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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56327931 No.56327931 [Reply] [Original]

Chainlink is a suppressed shitcoin period and it will never pump outside of the most extreme bull case. I'm disappointed in the price action and should've dumped this garbage back at $52.

The team has actively gone out of their way to employee negative self serving actors to destroy the price action at all costs. Not a single larp out of /biz/ can convince me otherwise. Chainlink advocates are paid to fud and gauge price sentiment on /biz/ which bleeds into twitter via screenshots. This is observable and has been for years. Goldman sachs will do fuck all to the price if not dump it so institutions can just get cheaper tokens to burn and offset their tax.

Send this shit up to $100 usd.
Stop spending $100,000s of dollars on fucking HR, drum beating hiphop break dancing manlets and worst of all boring L2 side chains that are leaches for liquidity.

>> No.56327967

i can't believe how emotionally gaped you've been by just holding a token. you're not cut out for this. maybe take up knitting

>> No.56328044

>Shitty Ozark cube
>Data streams turned out to be a giant yawn
>Coinbase blue dot guerilla marketing didn't work either
>Link permanently below $10

Congrats on this stinkies

>> No.56328138

>fudcuck manifesto
>probably samefagging as well
didnt read
not selling
all fields

>> No.56328296

Nothing is permanent. Well except maybe your virginity?

>> No.56328305

You did this thread already advocate

>> No.56328307

>N-need to defend chainlink at all costs!
>He's right! Ok let's attack him instead!

Sergey's dumps aren't buying your best

>> No.56328356

Why are you back in a link thread after your first comment?

>> No.56328383

What is your purpose here?

>> No.56328989

Oh n.. Even OG bagholders are seething... Queue the chainlink advicates doing damage control in 3..2...1!
Kek baggies congrats on this Seriously.
>September 4, 2020:
LINK: $12.50
BTC: $10,434
ETH: $388
BNB: $20.62
XRP: $0.23
ADA: $0.08
DOGE: $0.002
SOL: $2.71
TRX: $0.03
MATIC: $0.01

>September 4, 2023:
LINK: $5.96
BTC: $25,743
ETH: $1,623
BNB: $214.45
XRP: $0.50
ADA: $0.25
DOGE: $0.063
SOL: $19.36
TRX: $0.07
MATIC: $0.55

>> No.56329027
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really puts it all in perspective

>> No.56329214
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This has been the worst financial decision of every single cycle and the team can keep scoring these amazing partnerships that don't amount to any price impact.
100% agree only people getting paid are twitter and employees.
You cant sell its locked up in 0.01 staking, kek welcome to the cuck chud cage.
I wish I got paid to shill and fud this shitcoin consider the amount of time I sit on /biz/
this desu
litterally destroys the discord trannies dead in their tracks, we are rank 19 below a fucking meme coin with 0 value

>> No.56331483
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i feel bad for those of us who've fallen prey to the mentality that life will only really begin when LINK matures. they're going to miss out on so much that's just as valuable waiting for something to change them.

sure, a portion of the retarded fud certainly comes from projects/people hostile to LINK's utter, unequivocal domination, but interacting with many fudders leads me to believe that many of them are, in fact, demoralized marines. poor guys, you were never cut out for this, and to fail after coming so far when everything is more certain now than it's ever been? it's sad. but c'est la vie.

>> No.56331521

>guise guise guise LINK's success is set is stone bros!
>believe me guise, ignore the (((short term))) price action, LINK is literally king-made my dudes!
>lmaoing at (((high time preference))) linkies, this was always a 15 year hold looool!
thank you based advocate

>> No.56331569

Case in point. Many such cases. "Muh avocados!" is literally just "muh Bulgarians!" but parroted by mindbroken marines instead of naive marines. Pathetic.

>> No.56331577

thank you based advocate for setting the record straight

>> No.56331595

your reading comprehension is what i would expect of a fuddie

>> No.56331606

your other id clearly insinuated that advocates do not post here, so what exactly am I missing here

>> No.56331632

>ad nauseum
It's really all you low iq morons have. Follow the herd into LINK, praise the memes, hate the designated group. Then; get disillusioned, follow to herd into fudding, praise the memes, hate the new designated group.

You are doing the same exact thing and somehow manage to feel superior while you got duped not once but TWICE.

>> No.56331646
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Link has been a fucking scam from day one. I don't regret holding on to my stablecoins which I later staked through SpoolFi back then when everyone was all about LINK this and Link that, kek.

>> No.56331648

we've gone from following breadcrumbs through obscure article mentions to sergey standing on stage with these people announcing the work they've been doing all this time. progress is being made. the problem is that the last defi bubble caused irreparable shitcoin casino brainrot.

>> No.56331657

what is this advocate talking about? I think he needs to take meds
he's been standing on that stage since 2016, that's the reason I bought in the first place

>> No.56331682


Wanna know an easy trick to avoiding "advocates"?

>> No.56331698
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hmmm, very interesting
not even the Tunisian Adems got this triggered when you guys kept calling them out
I think I'll keep using this term, it's not like I invented it out of my ass like shills did with "Bulgos", "Jump Trading jeets", and "seething Dutch fuddies"

>> No.56331708

I’m interested

>> No.56331760

Maximum triggered by base advocate chads

>> No.56331771

thank you for all these additional (You)s fren

>> No.56331781
File: 13 KB, 223x221, cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over bros, LINK is not new tech, a hidden gem, or a coming 10-100x. LINK is mainstream and is in Twitter roasties bios. It’s a corporate entity now, so Sergey has to dump another 750k LINK to hire talent managers and diversity officers. LINK hasn’t been the biz token for over 2 years now. Just sell anons... i-i-iit’s over. It was a good ride marines.

>> No.56331788

You bought LINK and now regret that decision. To cope, you started fudding because even if the price moves against you, you can still claim you were "right". Obviously if you berate the project, it means you are way ahead of those schmucks that hold it and are still bullish. You even found a new little label to give the group of anonymous people that keep opposing you in your newfound doctrine, super convenient! Of course it never dawns on you how absolutely mind broken, deluded and dissonant you come across, because self awareness is not something a bitter trendhopper possesses to begin with.

>> No.56331815


>> No.56331852

I also think Chainlink is a cool project

>> No.56331946

nice head canon you got there dude, but I simply replied in the most sincere manner to a person I believe was selling hopium
you otoh, got so offended you literally cannot stop responding to me
so what gives?

>> No.56331976
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good one

>> No.56331985

>I simply replied in the most sincere manner
Kek, sure.
>>guise guise guise LINK's success is set is stone bros!
>>believe me guise, ignore the (((short term))) price action, LINK is literally king-made my dudes!
>>lmaoing at (((high time preference))) linkies, this was always a 15 year hold looool!
>thank you based advocate
The guy you replied to wasn't even selling hopium, he made a pretty apt point about anons like you. Guess it hit too close to home.
>inb4 samefag!!
Got me there buddy. Impossible that 2 people came to the same conclusion after reading mindbroken bagholder turned fuddie tripe every day on this board.

>> No.56332000

you seem very upset
the more you post the more you convince me you are an actual advocate

>> No.56332001

Shut up advocate

>> No.56332015

>The guy you replied to wasn't even selling hopium
>fail after coming so far
>everything is more certain now than it's ever been
>LINK's utter, unequivocal domination
are you even serious btw?
this is not hopium to you?

>> No.56332054

I don't know man, to me it seems you come are the one that comes across as quite upset. Why else would you feel attacked by >>56331483?

A double post even! Surely you are not upset now anon!
>this is not hopium to you?
No, not really. Hopium to me is "in 2 weeks Goldman sachs will pump LINK!" "Sergey speaking at x event in 2 weeks, he will announce y feature for sure!" "LINK will process a trillion gazillion dollars every year and take a fat cut! LINK $81000 is fud!"
To claim LINK is not unequivocally dominating its niche is just objectively incorrect. So no, not hopium.

>> No.56332065

ok cool, to me it is and I expressed how I felt about it
keep posting, you won't convince me that paid advocates do not post here

>> No.56332081

>you won't convince me that paid advocates do not post here
You fuddies always have the highest post counts and the most mind-numbingly repetitive things to say.
If anyone’s getting paid, it’s you.

>> No.56332087

you naturally end up with a high pbtid when a dozen samefags attempt to shut you down

>> No.56332105

I don't care, go right ahead. Just know that you're just as much of a fag as when you were gleefully hollering with the cult, as now that you are obsessively critical of it.

>> No.56332195

>I don't care
>he keeps giving me (You)s
sure buddy

>> No.56332206

>keeps replying to me as well

>> No.56332209

>thread stalking
that's how I know you're an advocate

>> No.56332224

>muh Bulgarians are suppressing link
>muh advocates samefag and spam post
Two sides of the same coin. There is more proof for the former. I have never seen a single poster dox an “advocate” on this site. I would honestly love to see some proof that advocates post here. Even if they did, this board has never been more dead. You’re more likely to get engagement on twitter.

>> No.56332250

>When I reply it's just replying, when you do it it's / because you cannot stop responding to me / because you're an advocate / giving (You)s / a sign you're upset
>When I reply fast it doesn't mean anything, when you do it you're / thread stalking / an advocate
Woah, never looked at it that way. Makes a back and forth way more satisfying!

>> No.56332254

that's right my fellow organic 1pbtid posters, BTC suppressors, Adem, Michael, Simeon the Bulgo and NEXO, Jump Trading, all of them were proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, but paid advocates/ambassadors??? now that's crossing a line here, such hypothesis is preposterous and how dare you even consider this!
sorry your posting style is an eyesore, not reading any of that

>> No.56332263

Let me summarize: I am amused by your hypocrisy.

>> No.56332269

I am amused by your persistence, especially for someone who doesn't care
imagine if you did care lel

>> No.56332276

>reading comprehension
Can you calm down for a minute and just post proof that advocates post here? There is definitive proof that nexo was shorting link.

>> No.56332285

>prrof that advocates post here
the fact that they use screencaps or literal 4chan memes as avatars doesn't ring a bell at all?
Jesus Christ

>> No.56332310

I am just matching yours, anon.

>> No.56332319
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>> No.56332331
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>> No.56332372

Do you mean advocates post twitter screencaps to 4chan or vice versa? Who has memes as avatars? The burden of proof is still on you. I could say the same thing about paid fudders.

>> No.56332397
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>actively seeks out and creates Link threads to fud
>cries about people who like Link

>> No.56332536

I am beyond demoralized

>> No.56332862

>Stop spending $100,000s of dollars on fucking HR, drum beating hiphop break dancing
why are people even using HR roasties and niggers who ft their product is beyond me

>> No.56334341

funny too because linkies worked so hard to suppress news about it. well congrats now you get 50 viewers on anything link related because you fudded r*ddit normans out.

>> No.56335073

They kept out the one thing that has been pumping crypto since its inception: normie hype.
And now they’re angry at Sergey for not completely tramsforming legacy finance fast enough.

>> No.56335534

its never going to moon even after mass accumulation

>> No.56335667

If it's not allowed to pump, why did it pump from 15c to $50? It will pump again when the time is right

>> No.56336243
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>fudcuck samefag / projection thread #38472 today (probably)
>s-surely we can make the linkies sell this time, fudsisters!
lmao @ the absolute state of (you) retards
all fields