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56348721 No.56348721 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of the fact that young people have no way to move forward in their life. Also I was banned from pol so I’m bugging you all for the next three days.

>> No.56348758

Define way forward?
Society was always kind of slavery

>> No.56348760

I think that this is the end of humanity as a technological civilization.

>> No.56348761

>life is hard
all you need to do is wage some, save up a bankroll and get an easy 10-20x and you can retire
literally shooting at an open goal, too bad I was not this financially minded or saw this clearly earlier so now I am a decade behind
or just do the eternal wage route and you will end up in the same spot but years later, same result though
if your kids arent financial set for life from being born you are literally retarded (as most normies are)
I have already done the math, it checks out, this is calculated from burger flipping jobs btw
eu, so dont know how it is elsewhere but yeah, the economic game is easy as fuck, y'all just retarded

>> No.56348769

boomers are almost dead. Gen X is up next and they're so disillusioned they won't think twice about tearing down the most selfish generation's legacy

>> No.56348797

The threshold age of different life markers like buying a house, starting a career and having children will simply continue to drag on as life expectancy goes up. A hundred years ago, men were getting married and buying houses at 18. Now its around 30. Zoomers will be 45. Life simply scales out which is hugely bullish for the economy too. Zoomers will retire when they are 85, and they will be happy about it too and the future of economics primarily relies on the African population becoming a neo-slave like horde that supports the necessity for continued consumption while suppressing wages.

>> No.56348806

>A hundred years ago, men were getting married and buying houses at 18
Not defending this society but men did not buy houses with 18, and for germany i know the marriage age was higher aswell

>> No.56348813

Well they settled into some kind of life long commitment like work or were being positioned to take over the farm or whatever business the family was into which basically guaranteed them assets to secure themselves into the future way earlier than young people are able to do so today.

>> No.56348823

No they were in the military service.
You mean at 20

>> No.56348838

The problem of today is nonwhites and woman not worse meterial condition

>> No.56348839

Yeah some were, but their work life started way before Zoomers but it doesnt matter because life expectancy will make up for that difference

>> No.56348846

>Get an easy 10x-20x
From where?? And please don't shill me your version of the Dingus.

>> No.56348876

>From where??
thats for you to decide, surely you have experience in some field and can invest in such companies that are undervalued
literally just buy what you know about

>> No.56349156

It was more like early-mid 20s but you're right otherwise. Even in my lifetime it was still somewhat normal for early 20-somethings to get married and start families. Now it's 30s, if even.

>> No.56349228

The only silver lining here is that this next generation, (zoomers included unfortunately) may be the only ones motivated enough going forward to cause enough civil unrest to get some actual political change going in our old, completely corrupt political systems. The problem is, everyone knows things are fucked and are just coping. However if you have enough money for a roof over your head, pizza and beer on the weekends, a new gadget every few months then you aren't going to be motivated to actually hit the streets and get mad about the shit going on in the world. But in like a decade people are going to start to realize "Wait a minute, why am I working a full-time job, am completely poor, own nothing and AM NOT HAPPY." THEN and only then will any meaningful change happen in our political landscape.

>> No.56349406

If you knew how fucked our political system really was you wouldn’t be saying this

>> No.56349446

>However if you have enough money for a roof over your head,
Yeah, that's the problem. People can't afford a house, and tent costs an entire paycheck or more. Illegals are flooding the border driving up the costs further, and driving down wages.

>> No.56349456

>tent costs

>> No.56349484

Gen x will be worse, mark my words they are so fucking caught up in legacy systems they will clutch at whatever the boomers left behind until the millennial generation finally gains some semblance of control.

T. Sole millennial on a team of Gen x auditers... I am the only one who knows what a formula is in excel.

>> No.56349504

I just bought a million-dollar house this year at the ripe old age of 31 through nothing but wageslaving and SPY. It's entirely possible to move forward if you just work hard and invest in your future with school/career/etc.

>> No.56349575

Gen X won't do shit. They are a pathetically small generation with extremely high rates of attrition due to drugs pre 2004 and then the opiod crisis.
They'll be brushed aside by the sheer inertia of millennial numbers, the only fleeting moment of power They will have potentially will mayb in 2024 they'll serve at the behest of boomers to old to govern only to get swept 2028+

>> No.56349723 [DELETED] 

Reported you for pol trapping. Get a VPN and go back faggot.

>> No.56349756

Oh my God. Shut the fuck up. You can't be serious. There won't be a civil war lmao.

>> No.56349786

>I just bought a million-dollar house this year at the ripe old age of 31 through nothing but wageslaving and SPY
that's not a real possibility for 99.9999% of people on the planet

>> No.56349802
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Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold, boomers were buying in their early 20s, fact.

>> No.56349860

People who use "lmao" as punctuation always know what will happen in the future.

>> No.56349874

If you're American, yes it is. Nothing I did was special, just get a CompSci degree and give an ounce of effort and you can do the same.
We'll also ignore than I'm not even 99th percentile, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans doing better than I am at the same age.

>> No.56350058
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>jus make top 5% income and you too can live like the average 1970s burgerflipper!

>> No.56350145

Exactly! Now you get it.

>> No.56350190

youre fucking dumb if you cant understand why not everyone can be in the top 5% of earners

>> No.56350352


Not going to claim shit isn't more fucked up than it was in the past, but show me someone who is struggling to get ahead and 9 times out of 10 it's due to their own shitty choices.

>> No.56350379

Are you stupid? Go to fucking school faggot. Enroll in CS or SE and do the fucking work

>> No.56350477

>Enroll in CS or SE
What the average grad will make will not pay for the education. Tuition rates have gone up 2000% or something in the last decade. Wages will never keep pace with that rate. We're rapidly seeing fewer jobs where they can pay off the debt education incurs. CS degrees are the equivalent of women getting a psychology degree. There aren't enough jobs to warrant going this route. Telling someone to go to college is some of the worst possible advice you can give.

>> No.56350579


Degrees are still fairly affordable if you're not retarded about it. Go to community college for a couple years and knock out your gen eds, just be sure the credits will fully transfer to the 4-year university you plan to go to. CC is cheap, in some states it's even subsidized/free. Then finish up your CS curriculum at a 4-year college, average annual in-state tuition for a public university is $10k/year. Don't go out of state, you're literally paying 2-3x more to get the same education in another state. Don't go to a private university, they're also overpriced. Live off campus (or even better at home if your lucky enough to have family in a college town) and don't pay for the overpriced residence halls and meal plans. Use sites like Chegg to rent textbooks or buy used instead of paying 2x for a new one at the campus bookstore. etc.

Can literally get 4-year degree for $30k these days, again if you're not a retard about it and actually make wise decisions about where and how to go to school. With a good degree in an in demand field there will be no problem with ROI.

>> No.56350584

Gen X here. Don’t know what retarded legacy system copers you’re surrounded by but my generation read 1984, Brave new world, Fahrenheit 451 in grade school and knew the direction this world was headed since the 90’s. Yes we’re a small population. My hope is that you weak self centered hopeless participation trophy crybabies stop feeling sorry for yourselves and help us right this ship. We got a war to fight brothers. Speak your minds and stop following their rules that don’t even follow themselves. It’s time to end this divisive shit. We all have the same enemy and it’s the boomertards.

>> No.56350648

I think overreliance on technology paired with globalization and exponential increases in information security concerns are ultimately going to cause the biggest issue.
This is the first time in human history that someone on the other side of the world can destroy your life with the press of a button.

So many of the systems core to our modern society are cobbled together and barely maintained.

>> No.56350651

Europoor here
Who buys a house at age 30?

>> No.56350755
File: 102 KB, 743x532, 1696513635082041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't see how. I am only in my position because I got lucky.
>graduate 2019
>get good tech job right before covid
>1 year in so thankfully wasn't affected by immediate lockdown layoffs
>bought VERY modest house in peak covid (may 2020, closed in july)
>refinanced in late 2021
>happen to have grown up in Florida and our housing market EXPLODED
>sitting on 350k in equity and got PMI taken off
>housing cost squarely in single digits (insurance could really fuck this though)
>still at a good tech job (hybrid now though)

If I did not buy at the absolute perfect time for my market I would be royally screwed. But I'm gonna be alright.

>> No.56350855

you don't know a lot when you're 21 and in the scenario you're talking about

>> No.56351060


>> No.56352366

kek. not helping this faggot when he's down. enjoy learning a powerful and life changing lesson that is completely out if your control and hadn't been asked for. it happens to us all, you just haven't been broken yet. and i shall watch your tears and feel nothing and say unto you "it was your own shitty choice faggot". enjoy.

>> No.56352402

Lmao. Lol. You fuckin faggot. Go back to poor pol where you belong.

>> No.56353795

it's based. in 10 years I can have a harem of 18 year olds because I would be relatively wealthy

>> No.56353947

Okay retard now tell me what the minimum wage was in 1920.