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56325548 No.56325548 [Reply] [Original]

I have heard that the Japanese accept tourists, but will never accept foreigners as their own, especially when it comes to business ownership.

What is necessary for a white guy to be able to relocate to Japan and have a success career there?

>> No.56325592

it's a lovely place to visit but you'll also realize it's not somewhere to move to

>> No.56325601

i have a bizness in jp and im white
this is such a weeabo jp loser question
people like money
career, in what, your own biz or being a ALT cuck?

your biz, your rules and hiring other foreigners in jp is nice cheap labor. hell even the nips are cheap as chips too. but it isn't for everyone and if you have to ask this question, you aren't ready - t. jp/indo biz owner
>the best part btw is if you have 0 salary, you get all national services e.g. health care free.

oh and if you've established or have a successful business before, every other city in jp has an incubator program to do 80% of the work for you in incorporation etc, I suggest your own accountant and lawyer though, and if you have to ask why then you are really retarded

>> No.56325605

Quit being a cultural parasite. Japanese women don't want to fuck you.

>> No.56325752

It probably depends on the industry. My cousin got an electrical engineering degree in Nigeria and then moved to Japan to get a Master's degree in something. Now he speaks fluent Japanese and works at Toyota, has a Japanese wife, a cute blasian kid, decent apartment, etc. I was born in the US and make way more money than him but I'm kinda jealous desu

>> No.56325772
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My ancestry.com results in case any of you fags think this is bait or larp

>> No.56325781

is japan easy mode for white guy who wants gf?

>> No.56325795

Cultural differences aside, they are still women and women fuck dudes who are attractive and successful


>> No.56325803

Depends on your hygiene and how autismo you are. Also your height.

>> No.56325819

im defo ugly but have green eyes and 5"10, is that enough for easy mode in japan?

>> No.56325837


The Japan fetishism is getting tiring at this point. People see the anime, bright neon lights and clean streets and automatically think "wow this place is perfect!". (Just ignore the suicide rates, soul draining workaholic culture and pods they call apartments)

>> No.56325844

Not necessarily. I met a girl in Japan who sucked my dick despite having severe phimosis and probably a lot of smeg under the hood. I'm mildly autistic but not too much. She's my wife of 5 years now.

>> No.56325849
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> What is necessary for a white guy to be able to relocate to Japan
Get investor degree (investing $5mil USD to Japanese businesses) or get a white monkey job
> and have a success career there
lmao, this retarded goyim

>> No.56325855

The fact that you just want easy mode says a lot, but I do think you'll be able to get ass.

>> No.56325870
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Hey Mike. I just found out my wife was cheating on me with my girlfriend's niece. I'm thinking about sitting all of them down and starting a porno career. What do you think?

>> No.56325871

yeah i know its a cringe term i just meant like where dating becomes easier/fun compared to a ball-ache in the west

thx for your help

>> No.56326019

But they are not accepted and probably get a lot of weird looks and rejection.

>> No.56326054

>and if you have to ask why then you are really retarded

>> No.56326085

sup mike. is >>56325849 a loserfag?

>> No.56326092

Japan is literally the hardest Asian country to get a genuine relationship with if you're white, how the fuck do you retards not know this by now?

>> No.56326109

No need, we can smell you from here.

>> No.56326113

or maybe they see japan has the highest average IQ in the world and one of the safest countries in the world

>> No.56326129

I was watching NHK the other day and I think the stat is that 1/20 kids are mixed race these days. That's most likely to be Korean, but chances are that there's at least one blasian kid per school, statistically-speaking. The parents might not be happy, but the world capital of shikatta ja nai will get their requisite outsider bullying out of their system and then just deal with it.

>> No.56326140

who the fuck brags about being a nigger?

>> No.56326173

We used to chat all the time. You're right about the weird staring but it was mostly out of curiosity. People are more polite and open with him once they realize he speaks Japanese. He's never complained about overt racism.
Post yours then, mutt. You're probably 12% Mongoloid.

>> No.56326184

You just keep getting more based. But you're wrong, he's probably 12% black.

>> No.56326188

as opposed to the filthy streets full of foreign replacement hoards and being raped and killed in the west? lol

>> No.56326198

I had a different experience. Loved visiting, eventually lived there for 2 years. Would without doubt stayed for life if it wasn't for my wife who constantly seethed about japanese girls being nice and thin.

>> No.56326253
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if you want quality a jp gf like picrel you better be tall and handsome otherwise you will be part of the cock carousel of gajin hunters. Most jp girls want a jp boyfriend

>> No.56326268

This was a valid take in the 00's and 10's but not so much these days.

>> No.56326274

which is easiest then? (not 3rd world like phillipines pls)

south korea?

>> No.56326527

Japan is like upside down land for any westerner. Green is stop and red is go and green is actually blue. It can be very annoying at times. Japs are stubborn. Very.

Working there in a Japanese company as a foreigner I would probably say is shit. ALT jobs can be extremely cruisy basically show up and do nothing all day. Maybe in an American company where they only speak English sure. Then you're probably getting paid 10 million yen a year too.

If you don't learn the language you'll be like a toddler trying to get anything done. You'll always be seen as an outsider. Look at the end of the day it really depends on what you like. If you're absolutely mental about onsens and sashimi and jap girls and sports bikes it's pretty hard to have a bad time.

If you've got money there's a lot of places to enjoy it.

Although the earthquake situation is shit and I think they basically only produce enough rice so if shit hits the fan it may not be a great place to be.

As far as Asia goes
Korea seems soulless in comparison. Taiwan was really nice but it's a small place. Hong Kong people go crazy over and I just don't get it. Mainland China especially after covid seems like a no go. South East Asia is not developed enough for me to like so I would never go.

>> No.56326548 [DELETED] 
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Based , your cousin blacked that chink with his BBC

>> No.56326830

Singapore, anon. Or Thailand if you wanna rough it a bit. Or just move to Australia and visit places.

>> No.56326840

He's cute. Atlas Teddy Bear. But those colors scare me, I don't fuck with Qs.

>> No.56326953


>> No.56326976

>mentions Japan might not be a good place to live if the world goes sideways, then mentions Taiwan as an alternative

Taiwanese are very nice though. Basically all of chinas aristocrats (spiritual and wealth wise) ended up there. Much more western friendly as every young person knows a bit of English

>> No.56326991

link is a scam and sergey in jail happening next year?

>> No.56327149

This truly disgusts me

>> No.56327186


to all you faggots pulling the age old

'theyll never accept you as one of them"

why should they ? you're NOT one of them. Doesn't mean you can't live there and enjoy their food and hot springs. stop being such fags who need to be accepted, you're on 4chan for fucks sake, you're accepted NOWHERE

>> No.56327280 [DELETED] 
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ok ok

>> No.56327452
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Hey Mike is my duck winning the race tonight?

>> No.56327598
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Based. I will always appreciate the azn soul and adore its art, culture, spirit and vidya but alas, from a western distance. Or maybe I'll marry a 25% Jap girl who knows.

>> No.56327692

More and more I realize the japs got it right, their only mistake was losing the war
Imagine a pagan imperial ethnostate truly fit to rule the east and vigorously living in Tradition in the modern day

>> No.56327738

Yes but make it gadolig :DDDD

>> No.56327739 [DELETED] 
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based and jap girl pilled

>> No.56327776

your disgusting

>> No.56327829

If you had taken the extra time to type "you're" you would have gotten those quads
Think about it.

>> No.56327983
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>> No.56328052 [DELETED] 
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listen up you dumb f-ck i didn't come here to spell check your bullsh-t you motherf-cking retard don't you ever tell me how to live and how to think you f-ckin cocksucker

>> No.56328116

nigeria has an average iq of 70 so you made that all up

>> No.56328150

Korean fertility rate is so low that I wonder if women there even have reproductive organs anymore? Plus they have that weird death cult that literally ran the country recently... ground zero for social engineering gender war. At least Japan is anime.

>> No.56328180

Maybe in the northern half of Nigeria where it's populated by Muslims that only go to school to learn the quran. The rest of the country highly values education if they have the opportunity/money. Ever notice how most black doctors and nurses in the US have an African last name? 9 times out of 10 they're Nigerian or Nigerian-American.

>> No.56328191

you'll never convince me that people that eat slop with their hands are smart

>> No.56328237

Korea is hard if you don't understand the language and customs too, unless you are dealing with westernised Koreans.
Among SEA, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia are the easiest for a white guy while not being third world. Especially Singapore, since some Chinese girls there love hunting white guys to climb the ladder.
Korean people don't have sex with other Koreans but will lust for foreigners. They also mass migrate out of that shithole as they are next to North Korea, literally why would anyone have children there just for them to end up as conscripts against the north?

>> No.56328249
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Yeah ok lol

>> No.56328258

cherry picked example

>> No.56328303 [DELETED] 
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that is false as i am only referring to facts there is no need to mention your emotions here the statement made in your example is incorrect

>> No.56328391

>Maybe in the northern half of Nigeria
No. Everywhere. Africans have extremely low average IQ. "Le heckin' african doctors" are the top 0.1% of the population.

>> No.56328490 [DELETED] 
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so what's up with the southern half of nigeria then just gonna leave it hanging like that like it's a bad part of town

>> No.56328531

The whole continent is a "bad part of town".

>> No.56328705 [DELETED] 
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i'm sick and tired of people calling africa a "bad part of town" it's a beautiful continent full of rich history and culture the people are some of the most generous and welcoming i've ever met and anyone who thinks otherwise has probably never actually been there the natural beauty and diversity is unlike anything else in the world

>> No.56328840

The actual land itself is fine. That's why when whites colonized south africa it did great. It's black people. They're the problem.

>> No.56328843

you're responding to AI. There's some AI bot spamming the board

>> No.56328844

>responding to a bot

>> No.56329032

Why would anyone use ancestry.com?
they sell your dna and give it to the feds

>> No.56329375
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>> No.56329544 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 115

>> No.56329545

Thailand seems the best of the SEA countries but that's only going off cursory knowledge of the place and that they are big into combat sports.

Singapore /Malaysia can get fucked. Singapore is a tiny shit you can't even drive and Malaysia is Muslim filth. Plus the way japs speak English is cute not so for these savages.

Australia (at least the cities) is in my opinion one of the most soulless places on earth. People in Europe are still actively using buildings used by the Roman empire and before. Meanwhile in Australia a peice of shit 50 year old house gets 'heratage' status because???

I was speaking of Japan specifically but most of Asia has fairly major potential events that could unsettle life. Far more than the West

>> No.56329693 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 115

>> No.56329702


I lived there for 3 years working as an engineer for one of the big car companies.

Japanese are very nice to tourists or even gaijins who stay longer. But, you will never fit in 100%. There is always a certain level of interaction and society/culture you are excluded from.

Even for an introvert (although one who has an easy time making friends), it kind of grinds on you over the years. You just don't feel as close to people as they seem to each other.

Also some Japanese do sort give you the sense of "It's nice to meet you... but when are you leaving."

The thing is, I totally accept all of that, because it is a successful and racially homogeneous island.

I also don't think there is much future to finding a jap gf, wifing her up, and having kids. If you are kids are visibly not 100% japanese they will be basically excluded in the same way by their peers, adults, etc. Pretty fucked up for hapas to grow up that way.

Best thing might be to marry a white girl and just live in japan.

sorry for the blog post just a bit drunk and typing my thoughts. this was like 2013-2016. i still work for the company i'm just based in the US again.

>> No.56329763 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 115

>> No.56329820 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 115

>> No.56329874


>> No.56329893 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 115

>> No.56329898

go away faggot

>> No.56329938

I worked in Japan for a few years(not English teaching) and ventured out of my bubble, met some top professionals and researchers in my field of interest. I'm back home developing a prototype and would love to return once I get business started here. I still maintain contact with my network there. The business is more on a manufacturing side and healthcare, I have the foundations of Japanese language but I'm always afraid to get it out and practice verbally. I'm itching to go back so bad... Got any tips? I love Fukuoka and I know they've got a foreigner small business program, but maybe Tokyo is more pragmatic.

>> No.56329948

Your mind is like mine. I'd love to live in Japan again but with a white girl. I realized I'm barely attracted to Asians after dating a Japanese and being there for so long. Hafus on the other hand are gorgeous a lot of the time. Would be worth checking out bases or international schools

>> No.56329951 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 115

>> No.56330024 [DELETED] 
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Day Three of posting about Nyan Cat Money five hundred times per day until its over $1 each. Post Counter 115

>> No.56330166

too expensive maybe?
>Thailand and Malaysia
abit too 3rd worldy still right?

Malaysia KL seems to be getting there tho, 5 years it might be good enough to live longterm

>> No.56330200

What the fuck is happening here? Many of these responses sounds like some AI is writing shit up.

>> No.56330299

People say that but when i was there i had plenty of jap friends who is regularly going izekaya'ing with and karoake, head back their apart for more drinks etc. Literally felt more prosocial than the west. Admittedly i wasn't staying forever so wasn't looking to join any little local clubs etc.

>> No.56331012
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Japan is an interesting place. You see mostly clean streets, you are not constantly looking over your shoulder waiting for diversity to crack your head open with a brick. It is a happy place to visit. They like tourists but you gotta go, you can't stay. It is a fun place to visit but it is like going to Disneyland. It isn't real for you as you don't belong there.

Only blacks I saw in Japan were pimps coming up to us wanting to know if we wanted anything illegal (drugs, underage girls, etc)

It isn't perfect. Japan does have its problems but that feeling of dread walking around isn't there.

>> No.56331154

I visited Malaysia for business master's, and our tour guide said "We don't visit the East part of Malaysia, too many Muslim fundamental terrorists make it dangerous to go."

>> No.56331225 [DELETED] 

aggghhhh why are asian women so awesome.
my wife says the same about prostitution, but she's taiwanese.

>> No.56331240

I was thinking of moving there with my white wife and kid to live a peaceful life in the countryside together.

>> No.56331251

Not really sure but I think staying in Japan is only good if you're rich as fuck and don't need to work at all. I'd rather not be a part of their extremely autistic and soul-crushing work culture.

>> No.56331321

I used it and I'm Indian. I gave a fake white name

>> No.56332170

Mid or not, Chad only. Move along inkwell.

>> No.56332182


>> No.56332266

As someone who goes to Japan frequently they absolutely do if you have $300

>> No.56332545

i dont want whores

>> No.56332568

fuck off gaijin nigger

>> No.56332603

Holy fucking based, I’ve been considering where to get an apartment just to diversify some gains into a foreign RE market and have a place to fuck off to for a few months a year. Was assuming I’d do London but maybe it will be Tokyo

>> No.56332637

>What is necessary for a white guy to be able to relocate to Japan and have a success career there?
Open burger restaurant, wear cowboy hat, call every japanese person "pardner" and say howdy.

>> No.56332651

>hates chicken wings
The whitest black man.

>> No.56332660

If I was touring the world I wouldn't want a relationship I'd just want to pump and dump office ladies and zoomers looking to get fucked by a gaijin. Who the hell actually wants to marry one of those whores?

>> No.56332684

Oh wow based trad qt3.14159 fishhead girls
White roasties are uses up, amiright fellow yellow fever anons?
>captcha SKARY4

>> No.56332734

how does that change anything?
the birth rates in japan are non existent anyways right?

>> No.56332832


>> No.56332921

If you have to ask then it's not really for you, I do mechanical engineering there for a medical company, I do business trips in Osaka 6 months a year.

>> No.56333436
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richfags says jap is a glorified brothel but worse than any SEA country
there is some places that only locals can get in to fuck the whores
fake or not jap and south korea have the best lookin women by far
too bad the western culture already there

>> No.56333725
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>jap and south korea have the best lookin women by far

>> No.56334676

Join the US Navy. kek

>> No.56334798
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you forgot one thing they don't have

>> No.56334891

The only niggers that are a problem are
low iq ones not thought properly.

>> No.56334923

You can't become Japanese, wapanese at best. This is analogous to trannyism.

>> No.56334927

Japanese prison is also hellishly strict. People assume it's not as bad as American prisons because there's less risk of rape or shankings. Instead, you have the risk of being punished for breaking one of the myriad of rules. Didn't put your chopsticks back on the lunch tray properly? The guard is going to give you five across the eyes a few times. Bed is unmade? Prisoner uniform is dirty? You're going in an oubliette for hours, if not days. And even if he's on perfect behavior, they aren't going to give him any reading material in english. He won't have access to english TV or movies. He won't have anyone to talk to at all, since it's very unlikely that other prisoners or guards will be proficient english speakers and he most likely never bothered to learn Japanese.

Fuck that somali nigger. Hope he comes out of this traumatized for life.

>> No.56335375

i hope this is real send that goofy lookin mfer to prison