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File: 586 KB, 2000x1236, Map_of_USA_with_state_and_territory_names_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56307693 No.56307693 [Reply] [Original]

Go long on this part of the country
They have good weather, they have cheap real estate, and they have the WATER
30 years from now, you will wish you had listened

>> No.56307725

tainted by train derailment for the next 500yrs

>> No.56307735

>more water FUD
go back to your CNN NPC programming, WEF shill

>> No.56307755

I'm so tired of this. Look at all that water Washington Oregon California then from Maine to Texas on the other side. If you want water go to the fucking bank.
Pacific Ocean is Rothschild-tier but you didn't hear it from me sage

>> No.56307758

feel free to drink and/or irrigate your crops with as much seawater as you like

>> No.56307760

Not to mention Alaska and wait for it Hawaii mother fucker positively floating in the middle of all of it. Fuck this. I'm done dripping financial advice.

>> No.56307766

Wait until you learn about precipitation. Fire up ms paint pencil tool mother fucker
I'm done here

>> No.56307804


>> No.56307810

Should I move to St Louis?

>> No.56307816

Why not the rest of the northeast? New Jersey still has the massive Delaware River running next to it

>> No.56307820

Precipitation is unlimited low IQ anon

>> No.56307823

the rest of the NE is already overpriced as fuck, the circled area is the value/investment

>> No.56307917

You better get in now before Southern and Intermountain cities become too overpriced and overpopulated to where people start migrating in droves again like after covid, I reckon you don't have a lot of time. You'll have to settle for some boring wasteland shit like Nebraska or North Dakota otherwise.

>> No.56307927

Eastern Nebraska could unironically become cool/interesting if the other states in the bubble grow out a bit more

>> No.56307959

omaha is already the coolest place in the midwest

>> No.56307966

that water is poisoned

>> No.56307978

>30 years from now, you will wish you had stayed in America when it's only like 30% White.
>inb4 just live in some White enclave innawoods and live in denial.
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.56308021

I like how you have to make a massive carve out for the actual good places to live. Good. Lead the masses away from here.

>> No.56308115

>30 years from now, you will wish you had listened
i dont want to live there and will pay more to not live there. simple as.

>> No.56308132

Wells you fucking cunt

>> No.56308162

groundwater, also famously unlimited!

>> No.56308172

>good weather
I live in Buffalo and we got over 5 feet of snow overnight multiple times last year and this year isn't supposed to be any better. If you're going to make this post then exclude any part of New York west of Albany

>> No.56308181
File: 639 KB, 564x705, 20230521_001110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Appalachian Taliban.

>> No.56308197

Yeah I’m looking to buy a home in one of these states. I’ve given up on Texas. They can suck on my chode if they tell me to go back.

>> No.56308204

The midwest is decent weather during 9 months of the year.
The sun belt removing California is literally hell for 6 months of the year. There are places with a better weather than the midwest like the mid atlantic oe the entire west coast states

>> No.56308207

>Gets blasted with highway noise and exhaust at all times

>> No.56308237

I live in California, we have the best weather of the country. Poor's stay out.

>> No.56308248

30 years from now I will not be in the niggerfried country of the United niggers of America unless 90-100% of all niggers stop existing.

>> No.56308273

where you going? Ireland?

>> No.56308347
File: 2.64 MB, 3505x2400, 404842288ec732df08bbd038c4a393a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56308429

what is this

>> No.56308703

Old cyberpunk map

>> No.56308727


See >>56308703

The Midwest in Cyberpunk is a pretty shitty area to live. It doesn't have any bioplauge, or nuclear accidents, which is good, but it's covered in acid rain which has destroyed most of the aquatic life and has made it impossible to produce agriculture. It's also littered with old, dilapidated cities, with very few new high-tech cities (like Night City in Cyberpunk 2077).

>> No.56309013


>> No.56309086

Missouri > Pennsylvania > Iowa > Kentucky > Indiana > NY > Wisconsin > Minnesota >>> Illinois > Ohio > Michigan

>> No.56309105
File: 340 KB, 1500x1160, IMG_3795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Lakes drainage basin Chad reporting in. Mississippifags cope and seeth

>> No.56309146

The Ozark part of Missouri is based. Very, very few niggers and a low cost of living.

>> No.56309190

It's called desalination dumb fuck

>> No.56309199

>Socialist and progressive dems in control in most of those states, with no sign of that changing any time soon.
>All industry almost gutted to the bone
>Auto industry just about to pull out.
If by going long, you mean no intention of seeing a return on your investment until 200 years, then sure.

>> No.56309298
File: 158 KB, 1024x838, IMG_3796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn’t know about west Michigan

>> No.56309351

spbp. Infrastructure for distilling water if each individual household did it with no benefits from economies of scale is ~$5k or 1/4th of the cost of a car. This is a non-issue in first world countries.

>> No.56309490
File: 1.23 MB, 1800x1115, temperature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good weather


>> No.56309495

shut the fuck up

you deserve to be thrown to the bottom of higgins lake with cinderblocks tied to you

>> No.56309515

Vermont and Maine is cheap, lil bro…

>> No.56309517

>good weather
The weather here gives everyone acute cases of depression 5 months every year.
>cheap real estate
Tiny starter homes built in 1930 cost $300k here
The water that comes from lake michigan is riddled with microplastics.

>> No.56309615
File: 675 KB, 1424x1084, french.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but then you have to live around french people

>> No.56309642

There is nothing wrong with French people. Niggers and spics are 10,000,000x more disgusting to look at than some Frenchie.

>> No.56309670

-40 degree winters is far less damaging to your property than living around niggers and spics.

>> No.56309675

>There is nothing wrong with French people
>irish people


>> No.56310080
File: 134 KB, 1200x606, UPF-022017-Fracking-MapPopup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at those rust belt states as potential future places to live at first, until I found out that most of them are where they're still actively fracking. Not good for drinking water.

>> No.56310149
File: 83 KB, 1125x1096, FhGhD_ZUcAIbiSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pennsylvania > anything
>NY even close to being above anything else on that list

>> No.56310152

Why did you circle only part of New York but all of Pennsylvania?

By the way, I don’t agree. Industry is gone from these places and it’s never coming back.

>> No.56310163
File: 392 KB, 498x376, soyjak-shot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was looking at those rust belt states as potential future places to live at first, until I found out that most of them are where they're still actively fracking. Not good for drinking water.

>> No.56310170

Pennsylvania really is the best state and the Fetterman debacle is really just a consequence of the liberal takeover of Philly and its surrounding counties. All real Pennsylvanian are ashamed of him, and Oz for that matter, but somehow GOP rhinos convinced anti-illegal Lou Barletta to run in a Governor race he never stood a chance in rather than Senate so the GOP ticket ended up being either a billionaire hedge fund manager from New Jersey or an incestuous Turkish doctor. Blame the liberal elites in both parties.

>> No.56310190

Honestly, you have a lot more to worry about regarding a gas pipeline blowing up your house than you do a Frac pad poisoning the drinking water.

>> No.56310193

In going long in Utah and Idaho, anyplace with mormons is going to perform very well in the future as everyone else flees there to escape niggerdom

>> No.56310276
File: 2.32 MB, 6240x4160, 2020-deadliest-year-record-drug-763798490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pennsylvania really is the best state

>> No.56310378

That’s one neighborhood in one city in one county in the state. Pointing to Kensington and pretending the whole stage is like that is like pointing to Amish country and pretending the whole state is like that. Ironically, Amish country is a lot bigger.

>> No.56310883

>Literal niggers in his image
You’re not doing a good job trying to convince us here

>> No.56310890

I already live here and will never leave. Yes water is dirt cheap here. In the summer I’ll water my grass for 2 hours at night

>> No.56311007

Philly has so much ugliness and yet so much beauty

>> No.56311033

do you want to live around poor irish people in the south then?

>> No.56311092
File: 30 KB, 640x436, (((midwest))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good weather
You have never been to Indiana, lol. It looks like this 100% of the year and I'm not even kidding.

>> No.56311105

Full of meth addicts.

>> No.56311118

>Socialist and progressive dems in control in most of those states
God, I wish.

>> No.56311144

Every time I drove though it was like this. I believe you, Anon.

>> No.56311183

There is a nuclear reactor on one of the Great Lakes! Only a matter of time before Fukushima. Human beings will ALWAYS find a way to ruin nature

>> No.56311217

>circles highest population area of canada

what did he mean by this?

>> No.56311672


just spent a week there and its full of niggers. probably the least comfiest place in the midwest

>> No.56311679


minnesota and NY are cucked beyond belief

>> No.56311714

is this why they burned that train of chemicals here

>> No.56311733

Shut the fuck up and keep it a secret you absolute donkey fucker.

>> No.56311784

Unironically a better world than the 2020 we got.

>> No.56311857
File: 371 KB, 800x800, 8166959637128248507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell do you mean by 2020 are you talking about covid or biden being elected or some other conspiracy theory

>> No.56314124

>Effort into hand drawing something from a hastily downloaded image

Your passion is poorly served. You have overlooked many things. May you find water.

>> No.56316555
File: 618 KB, 1180x624, ancestry map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I want to live around germans, maybe english

>> No.56316599
File: 25 KB, 549x414, 1696714003197923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I do wish we had implantable cybernetic hardware. Instead we get gay as fuck AI software and a million phone apps.

>> No.56316670

wow looks like maine and vermont is english, lil bro... midwest is a meme

>> No.56316692

omaha is a suburban sprawl shithole full of retarded white people and jeets. The people are gross looking except for their freakishly germanic corn fed physiques so you frequently see 6' white chicks with the face of Victorian peasants also the food sucks

>> No.56316960

minnesota has both