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56306418 No.56306418 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone is expecting another bullrun in 2024/2025. Everyone. There won’t be. The current state of the market is just a race to extract as much wealth from people as possible before the actual black swan event. There is nothing legitimate in this market. And the ones that are legit don’t even utilize the blockchain appropriately.

I bet a ton of you are parked in stables right now, or are parked in a promising ERC20 token waiting for it to moon hard in 2024/2025. You seem to have it all figured out. A lot of you are following the same path to the destruction of your wealth.

Screencap this and post in 2025 when I’m proven correct:

-There will not be another crypto bullrun. 2021 was your last chance.

-There will be rallies, one for every BTC halving. Every rally will dump hard.

-Stables will get fucked soon. The best possible scenario is that Circle blocks all wallets unless KYC verified through their official channels of choice. This is optimistic though.

-Sell for hard assets like PMs or Property, even cash is better than crypto at this point.

-The only ones making money in this market are scammers. Eventually, an AI will come out and fuck over every serial rugger. They will be held accountable at some point in the future.

-IF YOU ARE A RUGGER, which plenty of you are, stop NOW before you leak too much info about yourself. NONE of you are safe.


>> No.56306444

stfu nigga

>> No.56306454


>> No.56306457

thx nostradamus reddit-spacing namefag doomposter, sold 100k

>> No.56306459

There will be a bullmarket in 2025 simply because the crash in 2024 will be so hard that there will literally be nowhere to go but up.

>> No.56306478

The bull run will start when the Fed lowers rates to try to improve the economy so that there's positive media coverage about it. Media coverage and half truths will provide cover for the massive voter fraud that will be required to prevent Trump from winning another term.

>> No.56306518

well like everyone is expecting the bullrun in 2024... so it will happen before that ... apparently but in reality nobody expects anythign from bitcoin anymore... normies are out of the game so 100k is definately cancelled for 3 years or more.

The best we can expect is around 40k next year with a brutal crabbing around 20k-30k for years then if a big crash happens a real bullrun might happen from 10k to 50k.

Anyways crypto is fucked I don't know why people is still putting money in this scam, its stupid.

>> No.56306539

>apparently but in reality nobody expects anythign from bitcoin anymore... normies are out of the game so 100k is definately cancelled for 3 years or more.
Bitcoin will go over 100k specifically because of why you think it won't. And normies will fomo again like they always do.

>> No.56307061


you really think normies will get into the game after the nft fiasco btc losing 2/3 of its value when they were checking it out there's a huge rejection of crypto in social media they aren't like us that we are obssessed checking news and being /biz/ all day dude, you can say btc will go 2x from now on in 1 day 100% confirmed and nobody will care.

For a real bullrun there must be a real solid mass of idea building and it's not happening but I guess it's hard for you to understand if you are into the bubble.

>> No.56307136

>he thinks normies pump bitcoin
They just buy the top wick and hold the bag to 0, they buy because it’s going up and they fomo in. They’re not the cause of the pump, they’re just a phenomen of it.

>> No.56308205
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Your entire post just tells me you understand literally nothing about normies. Apple is the most valuable stock on the planet because the average person is a dipshit created by God and born for the sole purpose of pissing their money into the wind so that smart people can get richer.

Normies don't think. They don't have actual convictions. They don't remember things. They don't follow things. They don't actually understand why they believe the things they do. They believe the things they do, because everyone else believes it. They start doing the things they do, because everyone else starts doing it.

That's all it's going to take. A few news reports about bitcoin going over 40K, a few podcasters and a few of their friends mentioning they started investing in bitcoin again. Normies don't have souls. They never did. They move autonomously as a singular unit, not unlike bees in a hive. They're not fully cognizant of what they're doing or why, they're just doing it because they think they're supposed to because everyone else is doing it.

>> No.56308212

I thought thick lines bobo died wtf is this thread

>> No.56308242


K faggot

>> No.56308252

Did not read but holy shit that pic haha

>> No.56308258
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BTC is now much more correlated with other markets than before
i don't think we ever had a cycle like that.

but i still think it's easy enough to manipulate an illiquid shitcoin market. but i don't expect more than 2-3x

>> No.56308307

I think Bitcoin will go up forever as long as inflation keeps racking up, like it has kept kept going for the last 100+ years. If thinking it in decades Bitcoin will be a metric for FIAT inflation. The dollars you hold are the pennies of tomorrow.

>> No.56309698

The bull market is coming and nothing is going to stop it. ETFs are coming and a lot of other institutions will be joining the space. My focus is on RWA. LEOX, RIO, and NXRA are my first stand bags. Believe it or not.

>> No.56309744

So this time is different?

>> No.56309755

This. Don't buy shit until people are fighting over toilet paper again, then sell the second the economy is "fixed"

>> No.56310013

While you nigers are debating, I'll keep farming DAI through SpoolFi. When the bulls come I'll be up for some buying.

>> No.56310528

Sentiment can change on a dime. When we dump to below 20k AFTER the halving event, which will catch a lot of people off guard, everyone is gonna be scared shitless and say there will be no bull run in 24/25. Then there is.

>> No.56310537

This, bottoms are formed on apathy not when everyone is expecting it to bottom or anticipating the next bull

>> No.56310550

>hur dur crypto le scam price never go up again

You probably lost your shirt on some garbage project now you're demoralized and salty. Don't let a bad call lead you to missing out on redeeming plays. If you honestly think crypto is some dead end garbage tech then you don't know shit about crypto. Basically CNN norman tier.

>> No.56310568

Stfu bloody old faggot. The bull run is confirmed and projects like CYMI and ATOR will break another ATH again.

>> No.56310567

Nice try but I'm not selling my bags, schlomo

>> No.56310767
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>> No.56310895

so you know exactly the price action of crypto till 2025, incoming stablecon rugs (damn sherlock), PM, property, cash forecast all till 2025, and black swan event too - that we all intuitively know is going to happen but still,
you are absolute nigger, know everything for the next 2 years sure faggot, you must be a billionaire already
if you had an inside info about an event or two, but source my ass, forecast of everything until 2025, sure negroid

>> No.56310945

>The only ones making money in this market are scammers. Eventually, an AI will come out and fuck over every serial rugger. They will be held accountable at some point in the future.

>retard fell for rugs so now crypto must be over
stick to index funds grandpa

>> No.56311321

I've been seeing this quite often. CryptMi endorsement in UAE must have been paying off already. It's based.

>> No.56311553

I think next cycle only some coins will have a bullrun. It’ll be alot harder to make money but there will still be opportunities and people with high iq will be able to profit

>> No.56312002
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India spam looks slightly less jeety but you boys still need to work on it. You don't even use terms correctly.

>> No.56312008

bich bloody
how much do they pay you jeets to post here?

>> No.56312151

The bull run won't happen because there's bag holders from normies to institutions all the way up the ladder to the all time high. They're still holding those bags, and as soon as the price gets near their original entry, they're going to dump. Bitcoin will not break 40k in the next few years

>> No.56312935
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oh my god

this is the stupidest thing i've ever read on 4chan everyone knows that the bull run will start as soon as the fed lowers interest rates i can't believe you're so stupid

>> No.56313325
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listen here you little dickbag i got my degree in economics from harvard i know my stuff about how money works the idea that the bull run waits on the fed's every word is complete bullshit

>> No.56313498
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listen up ass wipe i don't even need a degree from harvard to know you're full of crap you sound like a crypto noob who's been getting screwed on the markets and is still waiting for the bitcoin bull run to come save you news flash moron it's not happening

>> No.56313520

Erc20? What is this 2018???? Get with the times old man

>> No.56313686
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look here you snot nose little punk i've been trading ethereum since 2017 so i am a og crypto trader back in 2018 we were all trading erc-20 tokens and you better believe it

>> No.56313849
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look here you snot nosed little punk you think you're all that just because you've been trading ethereum since 2017 you're not an og and you're late to the game back in 2018 we were trading erc-20 tokens and it was all the rage so you'd better believe it you're late to the party you snot nosed little punk

>> No.56314008
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listen here you little turd i've been in crypto since back when bitcoin was just a bunch of 1's and 0's on some dork's computer you think you're some kind of big shot because you bought some shitcoins on coinbase in 2018 you don't even know the half of it kid i've been holding bitcoin since back when you were still sucking your mama's tits

>> No.56314178
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listen up kid i've been in the crypto game since before you were born i've seen it all you think youre a big shot buying some shitcoins on coinbase lol i've been holding bitcoin since back when you were sucking your mommas tits

>> No.56314337
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yeah well i've been holding my nuts in your mom's mouth loser get bent and kiss my ass

>> No.56314439


>> No.56314473
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your mom was the one who got bent and kissed my ass

>> No.56314587
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your face is the ass that my mom was kissing so what

>> No.56314716
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hey bud guess what your mother prefers my ass over yours

>> No.56314893
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hey bud guess what i don't care because i have no mother lmao

>> No.56315039
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wow real creative there bro so original

>> No.56315151
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that's so original real creative genius we got here

>> No.56315289
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that's so original real creative genius we got here

>> No.56315429
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i don't have to respond to your stupid comments what are you the comment patrol i'll say whatever i want and you'll shut up about it now f*ck off

>> No.56315600
File: 864 KB, 1024x1024, 99317701832700896325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not the comment patrol you can say what the hell you want and nobody should tell you otherwise that's the goddamn problem with this world

>> No.56317343

>everyone is expecting a bullrun
The market is completely dead there is almost no one participating.

>> No.56317472


except i think we might get another bull in like 2030, maybe 2035. when more real projects are built(like rollbit), not just cashgrab scams

>> No.56317793

its very obvious if you actually look at what people are saying that over 90% of market participants think 2024-2025 bullrun is guaranteed because of "muh halvening". they simply cant fathom that bitcoin will be going under 10k in that time frame.

>> No.56317811

screenshotted to laugh at down the road, thanks

>> No.56317815

Ok. That's an incredibly tiny amount of people. Everyone else thinks crypto is dead. Only the true believers are left.

>> No.56318252

This is why I think there will be a big shakeout after the halving this time.

>> No.56318331

just saying, bitcoin's price has never been predictable. what the majority of people are saying has historically been wrong 100% of the time.

it wont be a shakeout. it will be bitcoins first bear market(2022 - 2028). bitcoin has only existed in a macro bull market. the good times are over

>> No.56319017

Do you know what's the issue with this theory? It's too rational to apply in a clown market.

>> No.56319218

Bitch lasagna

>> No.56319783

Heartfelt post which is mostly true, everyone now is just extracting as much wealth as possible through shitcoins/ memecoins on ethereum. Bsc is totally dead binance is looking like it’s about to go under.
I say this with no shilling in my intentions that now is the best time to buy bsc coins. Everything on there looks totally dead rn and everybody thinks bull runs are never going to happen again. Don’t get sucked into this negative pit. A series of rallies will occur and everyone will continue to take profit thinking that ‘this is a suckers rally’ zoom out and remember we have had over 2 years of bear already and the bottom was 15k we might not get 100 for a while but all we need is btc above 40k for there to be some serious grease on the wheels. Don’t give in to the fud I promise you all things will completely reverse one day and OP will be eating their words.

>> No.56319845

the clown market was a result of the good times and fraud on a massive scale

the good times are over, and the market has learned that every new possible fad is just a thinly veiled ponzi thus their reach will be limited. theres only so much liquidity you can steal from normies before they stop buying forever.

real products, real revenue or numbers will not go up. simple as

coping cycle believer. binance isnt going under, but that doesnt mean bnb cant go to $50. just look around, 99% of projects are still ponzis(make sure to add every L1 to this list, as they are just the casino chips to enter the ponzis). everything will fall drastically because its nothing but hot air