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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56311718 No.56311718 [Reply] [Original]

Algo will never hit $1 ever again
Algorand is dead

>> No.56311741


>> No.56311807

I mean, they are distributing ALGO. Have you seen those governance rewards? Farms with 150%? Might be hard to hit $1,00 but it's possible. It's a long hold.

>> No.56312115

Gov rewards don't cover the price of the coin tanking. Farms are 150% cause nobody in it

This coin won't hit $1 again

>> No.56312429

RIP ALGO. It's been a corpse since late 2021. No clue what the Italian government did with it (if anything) but can't imagine having a tranny as CEO helped.

>> No.56313410


>> No.56315967

It’s over
If it even gets close to $1 everyone is selling because everyone is at a loss

>> No.56316665

not me, i'm gonna hold

>> No.56318055

Can we get an ASA thread? I'm mad I missed the Nexus pump.
Also FINE asa?

>> No.56318182

might not get to 0.75

>> No.56320678

Even if it gets to 0.75 it's not gonna outperform other coins

There's absolutely no reason to buy this coin. It's only VCs and the Foundation dumping

>> No.56321064

hmmm lets think about this
>teal is a new and confusing language to write in
>it's so bare bones to do strtoi, you have to do a loop & shift over the magnitudes
>pyteal took too long to come out, and its output is shit compared to hand-written teal
>reachlang is an absolute joke
>their asa system and subsequent nft standards are the worst I've ever interacted with
>suggesting changes or new standards results in heaps of bike shedding and retarded algo maxis asking whats the use case
>algod and indexer being separate is dumb as shit, and they don't even index by anything useful
>you have to parse every transaction yourself to store data yourself so you can lookup by indexes that should be on the indexer, which kind of ruins the point of a block chain & $250/month indexer
>they had no answer to on-chain state for the longest time
>when they did come up with 'boxes', it's got an awful api compared to other chains
>foundation stops the developer incentivization program
>the best wallet (MyAlgo) gets hacked and millions of dollars is stolen, to this day nobody knows why - they just say "rekey your wallets"
>goal is a dog shit cli tool
>half of the tools like the explorer were quickly thrown together for some bounty and then abandoned by the original developer, missing essential features compared to other block chain explorer tools
algorand is dead because of technical ineptitude and terrible business ideas. the only thing slightly cool thing algorand has are logic sigs, but they're not worth staying for.
t. web3 consultant

>> No.56323308
File: 337 KB, 487x653, algorand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So shill me something that works as fast and is listed on multiple exchanges.

>> No.56323496

All good points. They brag about "best tech" yet all their tooling had been garbage for the longest time. And they like to play mental gymnastics about how decentralized they are when Algorand themselves pretty much run the whole network

However, I think poor tokenomics overshadow all of this. I mean look at Cardano, they didn't have smart contracts for a while and then they came out with shitty Haskell. Tech doesn't matter as much because 90% of the usage here is holding the coin and hoping for gains or swing trading it

>> No.56324388
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>> No.56324756

You're speaking to a web3 consultant aka a retard.

>> No.56325013

tealish from tinyman is great though, have you tried it? it's akin to C <-> assembly

>> No.56325514

I like:


>> No.56327303

absolute shitcoin. nobody got rich except VCs and insiders