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File: 1.88 MB, 1614x1176, Chainlinkystink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56274327 No.56274327 [Reply] [Original]

Ok fine I finally get it. The LINK token will accrue massive value if/when all of this shit they're plugging goes online and big players like banks come in and start using it.

But what is the timeline? Sergey keeps saying regulation is the hurdle for the companies and banks. So to me that seems out the door for any time soon, at LEAST 3-4 years away just given all this mess with the SEC & Gensler on crypto.

So then the only near term hope is they get to capture a large % of the current crypto action and also absorb any new projects and innovation. But they're still in beta everything.

When do you suppose they actually go online and what is the timeline for enough users on these platforms that buy pressure from usage actually pushes the price out of $4B mcap range?

another year? two?

>> No.56274345

Prepare for a deluge of fud with this question

>> No.56274346

Eric Schmidt confirmed at smartcon it will take at least 10-20 years for banks to start using LINK.

>> No.56274363

Asia will have clear crypto regulations before the West and they will frontrun everyone

>> No.56274371

and you think after a set amount of time a switch will occur and link will be priced at $81k instantly?

>> No.56274379

Well, let me tell you something, brother! When it comes to Chainlink cryptocurrency, I've gotta lay it out straight. I've seen a lot of ups and downs in my time, but I'm telling ya, Chainlink reaching its all-time high again? It's about as likely as me losing a wrestling match, and you know that ain't happening, brother!

You see, the crypto world can be a wild ride, but Chainlink, it's been on the ropes, struggling to break free from the headlock of reality. It's like trying to body slam a 500-pound giant, dude! The glory days of Chainlink hitting those astronomical prices are a thing of the past, and it's time to accept that reality, Jack!

Now, I'm not saying you can't make some moves in the crypto game, but if you're waiting for Chainlink to climb back to the summit, you might as well be waiting for a blizzard in the middle of summer. So, brother, keep your eyes on the prize, diversify your portfolio, and don't bet the farm on Chainlink making a miraculous comeback, because it's just not gonna happen, brother!.

>> No.56274398

AI is cringe

>> No.56274413

After years of disingenuous fudding and arguing in bad faith - Why would we just move on to your next; goalposts moved, talking point?

You make 30 threads a day about how needed the token is for 2 years, then maybe we'll talk

>> No.56274436

In the dimly lit, cluttered basements of a small, vocal minority of AI detractors, a world of discontent and resistance unfolds. These individuals, often seen as outliers in the tech-savvy society around them, have chosen to reject the advances of artificial intelligence. Their basements, however, tell a different story.

With cracked concrete walls and a musty, lingering odor, these subterranean dwellings are a stark contrast to the cutting-edge technology they vehemently oppose. Piles of discarded fast-food containers and stacks of printed-out conspiracy theories litter the floor. Flickering fluorescent lights barely provide enough illumination for their makeshift workstations.

Old desktop computers, some dating back to the early 2000s, groan under the weight of their outdated software. Worn-out keyboards clatter as they pound out messages of resistance to an indifferent digital world. Tattered posters of sci-fi movies from the '80s, featuring dystopian futures overrun by machines, adorn the walls.

Despite the squalid conditions, these AI detractors persist in their mission, huddled over their keyboards, typing away with a fervor that knows no bounds. To them, the battle against AI is a righteous one, even if their surroundings reflect a stark contrast to the technological marvels they so ardently reject.

>> No.56274506

I guess this is a possibility, or any non US country maybe could have a big bank come online.

Where is Australia at with crypto regulations? That's where ANZ is, right?

But I suppose most of the world's financial value needs to transact with the US banking & financial system, so how much could they even do without that?

>> No.56274520

first regulations are coming next year

maybe in 5 years we get first widespread adoption but chainlink will be in hundreds of dollars from speculation alone and initial use cases

>> No.56274534

regulation is kind of a meme. it will come as chainlinked financial products become mature enough for regulations to be defined around them, and that will happen when enough industrial interests have designed those products and can specifically account for value generated by their use. thus the rate limiting step for profitability is the initial completion of a small circular economy that wholly depends on chainlink. the first of these will probably be carbon credit and crop insurance markets.
something like amazon is a good example for a timeline given the amount of integration into the economy and legal system at large that was required before it became economically indispensible and cash flow positive. realistically, not memeing or fudding, the end of this decade is probably when chainlink is indispensible in enough verticals to truly start the virtuous cycle sergey keeps mentioning.

>> No.56274541

nothing matters except chainlink
chainlink is the ultimate expression of God's truth

>> No.56274556
File: 38 KB, 748x748, 1695940099040218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh regulations
Only in Muttlandia. Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand are in right now, and US is going to be forced by sole need of implementation anyway.
Not mentioning Gensler will be sent right into gas chamber next year by your future president Trump

>> No.56274566

>zion don
>gassing anything but the rubes who believe in him

>> No.56274767

>we need regulations to speculate on fat russian scams!
not your best work team fud
eric did say that its a race. rwas are more than likely the next catalyst
question is will public blockchains be used as a vehicle for this or will these large financial entities limit their public blockchain exposure and just play with each other in their own permissioned sandboxes and interact through ccip or will they engage wholeheartedly with public blockchains again using ccip

>> No.56274797

Hong kong still needs a year. I was bearish untill this post thanks anon.

>> No.56274799
File: 396 KB, 960x540, 1589056488648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont listen to this brother, brother! Chainlink is on track for big things and the maniacs know, BROTHER!

>> No.56274886

Also to add the us needs rwa tokenization to offload debt onto the dollar ponzi. This is their way out

>> No.56274901

Thats a lie because it would be already now

>> No.56274954

>God wants us to suffer forever
Checks out

>> No.56275040

Did you make this yourself in response to my ai faggotry shitposting? Awesome. (You)

>> No.56275062
File: 201 KB, 720x1449, Screenshot_20231003_192812_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56275068

>”Sergey fantastic product you have here and we are looking forward to using it alongside you as partners. It’s just that my clients and I feel as though you should try to sway doubt amongst your retail investors so we can *wink wink* get a better deal on these tokens”.
If you don’t think these conversations happen behind closed doors among even the highest levels of institutions, I don’t know what to tell you.

>> No.56277220

Sergey said ten years. Not even kidding.
I'm still interested in Kava but I am not holding for ten fucking years, lol. Project might die on it way there. It was a idea not to stake until smartcon I'd kms if I had to stake fhis for even a week. Kinetix staking better.

>> No.56277233
File: 806 KB, 957x846, slug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no ai generated linkie slug waifu

>> No.56278316
File: 226 KB, 997x1024, 1696247081195271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56278376

>The LINK token will accrue massive value if/when all of this shit they're plugging goes online
Why not before?
Probably 0 cryptos so far have gained significant value just from raw usage.

You're probably just extremely new, so I'm not gonna go too hard on you; but you should seriously consider going back to lurking.

>> No.56278438 [DELETED] 

>it would be already now
And guess it isn't.
Seriously, take one wild guess why Link went from 20 cents to $7 today, while Quant went from 20 cents to $88 today, in the same exact timeframe.

What happened dozens of times every time something bullish occurred for Link, that didn't happen those two times something bullish happened for Quant?

>> No.56278456

>it would be already now
And guess why it isn't.
Seriously, take one wild guess why Link went from 20 cents to $7 today, while Quant went from 20 cents to $88 today, in the same exact timeframe.

What happened dozens of times every time something bullish occurred for Link, that didn't happen those two times something bullish happened for Quant?

>> No.56278793 [DELETED] 
File: 674 KB, 1024x1024, 54150347315332088402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 207 times.

>> No.56279274

How is it so easy to tell already that it's writting by AI? I remember being slightly impressed at the beginning, but now after trying it for a bit I have to say it's absolutely useless trash. Even copilot is retarded and doesn't do shit.

>> No.56279711

The regulation is the us is probably most complicated. My prediction is it takes off in Asian first and then followers follow fast.

>> No.56280242


>> No.56280256
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, 2201F767-D014-4FD7-9AE5-D738C9FDC7B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56280431

will it follow btc until then?

>> No.56280967

link doesn't follow btc
btc follows link

>> No.56280988

yes, anyone who is discouraged by "regulations" is obviously an ameriburger

>> No.56281127

Isn't Trump anti-crypto?

>> No.56281221

HH brother

>> No.56282933

Because there is no hype based marketing for link? Because the suppression theory is and always was real? Because link is held to a higher standard? Take your pick.

>> No.56282949

He’s spoken critically before but he released nfts and hates Elizabeth Warren (anti crypto army) so people feel he will likely signal he is pro or at least be lenient.

>> No.56283457

> keeps saying regulation is the hurdle for the companies and banks
Banks are seemingly the people who control the regulators and regulations, as they are working so closely with LINK I doubt that regulations are what's holding them up.

The scope of the project is what's taking time. The mass conversion of financial services, currency transactions, property and goods into tokenised assets is an enormous project.

How long will it take? Who knows.

>> No.56283476

Link will have a massive run after the bitcoin ETF gets approved

>> No.56284177

They do, right now. That arrogant chink with the lisp spelled it out. A big reason why we're heading into an Asian century. West is too worried about what gender is we'll be today, and whether we should give stone age people a privileged role in parliamentary democracy

>> No.56284756


>> No.56284806

No it will probably still be worth nothing

>> No.56285009

Just because, stop asking why.

>> No.56287718
File: 318 KB, 955x963, 1673045246667346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no hype based marketing for link
lol you're insane.

>> No.56287722

im just not selling is all haha