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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56276297 No.56276297 [Reply] [Original]

A 50 year trend has officially reversed.

What are the implications?

1. The stock market is going absolutely fucking nowhere but down or sideways.

2. Austerity. Defense spending will plummet, your little “entitlements” are gone, medicine is dead.

3. “Tech” is done for. Gone. Donezo. The current hiring market isn’t a “gully”, it’s the beginning of the end. Salaries will plummet, all the malinvestment into this sector for the past 30 years will be slowly unwound. It’s not coming back. Your “TC” is heading towards zero.

4. Engineering is about to moon like it’s never mooned before.

5. The cryptocurrency market is heading back to its 2015 size. It will be small and for enthusiasts.

6. Warren Buffett style value investing will dominate the next 50 year cycle.

Screen cap and look back at this in 2060 as this cycle wraps up. The world as you know it is over and those of us that were truly in touch with the world today saw what was happening, don’t say nobody could predict what was happening.

>> No.56276308

>Turns money printer on
>Completely demoralizes OP

>> No.56276310


>> No.56276329

Your fatal flaw in judgement is assuming a US dollar has anywhere near as much value as it did 50 years ago. Your predictions are all correct except for crypto. Markers worldwide will find ways to interconnect their shitty currencies and crypto will be the intermediary.

>> No.56276333

Cash is king

>> No.56276381

i mean if i can't find a job to pay my bills i will just have to start robbing people. so unless the government wants to see wild west style crime again they better get those stimmy checks going brrr.

>> No.56276390

Or we could just put you down like the dog you are.

>> No.56276396

But i literally left engineering a year ago because it didn't fucking go anywhere in ten fucking years. I'm not going back it was all too humiliating. I'm a shitposter now.

>> No.56276400

>“Tech” is done for. Gone.
>Engineering is about to moon

>> No.56276411

We already have that in the US

>> No.56276421

It's a peak. It'll drop back down to where it was.

What's so hard for you to understand? TOP BUYERS

>> No.56276441

Ask me how I know you're a salty mechanical engineer mad that CS graduates make 3x as much as you

>> No.56276458

The techcels are literally throwing a tantrum because they know the party is over

>> No.56276481

honestly you're already seeing a crazy amount of credit card defaults. it's a matter of month at this point until the fed will find itself injecting liquidity again.

>> No.56276482

I'm ok with it but can we please end ethots and social media influencers too while we're at it

>> No.56276520
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>emergency Fed meeting
>"we are buying long duration treasuries to stabilize the market"
>30 year yield drops 300bps in a few days
>crisis over
Simple as

>> No.56276556

>Inflation back up to 9%

>> No.56276557

You're so stupid you can't even think of a way of making money illegally that isen't retarded.

>> No.56276570

You missed the part where the gov actively encourages theft, looting, and shoplifting.

>> No.56276579

>Inflation back up to 9%
Inflation is bullish for risk assets when the Fed is dovish. If faced with inflation or the end of the world the Fed will just choose inflation and restart the tightening cycle with a higher FFR target

>> No.56276585


>> No.56276608
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Which is what they did in ww2 to solve this shit, yield curve control + rationing, since rationing won't happen you will see YCC + protectionism.

The BTC ETF is so institutions can hedge this shit it's argentina 2012.

>> No.56276654


> inflation
> population increases but somehow money supply should not.

This is how dumb the common nig nog is on this board.

> but but people are not breeding

/pol/ is nothing but a glow nigger dump. Millennials popped out at least 3 to 6 kids on average.

>> No.56276780

I believe Brazil, my country, will REALLY shine.

Commodities will explode. We will also be one of the least affected regional powers by the coming USA-China war.

>> No.56276855

dead cat bounce

>> No.56276901
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>> No.56276928
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Based and Econ pilled

>> No.56276960


Some of the points I agree. But some of them I don't agree.

>> No.56276964


Your missing one point. What about the housing market?

>> No.56276969
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>Screen cap and look back at this in 2060

>> No.56276971

maybe let us in on your why, anon

>> No.56276979

Dollar is heading towards 120 and will end up incredibly strong. The rest of the world can’t service their debt. Eurozone bankers/glowniggers will ultimately force Powell to turn that money printer back on and lower rates

>> No.56276982

You won't do shit.

>> No.56276995

I disagree but understand where he’s coming from. 4 though I don’t get at all. What do rates have to do with Engineering mooning like it’s never mooned before. I need someone smart to explain that one.

>> No.56277007

I seem to remember hearing recession leads to investment in infrastructure, which requires engineering. OP's Reddit spacing and 1pbtid says it all though

>> No.56277012

Everything's fine. The world is pivoting into an era dominated by stagnation, but stagnation is not a collapse. Boomer retirements, low birth rates, etc. all of it will strain the economy, but I expect we just wont experience growth for a while, not that everything will collapse.

>> No.56277031

>DUDE treasury stocks are just like real stocks you can do TA on!!!

>> No.56277039

Haha, good call.

>> No.56277050


>> No.56277095

None of that will happen and you'll continue to seethe about it for another decade.

>> No.56277102


>> No.56277105

Only if you're black. You're not black are you?

>> No.56277209

>Screen cap and look back at this in 2060

Yeah anon I'm going to hold on to your precious words for the next 37 years

>> No.56277247

If the United States has a 5% interest rate and assuming they could reduce the deficit to ZERO while also having tax revenue be unchange (let's pretend), the interest on the national debt would be over 1.5 trillion or more. That would be 37.5% of revenue. If they never paid down the debt, they would do this in perpetuity.
The entire US economy is based on the United States Federal Government printing money, using it to buy goods and services from people all around the world, who then give those goods to Americans that have built an 'economy' based on receiving free stuff which they then sell to one another, or use domestically to produce things that frankly nobody can be quite sure a free market would actually need, like bridges to nowhere in Japan, or the 150 million surplus appartments of China.

Keynes absolutely FUCKED the world up with his interventionist bullshit. The United States is not about to choose a massive deflationary collapse when they can 'just print money' and 'pay their obligations' and kick the can down the road....They will buy themselves a year this time? Okay fuck it, they'll take the 12 months... next time after only 3 months? Okay fuck it, they'll take the 3 months.
If the Federal Reserve actually tried to do the right thing and hold 5.33% for "longer" while the economy unravels, Powell would be fired and somebody else installed to monetize the debts and deficits.
We live in reality.

>> No.56277267

*and one crypto in particular which was built for cross-border payments as a neutral bridge currency will be the intermediary, specifically adopted by the International Monetary Fund as a digital version of the Special Drawing Right (SDR)

>> No.56277279

i assume he was referring to rebuilding domestic manufacturing in the US which will require engineers so their jobs will be in demand? idk

>> No.56277284



>> No.56277289

>t. guy who does not understand current vs capital account definitions
Trade imbalances are always founded in multiple pairs, one overproducing leads others to overconsume. China and Germany have been overproducing for decades due to their own internal politics. As such, that capital flow heads to the largest source of liquidity on its own, i.e the US.

>> No.56277291

you're pretty optimistic there friend. just because nothing ever happens doesn't mean that something can't happen, and if something Happens then things could change real quick.

personally i'm watching the Bank of Japan to see if they start talking spicy about strengthening the yen ie dumping some of their US treasuries. it just broke 150 yen to the dollar today which some people predicted as the point they'd start to get more hawkish on monetary policy

>> No.56277301
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yes, but XRP isn't for retail it's for banks, to move trillions or even quadrillions once derivatives come online.

there is one other currency (hint: they own moneygram and their logo is in picrel) that will be used for retail payments. personally i own both

>> No.56277358

The US has a 90 billion/month deficit AND the United States Federal Govt adds hundreds of billions per month in National Debt...
Not sure about how somebody 'over'producing means that this somehow entitles the USA to consume that stuff for free, the USA is paying for it with US dollars. Those dollars are credit, borrowed into existence by the federal reserve. They need to be paid back at some point, which as i'm sure you're aware will never happen. The USA will print the US dollar to pay debts and obligations. They are the largest CONSUMER. They are not a source of liquidity if people begin to wonder about the level of control over the creation of dollars they have. They are going to need to create dollars more quickly then ever and it will accelerate, and that level of inflation is dangerous to economies around the world that don't want to end up fucked for no reason.
The United States was an experiment and it worked, sadly it ended up in way being a victim of its own success. In the pursuit of perfection the people went insane, the socialist govt interfered in absolutely everything and the world industrialized and used the innovations of the American free market to catapult themselves into the future, but the fundamentals of debt dont change, you either pay it or you don't, and in the case of a sovereign like the USA, you print your way out.
Nobody needs the paper dollars, they need goods and services and stability, something the USA may not be able to do anymore, like policing the world with a massive armada, because it's super expensive and the world can't finance it anymore.

>> No.56277362


XLM :)

>> No.56277486

how can 6 be true in a generational bear market? do you even know what value investing is or how buffett got gigarich

>> No.56277492

>start ww3
>ration everything
like its so obvious

>> No.56277501
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>since rationing wont happen like ww2
well you know, have you tried adding 1

>> No.56277511

No, OP is a retard saying stupid shit

>> No.56277517

Nations happily buying US 30 yr treasuries are now realizing this can’t go on for 30 more years and are demanding more interest.
It’s just markets correcting to events, I don’t see the problem.

>> No.56277552

This is because most overproduction outputs take the form of excess capital. Especially in China's case, who prints more every year than we do in a decade.

>> No.56277558

You don't see the problem with whole nations knowing that this can't go on for another 30 years?

>> No.56277569

Wasn’t there another country in Europe who experienced a massive rise in inflation at a time when funny mustaches were in style?

>> No.56277614

>Zimbabwe didnt have a Zimbabwean Hitler because they reintroduced the gold standard
Simple as.

>> No.56277655

>but I expect we just wont experience growth for a while

Literally everything on the whole globe is based around the infinite growth paradigm bro LOL

>> No.56277660
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when the US govt turned on the money printer to bail out the silicon valley banks it was a sign that they were not realy trying to fight inflation

thats why stocks rallied so hard, AI was a meme. narrative follows price.

they will turn on the printer and 2025 bullrun will make 2021 bullrun seem like the first sell off stage of the cycle

>> No.56277689

All they can ask for is more interest rates, they have absolutely zero other alternatives.

>> No.56277710
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Damm son!! Even inflation proofed bonds are paying good money, for long term security, this seems like a buying whoppertunity (juicy beef) the only way to lose if if the U.S. government goes bankrupt?

>> No.56277712

Untrue, tech in fact still has massive leverage. In fact the techies are throwing tantrums for keeping the wfh thing going and since the companies want to retain skilled labor they’re caving.
It’s the institutions that own CMBs bonds on commercial real estates that are asking for govt bailouts and throwing tantrums.

>> No.56277719


retarded premined vc-scam shitcoin baggie

>> No.56277722

No hoom
No stonks

This is my problem how?

>> No.56277738

>0.244% per year
>inflation proofed

Yeah lock your wealth up with the US government for a decade to get a quarter percent annual.

>> No.56277745
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>> No.56277823

>while inflation is high

>> No.56277833

Lol why wouldn’t the globalist’s coin NOT be premined? You think you’re getting a ticket on that train?

>> No.56277834
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>> No.56277854
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>> No.56277936

Here's a TIP for you buddy:
Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS, are securities whose principal is tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The principal increases with inflation and decreases with deflation. When the security matures, the U.S. Treasury pays the original or adjusted principal, whichever is greater. TIPS pay interest every six months.

>> No.56277989

>Using good goy CPI index
>When the security matures

Lol, lmao even

>> No.56278023

yes you sperg

>> No.56278101

The claim that "Engineering is about to moon like it's never mooned before" in the context of rising Treasury yields has some merit but is not universally applicable. Here's the reasoning:

1. **Infrastructure Focus**: If a rise in Treasury yields is a response to inflationary pressures, governments might turn to infrastructure projects as a means of economic stabilization, which would benefit the engineering sector.

2. **Capital Intensity**: Engineering projects often require substantial upfront capital. In an environment where high Treasury yields make speculative investments less attractive, long-term, capital-intensive projects could gain favor.

3. **Risk Mitigation**: Engineering projects, particularly in established industries like civil or mechanical engineering, might be perceived as lower-risk compared to volatile tech stocks, making them more attractive in a high-interest-rate environment.

4. **Supply Chain**: Higher interest rates could force companies to focus on efficiencies, such as automation and optimized production lines, which would necessitate engineering skills.

However, there are counterarguments:

1. **Cost of Financing**: Engineering projects are often debt-financed. Higher interest rates could make these projects more expensive to initiate.

2. **Economic Slowdown**: If rising Treasury yields result in an economic slowdown, this could reduce demand for new projects, adversely affecting the engineering sector.

3. **Global Competition**: Engineering services are increasingly outsourced. Higher domestic interest rates might not significantly benefit domestic engineering if global rates remain lower.

4. **Sector Diversity**: Engineering spans multiple industries, from aerospace to biomedical, each with unique sensitivities to interest rate changes.

>> No.56278418 [DELETED] 
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NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 174 times.

>> No.56278562 [DELETED] 
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NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 174 times.

>> No.56278700 [DELETED] 
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The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 182 times.

>> No.56278872 [DELETED] 
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This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 230 times.

>> No.56278931

>Engineering is about to moon like it’s never mooned before.
>“Tech” is done for. Gone. Donezo.

Tech/Software is what literally drives the STEM fields you dumb gorilla nigger. No engineer is making calculation by hand no more, they all use CAD and simulation software to get their shit done.

>> No.56279013 [DELETED] 
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This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 264 times.

>> No.56279207

>population increases but somehow money supply should not.

The money supply has increased exponentially since 2008 you silly bitch.

>> No.56279595

that would be racist

>> No.56280194
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>my career is a good career path, it WILL come back

>> No.56280220

>he thinks they won't send rates straight back to 0 at the first sign of real recession


>> No.56280252


Your entire world is virtualized. Everything. Tech is in every nook, cranny, pussy, and asshole on planet Earth. It isn't going anywhere. The effort it takes to maintain this mountain of bullshit code is unreal, and it's running all of the critical processes on our planet. You're so out of your depth you don't even realize it, as you type from computer to communicate over the internet.

>> No.56282663

t. MMT retard.

>> No.56282777
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Not reading ai shit

>> No.56283275

so this is why warren buffet is hoarding cash, he knows what coming, hes going to buy a bunch of companies for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.56284986

>he knows what coming
He doesn't. Death.

But cash right now is the correct option.

>> No.56285031
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>reddit spacing
retard, that spacing is universal it isn't related to reddit.

>> No.56285700

strong contender for lowest iq take on this entire board

>> No.56285711

actually retarded lmao

>> No.56285749

What happens when the US debt hits 50 trillion by 2030? The interest alone on it pretty much destroys the government. Is there even an option besides a global war at that point?

>> No.56285895
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To counter your counter points

>**Cost of Financing**:
Biden literally just approved billions of free government money to any projects directly to infrastructre.

>**Economic Slowdown**:
A slow down hurts the middle class and the poors now. Mega wealthy & corporations are immune. They can cry to the gov and they'll turn the printer back on.

>**Global Competition**:
Companies are now starting to onshore thanks to the flu, and the sanctions against china / russia with the whole war thing. Also boston dynamics is about to BTFO all engie's once they hook an AI program to the thing.

>**Sector Diversity**:
Maybe for the small guys, but for the big guys the game is rigged to their favor.

>> No.56285914
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>4. Engineering is about to moon like it’s never mooned before.
>Regards, $60k income mechanical engineer

>> No.56286215

>China and Germany have been overproducing for decades due to their own internal politics. As such, that capital flow heads to the largest source of liquidity on its own, i.e the US.
Nice way of saying, they are productive, while you are not

>> No.56286286

Value investing is what investing is SUPPOSED to be, you're not supposed to be investing because the price is going up, that's a fucking ponzi scheme.

>> No.56286399

new york cant handle the rainfall because of climate change..

couldt be because the last time we spent billions in infra the contractors just took the money and didnt fix any issues.
like, how would you fix new york, it's basically impossible without boondogles.

>> No.56286571

Add multiple hundreds of thousands to that no tax
>t.Cayman Islands knower

>> No.56286720

Only an actual glownigger could post something this stupid

>> No.56287639

Anon at this pace it will hit it next year

>> No.56287853


Yes correct. Chainlink is doing this.

>> No.56287874

They pulled an accounting trick to be "productive", effectively rugpulling households to make firms productive by letting them mainline easy credit. They're not profitable, for the most part, just productive.

>> No.56289933
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> trusting the gooberment
U wot m8?

>> No.56291767

>own gold
>be an engineer

Thanks OP.

>> No.56291974

sorry, you're a complete fucking retard if you went into medicine/science
fuck scientists, they're some of the least critical-thinking retards I've ever met
and I AM a scientist with an MS in MolBio
I spent 6 years being an underling for a psychotic PI until it finally paid off, and only through a FUCKTON of strategic networking and posturing, doing shit I wasn't supposed to be doing to make industry friends
unless you have an MD (which comes with its own problems), from the day you graduate with a BS in biology, you should have a 1, 2, 5, and 10 year plan to go corpo as soon as possible and devote all of your time to doing that
medicine is only for cutthroats and sociopaths. You WILL sell your soul. You WILL do things you morally disagree with. That, or you'll starve. All of these people who make it to 30+ with stars in their eyes about making money off of "science" are the business equivalent of crackheads.

if you want to make money in science:
>spend every off-hour you have reading and learning
>get good enough at golf that you can match anyone's game
>practice networking while shitfaced at bars
>learn how to hold a conversation with someone so well that they invite you to their house at the end of the conversation
>get an adderall prescription or find research chemicals
>learn to bullshit test ideas, shift blame, and watch your back in a corporate setting
>learn to tell people that you fucked up in such a way that they walk away from it thinking you're MORE dependable
>get a PMP or other non-underling cert
that's it. in the modern world, corpo is the only way to not starve as a scientist. anyone can use a micropipette to dump some shit in an eppendorf tube. Useful people can take command of meetings they weren't even invited to.

>> No.56292121

1. it's going nowhere but down
2. they'll never cut social programs. NEVER. panis et circenses is the name of the game if you want to keep ruling over dumb masses, specially during financial/social crisis
3. "tech" has always been the name they gave to state-sponsored companies who create surveillance apparatus used and controlled by bureaucrats to keep the populace in check. most will go down but the big ones (CIA/DARPA/DHS funded/controlled) will be bailed out
4. doubt there will be any money left for infra projects
5. zoomers are more open to using crypto, I believe it'll go up in adoption
6. meh

>> No.56292133

I'm so tired of waiting for nothing to happen.
Why won't this joke economy just implode already.

>> No.56292137
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>big dick scientist

>> No.56294486
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>> No.56294567
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Literally this.
Im fine with most people struggling, or even myself having it hard.
But shat i hate is seeing media influencers and corrupt bastards succeeding.
When i see some dumb fat fuck in a brand new porche it triggers me.
Of course he has some meme no name business which on paper only pays him and his 2 employees minimum wage.
But heyooo whats this? Hes driving a brand new porche and somehow the busimess has 10 brand new maseratis as assets under it!
WOOOO i loooove it! Fucks, i would take the time out of my day and a pay cut just to see them brought to justice
Pic unrelated, it just motivates me for some reason

>> No.56294569

How much time do I have to liquidate my positions?!?!

>> No.56294767

You can't manufacture in the US because employees have too many rights. It's nearly impossible to create jobs in the USA

>> No.56294803

>Why does no one want to work anymore though?

>> No.56295243
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I'm not afraid of money, it isn't real.

>> No.56295325

>posting this at the dawn of ChatGPT making every paper pusher white collar job redundant
This is on par with that Jewish retard that compared the internet to the fax machine.

>> No.56295368

i won't disagree, but we're really not there yet. chatgpt is amazing - don't get me wrong. but i believe AI is still a few years out from that full blown white collar replacement. there are hurdles. e.g., in my field, there's no way the gov't is gonna let full AI [XXX] take the place of human written / reviewed materials. they are way too slow - we've got a few years at least .HR karen's will get the boot first

>> No.56295458

*USA-China-Russia-India-Israel Cold War

The Pajeets will have their day in the sun Anon.

>> No.56295552
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I also don't really care what happens as long as hoomers get heemed.

>> No.56295664

zoom out

>> No.56296339

You mean 4 weeks.

>> No.56297176

can someone remind me what YCC and rationing each look like?

>> No.56297224

Well if its that bad I wont really need to top tick the motherfucker will I? The most profitable days of trading are where market direction is irrefutably established.

>> No.56298877

on the other hand, the 90s were pretty comfy

>> No.56300055

>The year is 2060
>Wake up in your pod after a terrible nightmare about posting on 2023 /biz/
>7 minutes until your wagie alarm goes off, you're 97 years old with just 3 more years of waging left until you can retire
>You long for simpler times, you log into you MyCloud™ account with a direct retina scan which hurts your cataracts-ridden eyeballs and scroll as far back as you can until your boney fingers begin to ache
>6th of October 2023, you catch a glimpse of one of the many faggot OPs you screencapped
>H-Heh... I sure... I sure showed him
>Little do you know, by accessing user-generated content depicting a conversation from an anonymous basketweaving forum via the heavily surveilled MyCloud™ service, you have tripped several national security alerts and peacekeeping agents are enroute to the source of the dissident thoughts
>2 minutes until your wagie alarm goes off, the lid to your pod is torn asunder by glowies
>You panic, unable to see clearly and confused by the situation
>Your frail 97 year old body is v&
>No trial
>You die in prison, aged 99

>> No.56300108

Why are Australian women such tarts

>> No.56301983

Am I supposed to buy Treasury Bills then or hold money to buy stock when everything collapses?

>> No.56303078

It's hyperinflation into CBDC. Why is this concept so difficult to grasp for midwits like OP

>> No.56303094

jesus why does everyone talk like such a snarky faggot like that these days

>> No.56303207

that is what the jewish banks are trying to lure you into, yes. Ask yourself if they would ever pull a b8 and switch on the goyim like that...

>> No.56303237

I just hope vídeo games become good again

>> No.56303274

Dollar isnt worth nothing nowadays everything is cripto
If dollar collapse You have to use somethimg digital. Think in the long run
Think about the mark of the beast
Think about the chip

Digital currency is the future QR is the future in method of payment

>> No.56303439

>Screen cap and look back at this in 2060

>> No.56303476

>since rationing won't happen you will see YCC + protectionism.
protectionism, for the USA? that's WW3 in and of itself as you immediately eliminate any reason for China to continue being friendly

>> No.56303520

>Warren Buffett style value investing will dominate the next 50 year cycle
It's hilarious how people looked at this like it's old, antiquated, and out of touch style of investing. But in the context of a slower paced market, it makes total sense. Only in a hyper bull market can you throw money at a car or phone company and make 1000x returns. Before then, you'd have to do your home work, read up on the company, do shit like investigate their BOD's and actually make an educated guess. My grandmother made really good money investing and this is literally how she used to do otm. She'd spend hours, days, weeks researching before she picked a stock.

>> No.56303650


It’s easy to pull you doomed shills into the light.

All you have to do is zoom out.


>> No.56304459
File: 237 KB, 720x1218, Screenshot_20231005_123226_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're retarded

>> No.56304480
File: 146 KB, 600x974, 1592560724401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opinion disregarded

>> No.56304511

MSFT alone is going to see profit rise 10% for the next several years

>> No.56304525

Like 7% annually if you aren’t retarded and understand that MZM is what matters but your point stands

>> No.56304544

Thats the biggest horsehit I ever heard. Go suck a donkey cock

>> No.56304644
File: 131 KB, 593x820, 1659467001822311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumbest gorilla nigger on the interwebs today.

>> No.56304872

To counter...
Some of the points I did not agree with, but some of the others I did agree with.

And yes, you can end sentences in prepositions now because the people in charge said so.

>> No.56304911

>strengthening the yen
toppest of all keks

>> No.56305174

This. It's not just pure tech bros either, like programmers and swe. I'm a project manager and I've seen a salary triple in 3 years because we just keep expanding and people with even a moderate knowledge of tech mixed with soft skills are extremely valuable. Obviously not as much as the pure techies building apps, but I'd never have made these kinds of jump in pay working for an company that sold widgets.

>> No.56305224

Alot of it is usesless stuff that noone needs realistically
I mean do we really need TikToK?

>> No.56305285

Banks apps are pretty good
Tiktok is a time waster but it's good at its job
Like 4chan
Do we need porn do we need anime
Basically everything 4chan represents is no needed as the people posting on itr fact

>> No.56305684

>Millennials popped out at least 3 to 6 kids on average.
Did you mean between 3^-1 and 6^-1?