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56299827 No.56299827 [Reply] [Original]

My Toadbros, the time is near.
For the soup is almost just right, and we will eat like kings among men.

>> No.56299851

livo levo

>> No.56299864

lmao good joke, OP

>> No.56302686

It's almost soup time

>> No.56302698

fuck off with your scam pajeet. There’s times listed for a reason
>bumps dead thread to promote his scam

>> No.56302740

No soup for you

>> No.56303691

Forreal this time? I can’t deal with another false start

>> No.56303717

piss off jeet, no one’s buying. go post on 4chan india

>> No.56303728

lmao you guys are fags and your gay little soup memes are fucking cringe. It already pumped and dumped, btw. It’s over

>> No.56303943

I’m a white American man 6’1 215, black belt in Brazilian jujitsu with a concealed carry license. I do private security and I will knock your fucking teeth out when I see you for calling me jeet.

>> No.56304302

2 more weeks

>> No.56304345

i really dig the old meme format

>> No.56304500

Already invested like $7k on this shit.
I'm gonna swap some shitcoins for more toad. I'll throw another $1k at this.
I'll ride my 500bill until ath at least and only then i'm selling my initial.

Is 500bil enough to make it? I hope so

>> No.56304740

I have almost half that sadly

>> No.56304797

These are pajeets. Ipbti pajeet scammers

>> No.56304880
File: 134 KB, 1080x992, Screenshot_20231005_200321_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope and kys , Toadlet nigger

>> No.56304899

I can see you are angry jeet, can’t even use a comma right

Street shitter

>> No.56304972
File: 35 KB, 735x541, ZryJ2oZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. seething Toadlet
i'm French but thanks.
cope and dial8

>> No.56305079

ath is never coming back and you will never make it with any amount of toad lol

>> No.56305109

You literally hold nothing but pump and dump meme tokens. Why do you buy this garbage?

>> No.56305123

they’re street shitting shills. they think if they advertise here and spam the board daily, people will buy their scam

>> No.56305692 [DELETED] 

Hope you are right. I'm not holding this shit through the bull market.

>> No.56305821

wish i could have at least 300b
but i remember when 10bil pepe was like $1200 while it cost $100 atm
wagmi fren we will be there

>> No.56305833

*8bil toad =$100 atm