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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56284973 No.56284973 [Reply] [Original]

>As of January 2023: 6,338 different people have reached the summit of Mount Everest.
More people have stood on top of Mt Everest than staked 7,000 LINK in v0.1,

>> No.56284984
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enjoyin your art fren

>> No.56284991

>In v0.1, a total of 7,846 Community Staker addresses staked LINK
only like 2500 staked 6500-7000 link

>> No.56285097


>> No.56285109

thanks man i didnt think anyone had noticed
and 6,338 is bigger than 2500

>> No.56285119

i just hope we get some special benefits for it like access to staking with top tier nodes

>> No.56285133

>only like 2500 staked 6500-7000 link
that's 2500 wallets, not 2500 people

reminder that a fair share of anons have multiple wallets staked, so the actual total number is even less

>> No.56285199

that's what we already have, fren
we have first class seats for life on the best nodes in the whole network
plus BUILD rewards

>> No.56285258
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So how many people have more than 7k link? I wana know what place i'm in, should we not count non stakers? Coinmarketcap is only ETH wallets, but I figure it evens out becaues theres tons of whales owners with multiple wallets.

>> No.56285566

Not trying to hijack the thread but also dont think this is worthy of its own. What, realistically, do we think is the lowest amount staked that one can retire off of within, say, the next 30 years? 10? 100? 1k? 10k?

>> No.56285575

This and checked

>> No.56285609

10k link is top 3300 last i checked

>> No.56285640

100 staked at 5% gets you 400,000 at the true link value of 81,000

>> No.56285658

where can I find more they look pretty

>> No.56285662

generally, if nobody cares, it's not a good investment

>> No.56285739

Yeah but apy will be so low at that price tag we may take 10 years of staking to get a single link. Idk just guessing a worst case to prepare myself for disappointment. I wonder if there is any napkin math anyone cam break down to model diff apy/token price scenarios.

>> No.56285766

There is no "napkin math" for a new base layer protocol that serves as the monetised connective tissue between every global exchange of value.
Even if you tried to plug it in using today's GDP numbers you would be missing all of the novel use cases that we can't even conceive of yet.
Imagine trying to value "the internet in 2020" before streaming video or social media were even an idea in people's heads.

>> No.56285820
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>> No.56285829

I have 26k LINK and feel like killing myself everyday. Not cause of the LINK just because i find life unbearable.

>> No.56285831
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>> No.56285970

>i find life unbearable.
life is great
society is shit
gotta find a balance

>> No.56286201

What software do you use to make and compile your art?
It's comfy

>> No.56286228

it's been 7 years and even the speakers visibly don't want to be at their own conference

>> No.56286239

OP here on phone. I made those using Piskel which is a free browser app, but then it started struggling with larger animations so I got Aseprite which is a proper pixel art app you can get on steam.sdydmh

>> No.56286283

Well, not like I care anymore, I sold my last LINK token like 8 months ago before getting into hard drugs and KAVA

>> No.56286302

Based, should've sold earlier

>> No.56286309

Uh, anon? This is the ride, there's no more special benefits kek

>> No.56286316
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Get your ass here now

>> No.56286319

>The absolute state of fuddie

>> No.56286578
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Become Traditional Catholic. It gives value to your suffering.

>> No.56286838
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>> No.56287204

Just watched the keynote by Kemal, this is insane. Watch this talk, it's the highlight of smartcon.

>> No.56287230

Yeah it's immense. Can also recommend: Lorenz, Dahlia, Johann, in that order.
An amazing few days. World changing, and only really understood by how many people? 10,000?

>> No.56287266


Please don’t bully me.

>> No.56287376
File: 1.97 MB, 540x304, 1596906619026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These gifs came out of nowhere and they've taken /biz/ by storm. I simply must have them all.

>> No.56289025

>mfw eric schmidt uses the first 15 mins of his chat with sergey to shill everest

>> No.56289767

>thanks man i didnt think anyone had noticed

We don't have many memes made nowadays due to the overall discouragement and deflated community due to poor price action. Thank you anon for keeping up the morale.

>> No.56290811
File: 95 KB, 736x387, BC7DC1DB-AFEA-4226-91E9-CC3DCB6F52CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude looks pretty kino in the blue light
Homie if you're here go for something more ovet the top on the glasses, Oakley just made a fresh drop on the Kato