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56316010 No.56316010 [Reply] [Original]

>income tax 42%
>social contributions 17%
>VAT at 19% and they are about to raise it for restaurant food from 7% to 19%
>average salary with bachelors degree is 39k€
>net salary after tax and social contributions is 2.2k€ tops
>average meal costs 25€ by now for a pizza or pasta and it tastes like shit
>minimum wage only 12€/hr and most jobs pay max 14€/hr if you are lucky
>gas at 2.1€/liter
>electricity at 0.5€/kWh
>driving license costs 3k-4k€
>a two room apartment 50m2 costs 1000€ all-in even in shithole cities (let me not even start with frankfurt, berlin, munich or hamburg)
>grocery prices through the roof

Is it even possible to make it in this shithole if your parents aren't already rich and have a house?? How the fuck is someone supposed to build wealth in this country when pay for academics is 2.2-2.5k€ net tops, 800-1000€ going for rent for a shit-tier apartment next to rapefugees,200-300€ in utilities, 150€ in insurance, 200-300€ in gas for commuting, 400-500€ for groceries etc.??

>> No.56316020

Use public transportation retard
You live in EVROPA faggot, be grateful and shut the fuck up

>> No.56316022
File: 202 KB, 880x460, World_map_of_median_wealth_per_adult_by_country._Credit_Suisse._2021_publication (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go cry harder, Ahmed

>> No.56316027

you shut the fuck up as well brazilian lite

>> No.56316030

if you don't work together as a family and you go out and rent then you will not make it. you have to invest all your money you get from waging also. or you will not make it. the only way to make it is to stay in the family home for a decade and invest.

>> No.56316034

This sounds like Spain, I refuse to believe the economy of Germany is as shit as the one from this shithole full of lazy brainlets

>> No.56316036

Migrate to Eastern Europe

>> No.56316038

Was stationed there for a couple years and everyone seemed pretty happy though

>> No.56316042 [DELETED] 

Its not, he's some shitskin, living in some turkish ghetto, he can fuck off

>> No.56316053

*slaps you in the face* start your own business

>> No.56316068

Investments du dämliches Stück Scheisse

>> No.56316074

Look at the wagie asking how to become rich.

>> No.56316086

Invest with what faggot?? Im only left 50-100€ tops per month and I have already trimmed all unnecessary expenses. You think I can seriously build wealth investing 50-100€ per month? Are you fucking dense??

>> No.56316089


>> No.56316129

Inherited an apartment. Paid off, modernized. Monthly expenses: 200€. Income: 2,5k - not my problem.

If you're not lucky, you're doomed within this shithole of a country.

>> No.56316232

'Pill me on Spain? My family is from there and I heard stories about literal doctors not working so they could collect welfare.

>> No.56316239

The regular flag-OP demoralization thread is about Germany today? Cool.

>> No.56316242

You get what you fkn deserve for what you did against the Jews

>> No.56316303

you are a faggot throwing around false numbers and retarded excuses, an average meal definitely doesn't cost 25€ and if you make 12€/hr you are a failure and never even tried. I make 2.7k netto in an Eastern euro country. I'd be making 6k+ in germanistan

>> No.56316318

Even a NEET can save up 200€ a month. You're just not trying hard enough.

>> No.56316375

Lmao wtf is this

>> No.56316408

Get a gf and don't live alone lmao
Or get a roommate.

>> No.56316456
File: 564 KB, 806x676, literallygold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might be surprised, but they're so rich they pay for stuff with literal gold.

>> No.56316472

50% of the country lives of goverment gibs (goverment workers, gibs and retired people), 30% has a shit job and 20% of the population has European wages at lower cost of living. Overall a shithole with no future and exorbitant taxes

>> No.56316494

>The cost of a driving license in Germany ranges from 1,500 EUR to 3,000 EUR in total, with an average of 2,182 EUR.

>> No.56316741

>income tax 42%
Only for each euro you earn after reaching the threshold. Literally mathematically impossible to reach 42% overall.
And social payments stagnate. The more you earn, the less you pay (relatively spoken).

>> No.56316766

>angloid countries all green
>rest of the world red

hmm, i wonder why...

>> No.56316808


are you german, im from a poorfag german family, i got my first paycheck and want to invest, im thinking of gold, but i have no idea how, which broker or internetsite do i use? does it even matter?

>> No.56316856


>> No.56316860

>are you german, im from a poorfag german family, i got my first paycheck and want to invest, im thinking of gold, but i have no idea how, which broker or internetsite do i use? does it even matter?

Simply pick a random stock.
Stay away from gold.
No, it does not matter. If you don't have money, you will stay poor, regardless what you do.

>> No.56316866

You would make 3.2k netto tops after taxes

>> No.56316882

>Stay away from gold.
>Simply pick a random stock.
doesnt seem like good adv dude
>No, it does not matter. If you don't have money, you will stay poor, regardless what you do.
>just give up
uh thanks? im poor mate, i have to start somewhere

i think i would prefer investing into goldaktie oder etc und nicht wortwörtlich gold kaufen, ist die seite nicht nur für physischen goldkauf?

>> No.56316891

Na dann viel Glück, Neger.

>> No.56316901

alter warum seid ihr unfreundlich zu praktisch deines gleichen, wir haben genug immigranten neger hier, und ich bin praktisch ein based deutscher und du bist so zu mir.. wngmi

>> No.56316911

germancuck myself. life is hard here and the only way to "make" it is to live like a bum. I am lucky I am not a materialistic person so I can save most of my money. I consider myself wealthy by normie standards here (saved up 100k in 6 years of wageslaving). even if I live like that for another 10 years all I will be able to afford is a shitty 60year old appartement with 40qm. shit is fucked I tell you man.

>> No.56316929

Du willst doch so dumm und dein Geld unbedingt verzocken.

>> No.56316935

was soll ich bitte deiner meinung nach tun. gold scheint ja wohl schon eins der sichersten investments

>> No.56316955

Gold is a ponzi. If you cannot find another idiot who buys it for a higher price, you lose. Meanwhile, it does not produce anything.
>doesnt seem like good adv dude
If you have the ability to decide which is good advice and which not, why do you ask? Also, if you can decide whaf is good advice and what not, why are you still poor?
>uh thanks? im poor mate, i have to start somewhere
In this world? You are either born relatively rich or try treading the mill until you realize, that you are not grinding a mill but grinded by one.

I am born with a bit of wealth. But anyone not having an inheritance would have to work 100+ years to accumulate this amount. I know the world is fucked.

>> No.56316968

Ja, aber nur wenn du auch Gold kaufst. Goldminenaktien kaufen wenn du Gold haben willst ist wie Scheißemünzen zu kaufen wenn du Bitmünzen haben willst.
In entsprechende Aktien oder Papiergold ETFs kann man ja investieren, aber kauf dir doch lieber erst mal richtiges Gold. Ist gerade auch relativ billig.

>> No.56316980

>If you cannot find another idiot who buys it for a higher price, you lose.
im not planning for short term gains... thats what retards do who gamble crypto
>If you have the ability to decide which is good advice and which not, why do you ask?
>why are you still poor?
im intelligent just born poor, money system has nothing much to do with intelligence at all, lots of retards have money
> I know the world is fucked.
i relize this, but going like this just means i should resign and accept failure, you didnt give adv but demoralisation, i at least try something..

>> No.56316995

>gold scheint ja wohl schon eins der sichersten investments
Kek. Bruder, du möchtest Wohlstand aufbauen und willst Gold kaufen. Bleib bei krypto, ist derselbe Unsinn - armen Schweinen wird das Geld aus der Tasche gezogen mit dem Versprechen, dass mehr draus wird und am Ende hockst du da und nix wurde draus. Statistisch hast du mehr Chancen, mit nem Dartpfeil auf den Dax zu werfen und all-in zu gehen.

>> No.56316996

ne will nicht goldminenaktien, denke darüber nach etcs zu kaufen, weiß nur nicht bei weilchem broker/internetseite weil ich davon kp hab und kp hab ob es groß unterschiede gibt
>doch lieber erst mal richtiges Gold.
phyisisch gold horden mit meinem mini vermögen scheint gerade etw unrealistisch, ich will einfach nur das mein geld nicht dumm auf der bank sitzt

>> No.56317007

glaub du hattest es einfach einfach im leben, wie du sagtest wurdest halt reich geboren, das hat dich vllt dumm gemacht, weil du nie groß versuchen musstest was aufzustellen, gold mit kryptoshit zu vergleichen ist lächerlich
>Statistisch hast du mehr Chancen, mit nem Dartpfeil auf den Dax zu werfen und all-in zu gehen.
den spruch hab ich schon gehört.. gold investieren ist nicht iein stock lol

>> No.56317023

You wanted all of that. Stop complaining about the consequences of your own actions. Maybe stop voting for the people that want to take your wealth. They aren't sly about it, they are quite honest about what they want to do and how they want you to live.

>> No.56317025

>Gold mit kryptoshit zu vergleichen ist lächerlich
Goldbug oder Kryptobug - dieselbe Scheiße in anderem Gewand, das eine mit bunten Steinen, der andere mit Memecoins.
Du fällst auf exakt dieselbe Kacke rein und wirst erst erkennen, dass ich dir hier nur reinen Wein einschenke, wenn du Geld in dem Müll verloren hast.

>> No.56317042

wird er nicht verstehen deswegen isser ja arm und alle seine widerlichen schweineartigen minderwertigen vorfahren auch

>> No.56317049

>400-500€ lebensmittel
wie geht das bitte? bei mir sind das 150-200€ und ich esse relativ gesund, daher etwas teurer. gehst du jeden zweiten tag ins restaurant oder was?
>200-300€ gas
auch hier total absurd. als ich vor jahren noch mit dem auto gependelt bin hab ich etwea 70-100€ im monat an gas ausgegeben und ich musste 60km täglich pendeln. kannst mir nicht erzählen du brauchst 200-300€ vorallem nicht jetzt wo es das schwule deutschlandticket für 50€ gibt.
>150€ versicherung
was für versicherungen mein negger. da du kein auto hast nehme ich mal stark an wir reden hier nicht von haftpflicht fürs auto oder dergleichen.
>200-300€ utilities
auch hier frage ich mich was du dir jeden monat gönnst bruder
gut, dass akzeptier ich aber selbst hier gehts günstiger. kollege hat ne schöne 35qm bude in der mitte von münchen für 650€ im monat gefunden.

ich schwoer du kannst easy 500+ oder so im monat sparen wenn du nicht so behindert wärst.

>> No.56317063

Ist halt nicht wirklich deins, wenn du es nicht mit den Händen anfassen kannst. Ähnliches Problem wie mit dem Konto bei der Bank. Gold gibt es auch in kleineren Stückelungen und gerade in Deutschland für wenig Aufgeld. Der einzige Nachteil ist, dass es etwas aufwändiger ist, wenn du es wieder verflüssigen willst. Ist aber auch nur ein Problem wenn du ständig ver/kaufen willst.

>> No.56317075

nicht ansatzweise, dass eine davon ist wortwörtlich investieren in nix, das andere in eine begrenzt existierende ressource
>Du fällst auf exakt dieselbe Kacke rein
du hast doch gar kp, mein geld auf der bank sitzen lassen wird nix bringen.

reicher incel

>> No.56317087

>Ist halt nicht wirklich deins
mir schon klar, bin kein gold fetischist, denke nur ist ne sichere anlage mehr nicht.
>Ähnliches Problem wie mit dem Konto bei der Bank.
auf der bank wirds halt zu 100% der inflation unterliegen, der goldpreis ist praktisch seit 2007 nur aufwärts gegangen, selbst wenn nur paar prozent teilwe
>Nachteil ist, dass es etwas aufwändiger ist, wenn du es wieder verflüssigen willst.
eben, zeit ist geld, aufwand etc

>> No.56317105

Sucks to be a Europoor. But at least you have free healthcare right?

>> No.56317121

so witzig wenn ihr abgefuckten kleinen spastis reich werden wollt und dann mit eurem taschengeld von "sicheren anlagen" redet hahahaha. Kauf dir lieber was Schönes du vollmongo anstatt Gold zu bunkern was du dann entweder billiger (weil du Geld brauchst) oder gar nicht verkaufst (liegt nur dumm rum)

>> No.56317127

living in this shithole isn't a blessing lmao you massive faggot

>> No.56317130
File: 15 KB, 149x74, papergold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wenn du nur am Goldpreis mitverdienen willst ist das ja OK, aber du verwechselst die Sicherheit von physischem Gold als Wertanlage mit Casino Chips die du in Gold umtauschen kannst.

>> No.56317136

>dass eine davon ist wortwörtlich investieren in nix, das andere in eine begrenzt existierende ressource

Und was ist was? Und überlege, was - wenn du ein Goldbug bist - ein Kryptobro dazu meint. Ob er andere Argumente bringt als du oder dieselben.
Ein Block Gold kann genausoviel wie ein Stein. Nur Krypto kann weniger als ein Stein. Beides kaufen Idioten für einen Preis, der den Nutzen weit übersteigt.

Für jeden rational denkenden Menschen unterscheidet sich deine Argumentation exakt 0,0% von dem eines Kryptobros.

>> No.56317153

dies. die einzige moeglichkeit hier in germanisten etwas geld zu sparen, vorallem als arbeitnehmer, ist seine lebenshaltungskosten zu senken oder all in auf cryptomüll/casino zu setzen. die 50-100€ die man im monat zur seite legt und dann noch in gold investiert machen nen scheiss aus. man kann das ganze ja gerne mal hochrechnen. in dem tempo legt er in 10jahren 6-12k zur seite.

>> No.56317169

>sichere anlage
Jung, du bist ARM!
Und du suchst eine SICHERE Anlage?
Über "sicher" kannst du nachdenken, wenn du ordentlich viel Geld hast und das auch behalten möchtest.

>> No.56317187

impotentes geschreie, hast es anscheinend geschafft dein leben zu verkacken obwohl du reich gebore bist. checke auch dein gejaule gg mich nicht als ob ich dein feind wäre weil ich arm bin und versuche was aus mir zu machen lol ist es echt war die reichen hocken in der ecke vor angst? also ehrlich gibt genügend immigranten nigger hier und du gehst auf based deutsche los, kanns nicht verstehen..

verstehe den vergleich nicht, casino ist gambling. goldpreis ist nie einfach gambling das zeug hat immer seinen wert, und seit jahre geht der wert aufwärts, wenn du so über gold denkst check ich auch nicht warum du überhaupt gold kaufst


selten so low iq adv gelesen, traurig das hier anzutreffen.

>> No.56317192

wie hoch ist denn dein IQ?

>> No.56317196

alter compound interest, ich will mein geld nicht auf der bank liegen lassen selbst wenns nur 1k ist

>> No.56317199

>based deutsche
meine fresse bist du behindert. kein wunder wieso du arm bist.

>> No.56317207

>compound interest
Und das findet sich bei Gold wo genau?

>> No.56317211

traurig einfach nur, gerade hier sollte man verstehen das leute wie wir zusammen halte sollten gegen die niggerisation die hier statt findet, anstelle dessen pöbelt ihr mich noch grundlos an... so wirds echt nix wenn selbst die leute hier idioten sind.

>> No.56317218

Das gilt aber nur wenn du dir auch Gold kaufst. Papiergold ist eben mit Risiken verbunden. Wenn du Pech hast bis zum Totalausfall.

>> No.56317221

sicher besser als auf der bank liegen zu lassen und nix zu machen wie gesagt... seit 2007 gehts aufwärts kannst dir die diagramme selbst googlen

>> No.56317232

>Papiergold ist eben mit Risiken verbunden.
das verstehe ich, aber gerade so goldinvestoren, wenn man einen 'richtigen' nimmt sollte es höchst unwahrscheinl sein dass dies eintritt (99,9%)
ich kenne mich nur nicht aus mit brokern und dem zeug weil ich wie gesagt das vorher nie getan habe

>> No.56317250

Ne, das ist ein systematisches Risiko. Was du halt machen könntest ist dir Gold zu kaufen und es verwahren zu lassen. Dann hast du richtiges Gold was auch dir gehört. Da gibts ein paar Anbieter die das machen. Vielleicht auch deine Bank. Aber dann stehst du möglicherweise trotzdem irgendwann dumm da, wenn du es wirklich brauchst und das alles gebail-int wird.

>> No.56317255

>sicher besser als auf der bank liegen zu lassen und nix zu machen
Was dir keine Sau geraten hat, sondern du dir zusammengesponnen hast, nachdem man dir klar gesagt hat, dass Gold ne beschissene Idee ist.
Lies meine Posts nochmal und dann kauf ETFs oder Aktien.

>> No.56317258

>so wirds echt nix wenn selbst die leute hier idioten sind.
Dir ist schon klar das wir auch reiche Kanacken sein könnten? Gibt viele sehr reiche Ausländer in Deutschland. Vielleicht nimmst du deine paar Kröten und machst einfach ne Dönerbude auf!

>> No.56317263

wenn was passiert wie krisen wird der gold preis nur steigen, und daher werden die großen goldbroker wohl kaum auf einmal pleite gehen, verstehe nicht wie das passieren soll...
naja ich leave den thread scheint kein advice hier zu geben, nur geseethe untereinander, schade

>> No.56317273

>ich kenne mich nur nicht aus
Und trotzdem trottelst du rum wie der letzte Kasper.
Kauf Gold und werd glücklich damit, aber schimpf dann nicht auf jemand anderen als dich, sobald es unvermeidlich in die Binsen geht.

>> No.56317278

du hast es halt null argumentieren können.
achso du bist also kanacke dann versteh ich deine reaktion halbwegs

>> No.56317285

random aktien und stocks gehen eheer in die binsen als gold lol

>> No.56317294

Wer nicht wagt der nicht gewinnt. Komisch das du hier so beratungsresistent bist. Denkst bist schlauer als jeder hier aber dann nicht sagen können wir hoch der IQ ist. Scheinst echt so ne richtige Missgeburt zu sein.

>> No.56317300

ich mein was ist den überhaupt dein endgame? eigentumswohnung? altersabsicherung? ich kann dir garantieren mit gold und den summen von denen du hier erzählst wirst du nichts von beidem realistischerweise erreichen. am ende vom tag hast du wie schon gesagt mehr von wenn du ein wenig lebst. entweder hast du am ende was davon oder du lässt es.

>> No.56317315

Er will sich am Ende blos nicht blöde fühlen. Er will sich aber schlauer fühlen als diejenigen die es gewagt haben ein Risiko einzugehen und verloren haben und er will alle hassen die gewonnen haben.

>> No.56317319

random in aktien und stocks investieren ist wohl kaum gut gemeinter advice lol

>> No.56317324

ne mit intelligenz wäre besser aber doch nicht notwendig

>> No.56317416

na dann warum kannst du mir nichts direktes raten, in welche aktie/stock soll ich deiner meinung nach investieren, aber naja nach so einem kanaken gehabe sind meine erwartungen jetzt ncht mehr wirkl vorhanden

>> No.56317441

Deutschhurensohn meldet sich.
>2k netto
>600€ ETF
>900€ Crypto 40%BTC/40%ETH/20%LINK
>minimal leben bei mama und papa
>rest geht für proteine, games, kleine und große anschaffungen(graka etc) und ein bisschen was für die alten drauf
>generational wealth level: reihenhaus mit garten, ich schätze auf 600-800k€, ein geschwisterteil

>> No.56317450

>in welche aktie/stock soll ich deiner meinung nach investieren
Du hast gehofft du gibst dich hier als "based Deutscher" aus und wir kauen die hier vor wie man reich wird. Nice try Mohammed!

>> No.56317451

>live in germany
>made it off crypto almost 10 years ago
>just cash out a fraction of my stack every year, with less and less needed each year
>the government is that incompetent, that they have not fixed the loophole that lets you legally cash out with 0% tax
>cash out at 0% 6 years in a row now all totally legal and documented
>health insurance is tied to your tax paid, so pay only 200 a month

germany is great, they are too retarded to tax me like austria has started to do to crypto cash outs.

>> No.56317473

du bist am seethen seit dem ersten post... scheinst ne arme sau zu sein wie ich selbst, nicht mal ich seethe so random anere leute an erst recht nicht hier. wie man denken kann ich bin mohamed grenzt an retardie

glücklicher lottogewinner

>> No.56317485

i put all my networth from my first year of working into crypto early, hardly lucky. I knew it was do or die. And I still sold too much too early

>> No.56317509

Dude All the price numbers you quote are extremely cheap. Rent for just 1k, LOL Overall Sounds like you have it great there

>> No.56317521

including runescape gold

>> No.56317588

ofc it was luck lol, crypto coouldve easily failed
and i coulnt have done this bc iwas a teen with no wage, you were lucky to be there with the timing many couldnt do it, boomers were too old and not involved with the internet probably, and younger people didnt have money to invest in the first place, you lucked out maxximum

>> No.56317634
File: 9 KB, 236x227, de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0% tax on crypto held for more than one year
if you dont make it in germany, you are severely autistic

>> No.56317659

not everyone is a crypto lotto gewinner you retard

>> No.56317754

you can say the same about amazon stocks, .com bubble, tesla, gme (at least if you sold), negative oil prices etc. You had to have the intuition to trust in crypto, there were no resources back then, people called you retarded and called crypto a fad. Most people only put in 100 bucks for the lulz, barely anyone committed. And almost everyone sold all their crypto too early to see massive gains.

By calling those who win lucky, you lock yourself out of the opportunity to think about how you can have a better intuition at a future opportunity.

>> No.56317824

A 30% tax will neither save you when your favorite shitcoin dumps nor make you poor if you got a 100000x.

>> No.56317842

cope youre a lucky lotto gewinner and thats all, you were lucky literally and you literally dont do shit and didnt deserve money, you literally just gambled out and lucked maxxed
you coulve easily earned 0€
you have zero skills and didnt contribute anything

>> No.56317843

also nothing of your examples where anywhere near like crypto lotto winners

>> No.56317921

>2k netto
>900€ Miete
>Papa tot, Mama arm
>Generationenwohlstand 0€
Es ist vorbei bei mir, richtig, Krautbrüder?

>> No.56317934

>average chinese person as wealthy as a pole

>> No.56317941

wo bitte wohnt deine mutter auf der straße oder was?

>> No.56317951

In einer Mietswohnung wie alle ohne Immobilie du Spast

>> No.56317974

warum wohnt ihr dann nicht zusammen wenn ihr beide poor seid? retarded?

>> No.56318028

You are just bad with money. I pay 9€ a month(40€ paid by my employer) for the Deutschlandticket which allows me to travel with public transportation in all of germany.
I get half my meals using the 2good2go app where I can get 15-20€ of food for 3-4€ from restaurants in the evening. And I actually get good food if I choose well.
You also have to use your brain when your looking for apartments, my gf has a 2 bedroom apartment in the city and pays less than 400€ including heating/electricity.

>> No.56318092

Ok and when your family lives some location where you can't get a job? What then?

>> No.56318101

>Get a gf and don't live alone lmao
Why do you say this shit like a gf is an asset at all?
When you get a gf your expenses just go up and then you invite the state into your home for when she inevitably claims you raped her.

>> No.56318167

Wtf are you doing with your money?

I live in poortugal gaining 1300 per months. 1000 after taxes and ss. 350 rent for 1 room in a 3 room apartment. 200€ per month on groceries. I have like 500 - 600 each month remaining that I'm inv sting directly in stocks and ETF.

Yes, I'm willing to sacrificy and live below my standards for a few years to save enough money and buy my own place.

>> No.56318173

The german average is 2.500€ netto. With 6k netto you are in the top 10 % earners in germany.

>> No.56318246

Netto in Germany means you already paid your pension and your healthcare.
Its not compareable to other countries.

>> No.56318255

Maybe you should fuck off back to Türkiye

>> No.56318313

If you aren't the top 10% your entire existence is worthless, I earned twice the average in my first job

>> No.56318321

I have a German friend who is a c-suite exec in his company and he said I make 40% more than him and I'm just a new grad engineer.

>> No.56318325

luck is a skill
You are not going to make it with this mindset.

>> No.56318340

2.5k is only average for people with a masters

>, I earned twice the average in my first job
impossible without daddys connections

6k netto is more like top2% of wagecuckearners. i cant think of many jobs paying this much here

>> No.56318344

luck is not a skill by definition.
its random chance, many people just didnt have the chance to participate in the cryptoscamgamble i couldnt.

>> No.56318349

Netto in Germany means you already paid your pension and your healthcare.
Its not compareable to other countries.

>> No.56318362
File: 5 KB, 259x194, 1696798819953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ich bin ein echter Gangster
Ich zeige auf Omegle Frauen meinen Penis

>> No.56318366

>retard bot short circuiting

>> No.56318371

You dont pay 42% income tax retard

>> No.56318374

Its just the truth
Healthcare costs alone eat you alive in other countries

>> No.56318383

Dont bother anon, its a copy pasta bait thread

>> No.56318425

Payment increase is very weird in germany

The difference in pay between some uneducated factory worker doing shift work and a guy with a MSc is not that grand, especially after taxes its often only 1k€ difference, c suite should be different but yeah

>> No.56318431

it's like that pretty much everywhere, it's not like 50 years ago when you could just start any business and make good money to buy a house and support a housewife and 3 kids, nowadays everything, every business, every product, every innovation has been tried tested optimized and squeezed like a lemon, margins are super low, inflation eats your savings so you can never get ahead with bying a property
maybe that's what they call Late Stage Capitalism

>> No.56318433

can you help me?>>56316808

>> No.56318434

this includes american nogs and spics who have 0 savings

>> No.56318449

Pretty sure thats the average for household not single income

6k netto is around 140k per year, top2% sounds about right

>> No.56318450

>per adult
Why is this meme getting spammed? Why is it a useful measurement? Is it implying we should starve children so we could keep more wealth?

>> No.56318490

Dont buy gold if you want big gains, gold can also be physically stolen if you live in poor environment (you could buy paper gold as stocks in a depot but no..)

Currently its a difficult time to invest, my normal answer would be invest into some broad index (etf) and it will be fine, but that might not be case for the near future (potential crash incoming)

My advice would be, save the cash into some tagesgeldkonto with 3-4% zinsen and wait how the stock market develops, if it really crashes, thats a very good time to buy stocks or indexes with the cash

>> No.56318491

because the one guy does actual work while the other guy does a bullshit office job with a meme degree

>> No.56318513

t. Seething wagie, because a guy reloading a spritzgussanlage every 15min. is such meaningful and difficult work right

While in some cases correct bgl, engineers are one of the exceptions, and thats one of the most popular studiengang

>> No.56318581

I dropped out of college and new make around 2.9k net per month and another 1k from my side hussle.
I don't even know what you're talking about.

>> No.56318600

Its bait copy pasta, posts every week

Whats you side hustle anon

>> No.56318614

im not expecting big gains, big gains are always a gamble
im not planning to buy physical gold just etc

>> No.56318620

how is it bait, its basically impossible without years of exp to get 2,9k netto without a degree here- even with degree junior people here get maybe 2k

>> No.56318632

At least you have free healthcare, bitch. Lol

>> No.56318637

Bro look at yourself, read your own replies back - the other anon is right you won't make it with your bitter attitude, the world gives you back what you give out. Youre probably one of the fud schizos

>> No.56318639

Everyone here knows you switched your VPN, you bot shill

>> No.56318646

Why dont you go back to the shithole you come from? Maybe you have better luck there.

>> No.56318665

You have to decide for yourself but gold isnt the best performer, look it up, at current zinsen you might as well get the same gains on a tagesgeld

Its bait because everything is exaggerated, none is paying 42% tax and gas isnt 2€ and OP is just stupid with money obviously

>> No.56318667

>Whats you side hustle anon
I help small e-commerce firms get technically integrated into marketplaces and automate stuff for them.
I have some basic coding knowledge and know a couple of tools to automate tasks with basic scripting.
I'm just very good at quickly familiarizing myself with different systems and gaining the knowledge neccessary to do what needs to be done.
I get paid by 110€ per hour doing this a couple of hours per week.

Just be smart and know how to sell yourself.

>> No.56318674
File: 138 KB, 1147x1375, 4y503gewr6z41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another reality check thread derailed by jew-gpt buy my bags bots. This board is so fucking dead, holy Christ.
You weren't supposed to make it. I live in the shithole next to you, with the most brutal inflation in the zone, I can hardly save €700 living as frugal as possible as a high earner here.
>rent + utilities €700
>groceries €300
I don't eat out, I stopped going to the gym and bought shit dumbbells from Decathlon instead. I don't spend on clothes, I don't go out. I don't even dream about getting a license (which I wanted last year), let alone a car since they cost 3x as much as they did in 2021.
Good thing all my dates be it good or bad end up me getting dumped, least I don't have to spend it being with a girl who would dump me later once she gets bored, but this is no way to live a life and I'm tired. So tired.

>> No.56318686

im not OP stop seething so hard
>Its bait because everything is exaggerated,
i mean ofc, but its not uncommon for people to exaggerate things, hes not wrong overall. its hard to get rich here if youre born poor without connections

>Just be smart and know how to sell yourself.
>soemthing something
so what do you do?

>> No.56318703

>im not OP stop seething so hard
Of course you are.
OP is gone since you showed up with your 32 posts

>> No.56318715

>so what do you do?
Want me to post my life story here?
I do project management for a big firm.

>> No.56318721

Sounds nice, keep it up

I can code but dont now how to sell myself, how do you get those customers, do you advertise on freelander sites?

Of course its hard to make it, but its hard everywhere, there is no free lunch, some places have benefits but also drawbacks, everyone must know for themselves that fits for them

>> No.56318736

What you can do is marry an academic, you both play the career game working many hours until you make it to the top 10% salaries, then you have no kids (too expensive and no time as you both have to do 40hrs minimum) and you save for a couple of years for down payment, to finally starting your journey to home ownership with a crappy house that cost you a million and has the same living standard as a family had in 1970

>> No.56318738

Laughs in southern Europe

>> No.56318765

>do you advertise on freelander sites
I'm partnered with some of the tools I use for automation.
My profile is on their webpage, outlining my experience with said tool and what I can do with it.
Started off by people, who booked the tool, but don't know how to use it, contacting me for help.
Everything beyond that is word of mouth. I get more requests then I can accept.

>I can code but dont now how to sell myself
Honestly, to each their own. You have to find your own niche in what you do.
If you want to do something similar I recommend as a first step to define your target customer. Once you have that, you can infer how to market yourself.

>> No.56318785


Lerne professionelles trading. 20k Minimum invest
Leider gibt es nicht viel mehr um der Armut zu entkommen
Als ich 20 war hat der Döner 2,25 Euro gekostet nun 7 Euro 20 Jahre später

>> No.56318832

Mein Neger

I have an investment portfolio of 3m USD. I made it earning $200k and investing early, and paying 0% capital gains tax.

There is no way for anyone in Germany to get rich with "trading" or "investing" paying 50% income to the government + 30% capital gains tax. No fucking way.

The only way to make money in Germany is
a) abusing welfare state and working black
b) sell drugs / manage whores

>> No.56318936

He's right though. Now amount of penny pinching will save you the extra money that comes from earning more money.

>> No.56319021

Well no shit it includes 50% of the population lmao

>> No.56319279

American statistics can't be trusted because they look worse than they are because nogs and spics are bringing them down.
You can't expect everyone in other countries to fail as hard in America

>> No.56319311

White life expectancy in America is lower than Hispanic now. Opioids are a Hell of a drug.

>> No.56319349


OP, unless you have a high wagie job, won the genetic property lottery, or whose family owns an establish business, the Germany economy is purposely designed to keep you poor and a wagie until you are old.

Why is that? Basically, Germany's economic policy is to support export industries and manufacturing surpluses. How is that achieved? By keeping wages low.

>But Germany has a higher salary than other EU countries!

And after all of your rent and living expenses, what are you left woth? No disposable income. If you look at german statistics, german labor takes home less income relative to the size of its economy. It wasn't always like this, but in 2000s when German competiveness was slowing, Merkel, who is responsible for the shit Germany is in today, decided to tighten the belt and suppress wages rather than invest in productivity.

What is worse is every bad policy decision requires even further wage suppression.

>Bloated bureaucracy
>Excessive regulation
>Trains that require continuous subsidies to stay afloat
>Shutting down cheap nuclear and importing Russian gas
>Importing useless refugees that want to blow you up

All of this you have to pay for. What is worse is people who inherited land/houses can live off that since property taxes are basically nil. All of that generational wealth hoarding not being taxed means you, who has to work, has to pay for their social services because you didn't win the genetic lottery.

>> No.56319376
File: 62 KB, 429x465, disposable-income-per-country.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geman wages and disposable income arent low
You shills really need to get a new spiel

>> No.56319434

that free health care is great stuff though isnt it you cucks?

>> No.56319443

It is, thanks for asking
This is a bait thread

>> No.56319616

Yes, go all in LINK.

>> No.56319709


>Not using labor only

They have you fooled good. Regardless, if you are happy with your life, this stuff doesn't matter as most Germans seem to be.

>> No.56319726
File: 209 KB, 1410x1636, FtQ2x73XgAgGDpT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimimum wage alone is 2000€ in Germany

>> No.56320294
File: 13 KB, 471x388, 1613105555889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>42% goes directly from your paycheck to the government
Based g*rman government dabbing on the wageslaves
>This indicator also takes account of social transfers in kind 'such as health or education provided for free or at reduced prices by governments and not-for-profit organisations.
>for free or at reduced prices
*before tax