like database migrations and canary deploys. Having a huge unique system is just a huge wall people have to get over.

>Who is Digital Ocean for, or any company like them?
Digital Ocean does PaaS without the consensus model/node operators, is faster, is cheaper, has skills that transfer between other cloud providers, and existing tools integrate into it easily.

>Every company, large or small, that wants improved security for their hosting should be moving to ICP.
Why is ICP more secure? AWS also has SEV-SNP.

>And if you're selling product you can now accept any chain key payment, or the blockchain payment types to come, easily.
>And II is the best login solution to move to going forward to get away from user names and passwords.
I don't think strong arming companies into using crypto and internet identity is going to work. Like I said it seems only viable for crypto startups.

>> No.56365343

>Even if you can port more languages to ICP there is still the learning curve of how it handles things differently than traditional cloud providers. Memory for example. Also traditional devops stuff like database migrations and canary deploys. Having a huge unique system is just a huge wall people have to get over.
It'll be fine.

>Digital Ocean does PaaS without the consensus model/node operators, is faster, is cheaper, has skills that transfer between other cloud providers, and existing tools integrate into it easily.
Hacked all the time. It's worth it to move on chain.

>Why is ICP more secure? AWS also has SEV-SNP.
Don't have to manage keys - probably all using AWS keys.

>I don't think strong arming companies into using crypto and internet identity is going to work. Like I said it seems only viable for crypto startups.
They'll use it for the ease of signing in and not having credentials leaks to make them look bad all the time.

It's also a huge learning curve going from on prem to using aws tools. It's viable for anyone looking to run a site on cloud services. Crypto or not.

>> No.56365757

>They'll use it for the ease of signing in and not having credentials leaks to make them look bad all the time.
>Don't have to manage keys - probably all using AWS keys.
You're making a big assumption that the internet identity will catch on. That was actually a turn off for me, because I didn't want to build something stuck in the ICP bubble.
ICP also has huge integration issues with existing services. For example, API calls. Even with SEV-SNP the node provider can still listen to the network API calls which use secrets. With the consensus models to you'd need to make 7 or how many API calls at the same time.

>It'll be fine.
>It's also a huge learning curve going from on prem to using aws tools.
Yeah but AWS is the de-facto cloud service and all the alternatives work more or less the same. Traditional Cloud also functions like onsite closer than ICP does.