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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 451 KB, 1080x1540, 20231009_191350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56324658 No.56324658 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit from the death of American eagle and the possibility of another world war?

>> No.56324670

2 weeks etc

>> No.56324696
File: 224 KB, 859x960, b31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're not going to like what comes after Pax Americana
Hard agree. Even thought America being taken out of the action is a great plus we still have to contend with Russhits and Chinks, plus the stubborn persistence of the nation state model and all it's attending ills.
Ideal world would be a kaleidoscopic patchwork of anarchist communes where community and individualist self-actualization can be pursued to their greatest heights unimpeded by the twin yoke of the state and the market

>> No.56324706

You'd already be dead in that world

>> No.56324731
File: 43 KB, 680x680, 435ecfc0d626e0f8d8c3264685125bc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're already dying in this one

>> No.56324801

If you cant make it in this one. You cant make it any of them. Face it, youre too weak for this world. Pussy.

>> No.56324845

By shorting the US dollar bulltrap.

>> No.56324877
File: 43 KB, 564x668, lainnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you betrays Israel, the simulation betrays you. They are the player, you are the npc. Through your pride, judgement shall manifest. Betrayal is the greatest sin on the ladders rung. The light of the world, Germanics were rancid bushman before they received the revelation. But the germanic is proud like a naive women that doesn't acknowledge the man that lifted her.
The demiurge prefers the germanic because they are empty vessels, liaisons for the archons. They were manipulated into provoking the god of chaos, in the form of a frog, now the seal has been opened and their heads will be crushed from the weight of their stupidity. Have you no sense? no neck to place this pearl necklace around? Alas

>> No.56324883
File: 41 KB, 700x453, vacation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying gold/silver. Stocking food, water and oil and waiting for the big one to come.

>> No.56325223

Please, God: end the American Empire.

>> No.56325239
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I love America and I'm sad it's dying and being bled dry.

>> No.56325245


>> No.56325244

Was with you until the retardation about anarchist communes.
City States with strong walls would be nice though.

>> No.56326359

>anon makes an anarchist commune
>like minded individuals forms a group bigger than yours using a central government and all the managerial benefits that brings
>they come and conquer you, steal all your shit

>> No.56326422
File: 294 KB, 720x1033, Screenshot_20231009-134608-430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The teams are now forming

>> No.56326495

the despicable cast*llian strikes again

>> No.56326503

I'm not afraid to admit that I still shop at American Eagle.

>> No.56327476

The verbose idiot is back who hides behind multiple ips self congratulating himself and attacking anyone who expresses dissent.
You attempt to manufacture agreeance and social consent towards your opinion but the majority of biz ignore your social manipulation and your vile tricks.
YOU are not as smart as you think you are.
Stop lying.
Arrogant intellectually dishonest idiot.

>> No.56327494

The nation state framework is the only viable option

>> No.56327497
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Can't believe they disbanded The world police
after so many successful missions

>> No.56327519

We will actually be six million times more better off without Israel.
Checkmate. Fagtard

>> No.56327544

You can't make it in this world either. Every waking minute of your life is suffering.

>> No.56327596

It was dead before you were even born.

>> No.56327635

Hang on I'll tell my wife and kids it's over because a doomed on /biz/ can't play the game on narrative mode but wants to switch it to ultra nightmare

>> No.56327678

No you aren't. You're typing on a computer eating fucking doritos, you melodramatic psyopped retard.

>> No.56327765

Easy, nuke every single oil company owned by USA and see their economic structure collapse into Oblivion, and then throw your money on a BTC long with 50x leverage on Kinetix

>> No.56327792
File: 32 KB, 427x400, E203AB04-75FC-4963-BC23-1E1CFD0D35EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate America so much death to America die die die!!

>> No.56327814

Do people actually believe this retarded shit or is it a larp? Is this how you think history works?

>> No.56327828

Deacracht, sassenach?

>> No.56327878

Only through death of this rotten corrupt shit hole can it be reborn

>> No.56327892

>how you think history works
This is one of the dumber things I have read on here today.

>> No.56327963

That is because you live in a fake ideal world, whereas the correct view is to see politics through the lens of history - through what has actually happened. Feel free to continue masturbating about your ideal society.

>> No.56328005

Kek, ((((they)))) won't let you

>> No.56328008

I wasn't born there so, nice

>> No.56328014

Ngmi, you LITERALLY can't kill the blue, red and white eagled cockroach

>> No.56328018

Can't see how that would affect the price of BTC for good

>> No.56328038

Y’all niggas got Doritos. Shhhheeeiiiiiitttttt I’m hungry as a muafucka

>> No.56328071

Didn't happen in Afghanistan.

>> No.56328176

I haven't been on Twitter in over a year it's crazy to think this guy has been on there all day every single day throughout that whole time

>> No.56330045

Unironically, Afrikaners are a fantastic test case model for post-national organization and governance. Due to a government that simultaneously hates them, and is also too corrupt and incompetent to outright attempt a genocide, they've been put into a unique position where they're in some sense developing a kind of parallel distributed governance model, via privately owned townships, and donation/voluntary membership based Afrikaner organizations. Most Afrikaner communities are also armed and organized well enough to put any kind of hutu type politics out the window. The way I see things going forward is much like that for other loci of talented people. Nation states will continue to get progressively more incapable of meeting basic needs, more schizophrenic, and in response smart people will need to develop institutions that work in parallel.

>> No.56330063

Lel. Melancholy NAFO tranny on suicide watch now that America has abandoned its little Ukraine Star Wars rebel LARPers.

>> No.56330068
File: 171 KB, 864x1105, General.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you got out of the army years ago at 22 and am not able to get drafted
Thanks for the free college and disability for nothing

>> No.56330071
File: 85 KB, 645x430, Galway bay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm renting out all my homes and buying property in west Ireland.

>> No.56330082

Sadly a*stralia will be the new world leader after WW3 only because that and New Zealand will remain

>> No.56331292

>there is no hegemon to intervene
... what? do you know how many wars the US and european powers are involved to some degree?

>> No.56331359

You are literally darth Vader

>> No.56331461

if niggers think whites are racist now, wait until the pvp minecraft server starts

>> No.56331898
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wow i can't believe people would be so racist that's disgusting

>> No.56332017

There are people who unironically believe nation states were invented by Europeans in the 19th century.

>> No.56332119
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this is a load of s*** and whoever wrote it should shut up

>> No.56332856

Retards don't really think further than two steps.
Anarchism is literally impossible, there is always a main bully that eventually becomes /the state/.

>> No.56334661

Hey /pol/migrant, the only people I see right now who shouldn't be shitting up other cultural centers are you and your other /pol/fugee friends.

You animals should go back to your sty and fixate your focus on jews and trannies and blacks among your own people.