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56323816 No.56323816 [Reply] [Original]

>says the guy in the bitcoin hat

I fucking kek'd

>> No.56323939

Reminder that BTC will rug just like FTX. All satoshi has to do is change a few lines of code and he can rugpull trillions of usd

>> No.56324036

Damn, this FUD would actually work on 95% of people. Not even mad, I'm impressed at the subtlety.

>> No.56324052

>All satoshi has to do is change a few lines of code and he can rugpull trillions of usd
This is possibly the dumbest thing I have ever heard on this board

>> No.56324104

oh yeah? how is he wrong, smart guy?

>> No.56324145

Ignorance is bliss UwU

>> No.56324176

>get BTC back on CC
>BTC goes up while silver goes down
>buy PMs with CC rewards
That's why I like BTC.

>> No.56324190

Retards who don't understand even the basics of how bitcoin works. Go watch a goytube video on it, shut the fuck up, or kill yourselves.

>> No.56324241

It would benefit you to use an actual explanation, watered down to accommodate their low IQ of course. But acting like a nigger won't help your side of the debate.

>> No.56324290

There is absolutely no reason to talk to someone with this little understanding. I'm not explaining to a retard what 2+2 is, it's a waste of time. We have been spoonfeeding idiots like your for so long, the information is so insanely accessible, and yet you still can't access it without me shoving it down your throat. Be ashamed, maybe you will learn from it.

>> No.56324324

>everyone is dumb except for me
I remember being a teenager before. You get a lot farther in life when you lift up instead of push down.

>> No.56324350

Okay now you're just baiting me. Hard to tell when so many retards act like genius reddit lords of knowledge.

>> No.56324411
File: 20 KB, 326x295, Noticing+the+similarities+between+walt+disney+and+mr+house+_0785c5d294581c31413c647979fe893f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not bating you, you're just an asshole apparently. That "I'm the victim now" attitude is some woman tier logic.

>> No.56324420

Take your meds

>> No.56324434
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, norm-macdonald-norm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's mad now
>definitely will say he's not
Nice canned, no original thought required response.

>> No.56327183

Brown retard is a brown retard! More news at 10.

>> No.56327213

>implying a bitcoiner would hold his bitfucks off-chain

>> No.56327217

it wouldve taken you way less time and effort to explain why that isn't possible, instead of what you did here lmao