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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 568x1200, 6ADF6792-0559-4927-9A66-322AD54792AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56353848 No.56353848 [Reply] [Original]

It has become very apparent to many of you recently that you’ve been had. To all of the people who mocked guys like me for posting pic related, don’t you feel stupid?

>> No.56353861
File: 1.28 MB, 1125x1908, DFEB7C1A-D0FB-4D0B-9410-8884EBECA01E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dis you really think banks are going to partner with some weirdo Russian scam artists who partners with every major scam in crypto and then pretends it didnt happen? Ever heard of optics?

How clueless are you?

>> No.56353866
File: 924 KB, 1125x2188, C4C5811F-82BB-40B3-B6AE-DB93E79C03EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when he blatently lied to you in order to keep you holding so he could raise BILLIONS more by dumping on you? This is the guy you worship

>> No.56353877

kek fuddies

>> No.56353881

oh no no a screenshot of kushti khushi

>> No.56353884
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>> No.56353885

You have to pass middle school to post here

>> No.56353894

i'm gonna bank my dick into your mom's pussy

>> No.56353895
File: 7 KB, 255x242, 1697165497665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A frustrated link bagholder made this thread because the gold man larp turned out to be fake. Kek baggies

>> No.56353898

Lmao esl fuddie

>> No.56353899

linkies will claim this is somehow bullish kek

>> No.56353930
File: 433 KB, 1508x2639, 29A7BF45-46E6-4E4A-9097-3216BC3EF85D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you say “lmao” I picture an obese virgin jiggling around like crazy in his shit 1 br apt. Or do you even have your own place away from mommy

>> No.56353942
File: 958 KB, 1113x1852, 61952C5C-5EA0-4BCB-96D9-E4FF094E99F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the frustrated bagholder though, which is why this thread hits so hard for you. This reality breaks you

>> No.56353951

Yeah I have spellcheck off and it’s late, big deal. Tomorrow I’ll be refreshed, you’ll still be ugly

>> No.56353961

Just do your homework and stay in school little buddy.

>> No.56353964
File: 427 KB, 1125x2436, 1F5E7D4E-DDBF-4FD0-B982-1CF71AEAED4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted the newfag…you know he’a a cofounder of Link right? As in, he knows Sergey better than anyone here. Certainly better than you. You got scammed dog

>> No.56353971
File: 109 KB, 569x660, D3D6095E-0635-406E-B282-77FE98E7BEC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dont cry too much about your cult failing small fry

>> No.56354006

I came to this thread to join the fun of abusing dumb Linkies until I realized you are in fact stupider than they are.

>> No.56354026

Kek at this deranged fuddoid, completely rotten soul that's even darker then his skin. Bump for others to witness this illness

>> No.56354035

Oh no! Some anonymous guy in a Telegram group said a thing! Sell now!

>> No.56354058

You are uncle oldfag. I know because I am the ghost of /biz/. and i sold my link a long time ago

>> No.56354086

>Cukk id
kek fuddies

>> No.56354110

why the hell do you need spellcheck? idiot confirmed

>> No.56354120

Anon you remind me of that brave Jew who walked through mobs of seething Palestinians to get to the Israeli embassy
stay based and redpilled kiddo

>> No.56354121
File: 359 KB, 1125x459, 8CA7C3AE-F86B-4216-AD52-84CC46D9E38C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually thought banks would buy this and then crafted your entire identity around it. Now, as it’s becoming obvious you hitched yourself to one of 30,000 one and one altcoins, youre forced to lash out at guys like me for explaining the reality (or in your words, “fud”) to you.

In colonial terms, youre what they referred to as “buck broken”, which was basically the precursor to your moden description of “cuckold”

>> No.56354137

Worry less about my phone settings and more about your weight. Again, don’t kill the messenger because you got scammed by a Russian.

I hear the Gamestop cult is taking apps if interested? Let me know I can put you in touch

>> No.56354149
File: 163 KB, 1125x360, 820303E5-C35A-4CDD-B930-C77724A8FE66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m rotten? That’s rich coming from the people scamming their investors for billions of dollars every year.

Remember this? LOL, fucking pathetic scam artists

>> No.56354285

Basedo Chainlinkgod thank you based king

>> No.56354441
File: 39 KB, 490x350, 1696930305837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yet another 8+ post fudcuck manifesto begging me to sell
it made me yawn without even reading it
not selling, no (you)s, and all fields

>> No.56354471

ill give you a qrd on him:
>helped design the original smartcontract website (which has long since been left behind)
>never contributed any actual code to link's oracles
>got yeeted from the team as they started selecting higher caliber talent
>tried to make a competing service on his own
>sat around slandering sergey and co after
>got his shitcoin holder's hopes up over false promises that ada would pick them for oracles
>ada picks chainlink anyway
>ergo still not needed or used for anything
this summary has been posted quite a few times but kekfuddies keep trying to use that screenshot while pretending that the dude is anything but a butthurt liar lmaooo

>> No.56355179

OP is mentally ill and makes these type of threads almost every single day