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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 46 KB, 1503x1504, Avaxicon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56314966 No.56314966 [Reply] [Original]

Today i realized how many people are praying for avax to fail, Sad&Pathetic considering it's one of the truly honest and innovative projects out there, Yeah, You could focus on some words said on twitter from one of the retired founders or even misinterpret them intentionally, But what *actions* Avax did to deserve this hate? They showed nothing but integrity as a project, Never hype news, Always deliver on their promises, Trying to bring new stuff, The protocol never broke/funds never got lost, Always donated money for good causes, Never faked stats to fool the masses etc

Not only that, They celebrated an exploit that genuinely was/is fun, exciting and fresh, Something that could've helped this dead market, Only because they loath anything that isn't their bags/got hate boner for Avalanche. I can't emphasis how shambolic the crypto community is, Unironically believe it's the worst part about this space.

>> No.56314970

Going down faster than you can say double spend

>> No.56314979

Avax started this hate for other chains.
By agggressively lying about them.
You get what you deserve.

>> No.56315008

>other chains
Icy pee slurper thinks anyone gives a shit about his pee. You started throwing shit at Avax for whatever reason yourself

>> No.56315035
File: 82 KB, 1033x1063, Screenshot-2022-02-22-at-11.03.12-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the truly honest and innovative projects out there
>They showed nothing but integrity as a project
>Never hype news
>Always deliver on their promises
I don't even know where to begin lmaooo
>The protocol never broke
>Never faked stats to fool the masses
>genuinely was/is fun, exciting and fresh
>Something that could've helped this dead market


Really hope you are getting paid for this absolute bullshit of text if not means you are transitioning from stage 3 to stage 4 and have some more way to go.

>> No.56315045

Please stop talking about this shit.
Im talking more about lies that avax is more decentralized then Ethereum for example.

>> No.56315078

Yes, it's true. Avax' succes forms an existential threat to every other coin. This is why they plot for it to fail. The exploit shouldn't have happened though. That's real incompetence on the projects developers part.

>> No.56315677

>avax is more decentralized then Ethereum
it literally is
on Avalanche any Validator can propose a Block at any Time (its leaderless).

>> No.56315804
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>it's one of the truly honest and innovative projects out there

>> No.56315879

Avax validators build on centralized clouds, also Ethereum has way way more validators.

>> No.56315889

Until you stop with this bullshit i fud avax every day

>> No.56315914

More like well deserved for astroturfing /biz/ with shills you stinky ESL curry faggot, go back to your shithole.

>> No.56315978

rich coming from a street shitting indian ICP holder

>> No.56316025

Why does every avax thread respond to any criticism by calling them an icpoor?

>> No.56316142
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It won't stop until there is total AVAX baggies death

>> No.56316311

Cope and seethe roach shill. Maybe next time dont spam the board with shill threads subhuman cancer

>> No.56316324
File: 1.37 MB, 2707x1657, Lb1C5QY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Answer me this question honestly.
How can a protocol like Avalanche that only copies survive the next decade?
Copy almost everything ''solution'' from ETH. Meanwhile, Dfinity was lending solutions to ETH. (threshold relay, beacon chains) for almost half a decade.

ICP is a different league. ICP will survive by simply existing, while avax will continue to be plagued by, scaling issues, high fees, congestion, bridge exploits.

ICP's security, scalability, speed, finality, can't be fudded, every technical discusssion with proveable facts.... avax shills get blasted.

>> No.56316349 [DELETED] 

For fucks sake it’s a fucking turkroach scam and you’re a brown scumbag. Not reading all that shit. kys

>> No.56316359

This is what I mean with copying.
Copy Link memes.
Copy EVM-GETH slash the amount of validators called it C chain.
Copy subnet terminology from Dfinity, mass market it was their own, completely misrepresenting what subnets really are.
I can go on, but you get the idea.

>> No.56316402

Typical avax shill always misrepresenting their chain as something uniquely superior to ETH, while copying pretty much 90% of the code-base, every time you twist and push for false narratives. Avax is what ETH is in 2017, in 3 years the chain will become bloated like ETH, high-fees, congestion, more crosschain exploit..... going to get fun in 2026-2030 when quantum computing becomes widely available for the masses. Completely new paradigm shift in how we think about cybersecurity. ICP was build from scratch for this era.

>> No.56316500

>Avax validators build on centralized clouds
Avalanche Validators can run on any Server.
>Ethereum has way way more validators.
only 4 entities decide what gets in the next block.
thats centralized.
Good, keep up the work fuddie.
Please continue working for free.

>> No.56316623

You are literally having different standards
While this new thing is not great for eth, avax shills did the same lies long before, even when eth was pow.
You could be honestly shilling as more centralized alternative (because avax has much more improtant weaknesses including the foundation running most validators), but no you scum only lie.
>only 4 entities decide what gets in the next block.
Again not good but thats literally not true at all, validators decide and eth has almost a million now. If these 4 things shut down they can be replaced instantly.

>> No.56316628

Block production is not centralized on Avalanche.
>If these 4 things shut down
They wont because they make a ton of Profit stealing from Ethereum cucks.

>> No.56316854
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Every AVAX shill is a grassroots community marketer who gets paid in AVAX to do it. They reply to themselves with different IDs and create lots of fake interest and discussion. If you browse /biz/ for a few days you'll see how inorganic all of this is. Their objective is to make you buy AVAX, hold it and maybe even stake it (for a negative inflation adjusted yield, which they will lie about). They will manipulate you with hope, technojargon, AI waifus and dreams of riches while getting paid by higher-ups who slowly dump on retail with the tokens they created for themselves for free. Go look at EOSETH chart and read about the history of EOS. This is the exact same scam all over again for newfags like you who don't know how this works. Don't fall for it, they are masters at manipulating.

>> No.56317019

tldr it has half a billion dollars in VC funding and 25% token inflation per year not stopping soon. The shills have no come backs for those facts they'll just lie and call me an indian

>> No.56317074
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yep ICP is the best way of running an entirely new, redundant internet on top of the internet...and it's already censoring websites with its content policies lol. how does it feel getting so angry about avalanche knowing you can do nothing but witness its outstanding success?

also quoting vitalik as some kind of high accolade is very funny when he was on record saying that it's impossible to resolve their bottleneck other than through sharding, maybe impossible for him because he's a third-rate "have a go" networking technician, whereas Avalanche have actual fully qualified academics that piss all over the quality of work coming out of Ethereum

>> No.56317185

Can you tell me how I can host uncensored websites on avax then?

>> No.56318009

> ICP is the best way of running an entirely new, redundant internet on top of the internet.

If /biz/ cared about freedom of speech, content freedom, censorship resistance. /biz/ would be promoting the LBRY blockchain and actively fight for privacy.

Yup, ICP is the best way to completely replace legacy cloud, using smart contracts as a Virtual machine to not just run EVM but entire run any type of software imaginable, without the need to dedicate new architecture ''like in SaaS'' to a single software application, making single-tenancy or even multi tenancy VM's obsolete.
Avalanche's success can be summed up in two words, Ticking Time bomb.

Avalanche bla bla bla academics. Done my research years ago. I'm not impressed.
Sharding is a Layer 1 solution for scaling ETH, when billions are at risk, security is paramount.
Threshold Relay invented by Dfinity is the foundation. The random beacon it creates is used to drive ETH sharding.

>> No.56318042


>Threshold Relay invented by Dfinity is the foundation. The random beacon it creates is used to drive ETH sharding.

>> No.56318779

ETH sharding did not happen and wont likely

>> No.56318857




>> No.56318897

>Fast settlement times in financial transactions are generally highly desirable for a variety of reasons:

>Reduced Counterparty Risk:
With faster settlement times, there is less time for market fluctuations or counterparty defaults to occur, reducing the risk associated with the transaction.
>Liquidity and Cash Flow Management:
Faster settlement allows for quicker access to funds, which is crucial for businesses managing their cash flow.
>Increased Efficiency:
Quick settlement times enable financial markets to operate more efficiently, as assets and funds are freed up for further investments or transactions.
>Facilitates High-Frequency Trading:
For investors engaged in high-frequency trading, fast settlement times are essential for executing multiple trades within a short timeframe.
>Improved Capital Utilization: Faster settlement times mean capital is not tied up in transactions for extended periods, allowing it to be put to use in other ways.
>Enables Innovation: Fast settlement times are a foundational element for the development of innovative financial products and services, such as real-time payments and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.

Another ICPoor nigger BTFO, now go kys

>> No.56319018


Jesus fucking Christ this shit is damning

>> No.56319530


>> No.56319819
File: 125 KB, 1459x697, L2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX is clearly ahead when EVM and L2 are stagnant

>> No.56319840

Lol still no reply

>> No.56320277

Lol still no reply
ICPoor nigger probably hanged himself in the closet.

>> No.56320648

AVAX threads became insufferable, sadly because of well funded fud campaign from streetshitters. Avax holders can also blame themselves for interacting with them at all.

desu i've no problem with fud but at least make it entertaining, This shit feels like bots are recycling the same script in every single thread, 50 replies of literally the same "discussion"

>> No.56320992

Fast finality, ICP still wins.
Internet Computer – 1 second
Avalanche – 1.6 seconds

>> No.56321159
File: 167 KB, 1136x722, ETH-staking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2026-2030 when quantum computing becomes widely available for the masses
either clueless or delusional

>if 4 things shut down
moron, centralization not about redundancy. what matters is
>if 4 things collude
and with ETH you only need 33% to start performing malicious attacks. At 50% you can censor any transaction, and these pozzed corporate stakers like Lido and Coinbase are already censoring tornado cash.

it doesn't matter how many total validators you have if it only takes 2-4 colluding validators to control and censor your network. also ETH bloats the number of validators since you can run something like 1000+ validators on a single machine for basically no extra cost since a typical ETH validator of 32 ETH staked will sit around for 70 days before eventually getting picked to sit on the consensus committee. This is impossible for true consensus networks where validators are always participating in consensus like Avalanche, so you don't see fake validator counts. AVAX is effectively far more decentralized than ETH as it has a Nakamoto coefficient of around ~30, far far better than ETH's NakC of 4. Even networks accused of centralization like Solana have a NakC of 12+, might be more these days.

>> No.56321194

Icypoopoo is a scam


>> No.56321199

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha HA!
This simp talking AVAX and promoting AVAX shis his pants when the hack happened. Poor Poor fuck. This would not have happened if you were into bitcoin. Don't be a pussy with your altcoin. Bitcoin made me rich and maybe the whales will let you get rich. But if you dare altcoin, your fucked. Bitcoin is king bitch.

>> No.56321214

>bro get into avax it's only $12 and we're going TO THE MOON BAYBEE
>today it's at 9

>> No.56321216

based retard

>> No.56321247

IBM's quantum cloud computing, available since 2016. I am suggesting that the pricing for quantum computing will continuously go down.
Remind me of Law of demand is.
It's called a LAW, not a theory, laws are undisputed.
Price of a good decreases, quantity demanded will increase.
Need a history lesson? Remind me of home computers use to cost back in the eighties

>> No.56321251
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>> No.56321318
File: 23 KB, 1080x608, qbit_grwoth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same registrant
>quick search for 'Contact Privacy Inc.'
>actually just a DNS registry privacy service
kek, this is really showing the typical depth of ICP baggie research. Contact Privacy Inc. is the standard privacy service offered by Google to keep whois registration private. It's standard stuff that you setup if you don't want to dox yourself online every time you create a website.

even accounting for moore's law, the number of qbits necessary to crack BTC is 20+ years away and that's being very optimistic. also lots of other weaker encryption would start getting cracked several years before it can go after wallet encryption. I'm not going to spoonfeed you anymore, just look this shit up if you don't believe me. quantum computing is a meme and will be for another decade, if not more.

>> No.56321322
File: 45 KB, 1396x166, whois_privacy_service.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contact Privacy Inc.

>> No.56321323

This has nothing to do with the content though. Tell me if even one thing in that article is false.

>> No.56321337

it's also just pure ICP cope that proves nothing since Contact Privacy Inc. is a standard DNS privacy service used by millions of websites. It would be the same as saying SBF and gookmoot are in league together because their websites are both using Cloudflare.

>> No.56321391

this casually DESTROYED the icypoor indian scam and the fuddies can't even refute it because they're literally SCAMMERS!

>> No.56321459


>Is contact privacy the only company that offers domain privacy protection? the only company that hides your contact information from the public WHOIS database. Does contactprivacy have a monopoly on privacy protection? You are literally telling me that there are NO alternatives to contract privacy. There are more than 10 companies that offer the same privacy guarantees. What is the probability that the same person behind alameda and arkham have used the same privacy domain company?

Do you lack critical thinking skills? The website clearly states that ''SUSPECTED INSIDERS'' but where are the wallet adresses? Show me the wallet adressses.
ARKHAM is a company that literally doxxes people's wallet adresses, but they can't provide the wallet addresses of the suspected insiders?
Are you fucking stupid?

You are a clearly a retard.

>> No.56321462

terrorist muslims will burn in hell... only muzzies and their bitches hold this shitcoin.

>> No.56321471

You should go sift through the dfinity employees and see how many of them came from ibm it’s actually crazy.

>> No.56321498

Arkham can write whatever, push false narratives. Blockchain is the truth machine, if you can't provide the wallet addresses, your entire conspiracy theory collapses.
This is why Arkham wrote ''SUSPECTED INSIDERS'' not guilty until proven.
Show me wallet addresses.

Speaking of Arkham.

Arkham engineer alleges exploit on Binance linked users to private crypto addresses.
Kamil, the Arkham Engineer that tells you literally in your face that he exploited the backdoors on Binance, linking users to private addresses. No, he said, she said, literally from person responsible for exploit.
You're dumb as fuck, no critical thinking skills.

>> No.56322373

>Avax' succes forms an existential threat to every other coin.

I don't agree with this. Avax success in my opinion is a success for the whole industry.

>> No.56322944

Definitely! An avalanche success would transcend into a success for other L1s which in turn would see others like FTM, SOL and Polygon do well also.

>> No.56322970

>What is the probability that the same person behind alameda and arkham have used the same privacy domain company?
turns out pretty high since both Google Domains and Tucows Domains use Contact Privacy Inc for registry privacy. Yes, if you were fucking literate you would have noticed in the "Registrar:" field of that image you posted here >>56321251
that Alameda got their domain from Tucows Domains and Arkham is using Google Domains. So I calculate the probability is 100% that they both would have used the same service since both registrars use that service. God damn illiterate ICP nigger.

>> No.56323270

This won't only send other L1s it would also send lowcaps in the Avax ecosystem like NXRA and JOE.

>> No.56324019

>and with ETH you only need 33% to start performing malicious attacks. At 50% you can censor any transaction, and these pozzed corporate stakers like Lido and Coinbase are already censoring tornado cash.
No transaction was censored yet, lido and coinbase include tornado cash transaction in the chain, they only dont include them in their blocks. Else they would get slashed to hell and withdrawn to nothing.
Also 50% is 10 times more then the marketcap of avax, so eth is extremely secure against such an attacker.>>56321159
>AVAX is effectively far more decentralized than ETH as it has a Nakamoto coefficient of around ~30, far far better than ETH's NakC of 4.
Its just not.
Emin himself can and did change rules and the staking itself is less decentralized. Stop setting different standards.

>> No.56324178
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Really? 11.51 was the best we could do? We're going straight back to $8 aren't we.

>> No.56324196

Make that $5

>> No.56325268

i literally still hold some RVP kek, them shills are good sometimes

>> No.56325398

If avax goes to 5 I might throw in $50 just for the fuck of it.

>> No.56325624

Daily reminder that Deloitte, the world's largest Accountancy Firm, have an Avalanche Subnet.


>"The Green Dot Subnet is an EVM-compatible blockchain which supports Deloitte assets, including Close As You Go (CAYG)....."

>> No.56325636

$1000 is FUD.

>> No.56325742

>moves token from a to b

>> No.56325779

>Tell me if even one thing in that article is false.
the article was about as credible as someone rambling on here with no actual proof. Then NYT published them for millions of people to read

>> No.56326099
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>Going down faster than you can say double spend

>> No.56326378

This is probable during the next bull season anon. I'd keep accumulating the asset on a Fintech app that is fully licensed by the GFSC.

>> No.56326617

the funny thing is that they are being paid to come here and pray for avax to fail, this fud is just too sudden and inorganic

>> No.56326719

I don't think we go below $5 and if we if do then i am bagging as much AVAX as possible on CryptMi.

>> No.56326772

>another thread begging for liquidity
Sorry roach not buying it

>> No.56326858

how low you think this is going

>> No.56326978

I don't think we will go lower than $8

>> No.56327227 [DELETED] 
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we can go a lot lower than that dumbass

>> No.56327327

No one's praying for it to fail. It's already over.

>> No.56327687 [DELETED] 
File: 826 KB, 1024x1024, 31738840032648700956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here pal bitcoin may be in a bit of a slump at the moment but it's far from "over" in fact it's just getting started

>> No.56327987 [DELETED] 
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bitcoin it's a joke a scam a waste of time and money it's never going anywhere it's not "just getting started" it's "getting started downhill"

>> No.56328260 [DELETED] 
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bitcoin is the future of currency not some stupid joke it's the future of finance and anyone who says otherwise is a dumbass

>> No.56328278

>they only don't include them in their blocks
that's still censorship and an indicator they will fold again to government pressure when governments demand more censorship.

>Else they would get slashed to hell and withdrawn to nothing.
with >50% they don't get slashed. also withdrawals take months and isn't guaranteed, especially considering so many ETH cucks are happy staking on Lido who are already blocking certain transactions from their blocks. ETH cucks don't give a shit about decentralization, so neither do their staked ETH.

>Also 50% is 10 times more then the marketcap of avax
bigger mcap, bigger target. also this literally doesn't matter since 4 (rather pozzed) entities already own >50%. With Avalanche you still need to get 30+ to collude to pull of an attack, good luck with that.

>Its just not. Emin himself can and did change rules
he simply can't since the control of the validators is decentralized. AVAX staking is more decentralized based on a strictly quantitative measure.

>Stop setting different standards.
I'm using the Nakamoto Coefficient as the standard for effective decentralization. Vitalik himself uses this metric and was often bragging about it before the Merge because pre-merge ETH did actually have, by far, the most decentralization. NakC of like a 1000 or something ridiculous. Now it's centralized trash because you retards don't know how to implement POS at all, should have listened to Emin and gone with Avalanche consensus and not your retarded clashing mongoloid beacon shit. stop being a fucking retard. I hate seeing you fucking ETH maxi blockheads apologize for the dev's fuckups. ETH is a fucking disaster and everyone knows it, nobody has the balls to say it. Bunch of spineless pussies in the ETH community, fuck them.

>> No.56328339

Just because the tech is better or more decentralized doesn't mean AVAX will ever be worth much. In fact, big players would likely work to keep the price suppressed. Kind of like they do with ICP. Care to explain more why AVAX is better than ICP?

>> No.56328451 [DELETED] 
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"sure i think avax has a lot more potential than icp because it has a better team behind it the team is working hard to develop the technology and make it more accessible also avax has a stronger community of users who support it

>> No.56328501

>Just because the tech is better or more decentralized doesn't mean AVAX will ever be worth much
true, it's a clown market. ICP baggies and AVAX baggies can both agree on this. That's why I unironically hold a substantial amount of BTC and ETH :^)

>Care to explain more why AVAX is better than ICP?
no, since ICP and AVAX have nothing to do with each other. the ICP question is: scam or just misunderstood? hint: it's a scam.

>> No.56328591

Yes I'd agree that BTC and ETH are probably the best bet right now. Normies lost interest in the thousands of coins promising utility and privacy. Right now I'm accumulating while the mainstream isn't talking about crypto. You seem to be a fan of AVAX because of the tech. What do you predict for the future price of AVAX? Also, what makes ICP a scam?

>> No.56328665 [DELETED] 
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i can see your frustration with the current market and the lack of trust in certain projects however it is important to take a step back and consider the long-term potential of these technologies decentralization and transparency are core principles of blockchain technology and these characteristics can bring real benefits to users

>> No.56328811

started off as a cool idea to create a decentralized version of AWS, but ended up as the nightmare version of a failed kickstarter project resulting in the largest transfer of wealth from retail to VCs in crypto history. the tech is pure vaporware. rudderless development because the core issues of decentralization CANNOT be resolved, so they just work around the main problem to make themselves look busy.
it's somewhat similar to the ADA situation, except worse because of the tokenomics history and also what ADA is trying to do is less ambitious in the first place so there is a slim chance Charles might make something that works.

>> No.56328852


>> No.56328856

Double test

>> No.56328865

Well I've got a little bit of BTC/ETH/XMR already so I'm looking for some projects to gamble on while they're cheap. What are your picks?

You could at least sage.

>> No.56328890

Nigger I have avax why would I not bump this

>> No.56329033

OP and ARB will pump hard when ETH's gas fees inevitably sky rocket. Also buy LINK, everyone needs at least 10k LINK.

microcap shitcoins to get, idk maybe one of the good AI coins like Render $RNDR. It's probably the only AI coin that isn't 100% hype.

>> No.56329061

>>56329033(checked again)
Okay thanks. I'll get to reading.

>> No.56329529 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 110

>> No.56329596 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 110

>> No.56329597

>ICP decentralization CANNOT be resolved.


It's by design,

>> No.56329680 [DELETED] 
File: 441 KB, 1024x1024, 46824358539773196167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 110

>> No.56329718


Pure hubris. I'm being really humble and you are being arrogant with basic bitch rebuttals. ICP scam... muh vc's, muh price.

Avalanche subnets are stand-alone blockchains, subnets are not interoperable, Avax subnets cannot call other subnets.

Avalanche subnets are stand-alone blockchains, subnets are not interoperable, Avax subnets cannot call other subnets.

This is a major design flaw in avalanche subnet design, subnets are nothing more than glorified sidechains.

My piss computer is very interoperable as the canisters and subnets can interact and call to each other, as well as between canisters and other canisters.

canisters and subnets can interact and call to each other, as well as between canisters and other canisters.

canisters and subnets can interact and call to each other, as well as between canisters and other canisters.
Why is this important. The IC world computer is 1 massive general purpose emulator, we can integrate all kinds of VMware's like EVmos, EVM's, Avalanche virtual machine deploy a mirrored identical twin inside a canister, let our 13 cryptographers @dfinity, implement a signature scheme and every VM that gets absorbed into the IC will be able to become interoperable with each other. This is the highest security guarantee you can get from a blockchain. True Multichain interoperability.

>> No.56329753 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 110

>> No.56329812 [DELETED] 
File: 397 KB, 1024x921, 53927989792041966739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 110

>> No.56329878

look up hypersdk nigger

>> No.56329886 [DELETED] 
File: 371 KB, 800x515, 42014274858812066494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 110

>> No.56329918
File: 315 KB, 1647x1233, 5cd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10 today

>> No.56329943 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 110

>> No.56330346
File: 2.13 MB, 2076x1736, karen_mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>centralization is a feature
biggest ICP cope ever. sorry, if I wanted to use a centralized cloud computer then I would just use AWS because at least Jeff Bezos isn't a fucking schizo like Dom. And I know Jeff won't pull down my Super Mario 64 web emulator because he's not an insecure little shithead like Dom who feels like he needs to lash out at every perceived slight with a full-blown lawsuit. Fuck the ICP cult and fuck your retarded cult leader, I hope he gets dick cancer.

>> No.56331451 [DELETED] 
File: 495 KB, 1082x695, 47689220566094051623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 4 of posting about nyancatmoney.com 500 times a day until we are over $1 each. This is post 1525.

>> No.56331568
File: 6 KB, 250x240, 1553100348999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy to think that two years from now, this coin is gonna be worth $200.

>> No.56331889
File: 388 KB, 1024x921, 60566558548206935271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a bunch of wishful thinking bullshit this coin is only going to go to zero anyone who is actually buying this nonsense is being scammed

>> No.56332111
File: 840 KB, 1024x1024, 86330164980681269002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know a bullshit coin when i see one and this one's no different all the crypto hype is bullshit to fool the masses the truth is it's all a big scam and anyone who's buying into this is being scammed

>> No.56332428

By design a centralized, permissioned protocol, finally the baggie admits it kek
>Avalanche subnets are stand-alone blockchains, subnets are not interoperable, Avax subnets cannot call other subnets.
Are you retarded or just clueless? Avalanche subnets 100% interoperate and can pass arbitrary messages. Any subnet can interact with any other subnet, (or even all subnets via a global "heart beat" type message). Also a single subnet can have multiple block chains in it, it's not limited to a single chain. These of course can also interoperate since they share the same validator set.
>we can integrate all kinds of VMware's
avalanche can run any VM(s) on any hardware a subnet builder wants. You could even run the IC as a series of avalanche subnets and you'd have a faster consensus protocol that isn't bottlenecked for throughput, doesn't require nodes to be permissioned by Dom, and you could have more than like 10 nodes per subnet lel.
This is the thing that you piss cucks can't comprehend, avalanche needs no central coordinating authority a la NNS/Dfinity. You don't have to buy specially approved ginormous server racks to run a subnet if you don't need to. You don't have to ask some britbong aspie with a bachelor's in CS whether its ok for you to participate in the network. You can't get voted off your subnet because 51% of people don't like you. Security being compromised on one subnet doesn't necessarily mean that your subnet has to interact with the compromised one. With avalanche you have an extremely flexible, performant, permissionless, VM agnostic, interoperable network of blockchains which has no practical limits to the number of participants.

>> No.56333162
File: 919 KB, 896x1328, avax chan saluting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You raped every single pajeet and eth fag on this thread
90% /biz/ doesn't comprehend why Avalanche is quite literally the best-prepared blockchain set for institutional & massive adoption. The average degen BARELY reads any thread, let alone a whitepaper.
Avalanche top 3 remains highly conservative, RWA tokenization IS the future and we're massively ahead of the curve, we're the early adopters of a network that'll be used by every major institution looking forward to tokenizing their assets as cryptocurrency keeps consolidating itself as the future.
Don't feed fuddies with (you)s and just DCA.

>> No.56333775
File: 152 KB, 776x777, 46154848551051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not crazy when it already did it once

>> No.56333901

That's nothing. It needs to hit at least 400 to be even remotely fair priced.

>> No.56334012
File: 96 KB, 929x1175, CFTCchain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything under 4-digits is FUD if you're in for the long-term

>> No.56336016

>existential threat to every other coin
those coins don't function, fucking L2s are an abomination. "just give me your eth bro for instant transactions and let me settle it in the background, trust me bro"

>> No.56336984

>just give me your eth bro for instant transactions and let me settle it in the background, trust me bro
sounds like a bank. are L2s just Judaism on the blockchain?

>> No.56338374


pretty much what Emin said would happen, that they'd just end up recreating the present day financial system with extra steps.

>> No.56339899
File: 197 KB, 929x1175, yarmulke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are L2s just Judaism on the blockchain?
>"Arbitrum" in Hebrew Gematria equals 502
>"I'm Hidden In Plain Sight" equals 502
>"Exacerbate" equals 502
>"Seal Of Solomon" equals 502
>"Antichrist Code" equals 502
>"Satans Son" equals 502
>"Of False Promise" equals 502

>"Avalanche" in Hebrew Gematria equals 779
>"Unlockedboxes" equals 779
>"The Prophecy" equals 779
>"Reptilians Are Inferior" equals 779
>"A Chosen Messenger Of The God" equals 779
>"Four Million Dollars" equals 779
>"The End Of Days King" equals 779
>"Gods Of Egypt" equals 779

>> No.56340128
File: 211 KB, 1024x1024, 1697018823639753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the quick rundown. also checked.

>> No.56340561

Holy based

>> No.56340684

>Palestinian Apu
>An endangered specie