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56343313 No.56343313 [Reply] [Original]

>£65,000 in cash/stocks/PMs
>£44K per year
>live with parents
>spent entire life getting to this point
>starting to get fat. dont have time to work out as much as i want.
>still can't afford a house unless I spread myself to the absolute limit for an overpriced crumbling shitbox rife with plumbing and electrical issues

I'm so demoralised. I'm slowly giving up on my career, making endgame plans for wasting my money in cyprus for a couple years before killing myself

>> No.56343351

That is not terrible

>> No.56343467
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>£95k in ISA
>£90-105k income based on bonus
>Rent alone because I was even more depressed when living with parents with a long commute
>A few good IRL friends
>Don't even seriously consider buying a house or making long-term decisions in life
>Haven't lifted in about a year and a half after lifting for 6 years consistently
>No gf
I'm gonna turn it around bros... 2024 is when my real life will start.

>> No.56343489

Move to the US if you aren't an arab or a jeet

>> No.56343496


>> No.56343530

Im in the same boat brother except i have a whole lot less money than you and a whole lot less earning capacity.

Are you living with parents? If not, why not? Live with them for 1-2 years and use that 44k salary to get from 65k to 100-140k

Then either get a flat, shitty house or go full unabomber offgrid and spend it on woodland to *unlawfully* (not illegally) build your cabin on. But be quick because the government is tightening right to reside rules and soon you won't even be able to do that.

>> No.56343557

>live with parents
ignore me i just re-read your post.

>> No.56343558

Guys, unironically go live in the south interior of Brazil. It is that easy. Anyone earning around what OP earns, lives like a king here. Buy something with dividends, and find a remote job if possible. You will live in excellency.

>> No.56343593

The problem with 3rdworldmaxxing is that most "work from home" jobs arent really work from home. They're "work from home 4 days per week but come in to the office specifically when we want you to for useless meetings" jobs.

Most employers would not be okay with you fucking off to some 3rd world tropical paradise, partially because of the above and partially because of time differences / lack of easy communication.

Of course there are exceptions and theres a whole subculture of nomad living but i dont think its that easy to even get in to a job that will allow that lifestyle. Especially if you arent some high value guy with some unique skill that is highly sort after (which most people arent).

>> No.56343611

>partially because of the above and partially because of time differences / lack of easy communication.
Also possibly legal reasons. If it's a small company there's extra overhead they have to deal with since you'd be a Brazilian taxpayer. And if it's a large company that's happy to have a multinational staff they'll know to pay you less if you Brazilmaxx.

>> No.56343645

>And if it's a large company that's happy to have a multinational staff they'll know to pay you less if you Brazilmaxx.
yeah i think this could be the biggest hurdle. Companies only pay what the competitive rate is for X job because they're forced to by supply and demand and minimum wage laws. If you're in some tropical shithole doing a remote job i imagine most large companies out there will try to pay you a 3rd world wage to match your 3rd world surroundings. If it were that easy to get a good salary while working remote then all of the third worlders wouldnt be desperately trying to enter europe/america.

>> No.56343749

Pretty much what happens in Brazil is that you get an above average salary but it is usually 2/3 of what you would earn if you were from and inside a first world country.
But this 2/3 usually already is a top 2% salary, reserved usually for the highest paying public sector jobs.

>> No.56343792

Do you live there? Do you have any tips or recommendations for visiting Brazil and checking it out?

>> No.56345264

Only way to pull it off that comes to my mind is to contract through a business inside a FATCA compliant free trade zone jurisdiction w/ 0% foreign income tax. Obviously then you aren't an employee but it completely removes the hassle for anyone looking to hire you for contract work since there's 1) a legally established business capable of handling its own liability (i.e. taxes) and 2) there's no taxes anyway, so there is no tax liability.