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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 560 KB, 699x863, Screenshot 2023-10-04 181941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56284676 No.56284676 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell can this be allowed??

>> No.56284678

We went over this on /pol/: Jews Jewing Jews.

>> No.56284691


Pick all three!

>> No.56284701
File: 209 KB, 1023x1238, 1695654588773144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based nigger tenant not giving in to the rent Jew

>> No.56284992

fuck jews

>> No.56285126

fuck landkikes

>> No.56285174

didn't knew Sascha could be a male name.

>> No.56285180
File: 217 KB, 337x337, sinister girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's to stop the airbnb owner from physically removing the tenant from the unit on their own, and then if it ever came back to them, just say the tenant left of their own accord and you have no idea what they're talking about?

>> No.56285214

the landlord fucked up his paperwork so its not a legal rental and he isn't allowed to charge rent according to a judge. you can't evict someone from something that was never a rental in the first place.

I would imagine there is some case for trespassing here, but in major cities airbnb has the popularity of people who don't clean up their dog's shit. its a pretty cheap way to score political points across the spectrum fucking over people who rent on airbnb, especially illegally.

>> No.56285251

He should just move in. Free fren. Oh wait it’s also a she?! Free gf.

>> No.56285327

You've created a society where people are overly mobile and homes are investments instead of a commodity. This is the result (in lieu of regular landlord massacres). Most people are responsible, but the fact that you COULD do this if you were desperate enough and didn't care what people thought of you is a necessary release valve. Make housing less insecure and people will stay put where they're supposed to and improve it.

>> No.56285499

This is why republicans will ultimately win. Internal migration will result be a more powerful force than international migration.

>> No.56285516

Whats to stop the landlord from just killing them and tossing the body over a cliff like the one right in front of the op picture.

>> No.56285521

>Rent to nigger
>Get what you deserve
Lol at least they're not racist right?

>> No.56285581
File: 27 KB, 646x100, Screenshot 2023-10-04 200958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's crazy to me is he made decent money already and he rented out a portion of his own house, where his wife and kids live for only 20k. He didn't even need the money and he risks his family's safety for a $100 a night tenant.

>> No.56285615

My landlord terminated my month to month lease. I’m tempted to fuck her over in a similar fashion.

>> No.56285641

The person renting was also a dentist, probably a mistress he was doing a favor for. She's fucking him over for cutting the relationship.

>> No.56285667

I had squatters in the house next to me which is an Airbnb or vrbo or something and the cops removed them within a few hours. Californians are a special kind of retard and if they got nuked I would laugh

>> No.56285678

What was the logic for making squatters rights so strong in so many states. Even my red state has a huge problem with how cucked the laws are about forcing someone out of your own house. I know the short answer is jews, but I don't understand why squatters rights were ever considered a thing at all.

>> No.56285688
File: 65 KB, 862x1024, 1662225870458240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not just grab her by the throat and throw her over the balcony by day 3? I'm confused.

>> No.56286526

Maybe these laws are to discourage people from building/buying a massive amount of houses and keep them empty just for the sake of profit

>> No.56286629
File: 171 KB, 1024x1024, 9arfmra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you learn quick owning property and having tenants is pointless unless you have a lot. if you refer to your property as houses and not units, youre probably wasting your time.

>> No.56286671

>Whats to stop the landlord from just killing them and tossing the body over a cliff like the one right in front of the op picture.
the tenant will leave a bad review

>> No.56286705


>> No.56286730
File: 87 KB, 644x770, 1683362521649390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost certainly because of big funds/blackrock/soros bribing local politicians and no other reason. No one likes hobos or squatters, there was a guy in california who tried to scam a 90 year old man out of his house when the old guy went to the hospital for a week and acted like he did nuffin wrong. Shit's nuts.

Keep in mind, amusingly, none of these laws protect adult children from being evicted by boomer parents- and people will even celebrate a parent fucking over their kid (and sometimes grandkids too) but somehow the same response doesn't exist for boomie getting their house stolen by Dr. Sarah Hirschhorn.

>> No.56286881
File: 109 KB, 1024x1024, OIG.NM2rwOfAVPNPBLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Verification not required.

>> No.56286910

a camera on a phone that everbody has

>> No.56286912

>buy real estate
>deal with tenants, land taxes, maintenance, property managers, other bullshit for a measly yield

>buy BTC and keep it offline on a hardware wallet
>it goes up forever with zero effort required

Land leeches must be the dumbest investors around

>> No.56286924

As long as you don't let them stay for more than 30 days, or ever receive mail at the address they legally are not tenants and don't have tenant rights.

>> No.56286945

>housing less insecure
there are parts of the country where you can buy a sing family home for $50,000 right now. It's not California, but why do you (or anyone really) feel you have a right to live in CA? Can't afford the place, you gotta leave.

>> No.56288050

The state doesn't want the squatters to be a burden on the system, so they make them a burden to whoever is threatening to make them homeless.

>> No.56288055

Imagine renting out property in California. Hell, imagine owning property in California you aren't living in, or letting literally anyone in your house.

The squatting and renter laws are full retarded there.

>> No.56288124

he can just wait till electricity is cut or disable cctv, break into his own house while wearing a ski mask, kidnap tenant, drive him to las vegas or some out of state shithole and leave him there

>> No.56290089

The landlord "rented" a piece of property that was not legally permitted to be rented. The tenant took advantage of this and is squatting because there is no valid lease, and thus no grounds to evict.
Imagine letting a friend or family member stay in your home for months, no lease or contract. You would not be permitted to kick them out. In the eyes of the law, that is what happened in this scenario.
This could have been easily avoided if the landlord obeyed the law and created a proper lease with a legal rental.

>> No.56290127

By not living in a state that values its criminals and homeless more than law abiding taxpaying citizens

>> No.56290826

What a shithole