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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 144 KB, 1788x1175, 61B93764-67A5-4B29-8C09-50B9B591EE12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56272940 No.56272940 [Reply] [Original]

AVAX and LINK are constantly fudded on this site because they're the god protocols.
They destroy the shit out of mETH, basedlana and ICPoojetoken

>> No.56272964

stop conjoining LINK and some turkroach nigger coin together, turkroach nigger

>> No.56272966

Crypto is not useful.

>> No.56272977

OP will reply to this post and call this poster a pajeet

>> No.56273050
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seethe more ICPoor fudcucks
No one is buying your scam

>> No.56273053

What's the point in holding avax if you believe in link?

>> No.56273072

Did avax has any, and I mean any, footprint at smartcon?
I feel like solana is the dominant alt L1

>> No.56273102

These avax threads are always the same because its always the same roach making them(exept on weekends)

>> No.56273117

Stop dickriding Link you roach.

>> No.56273146
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>> No.56273174

We are not the same you Anatolian mudslime

>> No.56273179

LOL I will never buy avax I will just buy more link. Cope n seethe

>> No.56273211
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The 3 most powerful cryptocurrencies (LINK, ICP, and AVAX) are all in the single digits. This is clearly a generational bottom, and when the market corrects and sends them all into triple digits we're going to be filthy stinking rich.

>> No.56273287
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lowkey based. As long as you're not a fudding pajeet it's all good

>> No.56273318
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I don't actually hold any of the 3 biggest fattest stinkiest turdcoins (AVAX, ICP, and LINK) lmao, stupid AVAX baggie retard.
Enjoy your next leg down! Bon voyage!

>> No.56273361
File: 1.65 MB, 896x1344, avax chan winter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you hodling, are you too much of a faggie to share it even on an anonymous internet board?

>> No.56273366

Nigger roaches stay in your general and stop spamming threads.,

>> No.56273453
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Roaches trying to attach themselves with link kek

>> No.56273496

Here’s the thing about solana and avax, I’m not saying solana is better tech or more decentralized etc. What I am saying, as someone following both mostly via Twitter, is that solana seems to be a much more active dev and user community. Good tech without those will not succeed. I’d say the belief that avax is some chosen solution is probably only held by bag holders.

>> No.56273511

Just checked- solana has 2x the followers. The only people who think this doesn’t matter are delusional “in it for the tech” types.

>> No.56273640
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Emin and Ari Juels founded IC3 together and Sergey promoted Avalanche back in 2020 even before mainnet.
But sure Poomar.

>> No.56274211
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RIP Poomar

>> No.56274235


>> No.56274894

you can only choose one

>> No.56275431
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Based anon, id like to meet him irl

>> No.56275468

making fun of emotionally attached "males" to their alts that both permanently topped last cycle isn't "fud".

if you were actually right, you'd be wealthy by now.
if you're still trying to make it, then you should realize what that means.

>> No.56275650

ICP's peak doesn't count since American small hat exchanges pumped perpetuals before the token even existed

>> No.56275782

Yes, there was some new feature they launched that is only available for mainnet, polygon and avalanche. Avalanche is definetely the dominant alt L1

>> No.56275839

icp already failed the same way all these old alts failed.
us wealthy people have already moved on to newer alts for the next cycle. no one is looking at stuff that traded in 2020-2021.

>> No.56276218

ICP's peak doesn't count since American small hat exchanges pumped perpetuals before the token even existed. You can have opinions about the other stuff you mentioned, I just wanted to correct you here.

>> No.56276290
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are these "American small hat exchanges" right now in the room with us?

>> No.56276312


>> No.56276340

but it doesn't matter why icp failed, only that it did.
the only day old alts start mattering is the day new alts stop being created.

>> No.56276373


>> No.56276450

no users, no interest, no activity, no retail, no institutions. bagholders waiting for something to happen that never will, and the rest of the community has permanently forgotten about it.

it happens to every alt at the end of its cycle.

>> No.56276605

SUPRA will do better than LINK, I am sure of it.

>> No.56276660

Lots of stuff is happening
I'm chatting with clients on oc.app right now. It is the only real useful new thing I've gotten out of a blockchain after Bitcoin and Monero. Being able to serve apps and with non-existent gas fees is unique to ICP so it'll probably pop off hard. Being able to access a safe & private personal canister that can store gigabytes through a Yubikey is just one insane innovation. Imagine when you can configure one of those to only permit access to holders of certain NFTs etc. Sick, all shit chains including your bags and AVAX are about to get btfo

>> No.56278503

no users, no interest, no activity, no retail. yet ICP Openchat has 3000 + /biz/ members.
Here you are coping hard, with your move token A to B chain.

>US wealthy people have already moved on to newer alts for the next cycle.
If you're wealthy and you have connections, name the 4 released L1's and the L0.

>> No.56278754 [DELETED] 
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The NyanCatMoney spam will continue until the marketcap improves.

Jannies have tongued my anus 199 times.

>> No.56278921 [DELETED] 
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This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 247 times.

>> No.56279061 [DELETED] 
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This is incredibly fun to watch you seethe for us NCM chads, why not buy a bag and turn your seethe into joy? This is a hostile take over of biz and it will not stop

Jannies have tongued my anus 281 times.

>> No.56279205

All avax threads turn into ICP threads, let that sink in.

>> No.56280655
File: 139 KB, 680x382, IMG_0299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICPoors eternally obsessed with AVAX cock

>> No.56280726

Bad look for dfinity desu, This shit is too persistent not to be a work from the foundation itself

>> No.56280861

It's persistent because AVAX shills keep mentioning ICP in the OP posts to get extra engagement.

>> No.56280871

it's a marketing ploy. same reason ICP shills attack LINK and SOL: they find grassroot communities and attack them to create drama and attention in a desperate attempt to keep their vaporware shitcoin relevant. BSVfags been doing the same racket for much longer.

>but why not attack ETH and BTC then?
they know they would get their shit pushed in hard if a much larger community started exposing the Dfinity ponzi operation.

>> No.56280978

Go ahead, expose the hidden R/D team behind the Ethereum foundation, you 2 digit room temperature crypto clown tourist.
Expose Dfinity then, two digit portfolio investor.
Share with us, your research let us laugh at your findings.
No wonder 2 digit IQ retards like you never make it.

>> No.56281046

ETH is broken, everyone with a semi room temprature IQ must understand this.

Ethereum 71% premine, ico price around $0.30, more than 50% of the supply sold to VC's and mining-whales. No supply cap - unlimited supply + 5-10% annual inflation. ETH is broken, it's fixed with forks, or rollbacks like (the 2016 DAO hack)
Ethereum is highly dependent on infura. A company that provides the infrastructure for Ethereum. When AWS has an outage, infura nodes go down, metamask, wallets stop working. One phonecall from Biden to Bezos is enough to cripple 80% of infura nodes.

Ethereum is a highly public chain. J.P. Morgan owns fucking important ETH infrastructure, for example metamask, they have been logging IP's for years. ETH POS is high centralized, the richest nodes, determine which transactions are valid, thereby receive the majority of the rewards, perpetual centralization is inevitable.
Your turn you double digit village idiot investor.

>> No.56281204
File: 75 KB, 678x370, 1685384011048572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be roach
>create yet another thread
>people complain
>call him icpoor
>proceed to FUD icp in an avax thread
>says ICPoors eternally obsessed with AVAX cock

>> No.56281216

ICPoor streetshitters need to fuck off to their ICPoor /biz/ board that nobody uses.
now go play worthless flashgames you dumb nigger.

>> No.56281291
File: 80 KB, 303x298, 1690823410864786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes 10 threads begging for attention
>Gets the attention
>Gets mad because it's not the kind of attention he wanted kek

>> No.56281373

Spoken like a true kebab-coin collector, still mad because his kebab-chain can only move tokens A to B. All kebab-man emin can do is steal and copy.

Kebab-coin Avalanche is 90% identical to ETH.
C-chain is an identical EVM + GETH copy.
Kebab-coin Founder Emin had to steal subnet terminology from Dfinity, because we all know Kebab-coin Founder Emin is running a get-rich-quick-scheme.

>> No.56281378

you have to go back Poomar

>> No.56281386
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>> No.56281413 [DELETED] 
File: 1.33 MB, 896x1344, avax chan 201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep these going OP, watching fuddies do all these damage-control makes this shithole worth it

>> No.56281432
File: 1.33 MB, 896x1344, avax chan 201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep these going OP, watching fuddies do all this damage-control makes this shithole worth it

>> No.56281485

Your ETH kebab fork broken, apu. Our ''ICpoor'' chain has been running flawlessly since genesis. 100% uptime. Tell the kebab-coin peddler from Cornell that Dfinity can help kebab-coin avalanche scale by integrating their chain inside an ICP canister. Hahaha avalanche jeets will have to buy ICP move token from A to B on the avalanche network.

>> No.56281514
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Loving those file names, strait out of telegram

>> No.56283844
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>> No.56283963

I really think it has gotten to the point where the AVAX shills are working against their own interests. We're not in a hype phase so the only people on this site left are shitposters, high iq people and paid shills.
>shills enter serious thread, shitting out their nonsense
>high iq posters call them out, clearly showing knowledge of how crypto actually functions
>shills call high iq posters shills and post abhorrent AI pictures of shitting indians
>the shitposters who don't actually know how crypto works now wake up to AVAX being just another shitcoin thats doomed over the long haul

in hype market conditions this doesnt happen as much, as new people join or rejoin the board, falling for the shill tactics. they really should stop being paid theyre making sure everyone knows how jeety they are

>> No.56284588
File: 258 KB, 1133x1092, 8626425451054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is buying a coin that has never seen a green candle ever before, you are not fooling anyone here Rajesh

>> No.56285682

>because they're the god protocols
Retard, they are dead protocols. SUPRA is already taking over.

>> No.56286604
File: 107 KB, 594x436, 1695507046144424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen a green candle, how do I know that you're a newfag? ICP IOU was shilled here between $7-$11 in 2020 before listing. Go back to being double-digit local village idiot investor.

>> No.56286830

If he's keeping it private then its XMR or RAIL. He's gmi.

>> No.56286914

Good afternoon, I am a person who hardly understands sarcasm, But, as I see from lost post, AVAX and Link could have the same FTX bubble problem?

I know little of the subject, entojnce sno if they love it or hate it.

also what is the main idea of use ICPoojetoken? insted of BTC or FIAT?

From an objective point of view, I don't see a very solid basis in terms of stability of retention of the value of these shares, it seems like a lot of hype to me.

If I am wrong, someone can please correct me.