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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56283498 No.56283498 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ has become a sad bitter board.
I just realized I keep coming due to how fun and creative it was during the 2017-2019 era.
Now it's just constant butthurt and revenge fantasies. Where does it go from here?

>> No.56283529

probably down from here. this board's mood depends entirely on chainlink's price and it looks like it'll be another 10-20 years before that takes off

>> No.56283565
File: 3.24 MB, 2940x2100, Schizo Kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still try to funpost but nu/biz/ instantly gets enraged when they see an alpha male that isn't on the newest superhero TV show or their favorite nigger music video or favorite jewtube podcast
Uh oh I can feel the 6 gorillion jannie reports already. Cya faggots in about 15 minutes

>> No.56283580

Chainlink and zoomers killed the board

>> No.56283587

are you ready for winter?

>> No.56283602

zoomers maybe, linkies no. before 2020 some very smart people posted here.

>> No.56283616
File: 107 KB, 1120x1185, 1694096269258178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know very well what the main problem is... Pic related.

>Thread where the picrel posts got censored:

>Thread discussing the censorship got censored too:

>> No.56283630

What you don't like the desperate shilling and blackpills about the subscription own-nothing future of the economy?

>> No.56283645

I just come back to laugh at GME baggies. Rest of this board is useless now.

>> No.56283688

sure and the 30 SIBOS threads wasnt cancer top signal

>> No.56283704
File: 344 KB, 1080x1553, Schizo Architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please. Rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have innawoods it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it

>> No.56283723
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Irrevocably based.

>> No.56283730
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Maybe the question is, where did all of the smart people go?

>> No.56283855

They went to reddit. Go find them big brain

>> No.56283980
File: 126 KB, 725x743, 1673498940747186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nostalgia fags are the worst. Kys old man

>> No.56284324

I agree; way too many Chainlink threads. Niggas here obsessing over Sergey's mannerisms, etc.

>> No.56284542

There's nothing to be happy about retard

>> No.56285188
File: 463 KB, 498x620, 1669087126249195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ has become a sad bitter board.
It certainly has man you can't really have much genuine discussion anymore it's all trolling/bots/shills/jews/etc
I just want my POND bags to make it so I can finally fuck off from this place and never return. This entire crypto business is just too painful to fuck with I'm tired of this shit already.

>> No.56285203


there's no more alpha being posted anymore unfortunately.

>> No.56285209

>implying you won't be stuck in here forever no matter what your current socio-economic situation is
kek imagine being this much of a naive retard

>> No.56285222

I sure as hell love being constantly demoralized 24/7!

>> No.56285303

>ahhhh reality I'm being demoralized

>> No.56285369
File: 71 KB, 1049x563, Look At Me. I'm The Fats Now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm convinced the chainlink spam is intentionally overdone to kill off the userbase until the bear market ends

>> No.56285398

there used to be enough smart/successful people on here that there was a /quant general/ for anons who were analysts at banks, hedge funds, etc.

>> No.56285737

>OP posting thinly veiled chainlink FUD thread

Fuck off


Fuck off all of you dephi FUD niggers, go back to your discord. Your fud spam is way worse than legit link posts.

>> No.56285956

>legit link posts
kek chainlink advocate stay on twitter pls.

>> No.56286043

We nuke Bulgaria.

>> No.56286577
File: 92 KB, 520x486, KILL YOUR LOCAL JANNIE TRANNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You nigger I live innawoods. Discord would drain my battery in an hour from zoomzoom spamming dilator emoticons

>> No.56286827

>crypto shitcoins continue to comprise 50% of the board, because this is a containment board for this specific purpose
>crypto baggies continue their endless retarded wars, but the entire crypto sector continues to have zero legal real world applications and with improved disclaimers and education from real world financial sectors the general understanding of the public continues to spread that it's just a silly nerd casino that normal people should stay away from
>bbbyq baggie generals eventually die out in a few months, since the shares are actually deleted now
>gme/amc baggies continue to spawn their shitty generals as the twitter jew is unable to save the dying retailer and the movie theater continues to fold, but thankfully they don't leave the thread very often
>boomer rock collectors continue clutching their bars being smug, because they continue to only watch the silver/gold market price and never actually try to calculate how much money they are losing on coin/shop fees
the board continues to host delusional destitute baggies of various denominations, but they are mostly coming from US and even though people throw most of their savings into scams, they're never actually in a danger of going hungry due to generous US benefits for retards