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56303688 No.56303688 [Reply] [Original]

why is that fag so obsessed with quant? rent free

>> No.56304212

anyone listening? that qnt tard is beyond retarded

>> No.56304233

the link tard is a femme faggot as well. a loss for everyone

>> No.56304238

based Fishy relentlessly pissing all over LINK ""competititon""" 24/7

>> No.56305345
File: 385 KB, 128x128, 1680363934962374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone listening?
imagine spending even a second listening to someone who likes QNT.
Those people think a centralized token creation platform with a centralized bridge is comparable to a robust oracle network with a decentralized messaging layer. ffs

>> No.56305371

Well banks are using it

>> No.56305397

I wish he would focus on XRP fags more than QNTards.

>> No.56305451

the guy is retired with way too much time and money
i think qnt has triggered link holders like him due to the high returns and pretty desperate shilling from their team like this:
disabled replies as he wasn't talking or anything or bought a ticket and attended kek
the title they put there is the title of the overall conference...

>> No.56305482
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I have access to their shit, and only to see what they actually have built. It's just a paid token generator , there is nothing banks can "use".
Even if they had a relationship with all the banks they claim to and were doing interop (like they claim) for them whatever what means because they don't show, only tell. That still means less than 500 clients.
It's token gen and bridge, both extremely useless in a world where safer and more decentralized options exist, sorry to break it to you but this is why they are pivoting to contract auditing instead and why people there are leaving the company.
See this shit, they disabled Twitter replies, something you only see bot scam posts do, the only reason it's worth anything is because of the no existent liquidity and appearance they desperately try to convey to retards.

>> No.56308199

Fishy at least isn't a giant faggot like bubba who just comes here and posts screen shots of our threads on twitter

Fucking faggot

>> No.56308604

i dont know why he cares either
quant is an actual scam compared to link
just like every other crypto
now stop posting about crypto twitter faggots - fuddies and shills belong in the same mass grave
all fields

>> No.56308738
File: 144 KB, 620x730, 1677367531640288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any coin desperately needs calling out, it's fucking Quant.

>> No.56308822

Nah, he's still a faggot. Just a different aggressive and annoying in a different way type.

This has to be the most pointless argument possible. WHO FUCKING CARES?

>> No.56308823

Who the fuck cares about Quant? Seriously, if Link holders are getting triggered by some small time project like Quant then it speaks more about their own insecurities than anything. Plus I've seen this CatFishy in action, he's an attention-seeking little pimpsqueak who only goes after weak targets. Anyone knowledgeable that speaks out against him he blocks and runs away from. Like everyone who tries to be the MC online, he's going to slip up against the wrong person and end up with his whole life exposed.

>> No.56308833

>nobody knows how it's supposed to work exactly just using shitty buzzwords to explain how its supposed to operate and not delving further
>only saving grace is the CEO who is a networking giant

>everybody fully understands how it works
>works in production for years without fail
>team full of uber-competent tech people

>> No.56308838
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Probably shit like pic related.

>> No.56308888


>> No.56308890


>> No.56308903
File: 328 KB, 609x730, 1670343986692813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the fact that quantfags (and cripplets) keep injecting themselves into any Swift conversation, to the point where the average observers lumps them all together.

Pic extremely related.

>> No.56310369
File: 1.82 MB, 1606x965, 67456365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.56310443

No fishy is a cunt. Hes has the same type of bible fag archtype. He aligns himself with the docs so he cant ever be wrong. Not taking into consideration that sergey is a faggot and can do wrong.

>> No.56311058

because twitter turns people into drama queens. pseudo intellectuals manufacturing problems so that they can then tweet about it in exchange for hearts.

>> No.56311071
File: 1.51 MB, 1017x701, nasheed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a freedom fighter - for Cryptographic Truth and Cryptographic Justice.

>> No.56311247

imagine building your entire identity around some gay normie coin like link

>> No.56311734

qnt and link were both .25c at the same time. this low iq idiot bought tens of thousands of dollars worth of link. qnt hit $450 a token. link couldn't break $50 hardly.

you'd be pissed too