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56336736 No.56336736 [Reply] [Original]

What can I invest in to satisfy my sex drive? I want to fuck every woman I interact with who is at least a 5/10. I have a gf but the same person after so many years struggles to keep my interest. Polygamy should be legalized and normalized for people like me.

>> No.56336744

I don’t know. I feel like shit even cheating on my GF with e-whores.

>> No.56336799

Do you mean OF or something? I wouldn't consider that cheating. Anyway, I don't think there's a solution for us in the modern world other than trying to be single and have many bitches, but it's a lot of time and effort I can't spare.

>> No.56337267

Goomar bro

>> No.56337575

Oh damn why didn't I think of that

>> No.56337683

at one point you became addicted to a specific porn actress. after a week or so you realized you couldn't cum to her anymore so you moved on to a new one, and a new one, and another new one. sometimes yu would revisit the OG girl once you took a long enough break and remembered how hot she was. then the cycle repeated until you gave yourself adhd coombrain and had to change pornstars every night because theirs such a variety to choose from so why waste time on one? this psychologically fucked your monkey brain and now you have the same psychology when it comes to irl women. the internet was a mistake, as a result you will never settle down in a small community with a pocket of friends and one gf and will always be curious and insatiable for what else is out there. i'd say 75% of the populace is like this now and it's why everyones complaining about the dating landscape. ENM, poly etc. that's where things are headed. just look at marriage and divorce rates. hell, even my boomer christian parents who have been together for over 40yrs are thinking about getting a divorce. no one can justify it anymore.

>> No.56340028

it's fucking over

>> No.56340760
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Not everyone follows this behavior pattern. All I've ever wanted is one partner to take out my sex drive on, but after a couple months sex always dies to nothing so I returned to porn.

Invest in getting fucking shredded; I'm 5.5% bodyfat (tested via hydrostatic weighing, the gold standard) and once I passed about 6% my sex drive went to basically zero. Now I've added back more calories and anything past 3k/day (I exercise a lot) makes me horny and dopamine-seeking again, but under that appears to keep me functionally neutered and focused on more "adult" sources of reward (career, exercise, friends and family, investments, side hustles, slowly learning Latin dance from YouTube). I quit video games, porn, and masturbation completely, now my only "fun" outside of productive stuff is 4chan (which I do need to cut down on) and I watch RPG speedruns during meals when I don't work through those breaks. And cannabis I suppose.

tl;dr get lean nigga, it feels great and helps kill the hedonic urges.

>> No.56340792

Tell everyone how you’re a mutt. A real man (poc) would have given her 10 children by now (you’re sterile) and be too busy to even think of porn.

>> No.56340795

become a bartender. or hell, even a cook, at a trendy restaurant
you will be swimming in pussy that wants action

>> No.56340872

U sound like a normal man. We all want to fuck everything but ultimately that leads to losing half of your shit, rape accusations or std's. It's just not worth it these days. Plus ull come to realize after a few that connection-less sex isn't what it's hyped up to be.

>> No.56341210

interesting idea anon

it's not really connection-less pump and dumps I'd be interested in, more like a few months minimum of real connection and sex with different women, maybe goomars will work for that

>> No.56342559

>not everyone follows this behavior
>follows the behavior

>> No.56342571

Spelled comare but nice try retard

>> No.56342876
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You should invest in the self-discipline to simply say no to a girl as early possible when she does what all women do and starts trying to lure you into a relationship. Failing that, assuming you get lured into a relationship, if you're lucky the worst thing that happens is you just get tired of sleeping with the girl you're with and you both just sort of accept it and live with it. That is almost impossibly unlikely though. What is more likely is if you get to that point, she'll start fucking with your manhood. She'll start trying to suggest you're gay, letting herself go even further just to fuck with you (no make up, eating whatever she wants, wearing granny panties, etc.), and in some cases just trying to make you jealous by either implying she's going to cheat or just doing it outright because there is always some loser out there willing to fuck your girlfriend who is 1/10th as hot as she used to be. And that is to say nothing of ALL of the other shit women do in relationships over time that make them turn into complete nightmares.

The first day a woman makes you miss an opportunity to hang with your friends from childhood so you can do something with her white trash family, the first time she makes you even remotely think twice or feel guilty about doing something you have done the entire duration of knowing her and that she was completely cool with before, as soon as she starts to put on non-pregnancy related fat, or any of the other universe of shit women do, you need to send that bitch back to the street. She is going radioactive and you need to make that someone else's problem. Avoid it all by just standing your ground early on. Let them kick their feet and pout and call you a player. Fuck them. Protect your time and happiness.

>> No.56342899

never gave a shit about the actresses to be desu. they always have some kind of weird thing with their face, plus they are literal whores.

>> No.56342994

i have an out of town gf who's been angling to have me move to her shitty town because she can't afford to move to mine. i've dragged my feet for a few months and the tests have become relentless and a lot more overt. i don't even want to fuck her anymore because of it.

as shitty as it is, i think it's their way of trying to foment a graceful breakup. they're unhappy but ultimately understanding of men who leave them, but they despise the idiot who lets them dismantle the relationship while increasingly disrespecting him and his time.

>> No.56343005


Have her do cosplay/role-playing. It'll change it up.

>> No.56343058

Are you on roids? Every time I cut I feel like absolute shit from eating low calories.

>> No.56343155

I love your theory and maybe it's true. Your theory would be downright benevolent compared to my theory.

>> No.56343422

I have the same "problem", bro. I don't know if I can ever get married since it will in all likelihood just end up with me banging a side chick or several. To make it worse, I want kids eventually though. Fuck the jews and the libshits for ruining everything.

>> No.56344098
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>seeing the girl after she met her boyfriend

>> No.56344305
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You can't, you'll remain unsatisfied until the very day you die in miserable and unfathomable pain, cope and seethe, you'll endure as much pain as I have with pond KEK

>> No.56344327
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virt-a-mate, plus "hardware" like VR and fleshlight/mount.

>> No.56344335

Based doomposter

>> No.56344351

That's why I don't make bonds with niggettes

>> No.56344356

I don't think that'll help OP

>> No.56344359
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What did you just say?