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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56344260 No.56344260 [Reply] [Original]

>mortgage rates over 8%
>my Zestimate still unscathed and climbing
I am financially invincible

>> No.56344288

higher interest rates are good for homebuyers because it means it costs more money overall to buy a house, thus increasing its value

>> No.56344385
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>> No.56344400

We might actually hit 10% mortgages without another hike.

>> No.56344414
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so, uh, who's going to buy all those houses?

>> No.56344435

Nobody will buy
Nobody will sell
The US will be like European borders: Everyone is where they're going to be forever and you can just borrow against the price the house had when people still bought and sold them.

>> No.56344474
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A wholesaler will probably buy it at half price during the next major liquidity event.

>> No.56344490

As a side note, I've always found it interesting how americans are extremely obsessed with Europe but not the other way around

>> No.56344500

Only retards rent.

>> No.56344508

It's our homeland and we're a colony. That's how those sorts of relationships always work.

>> No.56344518

>nobody will buy
>nobody will sell
there's an actual name for when this happens in a market. i forget the name but its pretty much the worst case scenario

>> No.56344542
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>Unrealized gains
Let me know when you are ready to sell.

>> No.56344829

show bob and vageeeeeenee sir

pls do the need full

captcha: GGRWH

>> No.56344853
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Yeah, I'm starting to feel like it's never gonna crash. We're staying in mom's basement boys

I just wanted a family. You win pre 2020 buyers. You win WEF. I'm out

>> No.56345009

nigga if you think they are just going to let all these goys keep their homes you're nutso. pre-2020 buyers don't mean shit, homeowners fall into two categories

>paid off with no HELOC or similar bullshit
in the club for life
>not paid off or some sort of HELOC or similar bullshit
basically as fucked as rentoids

>> No.56345149

moms basement aint bad if you get neetbux. working and having to return to moms basement is terrible. do not recommend.