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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56327577 No.56327577 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to unironically feel like I've been priced out of home ownership.

>> No.56327578

>starting to

>> No.56327585
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>Mfw capitulation

>> No.56328269

Ur not, youre just greedy for hip hcol areas. You can easily afford a kentucky trailer

>> No.56328315

Crazy to think that I only bought a house before shtf in macro because I caught the flu in 2016 and was pissed off with the neighbors' noise while at home sick.

I was legitimately house poor for a while and had to rent out rooms and put up with tenant bullshit to stay above water until my primary income started taking off again a couple years ago, but I can now say it was all one of the few things I have no regrets about.

>> No.56328321

You're priced out of a lifestyle you think you deserve but haven't earned.

Here in Australia we're supposedly less affordable than every country on earth except maybe Canada but I have millennial younger brothers and sisters and this is what they REALLY mean when they say "I can't afford a home".
They unironically mean they can't afford to
>buy a new million dollar townhouse in the inner city like the one they rent
>having saved ZERO dollars since entering the workforce despite living with parents and having ZERO financial responsibilities.
>can't buy a home AND spend $30+ every day on takeaway
>while spending hundreds on booze, drugs and entertainment every weekend
>while spending 10s of thousands on travel to Europe which is a must do thing apparently
>while only working 40hours a week in a middling job. The absolute average and realistically bare minimum

It's just pure fucking delusion. I can assure anyone there's plenty of affordable entry, ENTRY level homes to build equity in so you can move on later but you have start somewhere and you have to be honest with what you deserve.
Fact is most cunts complaining about housing being affordable are pissants who've deluded themselves into believing they're worth more than they are.

>> No.56328353

>You're priced out of a lifestyle you think you deserve but haven't earned.

By that, you mean basic shelter no longer being a human right? Our ancestors would build castles with brick and mud, or a cottage anywhere they saw fit. I'm priced out of land, and cucked via building codes even if I could buy some some.

>entry level hoooms

I saw one for 120K yesterday. Yes, it is affordable. No, I won't buy it because it was worth 60K only 2 years ago and surrounded by niggers. Absolute price means nothing, the price history is what matters.

>> No.56328438
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You have been OP...

>> No.56328455

>Our ancestors would build castles with brick and mud, or a cottage anywhere they saw fit. I'm priced out of land, and cucked via building codes even if I could buy some some.
Your ancestors were peasants who lived under the tyrannically rule of nobility who taxed them to near death and let them barely subsist in a hut who's only amenity was a fire pit. You would be hung if you ever thought of even collecting food or hunting on their land without permission
What the fuck are you even talking about. Your great great family lived 10 to a 2 bedroom, rat and lice infested box that was only used to sleep in and nothing more.
My family grew up 5 squeezed into an asbestos shit-shack and grew their own vegies and kept chickens and goats, that's how they got started. Not how they live NOW, but how they started.

>Yes, it is affordable. No, I won't buy it because it was worth 60K only 2 years ago and surrounded by niggers.
And my point proven again. You think you deserve better, you've deluded yourself into believing your better than what you are.

>> No.56329336

Huh, my peasant great grandparents lived in a 2 story wooden house that would be called a villa in 2022, grew their own livestock, sheep, pigs, cows, chickens, had their own farm and land and plenty of guns. It’s a much better life than the modern bugman in his studio working 50 hours a week. Muh iphone and muh netflix and videogaymes.

>> No.56329344

You sound like an amerimutt bugman and know nothing of your ancestors and never lived in the country. It’s a lot of work but much better for your soul.

>> No.56329346

Well don't worry I've been price out of everything.

>> No.56329403
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Disgusting slavemind bugman. Median household income in 1970 was 235oz of gold, the problem is the corrupt of money.

>> No.56329416
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>> No.56330092

God I love seeing posts like this.
Keep suffering, cumskin, your life is my entertainment.