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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 576x264, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56273197 No.56273197 [Reply] [Original]

wtf i thought satoshi was dead!

>> No.56273397

Craig wright is a scammer

>> No.56273415

I'm just tired of this noisy little dude and his attention-seeking behavior.

>> No.56273424
File: 39 KB, 680x671, ce65bd0732752381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random BSV shill account using the name of satoshi to push his turdcoin

Gee I cracked the code, better go market buy with my entire net worth now.

>> No.56273450

Sign the genesis block or fuck off

>> No.56273959

Don't read the message, kill the messenger.

/Biz at it's finest.

>> No.56273974

the message is vague

>> No.56274156

No. 2024 is year of the TOAD.

>> No.56274260

That's Calvin Ayre's account. CSW doesn't write like that.

>> No.56274271

The account was created in 2018, I smell bullshit larp.

>> No.56274298

It's cringe bullshit.

>> No.56274359


literally jew mentality lmao

>> No.56274405
File: 83 KB, 1467x645, Dv_YFXSWkAE9Y9w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped listening to this clown after his whole mascot debacle.

>> No.56274806

holy shit is this real

>> No.56274854

If this is real, Satoshi is truly a drama queen and cringe and btc will drop to 0 by tomorrow once this spreads

>> No.56275301

Fat cunt should be lubing himself up for COPA

>> No.56275313

it's been SEVEN YEARS since everyone already knew this guy was just another scammer
and there are people still out there debating any aspect of him and his two resulting failed altcoins?

>> No.56275409

>1000 hours in paint
There's no way that Craig could've crafted this and read 17 books in one day while getting 2 phds in doctor professor of lesbian cybersecurity dancing

>> No.56276747 [DELETED] 
File: 2.09 MB, 708x2344, 1677781056993727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but he's more than just a scammer, he's also a glownigger.

>> No.56276801

The man has loed about a lot of things. Not hard to slap a logo onto a business card and call it a partnership or to lie on linked in or take a pic in front of a federal building and say youre there for the first day on the job. I imagine the "I made this" list is longer than the list of subjects he hasn't claimed to have involvement with.

>> No.56276838 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 970x130, GICSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Craig lies a lot
Yes, such as these things: https://archive.is/I2wra but he really is a glownigger.

Here's PROOF he indeed has glowie connections and isn't just LARPing about being a glowie:

Regarding GICSR and its connections to the NSA and DHS etc:
Google search excluding the terms "Bitcoin" and "craig", proving GICSR is connected with the DHS: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22GICSR%22+%22nsa%22+-bitcoin+-craig
Search #2, proving GICSR is connected with the NSA: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22GICSR%22+%22homeland+security%22+-bitcoin+-craig
the above search results archived in case they're different in the future: https://archive.is/ZI7jb and https://archive.is/APIQa
Article about GICSR from January 2003 mentioning Craig (!!!): https://archive.is/MnFl9
PDF about GICSR: https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2017/02/14/20160223_global_institute_for_cybersecurity_and_research.pdf
the above PDF archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20221206080118/https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2017/02/14/20160223_global_institute_for_cybersecurity_and_research.pdf
PDF about GICSR: https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2020/07/21/NICE2014_%28Kobza%29_GICSR_Global_Cyber_Range%29.pdf
the above PDF archived: https://web.archive.org/web/20230514072207/https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2020/07/21/NICE2014_%28Kobza%29_GICSR_Global_Cyber_Range%29.pdf
Shows a member of GICSR having connections with the NSA and DoD and DHS: https://archive.is/mUQZG
The GICSR site: https://web.archive.org/web/20110802112835/http://www.gicsr.com/

>> No.56276843

>Parody account

>> No.56276866

Forgot about creg for a while but it seems he's been the bitcoin communities lolcow still. I guess a bunch of shit happened with his company and he got fired last weekend? All I know is Calvin sent him messages even starting to doubt he's satoshi. Probably can't fully believe he's been scammed yet though after how much money he's lost thanks to all the failed lawsuits and multiple failing companies he had to buy.

>> No.56276875

Well he can't, see, because he lost the keys and the wifi pineapple. He does have the whitepaper and it's crumples up and has a coffee ring on it, so rest assured it is the real deal.

>> No.56276968 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 592x224, BSV CBDCs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a glowie
The entire Craig/BSV situation makes perfect sense when you consider that. Everything from his seething hatred against XMR and true anonymity in general, to his support of KYC and other kinds of government regulation and wanting to limit the amount of coins people can send "across borders" (in a video interview years ago he said that any amount equivalent to $200 -- I think it was -- sent to a Bitcoin address belonging to an individual residing in a different country should trigger an AML KYC procedure), to his disdain for the "your keys, your coins" concept, to him saying he wants to destroy crypto, to his support for CBDCs, it all makes sense.

>> No.56277024 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 961x830, nChain and CBDCs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56277098 [DELETED] 
File: 438 KB, 598x1352, cbdc bsv nigeria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56277736

messenger grabbed my wife's ass!

>> No.56277757
File: 201 KB, 717x880, 1684467060991560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go the fuck back niggerfaggot.

>> No.56277760

Is it really so much to ask for a humble long on cron? Is it really so hard to just buy and never sell?

>> No.56277835
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1598637109089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n chain
>next to a picture of a nigger

>> No.56277850
File: 120 KB, 1280x720, 1683128299474580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56277859

>read 2 times
Based and autism pilled

>> No.56277867

bitcoin is obsolete. its not a "crypto" currency, it's just a digital currency. Satoshi abandoned it and created monero. And he is intelligent enough to not create a twitter account and risk exposing himself.

>> No.56277881

what is it you think he's saying then?

at 2030 the transaction fees should equal the block reward. you scared or something homie?
by that time mining will either be distributed and the cost of mining will go down which will maintain or increase hash rates.

if youre worried its going to be a 51% dont. its already happened

>> No.56277940

Fake, it's a dreamstime picture, you can see the watermark

>> No.56277979

youre really leaning on one guy there.. tim tends to crossdress as a tranny on mastadon too.
his creds arent solid.. i cant see anyone endorsing them either.

>> No.56278248 [DELETED] 
File: 764 KB, 1024x1024, 58617998028694577106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jannies have tongued my anus 130 times.

>> No.56278457 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 640x557, 4467859202995396206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 183 times.

>> No.56278591 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1024x1024, 8638190086916216306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


NCM is a AI token that shills itself, sound cool? Do you hate jannies? Are you tired of fickle humans that won't shill their own bags? Get a bag that shills itself.

Jannies have tongued my anus 183 times.

>> No.56278738 [DELETED] 
File: 683 KB, 1024x1024, 26659390246163778025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 192 times.

>> No.56278896 [DELETED] 
File: 752 KB, 1024x1024, 33562942259888640520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 240 times.

>> No.56279040 [DELETED] 
File: 1.10 MB, 1024x1024, 95461907624182702247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 274 times.

>> No.56279529

Is that Creg?

>> No.56280110
File: 107 KB, 1120x1185, biz censorship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.56280687

It might've happened due to the nyan spammer. He was posting in this thread as well, here: >>/biz/thread/56273197#p56278248

I got the "your IP range has been blocked due to abuse" error a few hours ago out of the blue. Was probably due to him. Looks like many anons got banned because of him and got their posts automatically deleted when he was rangebanned. I saw several posts disappear from various threads.

>> No.56280711

its a twitter jannie

>> No.56280907


>> No.56281651

>Moderators: gmaxwell

>> No.56281669
File: 254 KB, 1080x1440, satoshi_stiff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56281716

Satoshi did shit like this multiple times, it seems no one here really knows about him. It's still laughable that people still think Craig could be Satoshi

>> No.56282471

That's fucked up.

>> No.56282720
