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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56352805 No.56352805 [Reply] [Original]

You as a staker should hope the pool doesn't get filled. Imagine willingly sharing your profits with other men. There are obviously newfags that still pop up on biz. And all you spoonfeeders and anons that hype staking are only doing yourself a disservice, not to mention undoing years of fud. You helped create and fund the Chainlink network into what it is today. You held through the hardest part...for 7 years....and now you want newfags to make it in a fraction of the time and cost of sanity that you had to endure. I can't imagine anything more cucked

>> No.56352828

Lol so stupid everyone can stake when V1 comes out don’t know why you faggots feel the need to FUD

>> No.56352872

If they don't receive an E X C L U S I V E staking spot, then all of the years of simping for a russian scammer would be for nothing. Can you imagine what that would do to their minds?

>> No.56352912
File: 25 KB, 716x308, 6d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we (the linkies) are already all in staking, since we knew we would be holding for a year minimum from v0.1, the obvious move was to just split our stacks into 7k chunks and just all-in staking.
sergey made sure we will not lose our spots through the early access. so newfags wont be a threat.

also, it makes no sense to not all-in v0.2, because there wont be a 1 year lick period anymore, you get build shitcoins and rewards can be withdrawn at any moment.
the only people who need to fud staking, are the cucks who missed out on 5% yield on their whole link stack, which was huge.
now like OP they are shitting their pants thinking they wont get a spot

>> No.56353089

remove the lockup, allow me to have full control of my funds and i'll stake. otherwise it's just some shitcoin airdrop farming simulator which i could care less about

>> No.56353095


>> No.56353177

It doesn't make sense for somone who has already secured their seat in staking to recruit more people. Your staking rewards in v0.2 are going to be diluted by all the new stakers.
But then again, you already knew this and only care about the salary you get from CLL.

>> No.56353436

less people are in v0.2 the higher the APY; but the lowest the apy could be is the actual 4.75% i believe.
so it doesn't matter, and it's not like people are gonna just trust an anon, or an anon tripfag like me, people can manage their linkies very well themselves, and linkies (most) are very smart people who dyor before taking any decision.

having more people into staking is a good thing, why? because it prevents faggot cexes from selling LINk yield, we have to fill up the pool to the brim, to not let all those jews from yet gain, providing link staking services on their centralized platforms, and then use the retards linkies to suppress even more, just like what all the scammers were doing, like nexo, or ftx

>> No.56353472

stake.link is instant unstaking whenever you want, look into it

>> No.56353514


>> No.56353521

LPL is better in every way shape and form

Daily reminder chaps SDL is a scam

Pool's closed.

>> No.56353556

Anyone stupid enough to stake will never make it
>-9% yield

>> No.56353598

lmao what is this nonsense? Nobody is going to stake LINK on centralized exchanges when they have the option, and room in the pool, to natively stake with Chainlink. The point is to fud LINK staking of any kind so that the pool stays open in perpetuity and staking rewards are more concentrated amongst anons who are smart enough to see what's what. Brainlets who fall for the fud deserve it for being of low genetic quality. I don't want to share.

>> No.56353619
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listen here you midwit, in defi you have two choices:
1. use less than 5% of your stack into degen yield farms
2. use 100% of your link stack into the link staking for 5% APY

for choice 1, you will be shitting your pants during the whole duration your shitcoins are staked, because nobody except chainlink provides a reliable staking with guaranteed revenue.

choice 2, 5% seems small, but it's 5% of our whole stack, wich is much better than entering a pool that yields 100% but only on a small portion of our stacks.

this makes it so that chainlink staking, is actually the best yield offered in all of crypto.

>> No.56353632

Loser mentality

>> No.56353638

Hey poopoo let me fuck your wife. We are all in this together, no? We are all fellow OGs here, are we not?

>> No.56353641

Based king Chainlinkgod just got his shit pushed in hard fren read about it here

>> No.56353644

>also, it makes no sense to not all-in v0.2, because there wont be a 1 year lick period anymore, you get build shitcoins and rewards can be withdrawn at any moment.

Based for this, i wasnt going to all in staking but i guess i might as well now that uve told me we can just remove any time

Not based though cause you gotta remove your trip now since you baited our asses with false news of smartcon.

Also popo is the gayest niggerest trip ever. at least change that

>> No.56353662
File: 210 KB, 829x857, Screenshot from 2023-10-13 04-09-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't you read on v0.2?
there will be a ramp up period, basically, if you unstake your link without waiting for the ramp up, you will just lose your rewards, but u'll be able to get back all your link, and the rewards you gave up on, will be redistributed to other stakers

you can check my picrel or go read here :

>> No.56353689

I don't have to, I simply spend my time opening shorts against ETH on Kinetix kek, simple as

>> No.56353691
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i colored the wrong paragraph

>> No.56353696

Have u ever had sex before? Seems like not

>> No.56353702

You're on 4channel, wtf do you expect

>> No.56353704

Free money it seems, KEK

>> No.56353709

>Shorts ETH
>On Cosmos

>> No.56353711

wait v0.2 doesn't have a lock up?

>> No.56353712

by the way, it wasn't bait, chainlink changed plans, i guess it happens, but they had planned for ccip release at smartcon.
i think maybe they arnt confident enough, but my source is 100% legit

>> No.56353717

yeah lockups are over, you can withdraw whenever you want, it's just that the pool is limited in size, so you might lose your spot che>>56353691

>> No.56353721

It was bait. You lied to me.

>> No.56353724

oh sweet i can finally fucking stake

>> No.56353726

i didnt lie, also i said im sorry for this shit, i never larp

>> No.56353736

they setup a multi-week rampup period, to prevent people from just entering and exiting whenever they want, so that the link staked is effectively used for securing the network. but yeah you cant initiate it wenever you want, and depending on if you wait for the rampup period to finish or not, you will get a portion or your full rewards

>> No.56353760

based fren thanks for posting. good to see chainlinkgod get his shit pushed in like this. is patrick collins still seething in the comments?

>> No.56353777

Link has a 14% inflation rate, so if you hold for a year even if you are staking your still lose 9% buying power to inflation.
Your link stack is getting devalued, meaning you are not actually gaining any more wealth from staking, you are losing it

10000 link in 2023 is equal to 8600 link back in 2022, so even if you add your 5% cope staking, its still only 9100 link. Its crazy that brainlets cant even understand something this simple

>> No.56353806
File: 71 KB, 1052x797, Screenshot from 2023-10-13 04-31-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link has a 14% inflation rate
why does it matter? the inflation is used to increase the value of the network, not to buy mansions or yachts, also if you compare links inflation to any other shitcoin u'll see that 14% is literally nothing.

also when link will reach let"s say eth valuation of right now, at the bottom of the bear market, link will still be 300$, if we dilute it to the whole of the supply, that's still 150$ link


>> No.56353879
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>why is le murder bad if other people are doing it too?
It matters exactly because a 5k stack in 2017 is nearly 10k link today.
Also the only time link ever had good performance was when it had no inflation. Ever since the firstbdump its been bad ever since

>> No.56353908

what the fuck are you smoking? a 5k stack back in 2017 was worth $1000, today a 5k stack is worth 35k$
fucking midwit

>> No.56354015

thanks for the info. Change your trip id though. Popo sounds brown af kek.

>> No.56354042

ok miguel

>> No.56354076
File: 31 KB, 661x356, 432421233123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite understand your line of tough but still here in biz everyone can get into really interesting pools if you ask me like once you filter between all brownskins you could actually develop real potential

>> No.56354079

>but the lowest the apy could be is the actual 4.75% i believe.
big if true, where did you see this?

>> No.56354081
File: 107 KB, 659x1259, steak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. i'll be just fine.

>> No.56354219

Popo literally translates to shit in spanish

>> No.56354314

It does kek. Popo (shit) the mexican anon

>> No.56354318
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>> No.56354360

You had a bigger share of the supply in 2017 than now.
To have the same percentage of the supply today as you had in 2017 with a 10k stack you would need 16100 link now.
Thats how much youve been diluted

>> No.56354387

To think about big numbers, link went to $50 with a 400 million supply. Now it being 600 million link would top out at 32 IF it can create the same hype as last run (it can’t).

So, holding years for the best possibility of a measly 4x. Worst outcome is it fails and the price goes to shit of stagnates. With Sergey having already locked that fiat for his treasury, I can definitely see this happening.

Better hold eth or any random shitcoin for a 4x.

Advocates, don’t even @ me, you get paid to shill link, your opinion is biased.

>> No.56354504
File: 29 KB, 400x399, IMG_2129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t been on /biz/ in 3 years. How many LINK are required to stake on v2?

>> No.56354511

No v2 in sight, not even v1.0.

v0.2 (yes 0.2 not 2) is releasing before end of year.

No build rewards yet, btw.

>> No.56354641

It did a 2.5x during the peak of the bullrun with inflation ($20 to $50)
Contrast that with the 100x (0.20 to 20) when it had no inflation.
Dumps are obviously bad for the price action

>> No.56354645

>Dumps are obviously bad for the price action
Can’t really debate against that. Sell pressure from the chainlink team is definitely bad for the price

>> No.56355486

shut the fuck up with your nonesense nigger

>> No.56355513

Staking EVR is just the newest thing that'll melt faces in crypto. The staking rewards is quite massive.

>> No.56355588 [DELETED] 
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How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2074 lil kitties?

>> No.56355641
File: 66 KB, 960x751, 1512339696577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting btfo of staking.
>Held my link on exchange until 2022, so didn’t qualify for early v0.01
>didn’t take the day off work to stake in general access
> pool fills immediately
>according to the list of requirements for early v.02 I qualify for early access
>check eligibility
>general access

So now I have to pray for a miracle to get my 12k link staked in general access.
I’m pretty sure it’ll fill up in early access though

>> No.56355702

>now you want newfags to make it in a fraction of the time and cost of sanity that you had to endure. I can't imagine anything more cucked
Yeah poojeet, I'm really worried about all the normies flocking in with their spare $70k to drop on Link tokens so they can stake. I'm truly afraid I will never make it.
You also assume I don't want to sell my stinking stack for triple figures and never think of or acknowledge crypto/4chan again.

>> No.56356140
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>Imagine willingly sharing your profits with other men.
Not with Skyjack NFTs staking where you already know what will get from the beginning. Earning tradable tokens and staking those seems a good one to me.

>> No.56356209

>but the lowest the apy could be is the actual 4.75% i believe.
you're just wrong.
>because it prevents faggot cexes from selling LINk yield,
most exchanges have the money to run a node, which they will. Which will cut into staking apy thus lowering the apy
i would unironically stake witht coinbase just for the paper trail for taxes.

>> No.56356243

>why does it matter? the inflation is used to increase the value of the network, not to buy mansions or yachts,
Do you like letting corporations borrow your money with nothing in return? You''re in this for profit for your self right not to just give sergey unlimited money? Cause he is diluting your money with 14% inflation.
>also if you compare links inflation to any other shitcoin u'll see that 14% is literally nothing.
is link a shitcoin? why do you feel the need to compare it to every other erc20 shitcoin unless it is

>> No.56356311

you want to join small staking pools to try make it more decentralised (as decentralised as a POS chain can be) not because of sharing rewards.
such a midwife take

>> No.56356334

There are lots of them out there and I'm fucking out some great yields from zpay and ride on MultiversX

>> No.56356347

The supply is, and always has been, 1 billion tokens.

>> No.56356384

that was supposed to be offset with a full version of staking. In stead we get v.02 and 14% inflation

>> No.56356404

>the rewards you gave up on, will be redistributed to other stakers
so essentially panic sellers will give their all rewards to me after they panic sell. nice

>> No.56356406
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You guys aren't gonna fill up the pool before general access. So I'll be good to go.

With this one, I'll have 5 wallets in.

But not all at max : /

>> No.56356414

you're not factoring in:
1) that there are more holders every year
2) that the amount of link tokens ever created is capped

basically the inflation rate doesn't last forever and as the link token develops more and more people and entities will want to hold some. also early link holders knew about this.

also they said this would happen during the ICO, only coffeezilla wannabes and third worlders who are used to getting dumped on in exit scams think the token unlocks are some shocking secret info that no one knew about. we unironically factored this in and debated it 6 years ago. also a lot of companies do this as they grow btw, they will often sell equity in their companies or give out stock options to employees to attract a team around them as they attempt to mature as a company.

>> No.56356430

>>according to the list of requirements for early v.02 I qualify for early access
>>check eligibility
>>general access

> Held more than 7 LINK on Ethereum Mainnet for at least 50% of the time from November 21, 2022 and August 25, 2023. (v0.1 launch details blog to v0.2 launch details blog)

So you left your shit on the exchange for another year? You ding dong when are you going to learn?

>> No.56356455


Any amount. But you're sharing a pool of a max of 40M and change with everyone else. So if you won't stake your 15K Link (x however many wallets you have), that's space for others to stake their link.

>> No.56356500

>we unironically factored this in and debated it 6 years ago.
no the staking lock up was going to push the price up. What we also didnt factor is way v.01-v.1 versions of staking taking place. 14% inflation is based off one year, a full version of staking is not coming out with in the next five years. So if each year is 14% we are going to be getting dilutated hard in that fiver year span

>> No.56356565

Can LINK stay without getting dumped? Still having a shithole feeling that LINK will chicken out.

>> No.56356601 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah, lots of chads are here to earn in crypto and I'm not distracted with the fact that I can own a VR glasses and series of incentives on EneftiVerse.

>> No.56356635

I think we have to rest here for now since OGBX have received endorsements from Google, BNB Chain, and Mario Nawfal. It's staking rewards will be getting bags filled.

>> No.56356644

Why so confused fucktard, go all in on Supra afterall, Oracles are based.

>> No.56356695 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah but see what's caught my attention recently, the fact that I can own a VR glass and earn series of incentives on EneftiVerse is the biggest bet for me. .

>> No.56356764
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>> No.56356783
File: 8 KB, 191x264, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah but see what's caught my attention recently, the fact that I can own a VR glass and earn series of incentives on EneftiVerse is the biggest bet for me. .

>> No.56356926

>Link has a 14% inflation rate
I thought they were increasing the supply by only 7% over the next 2 years? Which after that will have the total circulation of the supply sitting somewhere around 65%. Not to mention 45 million of those linkies will be staked in v0.2. I’m confused by your FUD.

>> No.56357052

They are unlocking 7% of the total supply (1B) per year. Since there is currently 500m LINK in circulation, that translates to a 14% inflation of the current supply. The closer the supply trends to 1B, the smaller the inflation will be.

>> No.56357150

If there is no loss of rewards for being in the cool-down/claim window wouldn't it make sense to be permanently in a state of withdrawal?

>> No.56357186
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>So if each year is 14% we are going to be getting dilutated hard in that fiver year span
The inflation rate will decrease each year as the unlock amount is a fixed amount of the total supply per year

>> No.56357300

ok, but that doesnt change my point about v.0-1.0 version of staking and it still being inflated.

>> No.56357317

I disagree that v1 is 5 years out

>> No.56357330

can you elaborate on how you came to this conclusion?

>> No.56357373

You first. Why is it going to take 5 years?

>> No.56357410

judging by their pace of development those past 8 years, I'd say 5 years for v1 is extremely optimistic

>> No.56357415
File: 53 KB, 1200x630, origin-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngl i also thought about this, im still trying to figureout what the downside is hmmm, maybe you'd get the rewards, but you wouldnt get build shitcoins? that's really a good point.

>> No.56357428

>makes claim
>i ask how you came to that conclusion
>you first
i'll take the bait but im going to want why you think it wont.
it took six to seven years and two white papers to get to v.01 version of staking. v.02 is not out and with the team previous actions tell s me its not going to come out till december.

>> No.56357451

You made the intial claim >>56356500 and never elaborated

>> No.56357455
File: 163 KB, 879x713, stake_demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stake demon.

Dysgenic freaks who succumb to staking and token-lock addictions become demons.
They always think they are winning no matter what happens.
As long as they're being stimulated according to the pattern that allows them to receive their yearly circle jerk rewards nothing else matters to them.
There is no incentive for them to logically analyze anything, least of all themselves.
They can always just retreat back into their autism and receive the greatest false hopium they know and all else can be forgotten.
Staking on demand accompanied by rewards hopium, the most common forms of hyperstimulus, have deleted the souls of the majority of the link bagholders.
Staking is the jew's greatest weapon and its casualties are piling up and choking out real humanity.
We have to impale them all.

>> No.56357460

so you filled out capthca to not explain how why you think it wont take five years

>> No.56357467

v1 will be out by the end of 2025

>> No.56357478

>you filled out capthca to not explain how why you think it
So esl you're giving me a headache

>why won't it take 5 years
Because it will only take 2 years

>> No.56357484

>Because it will only take 2 years
why do you think that?

>> No.56357492

Because v1 is the next iteration of staking after v0.2.

>> No.56357503

so just because. I want to know step by step why you think it wont take five years and while it will be sooner

>> No.56357510

>those past 8 years
I feel like certain posters add 1.5 years for every year that passes

>> No.56357536

What justification do I need? You think it will be 5, I think it will be 2. Let's wait and see which one of us is right

>> No.56357538

that might have been a typo but you coping about it is wrong to, six years for a shitcoin start up to produce something of value is not an unreasonable amount of time

>> No.56357545

i want to know how you came to that conclusion. i have said this multiple times. you either are stupid or not wanting to answer. Which tells me you're opinion should be discarded completely

>> No.56357566

>six years for a shitcoin start up to produce something of value is not an unreasonable amount of time
Uhh, I agree.

>> No.56357585
File: 591 KB, 1712x937, staking roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

v0.1 was originally set to last 2 years, with the next interation being v1. v0.2 was added as a stop-gap 1 year between after community feedback/outrage at a 2 year lockup. So while that would mean v1 would be out next year I have added another year as Chainlink is not afraid to delay things if it means they get it right the first time. Happy?

>> No.56357602

Why are they so scared to do V1

>> No.56357604

No, shit for brains, I didn’t.
I’ve had 10k link in a wallet since February this year.
That’s more than 50% of the time in that requirement.
I’m not the only that happened to either

>> No.56357613

I maxed out everything in v0.1, I'm tempted to buy more, I haven't added fiat in years, where's the best place for the fiat onramp these days?

>> No.56357697

Kek stupid advocate shill cant argue with objective mathematical fundamentals. You have absolutely to response because this is the truth.
Theres no way you can spin inflation and devaluation as a good thing
>inb4 whatabbout other shitcoins

>> No.56357726

>yeah lets just dump 150m tokens in the middle of the bear market haha lol lmao
No one ever addressed why sergey is dumping so much right now when the shills were constantly bragging about the massive "warchest" sergey built up from all the dumps, now is precisely the time that kind of warchest would be utilized.
And the answer is that all that money has been embezzled and is now sitting in some offshore bank account in a tax haven like cyprus.
You dont need billions of dollars to run a small indie software company

>> No.56357791

my bad, it's actually 9 years
>tourists don't even know that smartcontract.com was founded in 2014

>> No.56357825
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>> No.56357993

what was it worth in '21? You must be down massively since then

>> No.56358042

don't worry this will be answered for in court in due time. The gov is a little busy with the SBF thing right now

don't you understand the grift yet? The goal is to never actually release anything. The product here is the people who buy into the vaporware and buy the token. That's the whole game. There is no version 1, 2, etc.

>> No.56358091

>we start counting development time from the moment the project was just a twinkle in somebody's ballsack
Lmao. LINK was a 2 man team up to 2018. In 5 years they scaled to 500 employees, have multiple products live and are mingling with big boys on a weekly basis. Adding extra years to their development time just makes your strawman look even weaker.

>> No.56358276

wow, you convinced me to go all in on v0.2
good points

>> No.56358344

correlation =/= causation

>> No.56358459

Then contact Chainlink if you feel you met the requirements so they can sort it out.

>> No.56358633
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convince you? you think i care?

>> No.56358672


>> No.56359746

Advocates like you are so annoying. It makes sense why so many fudders pop up just to spite people like you.

>> No.56359775

Delet your 4chinnel account nao

>> No.56359792

the people who fall for staking are the same midwits who fall for wagmi, fall for the "my alt is different" cope, the people who don't sell their alts in the bull and hold all the way back down and then wonder why their alt didn't pump the next cycle.

it's specifically designed for these midwits and they eat it all up.

>> No.56361222

When did staking 0.1 go live? I believe the price was higher, and BTC is up 50% this year. Link staking is a midwit filter

>> No.56361530
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>Increasing supply with the same demand doesn't decrease price

>> No.56361536

I only have 100k Link which is nowhere near enough to actually make it.

All these Linklets with 10k stacks singing about 1k eoy are starting to piss me off with their propaganda. It was a joke and they are actually believing it and causing FOMO in newfags preventing the dump. I need to make it to 300k before mainnet for fucks sake. Link is only going to $10 max. Right now I might make 1MM before tax on that, but tax will take a big chunk out of that then inflation will fucking ruin me over the next decade.

Even if I chuck the 1MM into a dividend stock that pays out well and I get 70k a year of it, it's not enough to beat inflation unless I basically live in poverty as a neet and keep my wagecuck job in the meantime so I don't have to sell any retirement Link. In 10 years that 70k a year will feel like 20k a year. You need a minimum of 2MM, but more likely 3MM to make it. The upper predictions for Link where about $60 but that was made during the bullrun of last year, and it assumed that the overall crypto market cap would still be expanding and BTC would go on to 1MM a Bitcoin and that we would be in a full blown crypto FOMO hype bubble when mainnet came out and we got our price singularity. All of that isn't going to happen anymore.

The singularity is cancelled. Now we will have a slow growth to $10. And the sad but ironic thing is most people on this board will hold from 20 cents, to $10 and then hold all the way back to sub $1 again because you all believe the 1k eoy memes, and just like the retards who held BTC and didn't sell at 19k, you will do the same with Link at $10. Looking at the current charts depresses the fuck out of me when I know I only have 100k Link.

At best I will have 1-2 sweet years, and then return to wagecucking after that. But it will be worse because I will have tasted freedom and know what I am missing out on.