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56343335 No.56343335 [Reply] [Original]

15 grand is a life changing amount of money for those not in the USA.

>> No.56343346

no it isn't. houses are equally expensive in our countries too, we just don't earn any money so no one can buy them except people with inheritance

>> No.56343359

not really, you can not buy even a small house with that money in my shithole country but it is good money to invest into something I guess

>> No.56343371

I dont think you understand what life changing means
>get 15k, you now have breathing room, can liquidate your debts at once and invest
>in most south american countries, east asia and africa you can efectively get a small bussiness going with that, most People dont do it because duuuh, they dont have 15k laying around
>for the average turdworlder saving up to 15k would take them 15 years, we are talking people who live paycheck to paycheck so have no saving power
>this is somehow not life changing
Get your head out of your ass and take a lick of the real world for once and you may stop saying such dumb shit, you pampered retard

>> No.56343372

>in our countries

Haha that's not a group

>> No.56343377

It allows you to pay off a big debt, buy a car, fix your house and buy tons of tools and stuff.
Pays for school too.

>> No.56343382

2/3rd of Americans live pay check to pay check and most of the country has less than 5k in savings. It is for most of them as well

>> No.56343395
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Wow, that's barely enough to cover buying a used, 25 year old Toyota.

>> No.56343442

i hate what detroit jews did to the use car market. i bought a salvage title 3/4 ton 7 years ago for 6k and now its worth literally the same even being 20 years old and having 240k miles. the used car market is fucked so hard and never will recover in any meaningful amount.

>> No.56343443

it's not life changing because they would still need to work. It would impact their life but not change it that much. I would argue 100k is not life changing in western world

>> No.56343454

In other countries this guys a genius

>> No.56343461

>it would impact their life (greatly)
>not life changing
Get a grip of this mongo

>> No.56343468

in venezuela maybe

>> No.56343485

by that definition 15 grand is life changing everywhere then.

>> No.56343510

The OP says outside the us why do you hicks keep trying to make it about how little is on the us wtf is wrong with you, cant you read a simple line of text?
To put things in perspective, the average houselhold saving power in south america is 50 usd a month, and that is if things are going fine now make the math in how long would take for thoose families to reach 15k before inflation destroys the value of that money.
I swear usatards are truly a subhuman race

>> No.56343659

I am from Europe. 15k can be life changing everywhere for a poor person, nearly or already homeless. But for middle class people and upward hardly so

>> No.56343816
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Even for middle class, 15k is about 6 months of work since middle class starts at 30k a year.
It can change your life especially if you have debt that's eating at your income.

>> No.56343820

what do you understand for being poor excatly? because im suposedly middle class in my country but im eating frugaly and one medical bill away from heavy debt, and which country in Europe are you from? I feel like you dont really get how little to no real importance the cast system of poor and middle class have in most of the world, it just mingles together into rich and poor, then you have absolutely destitude people which live on the streets as beggards.
15k is life changing in all of the world that is not the us, japan, asstralia, new gayland, corea and you get the gist, the rest of us we slowly rot away in "middle class" swamps.
as I said, im middle class my income is 1000 usd a month more or less, I live in the most prosperous country of my region by a wide margin, my expenses are
>300 rent
>150 basic utilities
>200 food
>150 paying up debts I have still dragging from 2019 when I fell ill and my free healthcare system sent me to a neverending waiting list, I could have died
it would take me a long ass time to get that money, and im well off by country standards, most people make less than half what I do and have worse prospects about their future, how in the allmighty heavens is 15 not life changing

>> No.56345300
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>how in the allmighty heavens is 15 not life changing

That would be 1.5 yrs of cost of living saved up for you. That is not life changing. I remember being exactly like you poor idiots. If I just had X amount then things would finally change. What you are really saying would change is your state of mind. The only thing controlling your state of mind is you. Money is a tool maybe you are better or worse with it than others. You would need 240k with a 4% return a year to not work again and live your current life of 800 a month. You have a slave morality that you use to protect your ego. Stop it.

>> No.56345346

It is kek, whoever tells you otherwise is a burgerfag and a retard, cuz the amount of cash I could make using that to long or short on Kinetix is insane

>> No.56345358

I'm a retard and even I admit that's a lot of money in most of LATAM

>> No.56345373

Let the niggers argue kek, they will never accept that that is actually some good money

>> No.56345392
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You poorfag niggers are an insult to everyone else in this board

>> No.56345393

Kek, kys pajeet

>> No.56345422

It's actually pretty life changing for a lot of golemericans too

>> No.56345473

Retard is like having one and a half year with double the salary, extra money you can use to invest in a bussiness and get more shekels what is that you dont understand you baiting piecebof human trash

>> No.56345512

That's just my yearly bonus

>t. not in US

>> No.56345677
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>That's just my yearly bonus
Me unironically and that's a bit less than what I make in a month. I'm truly blessed.

>> No.56345888

5k would be a life changing money for me right now desu.
After divorce I ended up with nothing and whatever I had put aside, I'm losing 500$ a month since my job pays 1/2 of what I used to earn. So 5k would give me 10 months of -500$/mo so I can learn a trade or coding and change a job. Sometimes life-changing=/= fuck you money

>> No.56345954
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wow dude so what? we are open borders now. We voted for biden for a reason. You can bring felons or wanted criminals. We provide free of charge food/shelter/legal assistance and help u have babies as well. Driver licenses too. Good luck dealing with the mexican/bidens cartels at the border tho

>> No.56346094


What is going on in the used truck market? Literally any heap of junk that can call itself a truck is being sold for 10k+

Makes no sense. I don't even like or want a truck, just doesn't seem like they should be valued that high

>> No.56346112

All vehicles are through the roof, inflation is 300% as of 5 years ago they just lie about it.

>> No.56346116
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A decade ago a sub-compact was about 7-8000 dollars new.

>> No.56346119

Also reminder 100k is 30k and you need 300k to begin to feel good about your portfolio now. In 2-5 years you will need 1 million to have 100k 5 years ago.

>> No.56346138

Middle class starts at $100k now, and barely.

>> No.56346234

25k in Canada 20k in the US was the poverty line a decade and a half ago, Im pretty sure people who make 30k dont pay taxes in the US unless they just havent updated that. It should be anyone below 60k doesnt pay.

>> No.56346255

No one of the things you mentioned can be bought for less than $15k retard

>> No.56346263

Yeah that's why shitskins pull their rugs after getting to 20k mcap

>> No.56346271

It's really not.

You can already cut your costs and save up for muh business, the only reason you're not doing it is that you know your business idea is garbage.

>> No.56346295
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>extra money you can use to invest in a bussiness

lol there is always this "business" that they could start or invest in but I never hear about what it would be. Few people have concrete ideas about what they are doing or a plan. This is just more slave morality ego protecting bullshit.

>> No.56346338

With 15k where I live you can do plenty of things, easiest one is just travel abroad and buy cheap products from the people beyond the mountains, profits margins are around 30% now, but nobody has that kind of money at hand and they sure dlnt have the car needed for it.
Thatd the simpliest one of the bussiness ideas, quite rough and brute but good in the ROI and no special skills needed.now tongue my anus amerimutt golem

>> No.56346356

yeah none of your examples apply to people in western europe, canada, australia, japan, korea... which is a big part of "not in the USA"

>> No.56346364

Thoose countries together will never make a bigger chunk of the population that we thirdwolrders make, cope seethe and dilate, and fuck off already the thread was quite clear about who the target for a life changing 15k check is, you niggers jjst enjoy makinh everything about yourselves.

>> No.56346421

that is fucking DUMBBB holy shit

>> No.56347242
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>slave morality
Opinion discarded.

>> No.56347489

It's honestly a pretty life changing amount for anyone who is poor.
Otherwise, I've seen people piss away 15k on crypto, and not even need an drink when it hit zero.

>> No.56347649
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It really isnt, im looking to buy land for my house and that costs 66k plus sewage, tax, water, etc will cost me around 90k in total.
And thats even BEFORE starting to build the actual house, and im in eastern europe,
So you can go fuck yourself with this lifechanging money, you can buy a 2006 old mercedes jeep GL with that money, one that may have been in a car accident and has 260k miles on it :)
Its gonna change your life of course since you can impress low wuality women with your shitbox .
Smd everyone is fucking rich these days and it feels like im being left out, even me who makes 3.5k euros a month feels fucking poor (which basically i am) i need to save decades for a house

>> No.56347669

>*gets triggered*

>> No.56347734

Not miles. I meant to say kilometres but anyway

>> No.56347757

>laughs in switzerland

>> No.56347790
File: 30 KB, 499x281, 01537bbf-9185-469d-abc8-55ab4321b207-GTY_1150319953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For that amount you can buy a forged American/European passport and immigrate for a better life shiet

>> No.56347842

>15 grand is a life changing amount of money for those not in the USA.
All those disagreeing with you are ignorant. I'd even say 15 grand is life changing for those in the USA as well.

>You can't buy a house with 15 grand
Okay, but now you have 15 grand more than you did for a down-payment on a house, and/or 15 grand for emergency savings so you don't have to worry about any unexpected repairs once you do buy a house. That's life changing.
You can pay off debt or car loans, and be able to start focusing on saving and investing. That's life changing.
You can blow it all on that dream vacation you've always wanted. That's life changing.

Life changing doesn't have to mean you are suddenly rich, and don't have to work, and can afford to buy land and a house in cash. It just means that your life has improved somewhat significantly.

Not counting mortgage, the average American is $21k in debt. $15k doesn't clear it, but it certainly helps.
The average cost of a house was $416k, and $15k gives you the 3.5% down payment for an FHA loan.
Let's say you're 25, and you put $15k into a fund that returns 10% on average. Once you're 65, it's now worth $805k.

You all are telling me that if suddenly had an extra $15k, you wouldn't consider it life changing?

>> No.56347849

i live in eastern europe and i couldnt do shit with 10k, that's like cost of living for like 8 months. Rent + utilities + food.

>> No.56347868

Life changing would be like $200k since you can buy your own apartment and have extra to buy a nice car. Then your monthly expenses are much cheaper and besides buying a nicer house and a nicer car there's not much more to spend on.

>> No.56347881

I also round tripped 500k in crypto and didn't buy any of those. I wanted to be a millionaire, got over it in a week.

>> No.56348007

This nigga gets it
Life changing my ass, thats pocket change.
Also following your logic even 500$ is life changing since you can buy some meth and a cheap stolen handgun to blow your brains out as the high fades.

>> No.56348040

the trump years are gone. middle class starts at 100k today. there's a strong argument you're not really middle class unless you can afford a median house, newish car, healthcare, and vacation a year, so the real number with house prices right now might be more like 200k now.

there isn't a single major city in the US that you can pay rent on 40 hours of min wage income. Some of those cities have 15 dollar minimum wages which equates to 30k a year.


>> No.56348058

Rent for a decent 1 bedroom apartment in EE, 500 euro, utilities 100 euro, food 400 euro a month if you want to eat meat and cooking at home. If you wanna eat out every week and live life you spending like 2000 euro a month easy. Eating out here is more expensive than in western europe, expect 30 euro at a shitty place. If you going out on dates you spending 100 euro for food and tip.

>> No.56348163

Not life changing at all. Some of you have goals so low it should be embarrassing. My monthly budget (after taxes) is 12,000 dollars which includes my wife and I. About 50% goes to savings and 50% is spent. 15k would move up my retirement date by a few months. 150k wouldn't drastically change my life, and that's a good thing. It means I've planned my life well and lived responsibly. It would cut over a year off how long I'll have to work to reach 33x my annual expenditures in investments.

Unless you're under 20, If 20% of the median annual income would be life changing you really need to evaluate your life and make some major changes because you're doing it very very wrong. Being average is not something to aspire to.

>> No.56348180

>Also following your logic even 500$ is life changing since you can buy some meth and a cheap stolen handgun to blow your brains out as the high fades.
That would be life changing, no?

Did you miss when I said this?
>It just means that your life has improved somewhat significantly.
I wouldn't consider $20 life changing for most people. Not $100, not $500. $1k for some would be life changing. But yes, $15k for most people is certainly life changing.

>> No.56348208

Unlike you, I don't care about larping on some anonymous website.
Look at the average American, as that's what I'm referring to. I'm not referring to you, not to me, not to anyone specifically. Based on the average American's income, debt, and savings, $15k would be life changing for them. As I said, it obviously wouldn't immediately pay off all debts, let them buy a house in cash, and retire. But it would pay off the majority of the average American's debt. It would be a down-payment for a FHA loan. It would be a great start to their retirement account.

>> No.56348209

lol $500 is lifechanging in the USA for 97% of the population.

>> No.56348210

I go out, main dish is like 25€ per person on average, god forbid if you wanna get desert and/or a drink. But yes dinner for 2 all in all wnds up being around 130€ with tip.
And sont forget hahaha, if you go to cinema minimum 30€ and 4€ per coffee. Then if you wanna get a decent airbnb 100€ per night.
So a day out will end up costing a QUARTER OF A THOUSAND and thats being relatively careful spending, if you go proper drinking with 15€ per cocktail u can fucking forget about money.

And its not even expensive food, if you go to city center you can find average stak costs 200eur for 1kg of tomahawk meat
Maybe Baltics are just overpriced, but despite this i see hundreads of Porches driving around, something isnt adding up

>> No.56348226


>> No.56348231
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>> No.56348366

argentinian, 5k would be life changing for me, I could buy tools and learn a trade like soldering and metal working full time for a year without having to worry about rent or food. if that isn't life changing then Idk what is

>> No.56348420

Shadow economy and a lot of corruption going around, 500 euro minimum wage and you see lambos, ferraris and porsches lined up at fancy restaurants.

>> No.56348496

I fear you may be right.
When i look up businesses online, thdy have fake shitty websites and occasionally have like 3 registered employees getting paid minimum wage and like 12 sportscars registered to that business…

>> No.56348542

Argie too, 15k would be like 3 to 6 years living without worrying about work. You could study a whole career in that time.