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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56312669 No.56312669 [Reply] [Original]

What are you anons looking forward to these days? Drop upcoming idos or whatever. For me it's blocklords' token release like next year. If the game flops it'll be a good ido anyways. The halve hype will probably bring in decent new liquidity

>> No.56312677

Crypto discussion should be banned.

>> No.56312685

This and OP permabanned

>> No.56312693
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I'm looking forward to the collapse of Western civilization. One day the White people will have enough of jews/niggers/sandniggers coming into our countries and trying to turn them into the shitholes they came from in the first place. They're all invaders who leech off the white man's inventions for a reason. Day of the rope can't come soon enough.
What about you, anons? Have you bought guns yet?

>> No.56312700

agreed. we should create a board to contain all the cryptoscams in one place and have this one be turned into the actual business and finance board.

that way all of the pajeets will have their own space to shit up daily while we can discuss actual methods to make money.

too bad jannies won't do it because most of these shitcoins are somehow paying them to keep these threads up

>> No.56312710

Maybe if janitors did their fucking job instead of jerking off to pedo porn all day then this board would be in a better spot. We can't even have meta threads anymore without getting 404'd

>> No.56312728

Also, take this bot back to >>>/pol/

>> No.56312735

I just want Binance/Coinbase to win the SEC lawsuit so we can have ourselves a better chance of hitting the jackpot during the next cycle. Is that too much to ask for?

>> No.56312742

i like layerflow even though it has a 50% chance of being a total rug

>> No.56312744

Yes. It is. Crypto is just gambling and scams at this point. It's degenerate and a waste.

>> No.56312755
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>all the mega seethe in this thread

>> No.56312757
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Since when is Coinbase in trouble? I knew Binance is in deep shit at the moment but Coinbase??

>> No.56312770

It is, yes. However it's probably the quickest way to escape the rat race and I'd rather not wage for 40 years until I become a old, tired old man. I'd like to escape the system and become a NEET. You probably disagree and it's okay but it's just the way I feel.
The SEC literally filed another lawsuit against them. Have you been living under a rock recently?

>> No.56312775

no sneedback

>> No.56312786

I get it, fren. I get it.

>> No.56312789

i understand the hatred for crypto in this board at least. i think its normal to get a bad taste in your mouth if a) crypto assets aren't big on your folio and b) you see 30+ threads about avax, icp and link on a daily basis here + faggots getting into other unrelated threads just to post "chainlink will be $1000 next month". gets tiring.

>> No.56312792
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I don't trust anything new so I'm just staking BTC and ETH to see what happens next year.

>> No.56312826
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Both will win against the SEC and BNB/BASE will both go up up up. You know this tale already.

>> No.56312831


>> No.56312835

Thank you, fren.
A good rule of thumb you can always follow is that there's if you see the catalog being flooded by [shitcoin] then you should always stay away from it as much as you could

>> No.56312846

I wish /qa/ was still around for this to be the case