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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56342377 No.56342377 [Reply] [Original]

looks like we were right again, kek.

>pinning the weasel
>suppressing btc

>> No.56342417

>we were right again
Maxis were right again. /biz/ the complete opposite, that FTX was causing the bitcoin bull market.

>> No.56342433

Checked. Now imagine how much fucking bullshit goes on behind the scenes with link.

>> No.56342465

it's pretty tame in comparison. sergey just skims a bit off the top from every sale

>> No.56342466

can someone poast the pinning the weasel copypasta plox? tia.

>> No.56342470

Wake me up when she admitted they fucked 3AC up
Wake me up when she admitted they lobbied DC to outlaw everyone

>> No.56342471


>> No.56342475
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oh moma no no no

>> No.56342476

fuck off avax/link shill

>> No.56342945

death penalty

>> No.56342959

she did say that sbf wanted regulators to target binance

>> No.56342979
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/biz/ is a bunch of retarded drooling shitcoiners.

>> No.56343049

and /biz/ was about the only online platform that distrusted ftx since the start when everyone else was sucking sams cock
and said ftx was suppressing btc prices ever since late 2022 when we had live heatmap threads where no matter what the binance whales did the price would just always go to where ftx set it

now also imagine what this will mean come next bullrun

>> No.56343090

When FTX collapsed the collective idea was that it was a good thing for crypto in the long run because they were manipulating the market. There were also plenty of posts here explaining how they are posting here and running large twitter accounts trying to manipulate public opinion. They would even spam their twitter accounts posts here.
The idea they pumped Bitcoin and caused the bullrun I suspect was them again, trying to manipulate people.

>> No.56343122
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>> No.56343159

anyone expecting moves like the last for alts is in for a surprise now for the next cycle

>> No.56343179

that incessant bobo/mumu low effort posting was likely all them
noticed how it died down when ftx got into trouble

>> No.56343187

What about GME tokens?

>> No.56343192
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Hopefully she gets life in prison sentence for bringing disgrace to the honor of bitcoin-san.

>> No.56343217

and people still don't belief "YHWH Loves you" was Caroline

so glad I told her off for being a disgusting scammer

you could tell she wasn't mentally all there and that's also being confirmed this trial

>> No.56343235

maybe. the real question though is who was rkg

>> No.56343275

her total lack of self worth and simping for sam are off the charts
no idea these type of people existed in the high iq range since she did get a degree
inb4 nepotism

>> No.56343286

>getting a degree means you have high iq

>> No.56343325

let me rephrase that as in the top half of the iq curve then

>> No.56343405

Now you see why chainlink isn't 20$ yet

>> No.56343449

the only entity with enough link to suppress the price is chainlink themselves

>> No.56343487

ftx dumped everything they had left of link back in november in defi where it got slurped up
they cannot have anything to do with the recent year of price action

>> No.56343571


>> No.56343589

Is this photo edited or does she really look like that? Who would have sex with that, even if you are a fat and ugly guy with no social skills like SBF?

>> No.56343604

man, those jews were all high af on every kind of drugs.....

>> No.56343610

dear god she is fucking repulsive

>> No.56343619

>link shill
No thanks

>> No.56343640

got any screen caps of some ofg her most memorable quotes? like how she said "I don't trust security analysis" or some stupid shit?

come to think of it, SBF had some pretty cringey retard quotes like, "I don't trust written books" or something along those lines.

i swear, his generation is somehow full of broken retard logic

>> No.56343814

especially not when link peaked in 2020 at #5, everything after that is just noise on the way back down again

>> No.56343848
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Stop bullying her so bad, guys.
That's mean.

>> No.56344186

Yep. I saw it everytime btc would pump someone would immediately dump it to counter it and keep it below $40k.

>> No.56344216

kek ty

>> No.56344219
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What’s the purpose in suppressing the BTC price?

>> No.56344223

Roaring Kitty Keith Gill of course, reminding you to buy GAMESTOP

>> No.56344501

These camera angles are brutal. (You) niggers can have her.

>> No.56344503

why are courtroom artists still employed when photography was invented almost 200 years ago

>> No.56344520

Because in some court cases, photography and video recording are illegal.

>> No.56344523

Same reason a cockroach runs for cover when you shine a light on it.

>> No.56344576

Judges are the ultimate NPCs. Everything is tied back to prior precedent.
Having cameras in a courtroom is unprecedented.

>> No.56344632

They also prevented Btc from a blow off top and reaching 100k. They made sure that we wouldn’t make it

>> No.56344639

I called her a disgusting kike many times and that her God “Yahweh” was a foreskin eating demon

>> No.56344693
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>> No.56344730
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public proceedings are private, and private proceedings are public. land of the free lmao

>> No.56344791

you know what?

i hate jews


>> No.56344832

It gets worse. Her Tinder profile also mentioned having both strains of the herp.

>> No.56344877


>> No.56345141

Plenty of people with high IQ, or rather a narrow area of intelligence like maths who have basically 0 social intelligence and capability at the same time. She is a good example.

I know she is ugly as sin, but she actually makes herself look un-presentable. She looks like(same as sam) she gets out of bed and then goes to a courtroom without even brushing hair.
Basically just 0 social intelligence. This goes for Sam too. They need to both get raped in Prison

>> No.56345365

>eyes are perpendicular
lol fuckin brutal, someone need to charge that courtroom artist with assault and defamation

>> No.56345409

She's still based for working with the prosecution to put sbf behind bars, fuck that asshole completely. He got pinned by the chipmunk and it will never not be hilarious. I even saw anons plural giving her a cum tribute last night for her work.

Now let's get this fucking pump started!

>> No.56345748

man when i first came on /biz/ in summer 2020 you guys were saying
>SBF and Caroline are totally fucking while high on adderall
>FTX and Alameda are totally manipulating the markets and suppressing prices and liquidating their customers unfairly
4chan don't miss, on God no cap for real for real. saddest words of voice or pen for freal for real no cap. On God.

>> No.56345764

still would court and marry and start a family and raise high IQ weird looking kids with her and grow old with her and gently treasure her in sickness and in health, through thick and through thin, until death do us part.
Caroline please I am waiting for you.

>> No.56346485
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How could they do this to us? We could have made it.

>> No.56346540

‘jews Did This’

>> No.56346549

Linkcels are not the main characters of this story and never will be.

>> No.56346580


>> No.56346715

I remember so called ((bears)) last year claiming ftx was the only one keeping Bitcoin up (at 18k).

>> No.56346721

It were some bad actors posing as bear and retards felt for it.
But yes they claimed without ftx the price would fall to 10k.
Yes most of us knew that they suppressed it by selling user funds
Nah i make these posts aswell they are fun, its just endless crabbing now

>> No.56346722

No, any entity can suppress LINK by borrowing what anons gifted to lending platforms for a pittance.

>> No.56346731

>Plenty of people with high IQ, or rather a narrow area of intelligence like maths who have basically 0 social intelligence and capability at the same time. She is a good example.
Math Master student here.
Actually Sv3rige wasnt THAT wrong when he called math people the dumbest ones...
I realize how im better now, but how i was in many fields actually slow during school, like understanding jokes or social meaning.
And others are so aswell

>> No.56346739

Aave rates dont suggest shorting they are very low

>> No.56346761

They suppressed LINK when the sentiment was positive, and now they don't have to work very hard, as negative sentiment is self-perpetuating. Could have easily reached $150 in 2021 without dumping it against BTC every time it started pumping.

>> No.56346771

Check the btc and eth chart, link had a blowofftop 2020 you need to accept that
I own Link aswell now but back then it could only underperform basically

>> No.56346783

It didn't have a blow-off top, it retraced and consolidated until BTC's bullrun started. After that it acted like every other alt/shitcoin : bleeding sats while BTC pumps, then pump while BTC is consolidating... except every time it started pumping, there was a large selloff on the LINK/BTC pair (much lower liquidity than LINK/USD) that was maintained until arbitrage bots crush LINK/USD's pump.
This was discussed at length at the time.
>I own Link aswell
We all do. We all cope differently.

>> No.56346804

Soooo People sold Link for Bitcoin, why would they not
I bought 2022 im fine

>> No.56346816


>> No.56346817

Yeah, people that hold LINK tend to dump huge amounts of LINK at once as soon as it starts pumping. Sounds about right.
>I bought 2022 im fine
Good for you. Me, I bought in 2018 and I'm sadly seething, coping and even metaphorically dilating. Could have retired years ago but retards sabotaged me and themselves to get extra 150 linkies on top of their 5 digit stacks. Oh well.

>> No.56346824

You never would have made it. Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme, with one extra step - market fluctuation. If bitcoin peaked, then everyone would try to liquidate and there would have been no money to pay everyone out. So you have to let air out of the balloon every so often.

>> No.56346828

>Yeah, people that hold LINK tend to dump huge amounts of LINK at once as soon as it starts pumping. Sounds about right.
>Likely 2018 buyers like you who were not ultra greedy, thats why you cope.

>> No.56346833

Sounds harsh to you, but you need to accept that after beeing up x100 vs Bitcoin smart Money is selling to Bitcoin and you were not smart money here

>> No.56346896

I haven't gotten the impression she's particularly intelligent. Obviously she's not a retard but she's never been doing anything complicated or difficult beyond a bunch of lying.

>> No.56346920

Talking about hundreds of thousands of LINK at once, dude. At one point somebody market sold 3 million LINK. No, these were not ICO buying anons eager to dump their bags. These were lending platforms /exchanges that had to keep LINK low because they'd be underwater if it pumped against ETH. If you had been around in previous bullruns (2014, 2017) you'd understand. Crypto is unregulated and rife with mustache-twirling manipulation unseen in the real world for a hundred years.
>you were not smart money here
Well, duh. I bought a project I believed in with the intention to hold until my target price or stake for steady returns if (actual, not that 0.x bullshit) staking releases before the price target is met. Obviously I failed to predict how others will act, and my play was unsuccessful. You have my blessing to do better, and if you post your success story in a few years ill post a "congratulations" under it.

>> No.56346943

>until my target price or stake for steady returns
whats your target and when do you think it will be reached? Staking might be profitable over selling most, but it will take many years.

>> No.56346952
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Target in 2021 was a hundo per token. Enough for me to retire and seemed feasible after a strong 2020 that I falsely interpreted as the pre-moon. Oh well.

>> No.56346976
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>when do you think it will be reached
I make no predictions anymore. Haven't put any money in crypto for years now, have downgraded LINK from "a sure thing" to a "there's still a chance, worth holding". Have used the time since then to get a shitty coding job, buy a house in a village near the city, grow some tomatoes and plant an apple or two. Dunno. Feels like I won't be making it off crypto, certainly don't plan on gambling on shitcoins in the bullrun, that's a young man's game. I either make it off LINK by 2030 or I buy a few goats and sell artisinal cheese to dumb rich white women.

>> No.56346979

many in this spot, 100 will be hard to breach. its still early so one full cycle for profits would be a bet many would consider given the last cycle. dumb to just keep them staked fully. But with ccip rwa link has a better position and will be much more needed (token) than last cycle.

>> No.56346992

sounds comfy don't forget to start a family if this is your thing. Money isn't all.

>> No.56347086

So it really was going to 100k, but these goddamn Jews fucked us

>> No.56347113
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Aye man, have a wife and a lil kid, bit dumb and ugly but I love them. Family gives man a reason to keep going, would have walked off into the woods on a one-way trip more than a few times if not for them (not LINK related, just wrong in the head since birth).
Have explained to the wife multiple times how to dump my wallet if the voices win someday, if you happen to see a sell order for exactly 7736, pour a glass on the ground for a lost soul kek.
And ye, 100 is a silly target nowadays, probably not going there soon, and if it does breach it it's probably going a lot further. I'll set a new target if LINK gets a bullrun going, but realistically I'll probably just keep it staked - doesn't seem like it can pump on pure hype like a shitcoin in the observable future, any sustained pump against BTC would likely mean adoption and the opportunity to just keep it staked for a steady income... or maybe I'm both greedy and lazy again. Dunno. Anyway, thanks for reading my blogpost and the tips. I'm going back to the wage cage now.

>> No.56347301

Pick the side of the spectrum you want to stand. People with low social iq cannot expertly manipúlate public opinion

It’s very clear which billionaires got richer during the bear and which millionaires are trying to become billionaires

>> No.56347327
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And then one day, for no reason at all...

>> No.56347512

To liquidate Saylor ofc, there was a rumor that Saylor would be liq'd at 20k-ish, but then he derisked somewhen in the middle of 2022 to lower it to 3k

>> No.56347528


>> No.56347886

Yes you were correct. My dum black ass thought you silly crackers were being funny, ironically rayciss, and wildly conspiratorial.

Turns out the suppression talk was absolutely correct, please accept my apologies.

>> No.56347895

sbf's legal team would just have to have those posts entered into evidence to completely destroy all her testimony

>> No.56349075

If you think she's not getting total immunity for helping the prosecution you literally smoke crack rocks. She's going to walk.

>> No.56349181

What if I told you jews come to 4chan to pretend to be nazis while telling redditors to hate nazis (anyone right of the left).

>> No.56349188

haha that book quote fucking IRKS me mate, I think about it often

>> No.56349201

I know nothing about the legality that surrounds this issue, just wanted to note something:

Muslims sometimes eschew photography depending on their particular interpretation of the passages in the Q’ran which forbid the making of images in human form. It’s why most art in mosques is geometric or flora-based, because even pictures of animals are sketchy according to some (different interpretations of “face”, if I recall correctly, but the last time I studied this was nearly a decade ago). Photography introduced a new wrinkle into things. Their issue isn’t soul-theft but stepping into G-ds’ territory, so most imams say photography is OK as it only captures what is there and does not attempt to improve on G-d’s design, and some say not. Again, as I recall it, that’s the explanation.

>> No.56349272

She looks so old bros.
The weasel has hit the wall. I repeat: "The weasel has hit the wall!"
>it's over

>> No.56349289

Sv3rige is a bald cope loser. Everything has gone wrong for him in every aspect of life: identify as a plant and get rushed to emergencies, shit his pants in public from vegan diet, go bald from stress and tight pony tail, get cheated on and abandoned by the mother of his child that is either being abused by him or is totally insane. The guy is failure incarnate and people still listen to his advice.

>> No.56349301

Raw meat is good for you tho.

>> No.56349303

Caroline is truly an ugly cunt holy FUCK

>> No.56349348

Normies can’t understand the thrill of pinning the weasel. Night spent chasing an over amphetamined Caroline around the bean bag forts. Her squealing and gibbering, pouring sweat and on the verge of seizing. Your friends build up an intoxicating, delerious state with Talmudic chantings at the sidelines, hitting the Caroline-toy with brooms if she tries to escape. Sam would be giggling and laughing as the waves of methamphetamine pleasure seem to harmonize with the droning herbrew verses. He runs through the bean bag maze fat and portly, with his viagra powered penis a driving rod for the weasel. Sweat gushing down his face around his unfocused eyes he laughs and chortles until he gasps “Found you!” . The Mathweasel screeches defensively but Wankman Bankman is upon her in seconds. His penis thrusting blindly into her flank, leg, stomach and ribs unconcerned about anything but the motion. Eventually serendipity finds her mouth and the Cocktube Rodent is placated, suckling contently on Bankman’s dehydrated dick.

>> No.56349367

always has been. there are no words fitting to describe her repulsing features.

human molerat hybrid aka the avg jew.

>> No.56350200

Fuck FTX. Stole my chance for a god damn moon. Should've been rich by 2021. God damn jewfro niggas

>> No.56350329

AAVE did it first, FTX did it best

>> No.56352630

Perfect illustration of why there have to be laws around to world to keep you from hating these uggos.