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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56351918 No.56351918 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56352000

This thread is made by paid shills they want to scam you!
Their presale has been running for over 2 years with not a single product released except a """private""" testnet (fake), they already scammed a lot of clueless /biz/ anons.



>> No.56352049

>Their presale has been running for over 2 years with not a single product released except a """private""" testnet

I already knew this was a pajeet scam but dayum
imagine buying this

>> No.56352054

This fucking """""""""""presale"""""""""""" is unironically running since early 2021. What a fucking scam.

>> No.56352068

Two more weeks

>> No.56352082

I thought it was over when they muted the telegram but they keep going.

>> No.56352101
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Five more minutes, Turkish

>> No.56352112
File: 299 KB, 1651x1227, kekeke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say I've got just over 10k of DIST. What I'm in for anons?

>> No.56352117


>> No.56352197

the discreet pajeets are back boys, strap in for fiverr pajeets to start spamming the board

>> No.56352234

I suspect we might have a winning card on our hands anon. But only time will tell.

>> No.56352297

I can only hope you are right. We'll see I guess. Try to stay positive.

>> No.56352459

You guys got lazy with the shilling for the last couple of months. Are you losing hope?

>> No.56352473

Oh here we go the scammers are back

>> No.56352498

>someone fuds with multiple IPs like clockwork everytime a discreet thread is posted
Ok anon show me on the doll where the devs touched you

>> No.56353271

Whoa, this still hasn't come out yet? I remember hearing about this around Christmas 2021.

>> No.56353404

Yep. That is a long sale lmao. There may be value to it if/when it is added to a CEX and also another bullrun comes around.

>> No.56354200

2 more weeks amirite?

>> No.56354336

I like coming in here, creating fake fud so baggies buy more. Nothing makes me harder than when I read a baggie write "just bought more". Have fun getting scammed, losers!

>> No.56355377

1. the idea of discreet was made 5 years ago

2. 2 years, its in development, >>56352054 did you read the fucking whitepaper you jeet??? niggas who fud just CANNOT comprehend what is says apparently, 2 years of mostly developing their new consensus algorithm which can both send normal transactions and transactions like monero does, the testnet in fact is NOT fake you stupid nigger

>> No.56355383

you will semi make anon, im in for the tech, dont sell, were almost there

>> No.56356066

Ah, the scammers are back